Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2048: The Spear of Mobius! run through the stars

The glass ball was pulled out by Jiangnan from the alien space and threw it towards the starry sky in front of him!

The 100-kilometer long spear of bright silver Mobius makes it easy to appear in the stars!

This is a big killer. Although the current Jiangnan does not have the strength to destroy planets!

But can't stand how much he has a baby?

The battle situation in the future is uncertain what it will look like. If you have a good treasure, of course, you have to take it out in one breath and make the best use of it!

I saw that Jiangnan directly activated the spear of Mobius, and the endless spells and energy circuits on the spear all lit up!

An astonishing edge emanated from the spear!

A turbulent jet of dark matter spurted out from the tail of the spear body, and a violent explosion occurred the moment it was ejected!

Not even at all less powerful than the explosion of a starburst!

In this way, the huge spear body is pushed forward, and the acceleration is extremely terrifying!

And the travel path and goal of Mobius' Spear is completely controlled by Jiangnan Mind!

I saw Jiang Nan laughing loudly at this moment, and the extremely long void chain was thrown out and fixed himself on the spear!

He stood a little behind the spearhead and protected himself with the spearhead!


The space was extremely distorted, and the tail of the Mobius Spear spewed out fiery incandescent tail flames, shooting towards the several heavenly stars belonging to the Angel Race at an extremely terrifying speed!

"Heaven Star? I will send you to heaven!"

Jiangnan, who was standing on the pole of the spear, stabbed to the heaven star together with the spear of Mobius!

At this moment, both Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao panicked!

Hey, is this forbidden weapon really used like this?

What's the difference between riding an ICBM and flying in the sky?

Xiaonan, is this too reckless?

Totally crazy!

Shaye was blown away when she saw this scene!

Hiss~ The spear of Mobius?

This thing has achieved an extremely amazing record in the world war, Jiangnan even has this thing?

It was indeed a human being who robbed the Zhoushen Arsenal!

It's fine that he was arrested and detained for a long time by the law enforcement forces because of Jiangnan. Is he already crazy enough to blow up the Heavenly Star?

"All the angels! Stop Jiangnan at all costs and guard the heaven star!"

Countless angels rushed towards the spear of Mobius, those with domains and skills without domains!

On one side, Jiangnan launched an attack with a giant spear of 100 kilometers, and on the other side was the charge of the angel group!

This picture is epic!

However, Jiangnan grinned: "Bastard bird people, get out of my way! Whoever stops me today will die!"

While speaking, two particle crashing star cannons were set up, and they immediately pulled the trigger at the rushing angel group!

Two dazzling star-collapsed cannons shot out like a splashing galaxy, and the spear of Mobius blasted out in one step!

Shaye's face turned white: "Damn it! Avoid!"

Those charging angels could only avoid the edge for a while, and the team was immediately dispersed by the cannon posts!

It slammed on the shield of Heaven Star's holy light, making a violent roar, and energy ripples everywhere!

The collapsing star cannon opened the way, and the Mobius spear at this moment has accelerated to an extremely terrifying speed!

The tip of the spear lit up the armor-piercing edge, and it passed through the group of angels almost instantly!

The shield of the Holy Light was directly pierced, and the 100-kilometer giant spear took Jiangnan into the earth of Heaven Star!

Accurately shattering the star core, infinite energy ripples burst from the spear!


The giant spear rushed out from the other end of the heaven star with Jiangnan!

And a period of acceleration is turned on!


The heaven star, which was penetrated by the spear of Mobius, exploded with a bang, bursting with incomparably bright light!

And the giant spear is under the control of Jiangnan's mind, turning continuously, piercing through the seven heavenly stars belonging to the angel family one by one!

It's like wearing candied haws!

And every time it runs through a planet, the spear of Mobius will accelerate for a period of time, and the speed will continue to increase!

Shaye looked at this scene, her heart was half cold!

This is a huge loss!

I was so angry that I couldn't help but immediately questioned Dak, the leader of the Dark Universe Body!

"What the **** happened to your dark universe? How could such a powerful star-shattering taboo weapon fall into Jiangnan's hands? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

Duck broke into a cold sweat watching this scene, but he still said angrily: "What do you mean? Are you saying that the weapons mastered by humans are given by us?"

"Fart! Our Dark Universe's Universe God Arsenal was attacked some time ago, and the real culprit has never been found. This is obviously the hands of humans!"

Tao Leng said: "Does it really have nothing to do with you? The Zhoushen Arsenal was robbed, and humans launched the Thousand Stars Rebellion just when the tide of dark matter struck!"

"All races swallowing stars went to the mining area meeting again. Is it all a coincidence? Does it really have nothing to do with the dark universe?"

Dak was also annoyed: "Tao, what do you mean? You mean that I, the dark universe, helped the Zhou Dynasty and helped mankind demolish the base camp of the City of Thousand Stars?"

"Are we crazy? Give them weapons and let humans beat us?"

"The tide of dark matter is not something we can control. Who can control the natural disaster in the starry sky? Humans may do it on purpose, in order to pull my dark universe into the water and split the starry sky!"

"Damn human beings, the wolf's ambition, I haven't asked them to settle accounts, but you are blaming me for the dark universe?"

Tao narrowed his eyes: "Then this is too coincidental? How can the dark universe prove that..."

Before I finished speaking, I only heard a few sounds of "bang bang bang"!

All the obsidian stars belonging to the dark universe were penetrated by Jiangnan with the spear of Mobius, and they were blown to pieces on the spot!

That's not one left!

I saw Jiangnan laughing wildly:

(?▼?▼) "Destroy it! Foolishly criticize the dark universe, let you stop the starry sky disaster from harming me? I can't kill you guys!"

"It's too late to regret now, let the natural disaster come more violently!"

Duck stared blankly at this scene, his eyes were blood red, he couldn't help but raised his head and let out a terrifying scream, heartbreaking!


This scream is 99.9% real and 0.1% acted!

It hurts so much! It really hurts!

Let you blow up, do you really blow up? All blow up? Do you want to be so thorough?

(??Yi?)? "Jiang! Nan! I'm just ~%?…;#*'! Lao Tzu and you will never share the sky!"

I saw that there were even tears in Dak's eyes:

('? Yi?) σ "What else do you have to say now! Are you satisfied with this?"

"In order to protect the city of a thousand stars, we are doing our best to prevent the natural disaster in the starry sky, and we have not even left a man to guard the family. Now the family is gone! Laozi's obsidian star!"

At this moment, no one will say that the Dark Universe is not. After all, they are also victims!

Was robbed of the Eternal God Arsenal, and bombed his own stationed planet with his own weapon? It's embarrassing to say it!

Tiffany said anxiously: "Don't talk about this! The problem is to stop the spear of Mobius quickly!"

"Tao! Don't say your Divine Machine Star is a decoration! That planet itself is a forbidden weapon, right? What about your mechanical force? Come on?"

Not because of anything else, but because Jiangnan rode a giant spear toward the Bose clan's Glazed Star!

Tao's processor is overheating at the moment: "Starting the Shenjixing and Shenjiying both require a level-A permission! And I only have a level-B permission!"

"It's impossible to mobilize the God Machine Camp, let alone fully activate the God Machine Star, and can only use some functions!"

"Only Mr. Mook has the authority to mobilize, it takes time!"

The problem is that there is no Muke's conscious body in the city of a thousand stars. Under the shroud of the dark matter tide, the signal transmission is blocked and the transmission is extremely slow!

We can only rely on the terminal database to forcibly transmit, and enter the will of Lord Muke!

But it takes time!

I can only mobilize a small part of it at present!

The command signal was sent out in an instant, and I saw that the Shenji star immediately began to mechanically deform!

The entire planet unfolded like a blasting pill, revealing an extremely thick and dark muzzle in the center!

Calculate the trajectory of the Mobius Spear and calculate the advance!

"Magic cannon! Launch!"


A blazing red light cannon shot fiercely towards the Mobius Spear in a cover-up manner!

Planet debris along the way, etc. evaporated into nothingness!

Even the space is distorted, this magic cannon is too bright!

Even from a bird's-eye view of the City of Thousand Stars, it is clearly visible!

In contrast, the two star-collapse guns in Jiangnan's hands are the younger brothers!

After all, the entire Divine Machine Star itself is a planetary cannon, and its power is directly full!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes were filled with red light, as if a red sky was pressing towards him!

Xia Yao said anxiously: (???.) "Xiao Nan Xiao Nan! Run! Otherwise, you will die!"

The magic cannon with such a wide coverage area can't escape even if you want to run, and the surrounding area is covered by firepower!

However, Jiang Nan's face was indifferent: "Panic! If this Mobius spear can only accelerate through the stars, then it is not worthy of this name!"

"Have you heard of the Mobius ring?"

Just as the magic cannon was about to hit, the spear of Mobius sensed the danger and automatically triggered the dodge function!

Countless incantations on the spear lit up, forming a special field, and no longer kept flying in a straight line, but changed direction instantly!

A ring similar to ∞ was drawn on the spot, the Mobius ring is a magical ring with only one face!

Within the field, when it dodges in this form, it is always on that surface and travels in an infinite loop!

The same is true of the incoming energy, not only can it not catch up with the Mobius Spear, but its own energy will also be absorbed by the field!

Normal energy attacks are useless against Mobius Spears!

It uses this to evade the attack!

The cannon post of the magic cannon slammed into the spear of Mobius in an instant, but the post passed, and the giant spear was still there!

It even absorbed a wave of energy intact!

And the giant spear, which perfectly avoided the attack, shot towards the glass star of the Bose family at an even more terrifying speed!

Tao glared at Duck fiercely, why is it such a troublesome thing?

However, Tiffany was anxious: "Liu Lixing! The whole star is upgraded!"

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