Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2054: Vientiane Cannonball! what is happy planet

It turns out that the mentally retarded may be late, but never absent!

In the bewildered eyes of the swallowing stars, the mentally retarded Muke kept yelling!

└(〃?﹃?)┐ "Screwdriver~Screwdriver~ I wake up in the middle of the night to install the floor, and when it's on fire, I drill into the snow, yahoo hoo hoo hoo~ hey!"

ヽ(?﹃?〃)? "Screwdriver~screwdriver~ The sun is dizzy when the sun rises, shouting Kaisailu, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The emperor's reward stared: (?°? Yi°?) "What is riding a horse to Kaisailu? What is this all about? I ask you how the situation in the City of Thousand Stars is going! What do you say?"

Manti was also stunned, does the mechanical species still use Kaiselu?

Mook stared:

(〃?1?) "Maliciousness detected, turn on self-defense mode, and generate anti-bosonic mode!"

"Dirty chug chug~"

I saw Muck's arm directly transformed into a chainsaw, spinning frantically, and the saw blade was inlaid with the universe crystal source, cutting straight towards the emperor's reward!

The emperor stared: "Are you crazy? What are you beating me for? Didn't you see that I was suppressing the tide of dark matter?"

With a wave of high-dimensional blows, the head of Mook's mechanical prosthesis exploded on the spot!

Although Muke is a Grade A, which is equivalent to swallowing a star, his single combat effectiveness is not strong, and he relies more on various advanced weapons!

But even if his head exploded, Muke was still executing a self-defense counterattack!

"Alarm! The prosthetic body is in danger of being damaged, and the core power furnace is ready to explode!"


An extremely powerful explosion came out, covering all the many swallowing stars present!

All the swallowing stars have used means to resist and cursed!

(¬Yi¬) "Is this broken machine crazy? Why is it still moving at us?"

As soon as the swallowing stars started, it's good, it's like poking a hornet's nest!

Mook's remaining 17 mechanical prosthetics knew that they were invincible, and they were like self-destruction soldiers, and they rushed towards the swallowing stars without fear of death!

Self-exploding in the face!

And the horrific mechanical legions that Mook brought are also completely crazy, all the weapons are out, and they are crazy to gather fire towards the swallowing stars!

The scale of this mechanical legion, but it has the energy to destroy the galaxy, all exploded at this moment!

The emperor rewarded Manti Gruid and they were all mad!

(▼▼▼#) "What are you making trouble for? You don't think it's messy enough now, do you? Do you think this mechanical legion can cause damage to us? You don't think the word swallowing star is a free gift?"

Originally, all the swallowing stars were on fire in their hearts, and the mentally retarded Muke directly made everyone angry!

Start a crazy counterattack against the mechanical army!

Noah's eyes were full of anger: (?`Dish') "Silicon on purpose, right? Let's try our best to suppress the tide of dark matter here, it's fine if he doesn't help! Still making trouble?"

"The purpose is to delay our progress and buy time for mankind to demolish the city? Wolf's ambition!"

Gruid gritted his teeth and cursed:

(?◣д◢) "There's nothing wrong with these mechs! Shouldn't they have secretly reached some kind of cooperation with humans?"

"Otherwise why attack us and buy time for mankind?"

The emperor went crazy: "Silicon base! Damn silicon base! This matter is endless! Muke, wait for me! Let's take action together and destroy this gang of rubbish!"

In fact, Noah is also stunned at the moment, and he is crazy with joy. What's the situation with Siji?

At such a critical moment, he gave himself Boshen assists?

Isn't this rushing up and rushing to take the blame?

Normally, silicon-based would never be able to do such a mentally retarded operation? Could it be that this guy from Jiangnan did it too?

It's like this on the outside, but it's conceivable that the Divine Machine Camp inside shouldn't play any role!

It's just a matter of time before Zhong Tun Xing destroys the troublesome mechanical legion, but has the time been delayed?

Originally thought it would take less than half an hour, but the silicon base intervened, it seems very possible now?

Mook! Your wave of show is coming home!

So Noah began to hunt for fish and destroy the mechanical army again. It's a while to be able to drag it out for a while!

And the city of a thousand stars has been completely messed up, and the silicon base is unreliable!

Now I can only ask other people to swallow stars to enter the market to suppress it, otherwise there is no possibility of stopping the war at all!

Everyone is constantly aiming in the direction of the dark matter tide, begging to pass quickly!

After a while, the city of a thousand stars will really be gone!

Jiangnan is also observing the tide of dark matter, and it seems that it can last for a while now, but Noah is reliable!

But Jiangnan is not sure if he can really give himself half an hour!

And his plan has not been implemented yet, and everything has to be taken out!

I don't know what happened to the third brother!

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard news from Zhang San!

"South God! Ready! Do you want to fix it?"

Jiangnan grinned: (????) "Fix! Why not? The Wandering Planet Project is launched! Keep it for as long as you can!"

"If you can't keep it, you will save your life! Dazhi! Go over and help and keep an eye on it!"

Wang Youzhi was full of excitement, and he plunged into the crack of the dimension!

"Okay! How can there be less of such a fun thing, I? Look at it, you can!"

At the same time, the pure white snow field on the southeast side of Vientiane Star!

Three extremely huge universal planetary thrusters were transported out of the dimensional gap and placed in the shape of a product!

Zhang San touched the huge thruster and connected it with his own qi machine, and the passive passive that he absolutely ignored was also attached to the thruster!

It's as if what Zhang San is holding will be ignored together!

Even if this thruster is extremely exaggerated, it was ignored by the Wan Clan on the Vientiane Star!

At this moment, Zhang San's spiritual power is being consumed like crazy. Fortunately, with Freya, he can handle it!

The third brother's task is not only as simple as dropping bombs on the pilgrimage to the Luxing Palace, but also arranging universal planetary thrusters!

Wang Youzhi rushed out of the dimensional gap with a confused look on his face:

(??~??) "Didn't you say it's set up? Where's the stuff?"

Zhang San said urgently, "Here it is! Oops~"

In a hurry, he went up and took a sip of Wang Youzhi, and then he saw three huge thrusters on the snowfield!

Wang Youzhi couldn't help swallowing:

∑(°mouth°?) "It's all right? Brother! Do you want to sell your spare parts? Just one piece!"

"I can take my appendix, or I can exchange it with you for the grapes of the gods!"

Hemorrhoids are quite precious, and he is still a little reluctant!

Zhang San: ? ? ?

What hobbies does this guy have? Are you going to get my organs up? Do you want to replace me with an appendix? What valuable stuff?

"I don't want your broken appendix!"

Wang Youzhi was stunned, you don't want an appendix? He floats a little, right?

Zhang San said worriedly: "Can the words work? Once it starts, we will inevitably be besieged by the starry sky, can we resist it?"

Wang Youzhi patted his chest and said:

?(︶.?︶〃) "You'll have to fix it. I'm here to keep you all right!"

Zhang San's expression became ruthless, I'd better go crazy today!

"That's it!"

The universal planetary thruster was activated directly during the speech!

The three probes are deeply inserted into the Vientiane star, absorbing energy frantically!

Almost at the moment of absorbing it, it reached a state of fullness, and the energy inside Vientiane Star is endless!

Zhang San was also shocked. Is there such a thing in Vientiane Star?

Wang Youzhi is smirking, old man, let's see how long you can sleep!

That way, you don't have to worry about energy issues!

The next moment, the three universal planetary thrusters ignited and ran at full power!

"Boom boom boom!"

Three extremely hot energy jets are ejected from the jet port of the thruster!

Directly burned out three big holes in the planetary shield of Vientiane Star!

The energy jet was sprayed directly into the starry sky, and its length was even three times the diameter of Vientiane Star!

The result is a powerful thrust that cannot be calculated numerically!

In an instant, the entire snowy land plate was pushed down and sunk by the terrifying thrust!

This is still under the condition that the thrusters reinforce the earth plate!

The whole Vientiane star is shaking!

From the bottom of the thruster, the entire sky was dyed dark blue by the energy jet ejected by the thruster!

Under the action of such a powerful thrust, the entire Vientiane Star began to move slowly!

From slow to fast acceleration, it left the position of the center of Qianxingyu!

Zhang San's eyes were full of shock: Σ(°△°|||) "The weapon of the dark universe is really fierce!"

Three thrusters, such a huge Vientiane star can also be pushed?

At this moment, the moon raccoon and the others in the black street also felt an extremely strong earthquake!

The whole black street is shaking!

The moon raccoon's pretty face turned pale:

?(?っ?﹏?c)? "Hey hey hey! Isn't that right? Vientiane star can't be saved anymore? Will it be blown up?"

The prisoner almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. Just after praising Jiangnan, he said that fortunately, he didn't attack Vientiane Star!

In the end, I still underestimated Jiangnan, how fat is this courage!

Vientiane also dare to move?

However, the prisoner bird looked up at the sky at the moment, but was horrified to find that the sun in the sky seemed to be getting closer and closer to him!

Wheel size from the start!

Until it filled the whole sky, the cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

??(|||??﹏??)?? "No... It's not that the Vientiane star is about to explode, it's the Vientiane star that has been pushed, **** it! It collided with the surrounding star!"

Vientiane is too huge, and there are nine super-large stars that revolve around it to provide its light source!

As soon as the words were finished, only a loud "bang" was heard!

The sun directly hit the planetary shield of Vientiane Star!

It was smashed on the spot, all eyes were full of fire, and the planetary shield also had violent energy ripples!

Everyone looked up at the sky in horror!

(??mouth??????) What the hell?

At this moment, all races in the starry sky who are fighting in the starry sky also noticed the moving Vientiane star!

Those three terrifying energy jets pushed Vientiane Star away from its original center position!

Moving in the northwest direction, it directly collided with a sun, and it was still accelerating!

No one can calm down, you must know that Vientiane is the central planet of Qianxingyu!

Its terrifying gravitational pull pulls all the planets to move along the established star tracks!

Playing the role of Dinghaishenzhen, it is equivalent to the central black hole of a galaxy!

The so-called pull one hair and move the whole body! When the Vientiane star moved, the star orbits of all the planets were messed up!

The galactic disk that was originally running in an orderly manner will be messed up by the rambling Vientiane stars!

It can be said! The existence of Vientiane stars! It is the foundation of the city of a thousand stars!

Is this also Jiangnan's masterpiece?

This product not only demolished the City of a Thousand Stars? Did you even plan on the foundation wall?

Nima! Not even a pedestal?

Jiang Nan looked at the propelled Vientiane Star, and his eyes were full of madness!

"Do it! Do it thoroughly! I said I was going to overturn the table!"

"I will tell you today! What is Happy Planet!"

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