Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2057: Gangnam must die

Bai Dwarf was also angry: "Today, I put my words here, whoever dares to blow up the ancestors of Wanxiang Xingxing will be the enemy of my Tianchen Clan!

"Even if the City of Thousand Stars is gone today, the Vientiane Star must be preserved!"

Your ancestors are ancestors, but not ours? Why?

This time, the starry sky has been completely settled in Bengbu, and a bunch of ancestors guarding the thrusters are not allowed to dismantle!

Not even the Vientiane star can explode!

How to do this? Can't you just watch Vientiane Star wandering in the Thousand Star Region?

At this moment, only hearing a loud "bang", the planetary shield of Vientiane Star was completely unable to withstand the impact of the planet.

But because of its own gravitational force, it still pulls the surrounding planets and smashes towards him like crazy!

The white dwarf is completely in a hurry!

The star of its own rushed directly to the front of Vientiane Star, and shouted loudly:

"Let me go, don't even think about hurting my Celestial Clan Star Ancestor! Don't blame me, White Dwarf, for being merciless!"

While speaking, blazing energy beams spurted out of the white dwarf's mouth!

Blast all the planets pulled by Vientiane Star into planetary fragments!

Sometimes when I can't do enough work, I just hit it with myself and smash the opposite planet into pieces!

At least the stars of Vientiane Star can be prevented from being hit by the whole star, thereby being damaged!

I saw the white dwarf star at this moment, like the loyal guard brother of Vientiane Star, bombing all the planets that were pulled over and crashing!

Countless huge planet fragments fell into Vientiane Star, rubbed against the atmosphere, burned frantically, and blazed with fiery light!

In the end, it landed on the ground fiercely, in the interstellar city, and knocked out an incomparably huge crater!

Looking up at the sky, the sky seems to be raining meteors and fire, and the vibration of Vientiane Star has not stopped since the very beginning!

Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clan can guarantee that they will never forget their experience today!

So shocking!

The craters that exploded out were like freckles and acne marks on the face of Vientiane Star!

Crazy slapped in the face by planet fragments!

Vientiane Star: ????

Is this Happy Planet? But I'm not very happy!

As time went by, Vientiane Star was accelerated faster and faster by the planetary thruster, and began to circle in the Thousand Star Region!

Pulling all the planets in Qianxingyu, the whole Qianxingyu is completely messed up, it looks like a drum washing machine!

And there is a white dwarf star in front of it!

Thirty thousand trumpets led the dimensional army in chaos, millions of mentally handicapped gods made trouble, and there was also a Vientiane star cannonball!

The starry sky is completely invisible!

Tiffany smiled bitterly:

(?????|||) "Oh~ Forget it! Destroy this world! It doesn't matter what happens to the city of a thousand stars!"

"It can't be saved anyway!"

In the face of the counterattack of mankind, all kinds of unexpected means, the powerful Holy Law Society, all races in the starry sky, hundreds of millions of lives!

More than 20 minutes after the war started, I felt a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of my heart...

Although I don't want to admit it, but from the perspective of making the Holy Law Society and the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Races pay the price, human beings have done it!

Perhaps the decision to discover human beings from the very beginning and try to develop Blue Star into a star market was wrong!

In just over 3,000 years, human beings have stirred up the chaos of the Thousand Stars twice. The last time was Jiang Fan, this time it was Jiangnan!

And he hasn't even reached the star...

Nai Luo's expression became ruthless: (Fuck Yifu?) "I don't care about the rest, let's do what you like, but Jiangnan must die!"

"We must not let him continue to live under this starry sky!"

"Everyone obeys orders! Kill Jiangnan at all costs! Let's go together!"

At this moment, the tens of thousands of people in the starry sky completely gave up the purpose of saving the city of a thousand stars and suppressing the turmoil!

Because from the current point of view, the City of a Thousand Stars is completely helpless, and there is no way to save it!

There is only one goal left in everyone's mind, and that is to kill Jiangnan!

Figures wrapped in terrifying energy fluctuations rushed towards Jiangnan, the fields were fully opened, and the means were exhausted!

Naturally, the Black God would not watch Jiangnan being bullied. Those Jixingzhu trumpeters drank the vigorous green sticks, and the horse biscuits had various props bonuses!

Finally, I drank a bottle of nuclear bomb milk, and then the whole body was filled with black energy and rushed towards the tens of thousands of people!

Even in the process, the body began to collapse and turned into a blood gourd!

Obviously, the Black God started to exert his strength and carried out the operation of destroying the number. The bodies of these trumpet sets of star beads are too fragile to withstand the infusion of the power of the Black God!

But because of this, he was able to burst out the strongest combat power in this limited time, which really stopped a lot of people!

Until the countdown in the eyes returned to zero, the six nuclear explosions bloomed at the last moment, completely drained the last bit of value, and then dissipated!

Anyway, it's a collection of star beads, not a collection of the Black God, so it doesn't hurt to destroy it!

All of them are like self-destruction soldiers, they don't care about life or death, they rush up to hug and explode!

It has taken a lot of pressure off Jiangnan, but the trumpet is limited and can't stop everyone!

In the blink of an eye, Huanlou Tiffany and the others were killed, and Jiangnan did not know how many powerhouses were surrounded by them!

Just pick one that can destroy the planet, okay?

Killing an unreachable star and creating such a battle, Jiangnan can be regarded as the only one!

And Jiangnan will not be stupid enough to confront them, unless he doesn't want to live anymore!

Turn around and smash through the space with a head hammer, and you are about to rush into the dimensional gap!

The Zerg leader is in a hurry:

(????????)? "Damn it! He's going to run! Follow me!"

Immediately, many people followed suit!

Huan Lou slapped his thighs in a hurry:

(?mouth?)? "Hey! Don't chase! Can't chase! Over there..."

But before Huanlou finished speaking, a red light in the distance descended directly from the sky and landed on Jiangnan!

Wu Liang's face is sinister:

(#???) "Dissatisfied? Fuck him?"

For a time, the ten thousand clan became even more angry, and I don’t know how many people rushed into the dimensional gap with Jiangnan!

Huanlou another hermit clan's number rushed over!

"Absolute purification!"

One after another, the holy light of purification smashed down, removing the ridicule state for everyone!

But still did not rush, Shaye has rushed into the dimensional gap, vowing to take Jiangnan's life!

Fama is also in a hurry. Just now, the Huanlou entrance number is gone, and Shaye also entered?

That's Lao Tzu's vice president!

As a last resort, Fama also rushed in regardless of Huanlou's dissuasion!

After all the hard work, I saw a few energy-type beings rushing out of the dimensional cracks, covered in embarrassment, and yelling!

Including the frail face, he was holding a fiery red angel egg in his arms!

[The resentment value from Shaye +1009! ]

Now he finally knows why the Magic Tower doesn't let himself in. Are there still countless dimensional troops on standby in the dimensional cracks?

Shaye was beaten and turned into an egg as soon as she entered. If she hadn't been fast, Shaye's eggs would have been made by those animals!

The starry sky Wanzu trying to kill Jiangnan was frustrated again!

How does this kill?

You can run into the dimensional gap at any time to avoid it, just like going home, whoever goes in will be beaten!

Not as rude as him!

This product is just a bait, just waiting to catch the starry sky and all tribes to enter the pit, and even use the taunting skill?

The space was shattered again, and Jiang Nan stepped out of the dimensional gap with his little hands on his back!

(????) "Aren't you going to kill me? Come on? I'm waiting!"

Tiffany was very angry: "It only takes one blow to kill you, and you don't run into the dimensional cracks! Fight head-on!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "How did you lick a lot of faces? You, the Lord of the First Light, swallowed the stars with half a step, and want to fight with me, a starless star?"

"Don't be embarrassed? If I were at your level, I'm afraid you wouldn't have the chance to scream there!"

It's almost time to count, and the tide of dark matter is gradually weakening!

It will not be long before it will be suppressed, when the swallowing star enters, everything will end!

Tiffany obviously had no choice, and desperately wanted to kill herself as the culprit!

Jiangnan is very interested in playing with them. After all, the purpose of human beings to make all races bleed has been achieved!

Today's City of Thousand Stars is a mess, and the harvest of the Star Slashing operation has far exceeded expectations!

kill yourself? They have to be able to kill!

Huan Lou sneered: "Do you really think that you have the chance to win? We have so many forces that will work together. If we can't kill you, we don't need to mix!"

"Can you run? You can run! You shouldn't have come out of the dimensional gap!"

Tiffany and Naruto stared at each other: "Do it!"

The bodies of the two suddenly disappeared, and almost instantly, the high-dimensional blow that was enough to destroy everything came towards Jiangnan and back!

Under Olivia's prediction, Jiangnan had already resisted!

The glazed light at the elbow lit up and slammed into the space behind him!

It is absolutely flashy!

However, at this moment, Huanlou's eyes burst open: "Energy out of control? Blast!"

Just listening to the explosion of "Boom!", the spiritual power in Jiangnan's body instantly exploded out of control!

The hot blood scattered, Jiang Nan was seriously injured immediately, the chaotic spiritual power interrupted the absolute spiritual flash, and Jiang Nan's elbow strikes had no effect!

There was even a problem with the mobilization of spiritual power, and the void black hole could not be released!

Jiang Nan's heart sank, **** it! Chaos body's racial ability?

Even if you are so far apart, you can actually affect the spiritual power in your body?

Seeing the high-dimensional attack coming, life hangs by a thread!

But don't forget, Jiangnan still has Xue Xue and Lang Zhai on his body!

One inside, one outside!

Although it is also affected by the energy out of control, it is much lighter than Jiangnan!

The boundless blazing high temperature bloomed from Jiang Nan's body, and the nine-headed phoenix flame wings fanned wildly behind him, turning into an infinite thrust, stunned to take Jiang Nan's body away from the place!

At the same time, Xia Yao's light feather silver shadow and nine-star flash were used one after another, and the flash continued to accelerate for 81 consecutive flashes!

Kankan escaped two fatal high-dimensional blows!

The spiritual power in the body just slowed down a little, and Jiang Nan instantly replaced it with space!

The body appeared a million meters away!

But the realms of Naraku and Tiffany are unfolding at the same time!

The speed is approaching the limit, and a million meters are teleported!

"You are dead! Jiangnan!"

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