Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2060: The monster in the starry sky! black hole swallowing stars

"The field expands? The black hole swallows the star!"

Just when Jiangnan was unavoidable and his life was about to end, Jiangnan chose to forcibly open his own domain!

Black hole swallowing stars!

When the six senses were sealed by the angel of power, Jiangnan had already realized something, returned to Noah Manor, and consolidated it again!

I gradually understood what Li Mingshan said, never try to control the space, but integrate into the space!

In the following period of time, Jiangnan further studied this Dao, but he never dared to use it!

Because Jiangnan doesn't know if the Daotian level forcibly opens the territory, whether his body can stand it or not, what will be the consequences!

More importantly, Jiangnan has a vague feeling that he can't control it and will lose control!

Because what I comprehend and Li Mingshan's endless mountains and seas are completely two different things!

Li Mingshan is integrated into the space, infiltrating like a pervasive water flow, everywhere!

But Jiangnan is different, he is the purest plunder!


Just when the emperor's hand was about to touch Jiangnan!

Gangnam! Disappeared…

Its original location has become the deepest black!

In an instant, the space around Jiangnan flows toward the center at a terrifying speed that exceeds the speed of light!

Wang Youzhi's expression changed suddenly: "Black hole! It's a black hole! I knew when I stepped on a horse that this kid made this thing that night!"

And the emperor who is closest to Jiangnan is facing the black hole and swallowing stars at a very close distance!

His big hand just pressed into the endless darkness, but Jiangnan, which was originally in the middle, disappeared!

The emperor paid a palm and pressed the air, and then... he couldn't even feel his own hand!

The whole person is pulled by the space towards the black hole in the center!

The emperor's reward instantly exploded: "What the hell?"

The Gamma family's Benny May's expression changed suddenly: "Black hole! This horse is a black hole! How is it possible! Retreat! Don't fall in! Otherwise, it will never come out again!"

It turned directly into gamma rays, and galloped into the distance!

But he was horrified to discover that even if he was hurried outward at the speed of light! Still moving towards the black hole constantly!

Because the surrounding space is flowing towards the center of the black hole at a terrifying speed that exceeds the speed of light!

Everything around is being pulled over by the black hole, even all the matter contained in the entire Thousand Star Region!

If Qianxingyu was compared to a huge flat screen!

Then each planet is a marble on the curtain. Because of its own mass, the marble presses a funnel-shaped depression on the curtain, causing the distortion of space!

This is the most straightforward explanation of gravity!

The nearby marbles will spin around in this funnel-shaped depression!

That's why the moon revolves around the blue star, and the blue star revolves around the sun and doesn't get lost!

The larger the mass of the celestial body, the greater the depression caused by the extrusion, the greater the distortion of space, so the greater the gravitational force!

All the planets in the Thousand Star Region have their own positions!

However, at this moment, the black hole swallowing star field in Jiangnan was released!

The space flows towards Jiangnan at superluminal speed, which is equivalent to pulling the entire Qianxingyu curtain towards the center!

Jiangnan has no gravitational ability, but because the space is twisted and swallowed to the limit, a super gravitational force comparable to a black hole was born out of thin air!

Jiangnan's domain is not that big at all. Compared to the entire Thousand-Star Domain, it is pitifully small!

But spaces are interrelated. When a space moves, the adjacent spaces must also move!

Otherwise, the space of the three-dimensional world will be broken!

The scope of the field is small, but since it devours space, the impact is holistic!

At this moment, Jiangnan is like a starry sky beast that devours everything!

All the spaces that gathered in the past disappeared!

The emperor pays his eyes full of horror, black hole? Is it a black hole? As a living being! How is it possible to master the power of a black hole?

It made a decisive decision and was ready to withdraw!

But in such a short time, the emperor's forearm was dragged, and the entire arm was plunged into the endless darkness!

But all the parts that entered, all lost the induction!

Emperor reward: ! !

He actually gave up his arm and wanted to quit!

Turned around and rushed out with a high-dimensional leap!

"Damn it! The four-dimensional world has been pulled over? It's just..."

"Go! Let's go! Rising dimension run!"

At the moment when the emperor's reward was separated, I saw a ring of bizarre halo formed around 10,000 kilometers around Jiangnan!

That's something called an event horizon!

It is the limit where light can finally be seen!

Due to the super gravitational force of the black hole and the space that was pulled and distorted by the superluminal speed!

It will cause time dilation effect!

The closer you get to the event horizon of the black hole, the slower the flow of time!

On the event horizon, the flow of time will infinitely approach stationary!

As the saying goes, one breath of mine has passed the time of your life!

The event horizon is also known as the end of time and space!

Because once the event horizon is crossed, it is invisible endless darkness, in which everything that is together will end!

Xingchen clan swallowing Xingchen Mu also had an incredible look on his face at this moment!

"Black hole? Artificial black hole? How is this possible?"

The ability of the Stardust Clan is gravity, but he is the strongest in the Stardust Clan, so powerful that he can explode, and he cannot create a black hole with gravity!

It's not just a matter of gravity!

After the event horizon, there are secrets that life has no way of knowing!

But he is okay, not very embarrassed, although he can't evacuate directly!

But with its own strong gravity, it can compete with the black hole swallowing stars in Jiangnan!

Rotate around the black hole and finally throw yourself out with the help of a gravitational slingshot!

Although he wanted to kill Jiangnan very much, he absolutely did not want to cross the event horizon!

Because no life can escape from a black hole!

Fama screamed at the moment, and was pulled over by the black hole, getting closer to the event horizon a little bit!

"Save me! I can't run away! Lord Chenmu save me!"

At this moment, the law code is really scared, what the **** did Jiangnan come up with?

Black hole?

But to those outside the black hole, Fama's movements seem to have been slowed down countless times, and the sound can't come out!

The closer you get to the event horizon, the slower time goes!

Chen Mu's eyes were full of bad luck: "Tsk~ rubbish!"

Also only go to Rafah Code!

And the emperor's reward left in time, and did not fall into the event horizon, but the four-dimensional world was also affected by the black hole!

Flow towards the center!

Although it is not as exaggerated as the three-dimensional world, it is indeed affected!

"Damn it! Is the existence at the center of a black hole even beyond four dimensions?"

Tiffany and Naraku were also anxious, calling for help frantically!

Because it is useless for them to ascend the dimension, the four-dimensional world is also being pulled toward the center by the black hole, and finally disappears completely!

The crazy high-dimensional leap can't get out, and it's still approaching the event horizon!

The only thing left in my heart is fear, what kind of monster is this?

The emperor scolded, fished out Tiffany and Naruo, and with their terrifying levels, forced Gaowei to step out!

But Huanlou was not so lucky, no one rescued him, he screamed and fell towards the event horizon!

"Jiangnan! Stop me, you!"


The space in the distance suddenly shattered, and Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao, who were in the dimensional gap, were full of anxiety and looked straight into the field!

"Xiao Nan! You..."

However, the next moment, the two of them froze completely, and the expressions on their faces were indescribably shocking!

I saw that Jiangnan was in darkness, the eyes were invisible, and it was incomprehensible!

The event horizon with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers forms a splendid halo that is extremely bright!

Just like the starry sky behemoth that devours everything, all the matter close to the black hole is twisted and stretched!

A huge planet nearby was pulled over by a black hole!


In everyone's horrified eyes, the planet was directly torn apart by the strong front-to-back gravitational difference and turned into planetary fragments!

Revolving around the black hole, forming a huge accretion disk!

All planetary fragments that crossed the event horizon were swallowed up by the black hole and disappeared!

At this moment, the illusion building has been pulled to the event horizon, and its movements are completely still!

The whole person was twisted and elongated, and then fell into the center of the black hole and disappeared...

Zhong Yingxue stared blankly at this scene: "This... is this Xiao Nan? Is it his domain?"

A fully formed black hole?

Xia Yao murmured in disbelief: "It's true! The projection on DiDi is not a special effect at all, is it the future?"

The special effect of Jiangnan spraying DiDi is a black hole swallowing stars!

Although there is no special effect medium-scale horror, there is no scarlet eyes in the black hole!

But it's already taking shape!

Xiaonan is the Seven Stars of Heaven! How did you get the domain out?

All the human beings hiding in the dimensional gap looked at the black hole that devoured everything in horror!

Balder, Pierce, and the magician all turned pale, and they, who were also in the space department, naturally knew how terrifying this thing was in front of them!

"Hey hey hey! Is it too strong? Did Nanshen use his domain to create a black hole? He is only the seventh heaven?"

"Did Nanshen tear up a planet just now? Destroyed the planet by his own power? Nima! Dao Tian Qi's planet destroyer?"

"It's not extraordinary yet!"

At this moment, the black hole that ruthlessly devoured everything like a starry beast is undoubtedly the focus of the entire Thousand Star Region!

No one dares to touch this thing! Even the swallowing star doesn't know that after he crosses the event horizon, he still can't get out!

What dimension is there, what kind of world!

Nobody knows!

And the two peeps under the eyes of the starry sky are crazy, and their eyes are staring at the black hole!

The previous Thousand Stars Rebellion only memorized a dozen pages, but Jiangnan used the field of black hole swallowing stars, and the record peeps directly memorized more than 30 pages!

And still remembering!

Wang Youzhi clicked his tongue and clicked his lips: "It is indeed worth remembering! Since the birth of the universe, the first living body to master the power of a black hole!"

"Iron juice is the first of its kind! Now, let's see if this kid can come back!"

It's a miracle that he came back! If you can't come back, you have to burp!

Because even the black **** doesn't know how many dimensions and what kind of world is inside a black hole! What a mystery it has!

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