Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2100: I really can't stand it

Xing Luo and Carl stared at each other, thinking that they had heard something wrong!

What Jiangnan? Same name?

The two of them don't even remember Jiangnan's death in Styx!

When Jiangnan deleted the file yesterday, it deleted more than 100 million points, and it has been deleted for Xing Luo and Carl until the night before yesterday!

Even what happened on the platform of life and death was forgotten!

Xing Luo and Carl, who did not believe in evil, supported each other, limping after Ping Chacha and followed them out!

Want to see what's going on!


On the other hand, when it's time for dinner, Jiang Nan will naturally not stay in the cell!

So after meeting with Wang Youzhi, we went straight to the cafeteria to eat!

I saw Wang Youzhi, shirtless, swinging his arms, striding squarely, with a smug, arrogant look on his face!

It looks like a big white goose who wins a fight!


He also got a tattoo, and when he saw Jiangnan, he started to show off!

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched when he saw it!

(??w???) "The chick pecking at the rice on your right arm is quite vivid, but why is the chicken's appearance so strange? There are all kinds of them?"

Wang Youzhi stared, raised his hand and hammered Jiang Nan's head!

(???Dish??)? "Bah! What kind of chicken pecking at rice? This is a dimensional creature swallowing a star! That black spot is not a millet! It's a horse-riding planet! Planet ah!"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (???????) "Aha~ahha~ is that so? You are a bit abstract? What do the nine Pipi shrimps on the right arm mean when they play basketball?"

"A basketball team isn't five shrimps, bah! Five people?"

Wang Youzhi is very ambitious:

(▼Ware▼?) "Pippi Shrimp playing basketball? This is Kowloon's Pearl! That's a dragon! Dragon!"

"I admit that my drawings are a bit terse, but you can't insult my drawing skills like that!"

"Humph! Will you look at this again?"

Show Jiangnan your back while talking!

Jiang Nan glanced at it, and couldn't help but gasp!

I saw a crooked house and a grotesque tractor painted on Wang Youzhi's back? next to the house?

(???????)! "Oh huh? Is there a picture of spring farming in the farmhouse? Yes! You can say that you have the level of the third grade of elementary school!"

Wang Youzhi gritted his teeth: ('-yi-`?) "That horse is the lost temple! Excavator! The picture of the excavator demolishing the temple! Will you read it?"

Jiangnan: (?﹏?)…

"Forgive my ignorance, what are those half-black cookies on your chest?"

Wang Youzhi: (????????????)?…

"I want to draw my body...the pen didn't work well when I was halfway through the coloring process, and the coloring was not finished..."

Jiangnan: (???﹏???)…

"Brother~ Be obedient! I'll draw it for you later, don't **** yourself!"

Wang Youzhi blushed embarrassedly, and nodded slightly:

(乛?乛?) "Then...then I'll leave it to you, and you can take care of it for me!"

In fact, Wang Youzhi also wanted to be as handsome as Jiangnan, but it was true that he did not have a clear understanding of his painting skills!

A group of four walked in the corridor leading to the cafeteria!

Many prisoners are on the same road, but the moment they see Jiangnan's cheek!

His face turned white instantly, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and his legs were soft.

Almost instinctively, he squatted on the ground with his head up!

?(#)?Yi?)? "No no no! I can't take it anymore! Don't fight anymore!"

Eyes are filled with fear!

Jiangnan kindly reached out to pull:

(.???)? "Eh? Brother? Why are you so careless? You…"

But before Jiangnan came over, the prisoner screamed in agony, rushed out with both hands and feet, and ran away in a hurry!

All the prisoners who saw Jiangnan along the way couldn't help but feel a touch of fear in their hearts!

The body is instinctively fearful and trembling!

"What's the situation? do I feel that Jiangnan beat me?"

"Hey~ I just look at him and I'm scared to pee, what's going on?"

"No no no... No way, as long as I stay in a space with him, I feel like I can't breathe! I'm about to suffocate!"

"Is it that Jiangnan's performance on the stage of life and death is so strong that he beats everyone in nightmares?"

Isn't that right? This is too coincidental, right? And the injuries on the body can't be faked?

It was him who did it, right?

But for what happened last night, everyone's memory is blank!

This fear is even etched into the DNA!

Wherever Jiang Prisoner passed, screams came one after another, and all the wicked criminals ran away!

No one dares to look at Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan smiled proudly and raised his eyebrows towards Wang Youzhi!

Apparently, the prisoners all successfully suffered from schizophrenia through last night's prison treatment operation!

Wang Youzhi couldn't help but give a thumbs up!

Now it's finally time to take the lead, big brother!

The group came to the cafeteria just like that!

As soon as I sat down after the meal, I saw a group of bullies who were covered in injuries, like a zombie frenzy, and killed the prisoner army Wuyang Wuyang!

?(???┏yi┓???(#)? "Jiang! Nan! I slapped you alive!"

It was Satsuma and Bourdain at the head!

Heigang covered his face, hey! Time to dry!

Since the Southern God Boss entered the Styx Death Prison, I haven't been able to eat a complete meal in the cafeteria!

Follow Gangnam! Hungry nine meals in three days!

That's a full meal that can't be eaten!

In an instant, Jiangnan was surrounded by water!

Satsuma slapped the table angrily: "Tell me! Did you do this on Lao Tzu?"

Borden said angrily, "I just want to know! How do you read this?"

Jiangnan's hands: ╮(??w??)╭ "Huh? Shit can be eaten, but farts can't be thrown around! What am I doing?"

"The fight ended yesterday, but I was locked up by the jailer! How could I go out and do evil? Everyone saw it with their own eyes!"

"Besides! My friend was also painted with graffiti, and he was also a victim?"

Said and pointed to Wang Youzhi!

Wang Youzhi covered his face angrily!

(?) Yoshi(ヾ) I am art! Art! Not graffiti!

Satsuma roared: "You fart! Who else would you be? I lost all the Styx crystals in my fart pocket!"

"It's you who did it? Quickly restore Lao Tzu to his original state! Otherwise, you won't be able to leave this cafeteria today!"

Bourdain said angrily: "And that mosaic! Hurry up and restore it to me! Otherwise, it will kill you on the spot!"

Jiang Nan looked helpless: (?????) "I didn't do it! What's the matter with me? You hungry dad help... poof~ wait! I'll laugh for a while!"

('?ヮ?)σ "Pfft hahahaha!"

Satsuma is going crazy, you are still laughing while riding a horse?

No matter how you say the third child, it is still a pinyin? The tick on Lao Tzu has been written several times, but it is still wrong!

"You still don't admit it? I'll kill you!"

Jiangnan: (?~?) "My dog ​​is innocent! Why did you take its life?"

Satsuma: ? ? ?

(●┏yi┓●(#) "Whoops! I'm mad at me! I would rather be locked up and kill you!"

During the conversation, Somerset Boden and all the members of the Bully Gang attacked Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan got up: "I'm still afraid of you guys? Come on! Who's afraid of who?"

But at this moment, Ping Chacha and Jiu Lan rushed into the cafeteria with a large number of nether jailers!

The whole cafeteria was a mess, and it was about to burst!

(?°?yi°?) "Stop it! Stop it all for Lao Tzu! Don't you want to live? It's the other way around, you guys?"

One after another spiritual attacks bloomed, and the jailers were full of firepower, frantically suppressing the rioting prisoners!

However, once it is ignited, how can it be suppressed so easily?

Even if Ping Chacha and Jiu Lan brought people to support, in the face of a riot of this scale, they would not be able to completely stop it for a while! Tables, chairs and benches, rice bowls and vegetable soup are flying all over the sky!

However, Jiangnan is the bright spot!

Oh huh? Nine blue? Did it attract her? Sister Bai is busy?

It's not going to end well if things go too far!

I saw Jiang Nan crawled onto the table with all his strength, his iron fist to the sky, and he let out a roar!

?(◣mouth◢?)? "I told you to stop, didn't you hear? Ah? Are you looking for a beating?"

All the prisoners noticed Jiangnan and the iron fist that Jiangnan raised!

In an instant, all the prisoners instinctively hugged their heads and squatted on the ground. Everyone hugged each other, hugged each other to keep warm, shivered and shook their heads!

?(?﹏?(#)? "No no no! Stop fighting!"

(#)??mouth??) "Mom! I'm scared! I want to go home! Woo~"

Even Satsuma and Bourdain didn't resist the body's instinct, they just squatted on the ground!

The moment Jiangnan raised his fist, this riot was suppressed within a thousandth of a second!

Only a group of jailers remained in place, staring blankly at Jiangnan!

Σ(°△°|||) what? It's better than the deputy warden, isn't it?

Ping Chacha was stunned, it was just overnight, how big is the change?

Jiang Nan was completely taken by his voice?

Even Jiu Lan was stunned, after all, this scene is indeed a bit shocking!

Ping Chacha's face became even more gloomy, and he looked down at a jailer!

He lifted his foot and kicked his ass!

(¬yi¬?) "Wait! Why are you squatting on the ground with your head up? Do you know where you are? Can you hold back and embarrass me?"

The jailer stood up from the ground tremblingly, with a look of embarrassment:

(°﹏°〃)? "Hold... I'm sorry, I just wanted to squat, I was a little scared, instinct... instinctive reaction!"

The jailer himself was also confused, what kind of evil did he commit?

I saw Ping Chacha cut off the crowd and brought the jailer to Jiangnan!

Killing intent emerges in his eyes!

"Jiangnan! What the **** is going on? What have you done?"

Jiangnan booth:

╮(??~??)╭ "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? Can you just rely on me for holding up anything? You are discriminating against you?"

"I helped you suppress the riots out of kindness. It's fine if you don't reward me, and you still blame me?"

"It's really a dog biting Jiang Yuba! I don't know good people!"

Shan Chacha stared, stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Nan's collar:

(?°?д°?)? "What did you say? Say it again?"

Wang Youzhi: ?(?'??')? "Is it hard to understand when he calls you a dog? I can understand it!"

Ping Chacha: (???Benefit???)! ! !

You two crouching dragons and phoenixes!

I really can't stand it!

Satsuma was furious and got up abruptly:

?(???┏yi┓???(#) "Lord Chacha! Listen to his nonsense! He did it!"

Bourdain got up:

?(#)?????(#) "That's right! Jiangnan is the culprit, he..."

Ping Chacha looked at the ghostly appearance of the two of them, and the whole person was stunned!

Jiu Lan's eyes widened, and then she tilted her head violently!

(???????ヮ???)? "Pff~uh...Pffhahahahaha! What the hell...Hungry dad! Hungry hahahahaha!"

('?ж?) "Pinyin!, Mr. Jin...poof~"

The miserable state of the two inexplicably hit Jiu Lan's laughter, as if some switch had been pressed, and once they started laughing, they couldn't stop!

My shoulders were shaking non-stop, and I burst into tears!

(?)??????ж???) "No... I'm sorry, you continue to complain, we listen!"

Don't dare to look at Somerboden during the whole conversation!

Satsuma: (#)? Benefit?)

Bourdain: (#)??Benefit??`)

We are seriously complaining, can you be a little more serious? Laugh fart lol?

Is it funny?

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