Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2103: Nether Eight! Tianxiu

Jiang Nan smiled: "Human ~ always have a little thought, otherwise what's the point of living!"

Jiu Lan laughed angrily: "Nianxiang? Ha~ I think you are delusional!"

"What if I promise you? I can fulfill one of your requirements!"

"But the premise is that it does not violate the rules of death prison, and the conditions are within my ability, don't say that I want to send you out of prison, commute your sentence, etc.!"

"Even if you want to live in the women's prison every day, I can satisfy you! How's it going? Is there something going on now?"

Jiangnan chick nodded as if pecking at rice:

(#)?????) "Don't worry! A very simple condition, you can do it easily!"

Jiu Lan's character is quite clear to Jiang Nan, she is clearly the kind of serious and proud woman!

Generally do not do the kind of things that do not keep their promises, such people have their own principles and beliefs! A stubborn donkey!

Dig a hole for her to jump in first!

In addition, Jiangnan also wants to try, what is the level of the deputy warden of the Styx Death Prison!

Jiu Lan squinted: "Of course! The premise is that you can beat me! Otherwise everything..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan, who was still lying on the ground, suddenly burst into flames, and the little leather whip stuck out and stabbed towards Jiu Lan!

Jiu Lan squinted her eyes, held her breath, and threw out a fist. Those blood vine branches were scattered by the fist wind before they even touched her!

What followed was Jiangnan's quark ball smashing, and the huge sphere blocked Jiu Lan's sight!

Jiu Lan swings his fist and smashes!


With an explosion, the quark ball flew out like a cannonball, with an extremely clear fist print on it, and it was slammed into the wall!

And just for a while, Jiangnan has already eaten the horse biscuit with the help of the moment when he was blocked by the quark ball!

As for the green stick, I didn't dare to drink it, otherwise I was afraid that I would be full of truth in a while, and it would be bad if Jiu Lan asked any little secrets!

A horse biscuit? should be enough!

I saw Jiangnan lightly landed, and the blood burned in an instant, the blood mist was transpiring, and the temperature in the waking room seemed to be rising along with it!

He broke his wrists and ankles at will, and the four quark ball shackles on his body also fell to the ground!

This scene is extremely bloody, but Jiangnan didn't even look at it!

The injuries on the body are repaired crazy under the action of super muscle cells!

Jiu Lan did not stop it, but said with great interest:

(????) "Oh? What? Don't bring your "weapon"?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It depends on who the opponent is. I don't really want to die! You can play casually with Satsuma, but now, these broken **** are too much of a hindrance!"

"What about the rules? How to say?"

Jiu Lan squinted: "There are no rules! If you can bring me down! Even if you win!"

I saw her licking her lips: "Now! It's interesting!"

"Eight Nether Forms! Shunbu!"

Jiu Lan's body disappeared in an instant, and her movements were so fast that Jiang Nan couldn't see her movements!

Appeared in front of Jiang Nan in a blink of an eye, and his fist hit instantly!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Even though Jiang Nan was already on high alert at this moment, his eyes were still looking at Jiu Lan's original position!

Her speed has far exceeded Jiangnan's reaction time!

damn it! Instant step? Is this riding a teleport?

How can it be so fast?

Is this really something you can do with your body? What is wrong!

Jiu Lan's fist smashed straight into Jiang Nan's head!

"Nail fist!"

Jiangnan's anticipation of danger caused his body to make an instinctive evasion action!

The nail fist rubbed Jiang Nan's cheek and nailed it heavily on the quark ball!


I saw that half of Jiu Lan's arm was smashed into the quark ball, like a steel nail smashed into it!

The power is concentrated and the piercing power is extremely high!

Jiangnan's punches unreservedly hit Jiu Lan's liver!

I want to get a punch!

However, Jiu Lan seemed to have anticipated Jiangnan's actions long ago, and turned around and swept his legs!

"Blade kick!"

Her calf and tibia were slashed like a blade, and Jiangnan simply couldn't exchange injuries for injuries!

Because if you take this, you will definitely die!

Only the golden bell can be fully opened, and the arm and head guard can be lifted for defense!


But it couldn't be removed at all, Jiang Nan's body was kicked out directly, and his arms were bent at a strange angle!

The severe pain in the head is like being kicked to pieces!

But while in the air, Jiang Nan still released one eye, trying to see Jiu Lan's movements clearly!

However, Jiu Lan disappeared from the sight of the one-eyed in a blink of an eye!

Appeared in front of Jiangnan again!

"Elbow cannon!"

At this moment, Jiu Lan, striding and hitting her elbows, the movements that flow like flowing water are as relaxed as a martial arts master!

Where is the elbow that faces the heart of Jiangnan? It is clearly a shell with terrifying kinetic energy and lethality!


Between the air waves, Jiangnan was instantly blasted away!

A blood hole the size of a basketball was blown open in his chest, and he hit the wall heavily!

This terrifying penetrating force even blasted through the wall like butter cheese, and the thick strong phase alloy wall was like being blasted by a cannonball!

Jiangnan vomited blood and coughed violently!

"Hey~ do you really want to kill me?"

In the fight just now, even between the light and the flint, Jiangnan's life is under threat all the time!

This **** is absolutely serious!

Once you slow down a little, you will be beaten to death!

Jiu Lan clenched her fists, and the crackling sounded, and the expression on her face gradually became crazy!

"Do you think I'm joking with you? Let's be honest! I don't care about the secrets in your mouth, I only care how much fun you can bring me!"

"Even if I miss you and kill you, I will only be punished!"

"As for the rest! I don't care!"

Jiang Nan slowly stood up straight, did not answer Jiu Lan's words, but looked at her with bright eyes!

"Shunbu, Nail Fist, Blade Kick, Elbow Cannon? Interesting, what is this?"

Jiu Lan said indifferently: "The pure physical attack skills summed up by the ancestors of my Nether tribe's ancestors, the Nether Eight Forms!"

"Every generation will add new things to it, gradually improve it, and inherit it to this day!"

"You'd better hold on a little longer and let me have more fun!"

Jiang Nan squinted: "However, he is a big man, so I can't let you look down on it!"

"That's what you want!"

Soul rubbing! open!

In an instant, Jiang Nan's eyes became ruthless and innocuous, very serious, and all distractions were thrown away!

Staring at Jiu Lan's actions!

As for the one-eyed, it has been retracted, because the one-eyed can't see clearly!

If you can't see Jiu Lan's attack clearly, you won't have a chance to beat Jiu Lan if you kill yourself!

Soul rubbing is his last resort!

Even 30 seconds will burn tens of millions of skill points, but Jiangnan will burn!

Because Jiangnan has so many skill points that he is too lazy to count the number of digits!

Nether eight?

Jiangnan's heart is hot, as if he found some treasure!

For Jiangnan, isn't this invaluable?

Who said melee didn't develop? If the big wolf can learn these! Don't you bite my face?

Jiu Lan said lightly: "Are you serious at last? I like the look in your eyes now! Shunbu!"

Its body disappeared again!

Jiangnan stared!

See clearly!

Soul rubbing is really not covered, just see it clearly and there is drama!

At this moment, in Jiangnan's eyes, the flow of time seems to have slowed down!

Jiu Lan's movements, methods of exertion, and steps are all clear!

Shunbu is not a teleportation at all, it's just that the speed of movement is so fast that it exceeds the limit of the naked eye's reaction!

And at the moment Jiangnan saw it clearly and tried to imitate it!

The system prompt sounded in my mind!

[Trigger skills! Taishu: Nether Eight Forms (Shunpo) Elementary: LV0! ]

[Whether to add skill points! ]

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Add gaga! Full!

What is terrifying is that this body art is just like the spiritual art that Jiangnan learned before!

The required skill points are ten times more than normal skills!

What drives Jiangnan crazy the most!

Also, is it charged separately? Eight-style collection eight times?

Is this thing so fierce?

But Jiangnan has a lot of skill points! The kind that explodes!

[Added skill points: 111111000 points! ]

[Skill upgrade! Nether Eight Forms (Shunbu) Tianxiu Level: MAX! ]

Jiang Nan was stunned!

Tianxiu level?

Be nice! The highest level of this physical art is actually one higher than the Grandmaster-level max?

Fill up one, do you have more than 100 million skill points?


The turbulent knowledge was poured into Jiangnan's mind crazily, like a dick, turning into a body instinct!

Jiangnan's eyes are bright!

And Jiu Lan's attack is already imminent!

Instant step! I hide!

Almost instantly, Jiang Nan disappeared in front of Jiu Lan!

Performing physical exercises is a huge load on the body, and different physical qualities have different effects!

Jiu Lan's Nether Eight Forms are at the level of the master's unsatisfactory level!

But the speed is faster than Jiangnan's Tianxiu level full level, because where is the gap in physical fitness!

But it is enough for Jiangnan to avoid Jiu Lan's attack. This thing is used well, is it comparable to short-distance teleportation?

Jiu Lan punched the wall with a nail, but her pupils also burst!

Are you blindfolded? How did Jiangnan's speed suddenly become so much faster?

Did he use Shunpo?

And the movements seem to be more subtle than their own, right?

This is impossible!

Jiu Lan, who didn't believe in evil, locked Jiangnan's position, and followed him in a blink of an eye again!

Raise your fist and smash it!

Jiang Nan squinted, how could Lao Tzu's Tianxiu-level Shunbu move so quickly?

Even in an instant!

Jiu Lan punched the air again, and Jiang Nan disappeared in front of him without any pause!

The next moment, an extremely strong evil wind came from behind Jiu Lan!

It was Jiangnan who used the full force of the Hell King's Suppressing Prison Fist!

Smashing the back of Jiu Lan's head fiercely!

Jiu Lan: ? ? ?

How can it be! Appeared behind you?

Has he recovered his powers? Is this teleportation or teleportation?

How could Shunbu move continuously without pause, and how to solve the problem of inertia?

But now it's too late to escape!

"Eight Nether Forms! Steel Skeleton!"

Jiu Lan's muscles instantly tensed and jumped!

Jiang Nan slammed it down with a punch, and it made a "clang" sound, as if he was hammering an alloy steel block!

It feels harder than a quark ball!

His fists were smashed and deformed, and the bone spurs burst!

But with his full blow, he couldn't even leave a red mark on Jiu Lan's body!

Jiu Lan turned around and slashed out with a knife!


Jiangnan hurried to dodge in an instant!

[Trigger skills! Taishu: Nether Eight Forms (Steel Bone)…]

[Trigger skills! Taishu: Nether Eight Forms (decapitation)…]

The system broadcast madly resounded in his mind, Jiangnan's eyes were full of excitement, use it!

Watch me learn all your skills, and then show your face again!

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