Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2106: sorry for being too late

Facts have proved that the unawakened room is indeed a literal meaning, and Jiangnan has indeed been beaten to the point of unconsciousness!

Jiu Lan dragged her aching body and went out through the hole, and it took a lot of effort to deduct Jiang Nan from the wall!

Tucked under your arm and walked into the house!

Looking at the horrified look of the female prisoners watching the excitement, Jiu Lan glared!

(?°? Mouth°?) "What are you looking at? Haven't seen it? Do you want to come and try it?"

The frightened prisoners shrank their heads quickly.

But it's the first time I've seen the one who pierced through the torture chamber!

Eh~ Bai blinded this little wolf dog, and was tortured into a dead dog by Sister Lanlan!

(???3?) "Lan...Sister Lanlan? It's already broken anyway, why don't you give it to me, how can I help you? It should still be hot now, but you can't wave..."

Jiu Lan stared: "Shut up and go away!"

It's really a waste of words for you, right?

Drag the unconscious Jiangnan back to the room!

Looking at the messy house, Jiu Lan smiled bitterly, as if she had gone too far!

But remembering the mysterious combo of Jiangnan just now, Jiu Lan's eyes are bright!

You have to learn it all by yourself!

But looking at Jiang Nan in a coma, Jiu Lan couldn't help but get nervous, wouldn't this really just die?

I just lifted Jiang Nan's upper body to make his qi a little smoother, put his hand under his nose, and try to see if he still has qi!

But it doesn't matter, Jiang Nan, who was in a coma, opened his mouth and breathed wildly!

(#?口?) Ah~


Only a loud bang was heard, and the violent fire was sprayed from Jiangnan's mouth and nose!

Comparable to the collapsing star cannon, dragon breath bomb!

Immediately, Jiu Lan's fingers collapsed, and she was so frightened that she instinctively shot and punched Jiang Nan in the face!

With a "bang", Jiang Nan's head was hammered into the ground, kicking his legs straight!


o mouth o*) "Yeah! ! "

Jiu Lan, who realized that she had missed her hand, was sweating profusely on her forehead. She might have survived just now, but with this punch, 80% of the time she won't survive!

what the hell?

Is the power of human sneezing so terrifying?

Jiu Lan grabbed Jiang Nan's clothes and quickly shoved him out of the floor!

But at the moment when he got up, Jiang Nan's face was aimed at Jiu Lan's face!

(#)?3?) "Ah Qiu Qiu Qiu Qiu~"

In an instant, there were five consecutive strikes of lightning without any warning, all of which accurately blasted Jiu Lan's head!

Her face was blackened, and white smoke was coming from her head, as if she had been blown up by the Collapsing Star Cannon!


[The resentment value from Jiu Lan +1008! ]


I saw Jiu Lan's forehead bursting with blue veins, and he raised his fist and hammered Jiang Nan's head!

With a bang, Jiangnan was embedded into the floor again!


Get up and hug your shoulders, turn your head to face the wall and grind your teeth, shaking your legs crazily!

He did it on purpose!

It's none of my business to die! Die you!

The female prisoners shivered when they heard it!

Sister Jiu Lan, is this beginning to whip the corpse?

Jiang Nan, who was hit twice more critically, was woken up from a coma!

Struggling to pull his head out of the floor, there are two big smoking red packets above his head!

I can't help rubbing my head and baring my teeth!

The misty eyes fell on Jiu Lan's back, and he could be regarded as experiencing the treatment of a waking room!

Jiu Lan's attack with Styx energy just now is truly terrifying!


Before Jiang Nan could finish speaking, Jiu Lan hurriedly said:

(?ˇ~ˇ?) "I just counted that you won, and it did knock me unconscious for a split second!"

"Whatever you say, if you are willing to admit defeat, I can meet a condition within your ability! It's okay to be a little too much, let's talk!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to face Jiang Nan, frowned and closed his eyes!

His body trembled slightly, and his cheeks were flushed, but he was blackened by the nuclear energy sneeze, so he couldn't see it!

At this moment, Jiu Lan is nervous!

Jiangnan's request must be for me to give him a hug, right? After all, he had been shouting when he was just fighting!

Give him a hug, just give him a hug, after all, I lost the bet!

But if he dared to touch his claws, this girl would break it for him!

But... but he had already grabbed his chest before, so if he grabbed it again, would he be groping?

At this moment, Jiu Lan is caught in a crazy tangle!

Jiang Nan looked at Jiu Lan, who was frowning with a frown. She seemed to be looking forward to something?

But anyway, I won, ahahahaha!

Look at Lao Tzu and find your own happiness!

I saw Jiang Nan walking to Jiu Lan with a sincere expression!

Jiu Lan felt the heat in front of her, she couldn't help but opened her eyes and held her breath nervously!

Jiangnan twisted and said:

(???°??°) "What's inside~ My request is actually very simple. Did you confiscated a mosaic in the bathroom of the men's prison?"

"I want to get that back!"

Jiu Lan's expression froze suddenly!

Don't want to hug me?

It's Lai Lai, the old lady is mentally prepared, and even decided to squeeze her chest without poking her hands, you're telling me about Mosaic?

[The resentment value from Jiu Lan +1010! ]

I saw Jiu Lan's forehead bursting with blue veins, and she stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Nan's collar!

Stare and said: (?°?д°?)? "Then the unknown tools in the water tank were hidden by you?"

"That's a jailbreak tool! It violates the rules of the dead prison! Don't give it! Change the conditions!"

Jiangnan: ∑(°口°#)? ? ?

What's the point of a special jailbreak tool? Are you polite?

How to use it to escape from jail?

That is the happiness that Lao Tzu lost! Hey!

I just want a mosaic, why does Jiu Lan seem to be so angry?

The resentment value is so high? Is there something wrong with her?

(???) "I have this condition! That...that's not a jailbreak tool at all! Yes... yes... eh~"

"Forget it! If you don't give it, you won't give it! It's over, right? I'll go back to sleep after the fight!"

After speaking with a long sigh, he limped towards the door!

Jiu Lan looked at Jiangnan's bleak and lonely back, her brows furrowed!

It seems a little unbearable!

Jiangnan did win, and he brought fun to himself, and he also improved a lot in the Eight Nether Forms!

And this condition doesn't seem to be too much!

"and many more…"

Jiangnan's footsteps stopped, hey, there is a show, the hard-to-get-it approach really works!

Jiu Lan raised her eyebrows: (#?~??) "That thing is very important to you? Tell me what the jailbreak tool is used for, and I will give it back to you for the specific purpose!"

Jiangnan: =????(???????)! !

What is it used for?

That's what it's used for!

Fortunately, I didn't drink green sticks, otherwise I would be full of truth, and I would have died directly in this wave!

I saw Jiang Nan turned his head, tears in his eyes!

(??????__???) "That's not a jailbreak tool at all, but my family heirloom, passed down to me by my mother, and has been carried by me for more than 20 years!"

"Take it to the south and north, through life and death, and accompany me all the way to this day!"

"Now that I'm in prison, I don't know if I can get out alive, and I don't know where my mother is. Is she still alive? That family heirloom is my only thought. Every night, I will feel at ease when I see it there!"

"Before the life-and-death showdown, I hid it in the water tank because I was afraid of being beaten. I didn't expect it to be confiscated by you when I turned around. I..."

Speaking of this, Jiangnan couldn't help but shed tears and rubbed his eyes with his hands!


Sa ~ be moved! Heartache! Tie Han's tenderness, are you okay with it?

In fact, Jiangnan didn't lie too much, 99% of it was the truth!

Jiu Lan's heart twitched, was it a souvenir that his mother passed on to him?

(???~??) "You didn't lie to me? Are you telling the truth?"

Jiang Nan bit his lower lip: "Blue Star people don't lie to aliens! Besides, if I want to escape from prison, do I need tools?"

"Hey~ I won't give it if I don't give it. Anyway, I'm destined to die here, and I probably won't be able to get out in this life!"

Jiu Lan took a deep breath: "Yes! I promise you this condition! Since it is a family heirloom, not a jailbreak tool, I can return it to you!"

"But private possessions are not allowed in Styx Death Prison. You need to keep this matter a secret! After returning it to you, remember to keep it properly and don't lose it again!"

"Fortunately, it was confiscated by me. If it was found by the inspection, it would be thrown away!"

Jiangnan cheers in his heart! done! It's done!

Must be kept safe? Never lose it again in this life!

I'm glad that Jiu Lan didn't throw it away for herself, or would I still be alive?

"Really? You are too crabby! You... Where did you put it?"

Jiu Lan took Jiangnan and went straight to the depths of the female prison area!

"I will store the confiscated illegal items in the tool room here. Don't worry, I will not throw them away!"

Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and was glad that Jiu Lan didn't use this coercion to tell her secrets!

If she really did this, it would mean that she saw the wrong person!

In this case, it is necessary to take some unconventional measures!

The two went straight to the tool room one after the other!

At this moment, it is already incarceration time. There is no one in the corridor, and the silence is terrifying. Only the footsteps of the two people echo!

Jiangnan peeked around like a curious baby, after all, there are not many people who can come to the women's prison for a stroll!

Jiu Lan, on the other hand, took a peek at Jiang Nan and couldn't help but said:

"what do you think?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: ('?w?) "What do you think?"

Why put heirlooms in the tank?

Jiu Lan said indifferently without looking back: "Human things spread all over the stars, and I have heard a little bit about it!"

"Four times of spiritual energy recovery, more than three thousand years of struggle, the last Star Ruins War, and even the Thousand Star Tribulation South in order to join the starry sky sequence!"

"It's the age of a thousand stars, the biggest disaster that has been encountered since the city of a thousand stars was established! It's hard to imagine that you took the lead in doing these things!"

"Although human beings have entered the starry sky sequence, they are in crisis step by step. They may be eaten up by the starry sky family at any time and completely disappear into the starry sky!"

Having said that, Jiu Lan's eyes fell on Jiang Nan!

"And as the Lord of the Human Age, you were forced into prison by the Holy Law Society and expelled from the game. The final outcome will only be to die in this Styx Death Prison!"

"Humanity will gradually die out under the resistance of all races in the starry sky, and everything will return to its original point!"

"You have done so much effort, but you have achieved such an outcome. If humans become slaves at the beginning, humans can still continue to exist in the starry sky!"

"Do you regret it?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Of course I regret it!"

Jiu Lan was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly, yes, maybe the Nether Warden is right!

Since the end is already doomed, why do you have to do useless work? Human beings are the best example...

Jiangnan: "I regret not completely demolishing the city of a thousand stars! I regret not killing more bosons! I regret that all this came too late, and it will not be realized until today!"

"As for what you said... hehe~ If humans really become slaves, they don't deserve to be called humans!"

"Every human being! Born free! Freedom is the least valuable and the most valuable thing!"

"I don't want my compatriots to be inferior to others as soon as they are born, and their fate is decided! Destiny must be in my own hands!"

Jiu Lan was stunned and looked at Jiang Nan in amazement!

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