Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2108: Make the best use of it

Jiu Lan's heart was disturbed by what Jiang Nan said, and her originally peaceful heart began to become anxious!

It's like throwing a pebble in a calm lake!

So she chose to escape and stop listening!

Jiang Nan smiled without saying a word, no matter what Jiu Lan chooses, the seeds of freedom have already been planted in her heart!

Only one day when the time is right, take root and sprout!

Looking at the tool room, Jiangnan's heart became hot again!

Is the happiness that I have been looking for for a long time finally coming back?

Sister Bai is busy?

But just as Jiu Lan was about to unlock and open the door of the tool room, the action was a jerk!

I saw that the door handle was completely destroyed, and the door lock of the strong phase alloy was pinched and broken like plasticine!

There is still a petite handprint on the door!

Jiu Lan's face turned black, and she had a bad premonition in her heart!

Jiang Nan asked curiously: (???~??)???? "What's wrong?"

Jiu Lan sweated profusely on her forehead: (?_?????) "No...nothing!"

Immediately opening the door, Jiang Nan couldn't wait to look inside!

However, the expression on his face froze!

I saw a mess in the tool room, and all kinds of strange tools on the shelves were scattered all over the place!

It's like being robbed!

Jiu Lan stroked her forehead with her hand: (?)'-﹏-`) "Sure enough..."

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Unable to hold back, Jiang Nan couldn't help rushing into the tool room for a while, and even buckled up the floor tiles to check!

∑(°mouth°?) "Where did it go? Where's my heirloom? Why not! Didn't it say it was in the tool room?"

"What's the matter? Hey, hey! You have to give it back to me when you agree, you are responsible for it?"

At this moment, Jiang Nan was completely panicked, grabbing Jiu Lan's arm and shaking wildly!

Jiu Lan rubbed her eyebrows:

(︶﹏︶?) "I did put it in the tool room before, but now it's not here!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

(#?????? Mouth???????) "What's not here anymore? Where did it go? I can't live without it, me!"

"How could it be lost here? The tool room is so messy, it must have been a thief, right? Who took it?"

"There are still thieves in Styx? Is there no surveillance in this tool room?"

Jiu Lan's face is full of embarrassment:

(??ˇ_ˇ?) "Don't check the surveillance, I know who did it, a prisoner on our side..."

Jiang Nan stared: (? mouth??) "Huh? Prisoner? She is so bold and fat? Dare to come to this tool room to steal things? Don't the high-level officials of the Styx death prison exist?"

"It's the opposite of the sky! Tell me who it is? I help you clean up her!"

Jiu Lan gave a savage shock, and then looked at Jiang Nan with a speechless face!

You are the boldest, right? What did you do when you were in prison?

"Forget it, if she sees you, don't say how long you can stay here, you won't survive tonight!"

Jiang Nan took two steps back, leaned against the wall weakly, slowly slipped and slumped on the ground, his eyes were empty, and he cried out with a wow!

??o·(??????mouth?????)?o·?"Wow~ my happiness wow!"

If you don't take so many tools in the tool room, what are you doing with mine?

Are you going to be so unlucky!

Jiu Lan looked at Jiang Nan with an unbearable expression on her face, and couldn't help but take a deep breath!

"Don't worry! I did what I said, because I lost your family heirloom, and I will be responsible for it!"

"It's getting late, you go back today and wait for the news. I'll try my best to help you get things back from her!"

Jiang Nan cried even more fiercely. Are you the deputy warden? What prisoner doesn't even give you face?

What do you do as much as possible?

I saw Jiang Nan grabbed Jiu Lan's thigh:

?(??mouth???) "Don't try your best, please do it! Be sure to help me get it back!"

Jiu Lan rolled her eyes and picked up Jiang Nan:

(??~???) "Why are you crying? You are also the master of the times, so go back and wait for the news!"

Jiangnan is heartbroken, what happened to the Lord of the Times? The Lord of the Times can't live without happiness!

I'm not complete without it?

(??Yi?)? "At least! At least tell me her name?"

Jiu Lan looked left and right, and then whispered:

(?)????) "Insect Rain! She should have taken it!"

While talking, he carried the Jiangnan Chaomen Prison District...


Meanwhile, the other side!

The female prison area is a monstrous prison area, a 100-star luxury prison!

Unlike acrylic, the door to the cell is just half-open, and no one cares!

Bursts of ethereal humming sounds came from the room, looking extremely eerie!

The room is gorgeously decorated, weirdly styled and extremely dark!

There are dozens of white chrysalis hanging from the ceiling, and in the corner of the room are piles of white bones, mummified corpses…

I saw a figure completely hidden in the darkness, only a pair of scarlet eyes in the darkness!

In front of the figure, there is a large cardboard box, and the cardboard box is full of miscellaneous items that have just been stolen from the tool room!

Mosaic is mixed in it!

The humming was still the same, and a pair of small white hands reached out from the darkness, picking and choosing among the cardboard boxes!

These hands are different from human beings. The joints are like delicate puppets, but they are as thin as fat...

After picking for a long time, I grabbed the mosaic from the cardboard box, raised my hand and knocked it, making a crisp metal crash sound!

He put it in front of his nose and sniffed again.

"What is it~ I haven't seen it! Strange..."

She leaned her chin as if thinking, and the next moment seemed to think of something!

He actually placed the mosaic on the bedside table upright!

Then I picked up a glowing oval luminous crystal from the carton!

There was a sound of "kachikachi", as if a bug was biting something, and the luminous crystal **** fell down!

It didn't take long for the shape of the luminous crystal to become the shape of a cloud!

Grabbed by her and poked at Mosaic!

clang clang~

A small bedside table lamp with colorful clouds emitting a soft light is completed!

She seemed very satisfied with her masterpiece. She reached out and patted the lamp, and continued to pick and tinker in the cardboard box...


In the cell of the men's prison, Hei Gang was squatting in the corner with his head up, and he couldn't sleep!


Eh~ Nanshen was pulled by Jiu Lan to open a small stove, and I don't know if he can come back alive!

If you can't come back, you won't have a better life!

As for why I squatted in the corner and didn't go to bed, it's just because I feel safe, I'm used to it...

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the corridor, and the cell door opened!

Jiang Nan walked in and was re-hung four quark **** on his body!

Heigang looked at Jiangnan in amazement?

I knock? Nanshen is back? No injuries whatsoever?

Jiu Lan: "You have a good rest, are you tired?"

Jiang Nan smiled bitterly: "Can I not be tired? We've been fighting for so long, my legs are softening, okay?"

Black Steel: (●?ˇ口ˇ?)? ? ?

Jiu Lan rolled her eyes, and then whispered: "What happened tonight, just pretend it never happened, and continue next time!"

"Remember to choose me if you commit something in the future, I feel that you still have a lot of good things in you that I haven't been able to squeeze out! But I can't just let you go!"

Nether Eighth Style still has no skills for young and old, and Jiu Lan even looks forward to opening a small stove next time!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Sure? You are better than following Ping Chacha, don't forget what I asked you to do!"

Jiu Lan locked the cell door: "Don't worry, wait for my news, be honest at night! Don't do anything else!"

After saying that, Jiu Lan left!

However, Hei Gang stared at Jiangnan with a horrified expression, as if he was looking at a fairy!

∑(??mouth??lll) Whoa!

Is this kind of relationship between Nanshen and Jiu Lan's deputy warden? No wonder Jiu Lan was chosen!

Where is this special meow to suffer? Obviously to enjoy it?

Jiangnan frowned and looked at Heigang:

(?°?~°?) "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

Black Steel looks adored:

(?????) "Yes! It's the brilliance of God? It's a bullshit! Jiu Lan can take it! It's a bullshit!"

"It has something to do with it! It's okay to walk sideways in this Styx Death Prison?"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, did he misunderstand something? Are you talking about some weird stuff?

But this time, although I couldn't get my happiness back, my gains were also not small!

With the Eight Nether Forms in hand, his combat power has skyrocketed, and he has also gained a wave of Jiu Lan's favorability!

The next step is to wait for Jiu Lan's news!

Three days! If there is no news for three days, I will go to find that female prisoner called Bug Yuyu!

It doesn't matter how bad she is! Can not arbitrarily occupy the happiness of Lao Tzu!

However, Jiangnan did not know that his own happiness has been used as a building material and made into a lamp holder for a bedside lamp...

Violently stretched his waist: "Is it almost time? Let's go... Find Dazhi to go to work and punch in!"

Black Steel's face turned black, wow! isn't it?

Do you want to be so dedicated? Just finished the war, are you all so tired?

Don't forget to punch in at work?

"It's said that tomorrow will be a collective voluntary labor, and the good days are coming to an end. Are we really going to rest?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Take a break? What a break? Ka is there waiting for me to fight! How could it be possible to fall asleep?"

"Let's go! What do you mean by volunteering in the river?"

A new round of punch-in operation has begun, and Jiangnan also heard Heigang talk about voluntary labor on the way!

It turns out that every once in a while, the Styx Death Prison will organize prisoners to collectively go to the Styx to salvage the Styx crystals!

Each prisoner can only end his voluntary labor if he has obtained a sufficient number of Styx crystals and handed it in!

And those hidden Styx crystals were also secretly hidden during volunteer labor!

Because going down the Styx is too torturous, every time a round of voluntary labor is completed, the prisoner will rest for a period of time!

Otherwise, no one would be able to withstand such a destructive method!

Jiangnan's eyes are bright, are you going to the Styx River to fish for Styx River crystals?

The Nether Race is a good way to make money, right?

As soon as they spoke, they had already met with great ambitions, and several people walked towards Xingluo Karl's room with ease!

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