Under the bombardment of Jiangnan's poisonous chicken soup, Tarot was confused by the poison!

Summer and Bourdain were also anxious:

(???┏yi┓???#) "Boss! Don't listen to his slander! Be awake! You still have us!"

"Brothers! Let's go together! Tear up this bastard!"

Two giant torpedoes exploded suddenly, and the overwhelming bullies ganged the prisoners to outflank the four!

At this moment, Wang Youzhi and Insect Ding suddenly stood up and roared:

?(ˊmouthˋ*)? "I'm coming!"

I saw the big bug swearing:

(??mouth?) "Be awake? It's time to be awake! Do you know why Tarot protects you so much? It's just to make his wifeless sentence a little more fun! Have you heard of the whole party?"

"After all! Brothers are for doing it!

Somerset Boden vomited blood and said with red eyes:

(?????(#) "Fart! No, we bullies are all brothers who died! When we get out of prison..."

Insect big cockroach pouted: (????) "When you get out of prison, you will find that your wife ran away with someone else, your child takes someone else's surname, and all the careers you worked so hard for were all made for someone else's wedding dress!"

"Parents have been buried! First love is married as a wife! No one will remember a person who is rotten in prison!"

Under the double crit, the prisoners of the bully gang turned green and vomited blood while covering their chests!

This special meow really broke the defense!

(|||??3??) "Wow~ I said why my wife hasn't sent me letters for a long time, so... so..."

(??mouth?)?"Mom! The child is not filial!"

Wang Youzhi said lightly: (¬?¬) "Do you think you have been abandoned by the world? Don't think so! Because the world has no time to pay attention to you!"

"But don't worry, although everything is over, when you get out of prison, you will always meet such a girl, she is gentle and considerate, beautiful and generous, she doesn't think you are poor, she doesn't think you are ugly, she doesn't want your money, and she doesn't want you either. Your room! Of course~ I don't want you either!"

Satsuma: ?(#??┏Yi┓??)? "Ah~ ah ah! No! Don't say it anymore!"

Wang Youzhi grinned:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Some people appear in your life just to tell you!"

"You are so stupid and so bullying!"

Jiangnan: (?°???°)? "Just like me!"

Bourdain: (?????|||) "Pfft~"

The last stab, straight into the heart, was fatal, inflicting bruises and wounds on all the members of the Bully Gang, and the poisoning was quite deep!

On the other hand, Wang Youzhi and Insect Dafeng looked at the bully gang with a refreshing look on their faces!

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of relief, and he couldn't help but stepped forward and patted Wang Youzhi!

(.???)? "You have already graduated, and you are a qualified king of mouths!"

Wang Youzhi couldn't be more excited, ah~ this **** sense of accomplishment!

As expected, I thought about the lines for more than half an hour!

I saw that the members of the bully gang were poisoned, and it was already extremely difficult to survive in the Styx!

Coupled with the poison of poisonous chicken soup, where did you get this?

One by one, they rolled their eyes and drifted towards the river...


At this moment, Sona is shocked!

Σ(°△°?) "Master! Are you still accepting apprentices? What do you think of me? Do you have the potential to be trained?"

If I learn this kind of unique skills, when I get out of prison, Xianyin will listen to me, who else can stop me?

Tarot vomited old blood, and a shudder hit Sona's head!

(¬yi¬?) "Where is your special meow? How can you be a thief as a father?"

"The will of Lao Tzu is as indestructible as steel, how can he be shaken with just a few words?"

"Today, I have to tear you apart!"

Tarot shook his head and rushed towards the Jiangnan group again!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Whoops! Is it that strong? Such a powerful poisonous chicken soup can't poison the Tarot?

Still fighting?

(??? dish??)? "Hei Gang! Black Steel, hurry up and scold him? Just scold him out! Break his defenses and transfer the toxins in his body to his body! Quick!"

At this moment, Heigang was almost stunned by the poison, and he was spitting out iron juice. Although he didn't know what the reason was, the scolding was over!

(●°??°?) "Ini...inner! Tarot, you big idiot! Son of a bitch! Xiao Yanyan! Silly big... um~ um~ three-headed monster..."

Jiangnan: (?_?)…

Wang Youzhi: (-ι_-)…

Tarot was scolded in a hurry, and rushed towards Heigang!

"What did you say? Say it again if you have the guts. Believe it or not, I will take your head off and use it as a cannon to step on?"

Heigang was about to cry with fright. After the chicken soup was used, his head was washed away by the water of the Stygian River. He couldn't think of any good words at all?

?(;?mouth?)? "You rookie, you will spend your whole life in prison, you...you...help!"

Jiang Nan's eyes twitched: "Forget it, it's embarrassing this child, admit it!"

As he spoke, he took the pony and rushed straight to Tarot!

"Dazhi cooperates! Paralyze him!"

In this Styx, Jiangnan doesn't have so many scruples!

Several people rushed up together!

There is no foothold in the Styx River, so Shunbu is not very easy to use, but the use of other Netherworld Eight Forms can not be hindered!

And Tarot was poisoned by poisonous chicken soup, both reaction speed and physical strength were greatly reduced!

This also gave Jiangnan an opportunity to rush to Tarot, riding his neck, facing Tarot's three heads, a mad wheel, madly driving!

The three heads of the smashed Tarot bleed!

However, the damage is limited, and Tarot's physical fitness is not ordinary tough!

I saw Tarot roaring, raised his hand and grabbed it towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan Molar:

?(▼Ware▼#) "You forced me! Come out! Horse pen!"

Just take out the bull-horse pen, adjust it to the horse-pen mode, and make a stroke on the arm that Tarot grabs!

I saw that the material of its entire arm gradually turned into a mosaic, and the arm movement froze!

The entire arm was ripped off by Jiang Nan directly from his shoulder and threw it to Heigang!


Tarot's eyes are full of horror, his arm! How can it be!

What the **** is that thing that can easily break his defense?

[Grievance value from Tarot+1008]×3

Before Tarot could react, Jiangnan's horse-drawn brush strokes marked the rest of his five arms!

It was like dismantling a toy, all of them were dismantled, and the Tarot was dismantled into a bare rod!

And Satsuma and Bourdain looked at this scene in horror!

That's it!

Give our happiness to Mosaic!

If Jiangnan wanted to! Can the whole person be marked?

Seeing Jiangnan looking towards this side with a grinning smile, Satsuma and Bourdain were shocked.

(?ˇyiˇ?????) "Pow wow~ Let's go! Let's go!"

Tarot was anxious: "Hey~ you..."

Before the words were finished, I saw a giant worm rushing from behind Tarot!

"Go straight to the Yellow Dragon Millennium Kill!"

Hit the bullseye!

Tarot's body suddenly stiffened:

(???|||) "Aah~"

His mouth was wide open, and Wang Youzhi took this opportunity to poked his **** directly into Tarot's nostril, double paralysis!

"Take it!"

At this moment, Hei Gang was holding six arms, looking at this scene with horror, and vomited iron juice!

The boss of the bully gang, just won it?

Is it so cruel?

Tarot struggled frantically, but not to mention being poisoned, he was double paralyzed, and his arms were all unloaded!

If Jiang Nan thought about it, Tarot's three heads could be coded!

This is completely powerless!

Wang Youzhi: (°?°〃) "How to deal with it? Killing is the ball! Otherwise, we will definitely come to trouble us! Kill the chickens and show the monkeys!"

Insect Big Ding agreed with a face: "Kill the boss of the bully gang, you are the boss!"

Tarot's eyes were full of horror, struggling frantically! You can't kill me!

I still have big plans to do, and...

[Grievance value from Tarot+1008]×3

Jiang Nan leaned his chin in thought:

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "Shark? It's a pity!"

If you can take Tarot out, it must be a super combat power, and its prestige is not generally high!

Conquering him is far cheaper than falling off a shark!

It just takes a process!

(?????) "By the way, do you want to use the armor?"

Wang Youzhi: ? ? ?

Its eyes glow with dazzling brilliance:

(????)? "Mecha? Can you still use the armor? If you want to open it, you must open it!"

I saw Jiang Nan's eyes fell on Tarot, Jie Jie laughed!

(??????‵) "With such a strong physique, it's a pity not to start a mecha, isn't it?"

While speaking, he took out the twin lollipops and forced the blue moon into Tarot's mouth!

Then handed the red sun to Wang Youzhi!

"Who are you two driving?"

Wang Youzhi just wanted to agree, but suddenly remembered the side effects of the twin lollipops!

Will you be charged later?

Jiangnan can't open it by himself, ask us to open it? He's quite bamboo shoots, he?

Even the hand that the giant insect had just stretched out was photographed back by Wang Youzhi!

(?????°??°) "Cough cough~ We still can't open it, let Heigang open it, let him have a good time, we can just sit!"

Hei Gang pointed at his nose, full of stunned eyes!

?(o mouth o ●) "Hey? I open? How? Is it the kind of open I understand?"

Before Heigang could react, Jiangnan shoved the Red Sun Lollipop into Heigang's mouth!

In an instant, the sync state kicks in!

Tarot began to completely imitate Heigang's movements, and Jiangnan also put back the six arms of the mecha, removing the mosaic!

At this moment, Tarot's eyes are full of horror!

what the hell! What kind of sorcery did Laozi get into? Why can't he control his actions?

What the **** did he just feed Lao Tzu?

I saw Jiang Nan leaning on his chin: "Um~ 10 meters? Is this cab a bit small?"

While talking, he took out another mouse biscuit and stuffed it into Tarot's mouth!

Under the influence of Rat Biscuit, Tarot's body has skyrocketed, and it has soared a hundred times in a blink of an eye!

It has become a three-headed six-armed mecha with a body size of one thousand meters, which is extremely domineering!

When Jiangnan went up, he knocked off the front teeth of the three heads of Tarot, leaving three observation windows for the cab!

[Grievance value from Tarot+1009]×3

"There are three cabs! You can drive in there!"

At this moment, Wang Youzhi and Insects were completely crazy, and rushed into the cabs on the left and right sides with a look of excitement!

And Black Steel ran into the middle cab with a look of excitement!

Is the big mecha with such terrifying combat power completely under his control?

This is so...

(|||?3?) "Pfft~"

Before the words were finished, I saw Tarot's three heads spit out a mouthful of old blood!

The worm king Youzhi, who had just climbed into the cab, was sprayed out from the gap between the front teeth!

Wang Youzhi wiped his face:

(¬yi¬#) "What are you doing, kid? Can you hold back and vomit blood? There are still people in the cab!"

Hei Gang said with a dark face: "No... it's not bad for me, I... I haven't solved the poison yet..."

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