Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2120: isn't it? That's it?

This time, Wang Youzhi's worm and big hornet are broken, and he is holding the wrong soap, like a holy object!

Without breaking the physical golden body, who can harm me now?


Can't break Lao Tzu's defense at all?

They stood up, but the rest of the prisoners were guilty!

Bourdain and Summer made hundreds of jailers kick them on the ground!

The iron juice was madly sprayed, and they were all beaten into blood gourds!

It's not that they can't beat it, it's that they don't dare to fight back at all!

If a mosaic is broken, who knows if it can be repaired?

I can only hug my head and curl up on the ground, trying my best to protect Mosaic!

They rolled their eyes when they were beaten, and Suona even screamed out a suona sound!

Looking at Wang Youzhi again, the two giant insects were standing among the thousands of jailers.

The big B pocket has thrown out the phantom!

The invincible potential is added to the body, although it can't deal any damage, but it is really irritating!

Satsuma was also full of anger at the moment. Do you think we prisoners are rookies who are beaten?

Now I don't care about any face problems!

?(???┏yi┓???(#) "Brother Dazhi! I want to wash Xiangxiang too!"

And Wang Youzhi, who was among the thousands of jailers, suddenly heard Satsuma's call!

Immediately look at Jiangnan!

I saw Jiang Nan nodded indiscernibly, and Wang Youzhi grinned!

"Let's go!"

While speaking, it was like throwing a curling jug, slipping the wrong soap off the floor of the bathhouse!

Passing through the feet of countless people, it slid directly into Satsuma's arms!

Got caught by Satsuma!

You are riding a horse and waiting for Lao Tzu to stand up!

So while being beaten, I put soap on my body!

Bourdon, who was on the side, watched with enthusiasm:

(?????(#) "Second brother! Wash me too after washing!"

So a soap relay begins among the beaten prisoners!

Jiangnan laughed, use it!

It is better to have more experimental subjects, so that the data obtained will be accurate!

You know, the more consolation prizes are approved, the more terrifying the side effects!

This is not right, the soap can't break the physical golden body. Who knows what the side effects will be?

Before I get the exact result, I will never use it!

By the way, why didn't these jailers come to beat me?

Made me have nowhere to use my unique skills?

Jiang Nan was talking about it when he saw the door of the bathroom slammed open!

Immediately, many prisoners wanted to escape this bathhouse hell!

But the terrifying fist style broke out, and any prisoners who tried to rush out were all blasted back, fell to the ground and vomited blood!

I saw Ping Chacha walked in aggressively, carrying a half-dead prisoner in his hand!

Just one breath left!

He looked at Jiangnan apologetically, his face full of guilt, obviously he had not survived the torture to extract a confession, and he had all recruited!

Ping Chacha grinned, his eyes locked on Jiangnan instantly, and threw the half-dead prisoners into the guards!

Immediately, he strode to Jiangnan and grabbed Jiangnan's shirt!

Eyes full of tyranny and greed!

(?▼Yi▼) "Strength, right? Drinking it can make your physical fitness soar, and you have the ability to cultivate with the energy of the Styx? Perpetual motion slippers? Soy beans? And that tattoo pen?"

"Your **** pocket can fit well?"

"I know that your mouth is tough! I will serve you personally today! Let's see if it's your mouth or Laozi's fist!"

Carrying Jiangnan while talking, he is about to go out of the bathhouse!

Jiang Nan's face darkened. No wonder there were no jailers to beat me up. Is the co-authorship going to be left to Ping Chacha to beat me alone?

(?mouth?)? "Autumn bean sack!"

Ping Chacha frowned: (???~??)???? "What? Are you willing to give in?"

Jiang Nan looked serious: (?????) "Since you want to beat me, can you allow me to beat me after this bath?"

"I'm very fast? It's time to apply soap, as long as I finish soaping, I'm done with this bath!"

Ping Chacha stared, I'm going to beat you up, and I'll wait until you're done taking a bath?

I bah!

(?°?yi°?)? "Wash your sister!"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin: (?????) "Huh? It's not impossible to call your sister to wash with me!"

Handle Chacha: ! !

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1009! ]

You bastard, you, look at me, I won't tear your mouth to pieces!

So I took Jiangnan and walked outside the bathhouse!

At this moment, I didn't know how many punches I punched, and I didn't knock out a blood-skinned Yahweh. Seeing Pingchacha coming in, I couldn't help saying quickly:

(#)? Yi?) "Bangcha check them! They..."

Ping Chacha turned his head and said coldly:

(¬_¬) "What happened to them? Is there any problem with this job?"

Yahweh was stunned by the stare, and hurriedly saluted:

∠(`~′(#) "No problem! Please rest assured, Mr. Pangchacha! Make sure to complete the task!"

Ping Chacha nodded: "Be ruthless! That way you will have a long memory!"

And Jiangnan was forcibly dragged out of the bathroom by Ping Chacha!

Seeing that it was hot inside, I heard Jiangnan shout: "Brothers! I can't take this bath today! But you must take a good bath?"

With a big wave of his hand as he spoke, a dozen bars of soap were thrown towards the prisoners!

At this moment, the prisoners who were beaten to the point of doubting their lives were moved to tears!


This is the responsibility of the southerners, they were all dragged and beaten, not forgetting the brothers who suffered and suffered!

At this moment, Jiangnan's face seemed to be glowing with divine brilliance!

I saw Wang Youzhi fly out of the thousands of prisoners with a big jump, and took over the wrong soap that was thrown over!

And gave Jiangnan a look at me doing things, you can rest assured!


With a big kick, Pang Chacha closed the bathroom door directly, and locked it with a strong-phase alloy door lock!

Don't even think of one today!

"You care a lot, but you care more about yourself!"

In the severe punishment room of the male prison district, there is no death room!

Jiang Nan was thrown in, he couldn't help smacking his lips, why is the name of the Styx Death Prison's severe punishment room so strange?

I saw Ping Chacha grinning, tearing up his shirt, revealing muscles like a knife and axe, and his body is full of momentum!

"I've had enough of you! All your patience has been exhausted by you, the confinement room can't cure you, Styx can't cure you! Bullies can't help you!"

"I'll treat you! Even if an immortal comes today, it can't save you! I said it!"

"Shunbu! Elbow cannon!"


With an explosion, Dian Chacha instantly disappeared in front of Jiang Nan, but Jiang Nan instantly made a block, protecting important organs, and using steel bones!


I saw that Jiang Nan's body was instantly smashed, and it was embedded in the wall of the severe punishment room!

Ping Chacha immediately followed up, smashing his fists against Jiang Nan's body, making a "clanging, clanging" sound of iron!

The entire no-dead room was trembling violently, the air waves were flying, and blood was splashing!

Jiangnan gritted his teeth!

This Chacha's strength is similar to Jiu Lan, slightly stronger than her!

But with all you can do, it's enough to solve yourself!

But Jiangnan didn't fight back, and he didn't use the Heavenly Show-level Nether Eight Forms!

Instead, it was directly rotten, because Jiangnan was sure that Shanchacha would not dare to kill himself!

In fact, after understanding the function of the wrong soap, Jiangnan can use it all over his body to resist Ding Chacha's beating!

He couldn't even hit him with a single punch!

But the side effects are currently unknown. Once the side effects break out, the ghost knows that there will be something wrong with lonely men and widows in the same room!

After all, the introduction of the role is not very good, right?

For the sake of his innocence, Jiangnan would rather be beaten than use the wrong soap!

I'll talk about it after I understand it. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge tonight!

Moreover, it is not impossible for Jiangnan to break the game!

Pingchacha's iron fist bombarded non-stop!

"Speak! Where did the vigorous water come from! What is the formula? Why does drinking it improve physical fitness? Can you use the energy of the Styx to enhance your physical fitness?"

"That tattoo pen, little soybeans, and slippers! Where did the soap you just throw out come from?"

"If you don't say it! I'll keep fighting! Fight until you say it!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The deafening roar was incessant, and Jiang Nanzhi felt that he was constantly being bombarded by planets!

I saw Jiangnan grinning:

(#)??3??)?o ·?ˉ? "Drink~ spit!"

A large mouthful of **** saliva was exhaled on Ping Chacha's face!

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1008! ]

(??????? Yi??????)? "Okay! You are tough, aren't you? Don't say it? I told you not to say it!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The irritated Ping Chacha went completely crazy, and kept beating Jiangnan, but he was very particular about his attack.

"What's the secret of the black hole? How is the Bose horn transplanted? Give me a sample of Popeye!"

"To tell you the truth, the above has no patience, three days! If you don't say it again, there will only be one end, and that is to be beaten to death by me!"

"If you don't tell me, you will spend the last three days in the severed cell! Then die with your secrets!"

"Soul Chopping Impact! Knee!"

Mental shock and Chong knee slammed Jiang Nan's body hard, just this one blow, almost killed Jiang Nan!

However, Jiang Nan sneered in his heart, still three days? Who is it?

Is Lao Tzu so easy to deceive? Just your little tricks!

When Lao Tzu is playing tricks, you will be cool when you cross the threshold!

I saw Jiang Nan slowly raised his hand!

Ping Chacha's eyes lit up and shook the blood on his fist!

"Did you say yes?"

Jiang Nan grinned, revealing a **** white tooth!

(#)ˉ?3ˉ?) "Isn't it? That's it? You call this a severe punishment? Are spa massage girls stronger than you? How about tickle your brother?"

"You still want to torture me to extract a confession? You can pull up your trouser pockets! Are you not strong enough?"

"I'm asking for mixed doubles! Get that guy named Jiu Lan to play together! That's exciting!"

Shanchacha: ∑(??mouth???) Huh? ? ?

I have been serving as the deputy prison director for so many years. This is the first time I heard that there is still a request for an additional sentence?

Also said that I can't even compare to the SPA girl?

How strong is your little sister? Hey, your ancestors were born with a sledgehammer and twisted steel bars?

Mixed doubles, right?

"Not strong enough? I made you not strong enough? Go! Call me Jiu Lan for Lao Tzu!"

"Don't you want mixed doubles? I'll fulfill your wish!"

As he spoke, he continued to attack Jiangnan like a storm!

Jiangnan vomited blood, Jiu Lan, you can hurry up, you, I can't hold it for how long, me?

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