Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2124: Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet

What kind of **** on earth is the picture in front of you?

I saw all the prisoners struggling endlessly on the ground, covered in blood, their miserable appearance, as if they had just been fished out of a pool of blood!

And all the jailers are gearing up to attack the prisoners!

Ping Chacha took a sip of the aroma!

Looking around the audience, the king of insects is full of blood, with an expression that is about to cry, and Samboden is also full of iron juice!

There were bloodstains all over the huge bathhouse, and not a single prisoner could stand up!

The jailers are going to fight!

Ping Chacha said anxiously: (??mouth?)? "Stop it! Hurry up and stop it! Good guy! You can't handle it?"

"I told you to beat me hard, but I didn't let you beat me so hard? If all these prisoners were beaten to death, how would I explain to the Nether Warden?"

Yahweh and the others were about to attack, but they were stopped by Ping Chacha who suddenly opened the door and broke in!

Yahweh was startled!

(°ー°(#) "Lord Pangchacha?"

What the **** are you hitting?

We've been beaten for half an hour. We're just about to start the fight, so we won't let him fight?

Who is going to be killed by whom?

However, when the Lord looked at the prisoners full of bathhouses, the expression on his face suddenly froze!

The prisoners were covered in blood, and they were crooked one by one, and the jailers were bruised and bruised, broken bones...

It does look like the guards beat the prisoners into blood gourds, right?

Sweat profusely on the forehead of the Lord!

But it's actually not like that at all!

In fact, the guards were beaten for more than half an hour, and these prisoners got stuck and fell bloody?

('-﹏-`?) "Aha~ahha~ so..."

Shan Chacha looked at the Lord and took a breath of air!

('? Mouth?)? "Hi~ Yahweh? What did you do? Why is your body swollen? And you...why are there so many bruises on your body?"

Yahweh swallowed!

This... how do you say this?

Can't say that he was beaten by the prisoners for more than half an hour before he stood up, right?

Before, I had promised Ping Chacha that I would complete the mission, how embarrassing it would be to say it!

You even have to be beaten by Ping Chacha again!

Thinking of this, Jehovah squeezed out a dry smile with a sullen face!

('-?-`;) "It's's nothing, it's just that the bathhouse is too slippery. Brothers' feet are so slippery that they can't use it. They slipped and fell..."

"Further... Then there is the fact that the resistance of the prisoners is a bit fierce. It's okay, it's all small injuries, small injuries~ ahaha~ These prisoners are much worse than us!"

As soon as the Lord said this, the prisoners were all like human beings!

Immediately, he rolled on the ground and screamed, blood all over his body!

Wang Youzhi: (?????(#) "Oh~ it hurts me to death, I am so miserable, I was beaten with powder fractures all over my body, you **** are really cruel..."

Big Bug: (#)?3?) "Pfft~ I've never been beaten so much in my life, you guys really beat me to death!"

Satsuma and Bourdain took the opportunity to start the show, crying and screaming, Mommy, I want to go home!

The rest of the prisoners even cried for their fathers and mothers, complaining incessantly, expressing that they already knew how tough the guards were!

The jailers with bruised noses and swollen faces pouted, naturally they couldn't be ashamed in front of Lord Pingchacha, they could only follow the words of the Lord!

(??Yi?(#) "Yes...Yes~ The ground is really slippery, but I'm going to fall..."

(#)? Yi? (#) "It's a really slippery, slippery batch!"

The roots of the Lord's hatred are itching, do you really know how?

Are you really ruthless?

Where have you been beaten in the past half hour? We punched you in the face, didn't we?

Ping Chacha said dumbfounded: Σ(°△°|||) "What the hell? Is the Styx Death Hell really that slippery now?"

Jiulanka fell like this, the jailers slipped and fell with bruised noses and bruised faces, and Yahweh fell and swelled himself three times?

But looking at the **** prisoner, Ping Chacha was extremely satisfied!

He stepped forward and patted Jehovah on the shoulder:

(.???)? "The job is beautiful, it really belongs to you, and I will give you the opportunity to do this kind of work in the future!"

Yahweh salutes: ∠(#)?????) "Thank you Lord Pingchacha for your praise!"

Please be sure to change someone else's pit, I can't stand it!

Ping Chacha nodded with satisfaction: "Why are you lying here and pretending to die? Why don't you go back to your cell and sleep?"

"Fighting against the Nether Race is the end! I think you will dare to perfunctory tomorrow and take my words as a fart?"

The prisoner swears in his heart that the next time will be fixed! Dare tomorrow!

But how to get back to the cell has become a problem. One by one, a group of slippery feet, it is difficult to move the nest, let alone bring it back to the cell!

The prisoners who struggled to get up fell again and again!

Ping Chacha frowned: "What are you dawdling for? Why don't you go back to the cell?"

Wang Youzhi said weakly:

(?????|||) "No...No, I can't do it, we couldn't stand up after being beaten, I feel like I'm dying...Powwow~"

Satsuma couldn't help nodding:

_(┐「???)_"That's it... I feel like we won't be able to go back to the cell if no one carries us! "

Yahweh's forehead bursts with blue veins!

what do you say? You hammered us for half an hour, and we haven't waited to fight back!

Should I be responsible for carrying you back to the cell?

"Wipe? I gave you faces, right? I think you are..."

Before the words were finished, Shanchacha struck the bar of the Lord Leba with an elbow hammer!

(¬Yi¬) "Hey~ it's almost done, you guys are really tough, you can't stand up after being beaten, and you have to work tomorrow!"

"You are responsible for bringing them back!"

The face of the LORD is so dark!

∠(??? Profit???(#) "Yes! Shan... wipe! Wipe! Lord!"

Ping Chacha: ? ? ?

Why do I feel like he's scolding me?

So the prisoners covered in blood were carried back to their respective cells by the guards, and they all felt aggrieved and thought about Sha Silver!

But under the influence of Yixiang, the prisoners are inexplicably moved, and they just want to own and care for them!

Although Wang Youzhi and the others are slippery due to the side effects of the wrong soap, there is some frictional force exerted on them by the outside world!

It can be caught and carried by the jailers, after all, the time for the physical golden body has passed...

The prisoners were carried back to the cell, and they didn't even give a thumbs up to Wang Youzhi on the way!

Cow! This is equivalent to beating the jailer for nothing, right?

Although the side effects of this soap are a bit pitiful, it is quite effective for touching porcelain, right?


Wang Youzhi was thrown into the cell, and the cell door slammed shut!

Because it was too silky, the two slipped in the cell for a while!

Wang Youzhi wiped the blood from his face and breathed a sigh of relief!

(#???) "Hoo~ it's really exciting! This prison is really not in vain! The unbreakable physical gold body is really cool!"

The big worm had a dark face: ()? "It's just that the side effects are really pitiful, if it wasn't for Ding Chacha to come to the rescue in time, this time it would have been a serious crime! "

"Being cunning and even covered in blood is acceptable to me, but that manly smell is just too terrifying!"

"By the way, when can we stop?"

The two chatted while sliding!

Wang Youzhi gritted his teeth: (??? dish??)? "Sure enough, Jiangnan threw soap for Dazhi, sister is kind! I don't know what happened to him!"

"Maybe it will take a while..."

Before the words were finished, the two people who were kneeling and slipping in the cell collided face to face, and began to swirl beautifully!

(???~??) People (?~??)

The eyes of the two looked directly at each other, and they both smelled the masculinity exuding from their bodies!

Uncontrollable heartbeat, the deer rammed!


The entire cell became silent in an instant, and Wang Youzhi's face turned pale!

Lonely and widowed in the same room, exuding a manly smell!

mutual attraction?

No... can't?

Is this all my own?

That broken soap is really the devil, right?

[The resentment value from Wang Youzhi +1008! ]


Insect big dick's eyes dodge, and the insect's face turns red!

?(????) "Da... Dazhi, what about your injury? Are you okay?"

Wang Youzhi was full of horror!


I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air~

I am most afraid of my friend's sudden concern...

This... this is not Barbie Q is this?

However, the wrong cell is far more than Wang Youzhi's one!

This is bound to be a sleepless night!

Inside the room, the roar continued, and the torture to extract confessions never stopped!

"Changing Line Kick!"

Even if Jiang Nan used a vibrating knife to pick it up, he would not be able to resist this blow!

The body was swept away like a cannonball, and was embedded in the wall again!

And at the moment, I don't know how many humanoid marks there are on the wall!

Jiu Lan was dripping with sweat all over her body, and she felt that she had improved again, and she could use it to change the line and kick!

I have to admit that Jiang Nan is a good teacher. Fighting with him will not grow fast!

Jiu Lan, who had just kicked Jiangnan away, rushed up again with great interest and wanted to fight with Jiangnan!

The frightened Jiangnan hurriedly lay on the ground!

(#?3?) "Pfft~ I can't do it anymore, I feel like I've hurt my foundation, and if I hit me again, I'll die!"

Jiu Lan looked reluctant, stepped forward, grabbed Jiang Nan's arm, and pulled him up!

(??~?)? "Hey? You act! You act again? How many times have you let it go?"

"Fight a little longer! Just a little longer!"

At this moment, Jiu Lan even brought a little coquettish meaning!

However, Jiangnan is still alive and kicking!

(???????) "No way! I'm really tired. Iron Man can't handle your style of play? You are so greedy~"

"I'll be here first today. I've been tired all day, let me slow down! With such a sturdy woman, how can a man dare to marry you in the future?"

In fact, Jiangnan is still thinking about the bathhouse, and I don't know what happened to Dazhi and the others!

After so long, the side effects should explode, right?

I have indeed received Dazhi's resentment value, and when I look back, I will ask myself what the side effects are!

If it's not great, use it yourself!

Jiu Lan was stunned for a moment, then threw Jiang Nan's arm in annoyance, and found a table at random and sat cross-legged on it!

"Then come here first, then let's talk about the business! You have revealed the bottom, and you will give the strong water to the prisoners to drink!"

"You are a smart person, you should know what Vigor means to the Nether Race, right? I don't care about the rest of your secrets!"

"But if you still don't say a word, keep your mouth shut, and don't spit out anything, it will be very difficult for me to do it! And it will be even worse for you in the future!"

"Since it's torture to extract a confession, we still have to find out something!"

Jiangnan's eyes narrowed!

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