Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2126: Let you wave? let you fly?

So Wang Youzhi scolded and talked about what happened in the bathroom!

And the side effects of using the wrong soap!

Hearing that, Jiang Nan broke out in a cold sweat, good guy, fortunately, he insisted on his original intention and didn't use it indiscriminately!

Does the effect reverse after 30 minutes?

Not only did I lose my physical golden body, but others could hammer me at will, but I couldn't hammer others?

Because all the frictional force actively applied to the outside world has become zero, so it is so silky?

Want to move your own nest too hard?

Physical gold body for half an hour, and then pull the crotch all day?

And the skin will really become literally blowable, right?

A little touch will break the defense? Swallowing blood? Become a fragile porcelain doll?

Fortunately, it only affects the skin after smearing, not reducing its own body strength!

But that's not the point, the point is the strange fragrance emanating from it!

That strange fragrance will have a strong and fatal attraction to people, and if you want to have it, you can get it!

At this time, the side effects broke out, and I couldn't run away, so I could only let others do it!

Just thinking about it makes people terrified, how desperate is this?

The side effects of the wrong soap are too devilish, right?

It can be called one of the best in the consolation prize!

Fortunately, I figured out the side effects first, so I didn't use it indiscriminately?

Wang Youzhi was talking vividly, but Jiang Nan's eyes gradually blurred!

He couldn't help but grabbed Wang Youzhi's little hand and stroked his face with the other hand!

(.?~?)? "Speak slowly~ Look at you, your face is dirty!"

Wang Youzhi: ? ? ?

=????(???????) "Hey, hey, hey! Can you be more awake, you? I don't mean that to you! You stay away from me! Don't come over, you?"

Wang Youzhi looked terrified and struggled frantically, but he just slipped in place, where did he escape?

After all, Jiangnan didn't use soap, he was able to catch him!

Seeing that Jiang Nan's hands were slipping out of his face, Wang Youzhi cried out anxiously!

(?????yi???#) "Think of the beautiful little girl in your family. The young man is young, but he can't take the road of crime, you!"

"I have demon eyes! You you you..."

The words of the Devil's Eye suddenly made Jiang Nan sober a little, and he couldn't help but stunned!

He kicked Feiwang Youzhi with one kick, and he once again enjoyed silky smoothness in the cell!

[The resentment value from Wang Youzhi +777! ]

Jiang Nan's face was white, and goosebumps all over his body!

(?﹏?.) "This strange fragrance is so terrifying that people will be attracted without knowing it, but how come Jiu Lan didn't..."

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, wait, shouldn't this strange fragrance only affect people of the same gender?

Hiss~ This is even more devilish, okay?

Wait... what if I became a woman?

I saw Jiang Nan hurriedly stuffed a pudding into his mouth, and his body structure changed!

In the blink of an eye, the social eldest sister with an inch tattoo, AKA little sister Jiang Lan is online!

right! That's right! Becoming a girl can't change the fact that Jiangnan is bald!

Wang Youzhi and Insect Dafeng looked at Jiang Lan in astonishment!

(*???) "Honey! You know a lot? I'll change my account if I'm so desperate, but you're good, and the gender can be switched at will?"

Jiang Lan frowned:

(???~??) "Fuck you! Stay away from me, stinky man, this ghost smell is so disgusting, I'm annoyed when I see you two! Vomit~"

(What?) I'd rather be in the same room with a house of stinky **** than in the same house with you two! oh~"

Wang Youzhi: (?_?)…

Big Bug: (????)…

I was still concerned about it just now, and I was pulling my little hands. This is stinky shit?

Really? Turning your face is faster than turning a book?

Jiang Lan's eyes were bright: (〃???) "Sure enough! As long as you become the opposite sex, can you get rid of this bug that different fragrances attract the same sex?"

This different fragrance is attracted by the same **** and repelled by the opposite sex?

[(¬yi¬?) Tsk~]

The more Jiang Lan thought about it, the more she felt that there was a lot of operability. This is not right. There are many bugs in the soap that can be stuck!

If the card understands, it must be an artifact, right?

Wang Youzhi was stunned: (*???) "Is this still possible? Hurry up! Hurry up and give me some pudding to change it up!"

He was fed up with being attracted to each other with the worm!

Jiang Lan generously gave him a little pudding to eat!

"You two still have side effects, and it's inconvenient to move. Today I'll check in by myself, you two, take a break!"

"Ahhh~ that's disgusting!"

After speaking, he slammed the door and left, but Wang Youzhi hurriedly pinched himself and switched his gender!

From Wang Youzhi to Wang Youdi!

Looking at the big insect again, the feeling of attraction is no longer there, and this is a long sigh of relief!

(?︶3︶) "Hoo~ it's safe!"

However, Wang Youdi didn't notice it at all!

Now the situation in the cell has changed from the previous one where a man and a widow lived together in the same room, to a single man and a widow who lived together in the same room!

The same is not good where to go ah!

I saw the big insect flying towards Wang Youdi!

(????) "Da Shi? Shall we..."

Wang Youdi: ? ? ?

(?mouth?.) "What are you doing? What are you doing with me?"

The big bug scratched his head: ?(〃???) "Isn't there an ancient saying: If one day I become a sister paper, I will definitely have fun for my brother first!"

"Look at us..."

Wang Youyuan's eyes widened: "I bah! You **** me! Are you that ancient person? Why have I never heard of it?"

After switching genders, the situation is not much better!

A chase battle begins again in the cell!

On the other hand, Jiang Lan came to Xing Luo and Carl's luxurious prison as usual!

Because these two people felt that they had been stolen by the jailer, they didn't have the courage to call the jailer to watch the night again!

Afraid of another tragedy!

Xing Luo and Karl, who had been tortured mentally and physically for several days, were exhausted and were about to fall asleep in a daze!

I saw Jiang Lan coming!

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "Shh! Today's gong and clock-in start now!"

[From Star Lo...]

[From Carl…]

After the file was deleted, Jiang Lan did not return to her cell to rest!

He was so busy every day, so he walked towards Ping Chacha's room!

The beatings I received before were not in vain!

You have to call back, after all, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

Can not stay overnight, not overnight!

Quietly sneaked to the upstairs room of Shanchacha's room, and opened a small observation window on the floor with a bull pen!

Peek inside!

Looking into this one, Jiang Lan's eyes were almost gone!

The observation window happened to open above the bathroom, and Ping Chacha was taking a shower and humming a song, washing away the fatigue of the day!

Since I was washing my hair and foaming with my eyes closed, I didn't notice the observation window above my head!

Jiang Lan's eyes are bright, is there a chance?

Ping Chacha's strength is quite strong, if he attacks at night alone, he may not be able to control it without being discovered!

If that's the case, then you can only play yin!

Look, I won't kill you!

I saw Jiang Lan gently and quietly open the observation window, and took out the wrong soap!

I used a small leather whip to secretly put it on the sink in the bathroom!

Jie Jie Jie ~ also let you taste this silky feeling!

After washing his hair, Shan Cha Cha did not notice anything unusual!

I grabbed the soap on the side and rubbed the foam on my body, singing and humming:

?(?ˇ口ˇ)? "Bangchacha~sing the sunrise! Ahaha~sing the sunset!"

"The river Styx is turbulent and the old man is flying on the waves, Niu chan~ Niu chan~"

While singing and washing, I also twisted it!

Jiang Lan retched for a while, and the ghost knows what strange things some old men do when they bathe alone in the bathroom!

I have opened my eyes today!

Seeing that something was wrong, the soap was all over the handle and Chacha's whole body, Jiang Lan had an evil smile on her face!


Half an hour later, I see whether you are still wavering, flying or not?

After washing and flushing, Shanchacha was shocked and immediately dry!

The skin all over the body is delicate and smooth, and it is abnormally elastic. I even raised my arm and smelled it. I feel a little fragrant today?

Why is this smell so familiar?

But Shan Chacha didn't care, grabbed the shorts hanging on the side and put them on him, and stepped out of the bathroom!

But just after taking two steps, I saw that the shorts on my body slipped directly to the ground, and I almost tripped over without the handle!

Ping Chacha: ? ? ?

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "What the hell? Are these shorts so loose?"

So I picked up my shorts again, but as soon as I picked it up, they slipped to the ground again!

Repeatedly mentioned two or three times, but just can't hang up!

Ping Chacha looked puzzled, this is really evil!

As soon as the feet are tossed, they simply don't wear them!

Looking at Jiang Lan's forehead, a black line appeared, wow! isn't it? so slippery? Can't wear shorts?

Think about it, shorts can be regarded as the friction force exerted by the outside world on yourself!

Ping Chacha at this moment is an absolute physical golden body! It's so silky smooth that the shorts can't be hung up!

Jiang Lan was sweating profusely on her forehead, but she forgot about it. Before Wang Youzhi and the others used it in the bathroom, they didn't bring any extras!

I didn't even think about it myself!

After co-authoring the physical gold body, you can't wear clothes?

Want to be so perverted?

I saw Ping Chacha lying on the bed shaking his feet, he didn't mean to sleep at all!

(?ˇ??ˇ?) "Hey~ let's have some fun!"

So I immediately contacted Jehovah!

?(︶??︶) "Huazi? Send me a newcomer from the team, um~ I'm rarely interested tonight, so I'll practice them well!"

"Remember to send someone smart!"

Lie on the bed and hum a song!

Jiang Lan smacked her lips straight, the gods are special to bring new people, this Chacha is not a good bird!

I don't know whose eldest girl is going to be murdered by him!

Don't let others ruin your good deeds!

In the past half hour, Ping Chacha has been in physical gold, obviously he has not discovered this problem himself!

If someone came, wouldn't they find the problem?

It didn't take long for a slender, youthful-looking young jailer to come to the door of Ping Chacha's room!

Standing at the door, picking at the corners of his clothes, he hesitated, obviously very nervous!


Jiang Lan: ()?…

Sorry, I overestimated you after all!

It doesn't matter if you call a big girl, but you call a young man?

The young jailer finally summoned the courage to knock on the door, Jiang Lan rushed out with a single stride, and immediately brought down the young jailer with a beheading!

Put a sack on it on the spot!

Don't blame bro! Brother, this is saving you! It's not worth it for being young!

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