Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2128: Inspection adult

Jiu Lan really didn't hold back, after all, the always majestic Nether Warden turned into this ghost in front of him?

No one told him that he would turn bald if he drank vigorously?

and many more…

Why did Jiangnan spit in Dali?

Could it be that you don't want to let yourself drink, so that's why you do it?

on purpose?

Thinking of this, Jiu Lan felt inexplicably warm in her heart!

Jiangnan: Nope~ I just want to spit out a prank~

Seeing Netherworld's muscles exploding, Jiu Lan couldn't help but smile!

"Lord Nether, what is the effect? ​​Is it as magical as you say!"

However, at this moment, Netherworld has no time to care about his bald head and cool body!

Instead, he looked at his arm in shock!

I saw You Ming gently waved his arm and slowly clenched his palm!

The space around the arm actually burst into hair-thin space cracks because of the ghostly movements!

Lightly clenched the fist, the space is cracking!

These tiny space cracks cut into Nether's body, making bursts of sonorous sounds, and even burst out the sparks!

Nor can it cause any damage to Nether's arm!

Jiu Lan widened her eyes:

\okouo*Destroy the space with the physical body? Broken body? This this…"

There is excitement and excitement in Nether's eyes: "The body is broken into the void! This is the realm that countless ancestors have wanted to achieve since the birth of my Nether family!"

"But no one has ever made this step. I can say with confidence that now I am the strongest body under the stars!"

"No one will ever surpass me in physical strength!"

Jiu Lan's scalp is numb, God!

You must know that You Ming is a real swallowing star, and it has risen to such a terrifying level, just because he took a sip?

It also has such a big improvement to the swallowing star powerhouse?

At this moment, You Ming closed his eyes tightly, feeling the cool energy contained in every cell in his body!

His expression became more and more serious!

As a nether family swallowing stars, no one knows the characteristics of Styx energy better than him!

It also has the effect of improving physical fitness, but the energy is extremely mixed. It absorbs an unknown amount of Styx energy to accumulate a cool energy to improve the body!

And this power is pure to the ultimate cool energy, pure and incomparable, extremely rich!

Just... it's like purifying and refining Styx energy with a single attribute?

You Ming suddenly opened his eyes, is that really true?

"I can feel that this force has some of the same qualities as the Styx energy, but it is simpler and purer!"

Jiu Lan was stunned: (*°△°) " mean the source of this power might be the Styx energy?"

"Jiangnan refined the energy of the Styx River? You just made this thing? No...Impossible? How could the energy of the Styx River be separated and refined?"

You Ming's eyes are staring at the big bucket, his eyes are fiery!

"It still needs to be sent to the laboratory to analyze the ingredients and do a comparative experiment to know the results, but my feeling is absolutely not wrong!"

"If... my Nether Race can master this method, and can take vigorous fighting and training, the improvement of the overall combat power will be extremely terrifying!"

This is an epoch-making change for the entire Nether Race!

The Nether Race relies on the body to fight, and is the strongest fleshly race under the stars. If it has to be vigorously blessed, how terrifying is it?

And taking vigorously, the rate and effect of absorbing Styx energy can also be greatly improved!

This is simply the holy medicine of the Nether Race, isn't it?

Jiu Lan also swallowed, imagining the bald heads of all the soldiers of the Nether Clan, and gave a savage shock!

Suddenly I don't look forward to it!

You Ming suddenly stood up, narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that Jiangnan really couldn't kill before he got the formula for Vigor!"

"My Nether Race was born in the Styx Star Territory. It was the Styx who created us. The development of the race for hundreds of millions of years, and the understanding and utilization of the energy of the Styx, are not even as good as this human who has not been here for a long time?"

"Jiu Lan! This is a good job! Reward! Great reward! I will send Vigorously to the laboratory to analyze the ingredients, and I will watch it myself!"

"You try your best to get the formula from Jiangnan! No matter what method you use!"

Jiu Lan turned around abruptly, covered her face and said:

(?)﹏(ヾ) "Yes... yes... Lord Nether!"

Nether frowned: -`(???~≠)'- "What's wrong? Is there any difficulty? Why don't you look me in the eyes!"

Jiu Lan: (づ﹏ど) "No...nothing! It's just that you are a little too condescending. If there is nothing else, I will go first!"

While speaking, he ran out of the office like the wind!

You Ming's expression froze, and he felt a little cold on his body, and then he realized something and lowered his head sharply!

The next moment, Nether's face turned even darker...


This... is this not rude?


Jiu Lan in the corridor looked a little happy, Jiang Nan's idea was really right, and it really worked!

Before the strong formula is asked, Lord Nether will not kill Jiangnan!

In this way, the small life is guaranteed, and he really won the opportunity?

Jiu Lan, who was sauntering, went back to the women's prison and suddenly remembered something!

He wandered to the monstrous prison area and came to the half-open door of the cell!

In the cell, the ethereal and melodious humming sound came!

"The dark starry sky hangs down ~ the bright stars follow ~ insects fly ~ insects fly ~"

"Who are you missing?"

Jiu Lanbei clenched her teeth, she hadn't done what she promised Jiangnan!

But looking at the cell, Jiu Lan's expression hesitated again...


I have just learned a lot of new skills, and the Eight Nether Forms have also improved, maybe I can get it!

(〃?????????)? Just try again!

The courageous Jiu Lan took a deep breath and stepped into the cell!

The cell was still dark, except for a small lamp on the bedside table that gave off a dim yellow light!

And that figure was always shrouded in darkness, and a pair of slender white and tender fingers were playing with Sen Bai's skeleton with crystal silk!

Like a marionette, they make various movements, and they seem to have a lot of fun...

Jiu Lan's eyes instantly locked on that typhoon!


Before Jiu Lan could finish speaking, the scarlet eyes in the darkness instantly locked Jiu Lan!

"Why are you here again? Who let you into my room? Did you owe a call? What did I tell you yesterday?"

Jiu Lan was stared at by that scarlet gaze!

"I just think…"

"No! You don't want to!"

Jiu Lan only felt a flower in front of her eyes, a bright red light in the darkness, bursts of roars suddenly came from the cell, and Jiu Lan's pained cries!


The women's prison is buzzing, and the men's prison is equally lively!

In Ping Chacha's room, the roaring sound and the crisp sound are endless!

It even attracted the attention of many prison guards, and couldn't help but come to check it out!

∑(°mouth°?) "Hi~ what's the situation? Is there demolition in the room? Why is there such a big movement?"

"Isn't something going to happen? Let's just ask!"

The jailer was about to knock on the door, but was directly pulled by the jailer on the side!

(¬Yi¬) "Are you stupid? Dare to do something good about Lord Chacha? Big Brother Yahweh has explained that no matter how loud or loud there is in the room today, don't bother!"

"Lord Yahweh sent a newcomer over before, and Lord Pingchacha is training the newcomer! Are you going in at this time to clean him? Are you courting death?"

The jailer's face was stunned, and his smile gradually teased:

(????) "Oh Huo? Is that so? Master Ping Chacha is really fierce!"

"It's just this movement, the newcomer should be trained very hard, right?"

"Damn~ you don't have to worry about it!"

The movement in the room continued until it was almost dawn in the early morning!

The guards on patrol all gave their thumbs up. Is Master Pingchacha really strong?

He didn't rest all night, did he?

Early the next morning, it was time to gather at Polang Plaza and organize the prisoners to go to the river for voluntary labor!

But I haven't seen Shanchacha's face-to-face organization for a long time!

Yahweh is in a hurry, so the training of new people can't delay the work, right?

So I went to find Pingchacha!

But after knocking on the door for a long time, there was no answer, and the Lord opened the door when he saw that the door was unlocked!

door?????) "Lord Pingchacha, it's time! You... oops!"

Before he could finish speaking, he heard an exclamation from Jehovah, and he was almost scared to pee on the spot!

The room in front of you is comparable to a large-scale murder scene!

There was blood everywhere in the room, and I saw Ping Chacha lying on the ground with blood!

Big red envelopes all over the body, swollen for more than three times, wounds all over the body, and broken corners!

And the newcomer jailer was also lying in a pool of blood, his cheeks were swollen, and he didn't wake up!

Yahweh was shocked, how ruthless did this special meow practice last night?

Is it so perverted?

Yahweh screamed and immediately woke up Bing Chacha and the new man!

I saw the sober newcomer looking at the scene in front of him with a look of horror!

Covering his cheeks, he shrank to the corner of the wall, shivering!

On the other hand, Ping Chacha opened his eyes in a daze, feeling pain all over his body!

I struggled to get up, but I couldn't get up at all because I couldn't slip, and I fell directly to the ground!

Looking at everything in the room is also stunned!

(#)okouo(#) "I'm going~ What's the situation? Hiss~ Laozi's legs, waist, ribs..."

Yahweh swallowed: "I...I want to ask you what's going on?"

He couldn't help but stepped forward to help Dianchacha, but as soon as he got up, Dianchacha's feet slipped and he couldn't stand at all!

It came directly to sit on the ground with a big split!

(#)¬yi¬(#) "Tsk~ why is the ground so slippery? I can't even stand still? Old...Isn't this injury caused by sleepwalking and falling?"

Remember when Jiu Lan and Yahweh were stuck too?

But it's outrageous, I won't get stuck in this ghost state after a few million falls?

However, Yahweh took a breath:

Σ(っ°Д°;)っ"Lord Chacha!"

Ping Chacha frowned: (#)?? Yi??) "What are you doing, Master Cha Cha? Did you eat that old man's word?"

Yahweh sweated profusely on his forehead: (??mouth???) "The handle... the handle is gone?"

Shan Chacha was startled, why is the handle gone? What is this kid talking about?

Ping Chacha, who was in doubt, was stunned for a moment, and quickly took a look!

(#)? Mouth?(#) "Ah ah ah! It's gone!"

Frightened screams echoed in the Styx Hell!

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