Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2130: Insect Rain ~ Insects fly! worm concubine

In the Jiangnan cell, even Jiangnan who hadn't slept much all night, was still full of energy!

Lying on the bed, humming a song, dangling jiojio~

Jiang Lan, who had avenged her revenge, was completely refreshed. She had long heard the news that Cha Cha asked for leave, and that she didn't have to go to the river for today's holiday!

For this, Jiangnan is not surprised!

Brother Chacha has the side effects of the wrong soap, and the smell is entangled. How dare you go out? Moving the nest is exhausting!

However, he is not stupid. When he is made like this, he will be the first to think of himself!

You may find yourself in trouble in the future!

But Jiangnan is not afraid, after all, he already has the handle of Brother Chacha in his hands!

I don't have it! You are not allowed to have wow!

As long as he still wants to get his grip back, he will serve him!

Otherwise, don't even think about opening a new one for the rest of your life!

This can be regarded as saving countless new people and pulling them out of the abyss. They should thank themselves, right?

It turns out that jealousy is beyond recognition!

And in the corner of the cell, the black steel at the moment is facing the toilet with a solemn expression!


"Cooperation~ This is also a way, but Jiangnan can..."

"Umm~ so... I know..."

The side effects of the twin lollipops have not yet passed, and Heigang has been talking to the toilet for a long time!

Those who didn't know thought he had some serious illness, but he was serious about talking to the toilet!

Jiangnan's eyes flickered, hey~ I know how powerful I am, have you softened?

That Xianyin clan called Suona still has some brains!

Obviously, Jiangnan has heard the secret conversation between Tarot and Sona through the mouth of Black Steel!

Although it is not complete, the content can be guessed closely!

Dali has already been handed in, presumably there will be a response from the Nether Clan soon!

The situation has already unfolded, and it is time for the prisoners to win over a wave and establish their status as the father in prison!

Chacha's handle is also in his hands, and it is impossible to bully him casually!

It can be said that from this moment on, the initiative is gradually coming to Jiangnan's hands!

It was like an invisible big hand, poking out from the darkness and gradually holding the Styx Death Prison in his hand!

Jiang Nan's eyes are wildly burning, and when the time is right, he will watch his own counterattack, subdue his younger brother, lead the bullies to escape from Ascension, marry a beautiful girl, and then go to the pinnacle of life!

a ha ha ha…

It's just that happiness is not there, and my heart is empty. Damn~ I don't know if Jiu Lan has helped me get it back!

Hei Gang heaved a sigh of relief and cried bitterly while holding the toilet!

Finally... the time of being counter-controlled is finally over, it's too hard to endure!

(●??????w???????) "Boss Nanshen~I..."

Jiang Lan stared: (??ˇ~ˇ?) "Bah! Don't look at me! Even your sight makes me feel sick, hold your head and squat! Stay away from me!"

Hei Gang shrank his neck and cried even more heartily at the toilet!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and looked contemplative!

The action time of the wrong soap is 30 minutes. According to past experience, will the side effects last for about 24 hours?

Black Steel and they obviously haven't survived the side effects time!

And at this moment, only hearing a loud "bang", the entire male prison area seemed to be shaken!

Through the observation window, Jiangnan saw something flying over without knowing what to do!

Quickly probe to see the fun!

The thing that flew over just now was a thick strong-phase alloy gate!

It has been seriously deformed, like crumpled waste paper!

∑(°mouth°?) "Am I going? What's the situation? Who is so fierce?"

However, the guards on patrol looked at the gate that flew out of the unknown distance, and his face turned pale with fright!

No one was called at all, and the alarm was not sounded. Instead, he quickly turned around and withdrew, and the patrols stopped patrolling!

Jiang Nan looked at the deformed gate in confusion, a little familiar?

This seems to be the door that separates the male and female prisons? Did you see it when you and Jiu Lan went to the women's prison for a stroll?

Only heard the sound of footsteps, and there were bursts of ethereal humming in the corridor!

ヾ(??????)? "Zong'erfei~Zhong'erfei~Who do you want to choose today~"

And at the moment when this song came out, the entire male prison became extremely silent!

It was so quiet that even the sound of breathing stopped, and the ethereal humming sound became clearer and melodious!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Female? Are there female prisoners in the male prison?"

Hei Gang was frightened, and quickly lowered his voice:

?(?yi?●)? "Nan Shen! Come here! Stop watching the fun, do you want to die?"

"Hide quickly and don't make a sound! If you are caught, you will lose your life!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, turned his head and said in confusion:

(???~??)???? "What's the situation? A female prisoner has come to our male prison? That's how you react?"

"I'm sorry you've been imprisoned for so many years if you don't make an amber specimen, right?"

Black Steel was so frightened that he sweated:

(??yi???) "Huh? That's a rain of insects! A monstrous criminal! The widow makes Ji! The male silver shark hand! One of the nine female insect emperors of the Zerg!"

"The existence of swallowing stars! She is also the only female prisoner who dares to come to the men's prison for a walk! I came here to choose toys!"

Jiang Nan gave a stern shock: "I knock! The mother insect emperor of the Zerg?"

So frightened, Jiang Nan quickly hid under the bed!

As far as the Zerg's face is selected, it will definitely not be an affair?

It must be a nightmare within a nightmare, okay?

Just thinking about Jiangnan makes me nauseous!

But a monstrous criminal? Why don't you close it? Acrylic is closed after all!

But thinking of the deformed door just now, Jiangnan's mouth twitched, shouldn't it be closed?

I just heard from the emperor before that the prisoners who swallowed the star level in the nether death prison were considered to be bragging!

After all, an existence as powerful as a swallowing star can destroy the galaxy, how could it be locked here?

Who knew there really was?

Wait... Bug Rain? Is this guy just stealing his happy prisoner from the tool room?

Jiu Lan told herself!

Hiss~ Co-authoring Jiu Lan's injury was she beaten? Her own happiness is in her hands?

Swallowing stars?

(〃??3??) Puff wow~

A mouthful of old blood was almost spit out by Jiangnan!

How do I get this back?

If she keeps controlling her, won't she be able to harvest happiness all the time?

Maybe this time is an opportunity?

Jiang Nan looked ruthless: (??ˇ?ˇ?) "What would happen if I was chosen by her?"

Heigang was stunned: ∑(°mouth°●) "Isn't it? Boss Nanshen? You can kill the Zerg? The devil knows what will happen!"

"None of the prisoners chosen by the rain of insects came back alive, all of them died! Otherwise, why call the widow to make Ji?"

"It is said that they have all been eaten! Use it first, eat it after use, it is not wasted at all! Maybe it will lay eggs on you as a breeding ground for larvae!"

Jiangnan's hair is standing on end, should I go? so scary?

Just thinking about Jiangnan makes a face of resistance, this is really a ghost!

Everything you know is a ghost!

God special meow is useless and then eat it wow, at this moment, Jiangnan doesn't even want happiness!


In the corridor, a petite girl wandered freely!

She was 1.6 meters tall, wearing a pure white silk dress and a big white silk sun hat!

Even the hair is pure white silk, straight down to the waist, and one side is braided into a small braid, which looks pure and playful!

The figure is unpredictable, and Xiao He only shows sharp horns, but she is a clavicle spirit, and her skin is as white as snow!

The pretty face is flawless, the nose is upturned, the eyebrows are like a crescent moon, the lips are lovely, and the big eyes are full of clarity!

The pointed ears are not much different from the human form, except that the joints of her whole body are like dolls, but the movements are not rigid!

It was the rain of insects who came to the men's prison for a stroll!

I saw her walking briskly, humming a song, holding a black jade bracelet in her fair little hands, swaying her fingers in circles, making a clattering sound!

The material is not expensive, but handcrafted with the eyeballs of the obsidian...

However, at this moment, Bug Yuyu's brows were tightly wrinkled, and he couldn't help covering his nose!

(??????) "What's the smell? It stinks! Don't men pay so much attention to hygiene? It's disgusting! Vomit~"

Even the act of retching is so cute!

Insect Rain is like going to the mall, wandering around the door of the cell, picking the man you like!

Open the observation window and probe into it!

I saw the two male prisoners covered in blood, lying on the ground shivering with all their bodies on the ground, and they didn't dare to look at the insects, for fear of being picked!

(乛﹏乛?) "Ah~ what is this? What are you doing! The emperor has no mood at all! Bah!"

The unhappy Insect Rain slammed and closed the observation window, and kicked the prison door angrily!

The prison door of the strong-phase alloy was directly kicked out of a deep pit, as if it was more fragile than plasticine!

Insect Rain, who had searched dozens of cells in a row, became more and more angry!

(??~?) "Oh~ what kind of **** is this? Why can't I even find a man I like? It's annoying to look at it, it stinks!"

It's not to blame for the rain of insects, almost all the male prisoners have the smell of bad soap on them!

Same-sex attracts, opposites repel! No wonder she can see it!

After searching, I found Wang Youzhi's room!

"Huh? What race are you? Why haven't I seen it? Hermits? No, ears aren't pointy, Angels? Where's your wings?"

At this moment, Wang Youzhi and Insect Big Ding are also lying on the ground, and Wang Youzhi naturally heard about Insect Rain from Insect Big Ding's mouth!

How dare you keep a daughter? Be a man now!

Otherwise, same-sex attracts each other, if you are selected by the rain of insects, won't you lose your number?

He still cherishes it!

When he mentioned this, Wang Youzhi couldn't help but say proudly:

(︶?︶#) "Me? Hey~ I'm human!"

Insect Rain was stunned: (???~???) "Human? Why haven't I heard of it? A new race? Oh, wait a minute!"

She seemed to remember something: "It seems that the person who was forced to fight in the Styx Starfield more than 3,000 years ago is called Jiang... Jiang... What's going on?"

Wang Youzhi raised his eyebrows: (#?д??) "Jiang Fan?"

Insect Rain nodded: "Ah, yes, Jiang Fan, he seems to be human, are you of the same race as him?"

Wang Youzhi grinned:

(#ˇ√ˇ) "That's right! I'm human!"

Insect Rain: (??ˇ?ˇ?) "Alright then, I'll choose you, I haven't eaten humans before, so I want your seeds!"

As soon as he said that, he kicked the door of the cell, and the cell door was kicked out and slammed into the wall!

Wang Youzhi: =????(?_?????)? ? ?

??(?口?#) "No no no! I..."

However, Insect Rain had already pinched his nose into the house and picked up Wang Youzhi!

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "Nothing? Unwilling? I can't help you! I have the final say here! Although you are disgusting a hundred million points, you hate a little bit, but this emperor doesn't look down on it at all!"

"But for humans, it's not easy to meet someone, so I'll just feel wronged!"

While speaking, Wang Youzhi had already left!

The big worm has a holy face:

?(????) "Let's go! My friend!"

Wang Youzhi: ! ! !

Going far, I can't live without this number, this is Lao Tzu's most precious collection of figurines!

??(????yi?????) "No, no, no! I don't think you need to feel wronged. I have a brother who is also in prison. He's just here!"

"He's handsome, has a sweet mouth, and a strong body. The most important thing is that he knows a lot! And he is the most talented southerner in the men's prison. He is especially liked by girls. You can catch him. In the picture!"

"Life is alive, why bother yourself?"

Insect Rain was startled: (〃¬~¬) "There is another human being? Your brother? New here?"

Wang Youzhi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice:

(???????) "That's right! He must be very willing!"

Brothers! I will give you this love, you are welcome, I know you need it!

This Zerg mother emperor is not bad, you are a golden boy and a beautiful girl, is it a perfect match for a god?

Insect Rain raised his eyebrows: (??~??) "Didn't lie to me?"

At this moment, I heard a loud "Ah~ Cha Cha Cha!" from the distant cell!

Even if it is far away, it is clearly visible, and it even echoes!

Wang Youzhi pointed there and said:

?(*???) "That's right! It's that cell! You should hurry up and don't let him run away!"

Insect Yuyu threw away Wang Youzhi, rubbed his hand against the wall in disgust, turned his head and walked towards Jiangnan's cell!

Only then did Wang Youzhi breathe a sigh of relief, and he kept it!

After all, he and Jiangnan are good brothers! If you are blessed, you will enjoy it, but if it is difficult, I will be!

How can I enjoy this kind of blessing by myself, of course I give it to you? My


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