Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2132: Stealing the beam and changing the column

If Insect Rain wants to leave, this Styx Death Prison can't keep her at all, right?

What really locked her up was the Styx Starfield that stretched eight million light-years across!

When Jiang Nan was thinking about it, Insect Rain had already carried Jiang Nan into his cell!

On the other side, Jiu Lan emerged from the Styx River, and the newly grown arm was kicked off again with the rib strip!

He spat out a mouthful of blood!

At this moment, Jiu Lan couldn't care about her own injury, and chased back along the hole that was smashed out!

Just about to follow him into the cell!

The door to the cell was slammed shut and locked!

With a "bang", Jiu Lan's expression was printed on the prison door!


There was a slightly sullen voice from the rain of insects!

"Don't come in to disturb me! Otherwise, I will kill you! Then I will kill you in the Styx Death Prison and see who can stop me!"

Jiu Lan, who was covering her nose, was about to burst into tears, how dare you go in here?

But Jiangnan can't die?

If he died, he would not have to learn, Dani would be lost, and the warden's explanation would be over!

This made Jiu Lan anxious!

"Jiangnan! You have to hold on? You have to hold on even if you can't stand it!"

"Think about the hardships you've had along the way, think about your future as a human being, as the master of the human era, you must not fall here! Do you know?"

"Hold on! Fight until she doesn't have the strength to eat you, young strong! Then the insect emperor can't hold the wall! Then come out alive! Come on!"

Jiu Lan was so anxious that she didn't know what she was talking about!

But having said that, so far, no one has been able to get into Insect Rain's cell and persisted for three minutes without any movement!

Although Jiangnan has a strong background, it is the mother emperor of the Zerg!

How strong does it have to be to exhaust the bug rain?

Jiang Nan in the cell looked like he was about to cry!

God special meow boy is strong, I also want to fight back, but why I don't have a weapon in my hand?

I can only say weakly: (???) "I... I try my best! You wait for my good news, you?"

It's up to you now!

Jiu Lan swallowed her saliva, she was lying on the doorstep, her ears were pressed against the wall, listening to the voice inside the cell!


And she suddenly realized that she looked like a big pervert!

People are alone in the cell, and they listen to the wall outside?

what is this?


In the cell, Insect Rain threw Jiang Nan on the ground, hung his sun hat on the wall, then grabbed his hair and tied it into a high ponytail!

Watching Jiangnan lick his lips!

?(??????) "Don't waste time, let's get started now!"

Her eyes were scrutinizing Jiang Nan's body, and the cell was extremely dark, but when the environment was dim, Bug Yu's eyes suddenly turned scarlet!

It looks so eerie!

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely, and he kept backing away, his eyes kept probing in the cell!

Where is the happiness ~ where is the happiness!

Since it was taken away by Insect Rain, it must be in her cell!

I finally came in, this may be my only chance to find happiness, and I must not let it go!

=????(?﹏?????) "Eh~ This... Is this the beginning? It's too fast, isn't it? It's too dark in this cell, I can't see clearly?"

"Wouldn't that be very lackluster?"

Insect Rain rolled his eyes:

(??~??〃) "You have a lot of things to do!"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and the entire cell lit up!

The whole picture of the cell is also displayed in front of Jiangnan!

I saw more than a dozen white human-shaped silkworm chrysalis hanging from the ceiling of the cell!

There are bursts of fluorescence inside!

A closer look reveals that the light source is just a number of fluorescent insects, densely packed, living in silkworm chrysalis with corpses as nutrients, exuding soft fluorescence!

Jiang Nan's face turned white as soon as he brushed it!

=????(?mouth?????) Whoa!

(⌒?⌒;) "Aha~ahaha~ The style of this silkworm chrysalis chandelier is so magical, is the energy so clean?"

Not only this chandelier, but the decoration of the entire cell is not right!

Rib hooks on the walls, skull seats, table legs made of bone sticks!

There are also many dolls sewn with silk in the corner of the room. They look very strange, and I don't know what kind of leather they are made of!

Even the rainbow carpet on the floor feels like the texture of hair... It seems to be woven from hair!

The whole cell exudes a lovely yet eerie vibe?

What kind of underworld decoration is this special meow!

Niu Tau Ma Mian from the underworld will call you a master when they come here?

Insect Rain's eyes are bright:

(??????????)? "Is that right? This chandelier can stay on for many years, and the fluorescent insects don't eat much. I really like this chandelier!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

At this moment, Jiangnan discovered that almost all the things in the entire cell were handmade by Insect Rain!

This... these are all made by her own hands?

Jiang Nan also noticed the pile of bones in the corner of the cell, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

This should be the raw material, right?

I won't be turned into a handicraft and placed in the room after waiting, right?


(??﹏???) "And...that bracelet of yours, it's phoenix! God! It's been a long time, right? What kind of material?"

Insect Rain's eyes are bright:

(??????)っ "This? This is my master plan, made with obsidian eyeballs, all of which are right! It's not easy to get 12 of them!"

Jiangnan sweat is pouring down like rain, and the gods are right in the eye!

you sage! You set people's eyes, ah you?

She seems to like being complimented on her handicrafts, doesn't she?

(*???)!! "Hey~ are they all right in the eye? It's amazing! This blanket feels very comfortable! The rainbow blanket is so beautiful!"

Insect Rain squatted down and patted the blanket excitedly:

(ˊ?ˋ*)? "I always choose people with good hair to knit blankets. I've knitted this blanket for several years, and it's very soft! You can touch it again!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

(???????) "Eh~ Really... Really eh!"

Sure enough, it's made of hair, huh? What the **** is the hobby of this Zerg Queen?

However, Jiang Nan, who frantically changed the topic, suddenly noticed the lamp by the bed...

His expression froze, and he almost didn't cry!

Wow! It can be considered that I found you, how can it be made into a lamp?

I don't even know how to use it?

"This lamp is..."

Insect Rain suddenly appeared in front of the lamp, and patted it with excitement!

"I just made it a few days ago, how is it? Does it look good?"

Jiangnan's liver was almost shattered, but you can't beat it.

(°﹏°〃) "But... it's so beautiful, especially artistic!"

Insect Rain said with a smile: "Is that so? I found it in the tool room a few days ago. At that time, I thought this mosaic was especially suitable for this!"

"This little table lamp accompanies me to sleep every day. I like it just by looking at it. It is my most proud work during this period!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

What kind of thing is suitable for this?

This, this... It's not so useful!

Judging by how much she loves Insect Rain, it is impossible to get it from her!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin:

(?°??°) "This is absolutely amazing, who doesn't like it? That rag doll..."

Insect Rain hurriedly went to get the doll: "I'll show you a closer look!"

Jiang Nan's expression turned ruthless, wow now!

I saw the small leather whip behind Jiangnan protruded very quickly, and the luminous stone of the lamp was smashed down!

Then he took out the handle of Brother Chacha from the baggage he brought with him!

Put it on the table, and put the cloud-shaped luminous stone directly on it!

The lamp holder that was replaced was hidden in the baggage by Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan, who had done this in a thousandth of a second, only felt that his heart was about to jump out!

Chacha brother! Sorry! I can't do it either!

The only way to do this is to steal the beam and change the column!

It is the pillar of Lao Tzu, and that broken column of yours can be the lamp holder here instead of me!

I took a bunch of dolls and came back, Bug Yuyu tilted his head and looked at the lamp!

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely, this... This shouldn't be obvious, right?

(o?o????) "My mother, this doll is too cute. The sewn mouth is so attractive. Why are the buttons on the eyes colorful?"

Insect Rain: "You said this? This is made of the colorful inverse scales of the sea clan, and the inverse scales are not found in every sea clan!"

In order to cover up the fact that he was stealing the beam and changing the column, Jiang Nan frantically changed the topic, boasting everything that could be praised in the house, and said he did it all?

Insect Rain's attention did not fall on the lamp!

And Jiu Lan, who was listening to the wall outside the cell, was dumbfounded!

Although I can't hear it clearly, I probably know what the two are talking about!

Didn't you use it to catch Jiangnan? Why did the two of them start talking about the decoration of the cell after entering the house?

It doesn't fit at all, does it?

But it has been more than half an hour, Jiangnan is still alive, this is also good news!

Come on, you! Hold on!

But Jiangnan really has nothing to brag about, nothing to brag about!

Insect Yuyu's pretty face blushed:

(?ˇ?ˇ) "Ah, ah~ this is the first time someone has admired the worm nest that I built! What's the matter with Jiang, you have a good eye, and this emperor appreciates you very much!"

"That human who I despise didn't lie, your mouth is sweet enough, it's like smearing honey!"

"So to reward you, I'll eat it from scratch later!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Shouldn't you still eat it? I have been complimenting for more than half an hour?

(??????) "But...but the decoration of this insect nest is not as beautiful as one thousandth of your beauty!"

"If the beauty of this worm nest is like the stars in the sky, and the stars in the sky are just to set off you, who is as beautiful as the moon! That's what the stars holding the moon are talking about!"

Jiangnan, who really has nothing to praise, has begun to praise the rain of insects. Desserts are always right in their mouths, right?

"Your eyes really..."

Before the words were finished, Insect Yuyu tore off Jiangnan's upper body prison uniform with one hand!

Jiang Nan was so frightened that he covered Xingtian's eyes and couldn't help but retreat!

Insect Rain Duzui: (?`~'?) "There are so many words, let's start quickly!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

(?mouth?)? "Autumn~Autumn bean sacks! Before I start, I apply for a bath!"

While talking, he pointed to the bathroom on the side!

Insect Rain frowned: (???~??)???? "Take a bath?"

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