Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2141: vertical and horizontal start

On the other side of the bridge, many prisoners stood by the bridge and began to jump into the river again!

It's just that this time their expressions didn't pull their hips. On the contrary, they were looking forward to it!

The vigorous effect lasted for three days, and the effect is still there today!

Generally speaking, people go down to the river to suffer, but now the great effect is added!

For the prisoners, going to the river is equivalent to practicing and making a fortune. How can they resist?

With the sound of "plop plop", the prisoners entered the water one after another!

Don't forget to look back at Jiangnan with a look of envy!

I saw that the four of Jiangnan Wang Zhizhi were sitting in a row on the deck chairs on the other side of the bridge!

Even the prison uniform on his body was replaced with floral shorts and a floral shirt, and his face was still wearing sunglasses!

With an umbrella on top of his head, several prison guards surrounded them, pinching their shoulders and beating their legs!

Jiang Nan took a sip of the iced juice that was placed on the table and enjoyed it!


On the other hand, Wang Youzhi and Insect Big Chong have a melting expression on their faces. Is this special cat living?


After a short prison career, I finally turned around and sang!

Only the black steel at the moment is lying on the rocking chair, shivering and sweating constantly!

(?﹏?●????) Hey hey hey!

Do I really qualify for this kind of treatment?

I saw seven or eight prison guards sweat profusely with blue veins on their foreheads, pinching their faces and beating their legs around the black steel, and the hammers rang!

Pinch straight to the sparks!

Black Steel gritted his teeth and didn't dare to make a sound?

(▼ヘ▼?) "Brother? You are from the metal family, so you should be struggling, right? How is my strength? Do you need me to add more strength?"

Black Steel wiped the iron juice hammered out of the corner of his mouth:

(?)?ˇ?ˇ?) "No...No, now this kind of strength is enough, aha~ahhaha~"

You all have some personal grudges, don't you?

Beat the back or strike the iron? Why can't you do your best with Nanshen Dazhi?

Am I so useless?

At this moment, Ping Chacha and Yahweh were standing behind Jiangnan, and their teeth were almost gnashing!

I have never enjoyed this treatment before!

I saw Jiangnan's little hand stretched out!


Ping Chacha laughed twice:

(⌒?⌒?) "What else do you want?"

Jiang Nan stared: (¬~¬) "Bullshit! Of course it's melon seeds? I can't think of clues without melon seeds!"

Ping Chacha: ? ? ?

What a horse is a melon seed, a snack? Or what?

Where can I find melon seeds for you in this vast starry sky?

(°﹏°〃) "Can lotus seeds be good? It's delicious too!"

Jiang Nan waved his hand and said impatiently:

(??~???)? "Okay, okay, if you want spiced, you can deal with it!"

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1006! ]

"Go! Bring me the lotus seeds!"

After a while, Ping Chacha came over with a pot of lotus seeds!

Jiangnan's little leather whip grabbed it and slammed it on it, squinting at Yahweh!

(¬~¬) "Come over here! Why are you so blind?"

Yahweh: (???benefit???)

"It's too much! You only pinch Master Pingchacha, but you didn't pinch me? Why should I..."

Jiangnan: (〃?????) "Huh? Why don't I take care of you too?"

I saw Yahweh rushing over in an instant, kneeling on one knee and raising his hands!

"Come on~ Lord Jiangnan, just spit the lotus skin at me, do you need me to knock it open for you?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Go on! That's right!"

After he finished speaking, he threw the lotus skin into the hands of the Lord!

[The resentment value from Jehovah +1009! ]

Ping Chacha accompanied with a smile and said:

(⌒?⌒?) "You're also out of anger, and I'll agree to whatever you want, so how about you give me the clues?"

"As long as you can restore me to the original, I promise! In this Styx death prison, your boss, my second! You say one and I will never say two!"

"In the future, this Styx Death Prison will be your second home!"

Jiangnan pouted, here? give a shit! Don't give me a icu directly after giving you a kid! Hold an icu resurrection match?

I haven't had enough of my good days yet!

I saw Jiang Nan got up and stretched his waist fiercely!

"It's not impossible to give you clues, but I have to test you for a while to see if you are sincere, right?"

"So, perform as well as possible, Brother Chacha?"

"I'll go down for a swim, ah, by the way, when I go ashore in the evening, I want all the prisoners to drink a sip of cold fruity beer to relieve their fatigue, isn't that too much?"

Ping Chacha stared, you can eat melon seeds while riding a horse, do you still want to drink beer?

Why don't you go to heaven, you!

(?òyió) "Small... small things! Isn't it just wine? I'll arrange it now!"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth evoked a radian:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Before going to bed at night, I want an additional three hours of free time in the men's prison, which is also not too much, right?"

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1009! ]


(?òkouó?) "Why isn't this too much? Is this too much? Jiangnan! Don't give your face..."

Jiangnan: (o?????) "Huh? Someone just said that I am the eldest and he is the second. I say one and he doesn't say the second!"

"What's the matter? I just made a small request of 100 million points, and this will not work? It seems that your heart is not very sincere!"

Ping Chacha's face almost turned green:

(︶Yi︶?) "The most! My permission is for up to two hours! From 10:00 to 12:00! Isn't that enough?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "Deal! In exchange, I can tell you clearly that I can restore you to your original state, but only I can do it!"

During the conversation, Jiangnan turned a 720-degree front flip into the water, and entered the water with zero splash!

Seeing Jiangnan jumping into the river, Ping Chacha's complexion was completely gloomy!

Wang Youzhi was sweating profusely on his forehead, and he quickly jumped into the river with Heigang with the big bug!

Otherwise, it would be great if Brother Chacha, who was in a hurry for a while, let out his anger!

Before leaving, I grabbed several lotus seeds in my pockets!

Yahweh beat his chest and feet angrily!

(Fuck dish?) "Sir! Do you really want to follow Jiangnan? He's obviously playing with you!"

"Why does Lao Tzu want to beat him so much? Even if you do as he says, you may not be able to pay you back? This..."

Ping Chacha's eyes were full of resentment: "Otherwise? What else can you do? You can't kill, you can't beat!"

"There are too many secrets in this kid. Just a powerful formula has already swayed the heart of the warden!"

"However, the patience of the warden is also limited, and Jiangnan can't keep silent all the time. If you can't get it, it's better to destroy it!"

"Just let him be arrogant for a few more days. As long as he is in this Styx River Star Region, no matter how godless Jiangnan is, he will not be able to make waves!"

"Go! Go get some beer, what did he say he wanted to drink?"


The Jiangnan side just sent Shan Chacha and jumped into the water, and was immediately washed with blood by the energy of the Styx River, and the river water was dyed red!

But Jiangnan didn't care, and was preparing for the next action!

I saw a group of bullies headed by Satsuma and Bourdain, and they surrounded Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Why? Isn't being beaten enough? Do you want to compare your tactics with me?"

Bourdain said with a sad face: "Yes! Boss Nanshen, you can spare us, it's all because of this, the king and the king can still tell the difference!"

"Brother Tarot, please come over and discuss something important!"

"This time the matter is quite important, it's better to hide it!"

Saying that, he pointed to the bridge on the other side of the Styx River!

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth evoked a slight smile, did you use the word "please"?

If nothing else, just this attitude, I like it very much!

"Then... go?"

As they spoke, the group swam towards the undercurrent vortex in the depths of the Styx!

In the center of the whirlpool, Tarot and Sona have been waiting here early!

The figure Tarot sits on top of Sona's head, looking a little uneasy!

Seeing Jiangnan coming over, he suddenly let out a long sigh of relief!

Jiangnan is straight to the point:

(???~??)???? "What? I heard that you have something to do with me?"

Tarot opened his mouth, and then began to babble in place!

? "I... ner... Actually, before... you and him... I was still..."

Jiangnan: (?_?)…

Did you forget your lines?

Sona rolled his eyes:

(??д???) "You fart, three mouths can't say a complete sentence!"

"It's just a matter of contact. My boss thinks that you are very good, but you can't do it, so I want to apologize to Nanshen boss for what happened before!"

"Can this beam end like this, and then I want to ask your thoughts and see if there is a chance for cooperation!"

"He's too embarrassed to speak, he can't keep his face down, right? Big brother?"

Tarot's face is dark, do you want to be so direct when you say it?

People haven't agreed yet, and your boss has called you?

Do you want to be someone's younger brother so impatiently!

I don't want to be ashamed, ah?

Tarot blushed: "It's such a thing!"

When Jiang Nan heard this, he couldn't help laughing!

"You little brother can do it, it's direct enough! To be honest, there are no beams in the first place, and it's over when it's over!"

"They're all here to stay in prison, and they're all fallen into the world, and there's nothing that can't be overcome!"

"Consistency is always better than internal friction. In this situation, we have a common enemy, don't we?"

As soon as these words came out, Satsuma and Bourdain breathed a sigh of relief. Is happiness saved?

On the other hand, Wang Youzhi laughed sternly, knowing that Jiangnan was about to start doing things again!

Combining vertical and horizontal, this is Jiangnan's forte!

After all, he was kidnapped by Jiangnan back then!

Sona's eyes brightened: (????) "Boss Nanshen? You mean, can we cooperate?"

Tarot gritted his teeth and punched Sona's Tianling cover with a punch!

(??? dish??)? "Shut up! Let me tell you! Am I the eldest brother or are you the eldest brother?"

Suo Na covered his head and shrugged, indicating that you should come!

Tarot opened his mouth and finally raised his eyebrows:

(??д??) "Um... huh?"

Jiangnan: (?_?)

Hmm you sister!

I saw Jiang Nan shook his head and grinned: "Sorry! I'm not talking about cooperation! I'm talking about compilation!"

"Starting today! The boss of this bully gang, I will do it, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, Tarot's eyes suddenly condensed, and Satsuma and Bourdain's hearts also mentioned their throats!

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