Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2155: Get started when it's time to get started

In the cell! Insect Yuyu, who was holding Jiangnan's clothes, took a deep breath and was just about to spray it back!

Jiang Nan hurriedly stopped it and stuffed a prosperous beauty pill into her mouth!

(??w???) "Stay impulsive, I came to you today to discuss the escape plan, and I have important tasks for you!"

Insect Yuyu chewed on jelly beans, his eyes were bright, is he finally going to take action after so long?

(??????)? "What mission? Say it quickly!"

She didn't want to stay here for a long time!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't get excited, this is just a rehearsal for the official escape!"

Insect Rain: ∑(°mouth°?) Huh?

what's going on? Does the jailbreak still need a rehearsal?


Wouldn't people's defenses be tighter in this way? Run a fart?

I saw Insect Yuyu's suspicious look:

(??~??) "Say! What's wrong with you holding back in your stomach?"

Jiangnan laughed directly: "Actually, I want to go to the Styx Crystal Treasure House of the Nether Clan. The prisoners have been squeezed a lot over the years!"

"Those Styx crystals were salvaged by the prisoners, but they were all confiscated by the Netherworld! Is this fair? It's not fair at all!"

"As a righteous man, how can I tolerate such a thing? So I decided to help the prisoners get those Styx crystals back!"

"Of course! I didn't do it for nothing, just give me those Styx crystals as a reward for doing justice!

At this moment, Insect Rain widened his eyes and looked at Jiangnan in disbelief!

\okouo* Huh? Are you going to rob Styx? "

Jiang Nan's eyes dodge:

(??????) "Where is this robbery? This is justice for the prisoners! Justice is enforced! Don't be so ugly!"

Insect Rain: (?~?)…

She didn't speak, just stared at Jiangnan so coldly!

Jiangnan: (?﹏??) "Okay! This is robbery! I'm going to rob Styx Death Prison!"

Insect Rain rolled his eyes, Shen Te Meow executes justice!

The executed Styx crystals are all in your pocket, right?

(?`~'?) "You are really bold! You actually plan to rob the Styx Death Prison? Are you not afraid that the ghost will kill you directly in a fit of anger?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "Do I have an alibi? There are sufficient conditions to prove that I didn't do it!"

"Of course I'm afraid the Netherworld will kill me, but this is also a test, and an opportunity for direct dialogue!"

"Besides, I didn't stay here for long, so it doesn't necessarily mean when I come next time. Of course, I have to make a big vote before I leave! Otherwise, wouldn't I be blind to this great opportunity?"

Insect Rain touched his forehead with his hand, where did you get the confidence to be so sure that you would escape from prison successfully?

This is very much like traveling to a certain place, but reluctant to leave, tourists who frantically bring souvenirs before leaving!

"The Nanshen Store is not earning enough? Do you have to grab it?"

Jiangnan nodded heavily: (??????) "I want to grab it!"

It's not enough, it's already not enough, okay?

You Ming has been doing nothing, and he hasn't even seen himself for so long!

He is not in a hurry, but Jiang Nan is in a hurry!

Insect Rain Jie Jie smiled:

(????) "Then grab it! Anyway, I'm quite bored, let's go together!"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "Who said he was going to be with you? If you don't go, you stay here!"

Insect Rain: ? ? ?

"Don't take me? Then why are you looking for me?"

Having said that, the eyes of Insect Yuyu became suspicious!

(?°?~°?) "Don't you want to take this opportunity to leave me and run alone?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??) "Nonsense! How can I be willing? I want you to stay here for the bottom of my head?"

"Ensure that the chaos on the Styx Hell is under my control and can be ended at any time!"

"Leave the rest to me and it's ok!"

Insect Yuyu pouted: "Won't you take me? How boring? No! I want to go with you too!"

Jiang Nan shuddered: "You can't go. If you disappear into the Styx Death Prison, wouldn't you be exposed?"

"Every idiot knows you're out to do something!"

Insect Rain tilted his head: (???.??)???? "So? You already have a plan?"

I saw the smile on Jiang Nan's face gradually deformed, and he couldn't help but leaned into the ear of the insect and bit his ear for a while!

(?)?3?) "Gooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ Jie Jie Jie!"

Insect Rain had a stunned expression on his face, and his eyes began to get excited!

Jiangnan, this is really bad, he?

(???〃) "Hehehe~ now you know?"

Insect Rain said excitedly: (??????)? "I'm going too!"

Jiang Nan was speechless: "Bai told you, didn't I tell you everything, I'd better act alone, don't you have to shoot?"

Insect Yuyu pouted: "How can I be at ease when you go by yourself? What if you run away? Of course you have to follow?"

While speaking, Jiang Nan's terrified eyes directly pulled his right hand down!

With a "Boom" sound, all the cracks were densely packed with bugs, and soon the painted skin bugs extended past!

The fracture is covered!

And the rain of insects also grew a new right hand through the breeding of insect swarms!

The hand that was removed was placed on Jiang Nan's shoulder by her!

I saw the insect supported himself with five fingers in his right hand, and crawled wildly on Jiangnan's body!

Pinched directly on Jiangnan's neck!

The skin on the back of the hand was split, and an eye and mouth grew on it!

"If you dare to leave me and run away, I'll just pull your head off!"

Jiangnan: Σ(っ°口°;)っ! ! !

Nima! hand! The hand speaks!

Are you really making a move? Just one hand out?

Does this work?

Insect Rain smiled proudly:

(〃︶?︶) "You don't want to leave me alone. It's inconvenient to take me with you. Take my hand to the head office, right?"

"This right hand is the insect swarm I separated, and follow my instructions directly! The insect swarm has its own unique communication and contact method, no matter how far away it is!"

Even in the Styx Star Region, this connection cannot be blocked!

Insect Rain also uses this method to control the swarm of guards!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead, is this all right?

Would it be so convenient for you?

I saw Woong stretched out a finger from his right hand and hooked Jiangnan's chin provocatively!

Just climbed into Jiangnan's clothes and hid!

Jiang Nan gave a savage shock, and couldn't help but face darkly:

(????????????)? "Hey... Can I let the insect's right hand hang in another place? It looks very perverted?"

I saw a bulge under the prison uniform on the right side of Jiangnan's chest, and I could vaguely see the shape of the hand...

The insect curled his lips with his right hand: "Cut~ you have a lot of things to do!"

As soon as he spoke, he began to climb down, lying on Jiangnan's abdominal muscles, and counting the muscle mass on his fingers!

Jiangnan's face turned even darker:

(???﹏????) "You hand! A bit old-fashioned, right?"

Insect Rain raised his eyebrows: (?????) "Oh? Do you want to move down?"

Jiang Nan widened his eyes and shook his head like a rattle!

(?﹏?≡?﹏?) "No no no~ This is good, very good, ahaha~"

It's not good to go further down, hey!

After confirming his plan with Insect Rain, Jiangnan went back!

It was fine when I came, but when I went back, I had an extra hand...

On the way back, Jiang Nan remembered the acrylic thing?

"Shoushou? How much do you know about acrylic? After all, like you, he is a monstrous criminal, and he is also a swallowing star?"

The insect curled his lips with his right hand: "Cut~ how could it be a swallowing star? Do you think swallowing a star is ruined? Can any swallowing star be imprisoned in the Styx Death Prison?"

Jiangnan's mouth twitched: "Then you..."

[The resentment value from Insect Rain +1009! ]

Seeing the insect's right index finger and thumb pick up pieces of Jiangnan's flesh and twist it in circles!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

But why do you still pinch people?

The insect's right hand said: "I don't know much, it's a lot later than the time I came in! They all say that he is a bastard, lunatic!"

"When I first came in, I was very happy, shouting to kill all the stars in the starry sky, creating a few big chaos!"

"After that, I was locked up all the time. Strength... Is it okay? Of course it is definitely not the opponent of this emperor~"

"By the way, do you really want to let him out?"

Jiang Nan smiled: "With such a sharp knife, you will be blind if you don't need it. He is the key person in this operation!"

"I just happened to take this opportunity to see if it has any value to conquer! If it is possible, it will be a great help to deal with Zongbi Pool in the future!"

Speaking of this, the right hand of the insect is very happy, and Jiang Nan is very concerned about his own affairs!

As everyone knows, Jiangnan has already regarded this as his own business!

Insect rain money! That's my father's money!

Back in the cell, as usual, he absorbed the turnover of the Nanshen small shop for a day, and Jiang Nan soaked in the Minghe bathroom to practice again!

After a busy day, the black steel master returned to his 90-degree corner, wrapped in a blanket and ready to sleep!

Now the black steel can't sleep on the bed, okay?

He glanced back at Jiangnan at random, and Heigang was stunned by that glance!

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief!

Why does Nanshen have an extra hand?


Early the next morning, the prisoners went down the river to fish for crystals as usual!

Now, there is no need for Pangchacha to organize at all, how about one by one to drive the children down to the river?

Groups of three or five are extremely spectacular, like going to a market!

Jiang Nan has a big dark circle under his eyes. He was tortured by the insect's right hand and didn't sleep much this night!

For fear that this right hand will attack him in the middle of the night!

The jailers were surprised when they saw Jiangnan who was present!

Why is Nanshen going to the river to fish for crystals? Isn't this normal?

Jiang Nan pouted: (?°?д°?) "What are you looking at? I've been inside for a long time, can't I just come out and relax?"

The jailer sweated profusely on his forehead: (??w???) "Okay! Why not? You can do whatever you want!"

Jiangnan, who got down from the river, summoned several high-level leaders of the Bully Gang together!

Jiang Nan's expression became solemn: (??????) "I want to rob prison!"

Tarosamo and the others were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes almost burst!

∑(??mouth??lll) "Huh? Prison? You're wrong? Weren't we going to escape?"

Prisoners in prison want to rob the prison?

How to rob? Do you rob yourself? This is the first time I've heard it!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??) "It's the robbery of the Styx Prison! Escape is something that comes after!"

Sona: (|||??3??) "Pfft~"

You call this a prison robbery?

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