Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2163: Did you send it?

Jiang Chacha's eyes are bright, is it finally here?

The two emerged above the Styx River, and what appeared in front of Jiangnan at the moment was the Pearl Star Harbor!

And Jiangnan finally knew why it was called this name!

I saw that it is in an area where dozens of rivers meet, and the water of the Styx is very quiet and not turbulent!

The width of the river is light-years long, and a moon-white planet above the river floats quietly on the river, exuding a cold brilliance!

And there are a lot of stardust and ice crystals floating around the star trail!

Like a clam shell, it protects the moon-white planet in it!

Like a pearl in a clam shell!

Even Jiangnan, who has seen the big world, can't help but marvel when he sees the Pearl Star Harbor!

The starry sky is so big, it is really amazing!

Pearl Star Harbor, located in the main traffic road, is an extremely important resource distribution center for the Nether people!

Not only will the Styx crystals shipped from the Styx Death Hell be stored here!

Other nearby life planets belonging to the Nether Race will also transport the Styx Crystal here for strategic reserve and distribution!

How could such a large Styx Starfield be fished by just so few prisoners?

The Nether Clan itself has the profession of Stygian Crystal Fisherman!

Jiangnan is so happy, is this wrong?

Yahweh: "Sir! Let's go up and inform Pearl Star Harbor! Let's get ready here!"

Jiang Chacha nodded, just as he was about to speak, he spit out a large mouthful of black blood, and pulled out a dumb sack from behind to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth!

(|||≥3≤) "Puff ~ Yah... Yahweh!"

Yahweh's heart was raised in his throat, how much did Bing Chacha get hurt?

(??﹏???) "Huh? What's wrong with the adults? You said! Listen to the little ones..."

With this promise, the logo on the dumb sack lights up directly!

Jiang Chacha suddenly burst into flames, and when Yahweh probed over, he opened the mouth of the dumb sack and covered his head!

Pulling down again, the whole of Jehovah was put into the dumb sack, and the mouth of the bag was automatically tightened!

Yahweh felt that the screen was black, what happened? where is this?

Lao Tzu was put in a sack by Pingchacha?

Just listen to Jiangnan Jie Jie smirk:

(????) "Bring me here, crab and crab, just sit there for a while and feel wronged!"

Yahweh: ! ! !

Nima! Is it Jiangnan's voice? Not Ping Chacha?

Did you bring him to the Pearl Star Harbor by yourself? hiss~

Is this Jiangnan? Who is in the Hell of Styx?

Speaking of which, how did he know the Nether Eight Forms?

At this moment, Yahweh's body and mind were cold, and he was completely fooled?

[The resentment value from Jehovah +1009! ]

[From the Lord…]

(?°? Yi°?) "It's just a broken sack, can you trap me? I can blow up the planet of Lao Tzu!"

"Shunbu! Nail fist! Elbow cannon! Ahhhh~ let me out!"

"Jiangnan! I'm ~%?...;#*'!"

Yahweh couldn't help struggling frantically in the dumb sack, but he couldn't get out because he was exhausted!

Dumb sacks of bosons can be kept closed, how many farts do the Nether people have?

Jiang Nan stared, and slammed two electric cannons at the dumb sack!

(?°?д°?)? "Be honest with me! The prisoner should be a little more conscious of himself as a prisoner! Lao Tzu is a vicious criminal! Be careful of me tearing up the ticket, you?"

As he spoke, he turned into the appearance of Yahweh, carried the sack, and landed on the starry sky wharf in the Pearl Star Harbor!

The insect's right hand was surprised: "This... what kind of sack is this?

Jiang Huazi laughed straightly: "You don't know this, right? Don't talk about the Nether family! You can do it! Do you want to experience it later?"

(?????*) "Yo hoo hoo hoo~"

Jiang Huazi grinds his teeth, and he will pinch people if he can't say anything! Pooh!

Climbing to the starry sky pier, Jiang Huazi did not act immediately, but squatted on the ground and took out a bull and horse pen to draw!

This Pearl Star Harbor is an important resource distribution center for the Nether tribe, and its defensive strength seems to be ok!

Moreover, the Nether Race can use mental power, so many people have many eyes, so they are not very good at action?

Sure enough, a team of Nether warriors soon found Jiang Huazi who was sneaking on the starry sky pier!

(?òyió)? "Hey~ that sack guy, what are you doing? Who asked you to come here? Where's your ID? Show it to me!"

I saw Jiang Huazi's pen, and the treasure chest drawn on the ground was instantly generated!

He was picked up by Jiang Huazi and hugged tightly in his arms!

Turning his head and staggering, he vomited blood and ran!

(#?????????) "Identity proof of the fart? It's all burning my eyebrows, do you still care if I want proof of identity?"

The captain's eyes widened:

?=????(?mouth?????) "What the hell? Brother Hua Zi? Didn't you follow Lord Pingchacha on the side of the Styx River to fish for oil and water and enjoy the happiness?"

"Why did you come here in person? Hey~ You have this injury on your body?"

Jiang Huazi smirked in his heart, is his face familiar? It's easy to do with a familiar face!

He couldn't help wiping the blood on his face indiscriminately: "I've almost lost my life for a ghost's oily water!"

"Failed to escape here! Quick! Quickly inform the brothers in Pearl Star Harbor to go to the Styx Death Prison for support!"

"The blood-colored miracle Acrylic fled and started killing him in the death prison. No one can stop him! Ping Chacha and Lord Jiu Lan are about to die. I don't know if they are alive or dead now!"

"Acrylic must not be allowed to do whatever he wants. Once he runs away, the reputation of our Nether Race and the Styx Death Prison will be all over! Hurry up and support! How many people are there!"

As Jiang Huazi said, he staggered to the depths of the Pearl Star Harbor!

The Netherworld warrior team was stunned, what happened to the Styx Death Prison? Acrylic escape?

The two deputy wardens can't stand it? Is the situation so serious?

Jiang Huazi turned back and stared:

?(?yi?;)? "What are you still doing? Take action! Wait until all the people over there are dead before you go to support?"

"If you delay another second, you may die of several more brothers!"

At this moment, Yahweh in the dumb sack is struggling frantically, using both hands and feet, and shouting loudly!

?(??mouth?)? "Rambo! Is that you! Don't believe him! He's a big liar! This is not me! I'm in a sack, come and save me, you!"

"Don't go to Styx Death Prison, if you go, you will be tricked!"

Yahweh almost broke his throat, but no sound came out!

Jiangnan Fudge brought him to the Pearl Star Harbor, the purpose could not be more obvious!

Apparently it was coming for the Styx Crystal!

If the guards here all ran to support the Styx Death Prison, wouldn't Jiangnan do whatever he wanted here?

When Rambo heard this, he didn't know that the situation was urgent, although he was very concerned about the wriggling sack that Jiang Huazi was carrying!

But I guess it's some important prisoner or something, so I don't care!

"Brothers! Hurry over to support! Raise the first-level alert of Pearl Star Harbor!"

"Notify the dock owner and send the Nether Legion stationed here to support the suppression!"

Under Rambo's order, the team jumped into the river and swam towards the Death Star of the Styx River at high speed!

And the alarm sounded in the Pearl Star Harbor, and a large number of Nether Legion, the garrison jumped into the river!

Go to support!

The entire Pearl Star Harbor is busy, and Jiang Huazi is holding the treasure chest and rushing madly!

Like salmon swimming upstream, running to the depths of Pearl Star Harbor!

Rambo said anxiously: "Brother Hua Zi? What are you doing? Go back to support together?"

Jiang Huazi didn't turn his head, and held the treasure chest high in his hand: "There are a lot of Styx crystals collected from the Styx Death Star here!"

"I was afraid that it would be carried by prisoners or acrylic in the chaos, so I brought it here with my life!"

"You go first, I will store the crystal first, and then go back to support, so you can rest assured! Hurry up!"

The style of the treasure chest is exactly the same as the style used for delivery every time the Netherworld Death Prison comes over!

Jiangnan was just drawn with a bull-horse brush!

Rambo didn't doubt at all, he turned his head and jumped into the river!

On the grounds that Styx Death Prison needs support, a large number of garrison troops in Pearl Star Harbor have been transferred away!

This is a perfect opportunity for Jiangnan, right?

And the defense and protection of Pearl Star Harbor is actually to the level of perversion!

After all, it is in its own Star Territory, and the Nether Race can be sure that no foreigners dare to go so deep into the Styx River Star Territory!

Defense or something, in fact, that's what it is, mainly to maintain order!

After all, the Styx Star Territory is a natural protection, and the only people who need to beware are their own people!

In other words, a long-term peaceful life has made the Nether Race lose its original vigilance!

The insect's right hand uses the induction of the positioning insect to indicate the location of the storage warehouse for Jiangnan!

After rushing all the way, no one doubted that Jiangnan's identity was wrong, and the smoothness was terrifying!

That's how I came to Yanshan Okura!

All the Styx crystals handed over from the nearby life planets are placed inside, and there are also strategic reserves!

There are not only Styx crystals, but also other important resources such as spiritual materials and ores!

But the purpose of Jiangnan is very clear, that is, the Styx Crystal!

Normally, Jiangnan would enter with a teleport, but now he can only follow the procedure obediently!

In the storage room of Yanshan Okura, Jiang Huazi patted the treasure box on the table!

"Crystal storage! Hurry up! I'm in a hurry!"

The treasury officer of the nether clan who was in charge of the storage hurriedly got up!

(*? Mouth?) "Brother Hua? Hiss~ You are seriously injured. Is there really something wrong in the Netherworld Death Prison?"

Jiang Huazi rolled his eyes:

(?????#) "Nonsense! Can I still beat myself for this injury?"

The warehouse manager looked solemn: (?????) "Brother Hua! You don't need to worry about this crystal, I will help you store it! Since you are in a hurry, leave the rest to me, and I will help you. Done!"

Jiang Huazi: ! ! !

here you are? How did Lao Tzu also enter the treasure house?

"Bah! Don't think that I don't know what the **** you're up to! What time is it, you're still thinking about getting that oil and water?"

"This is the crystal that I saved by risking my life. I will be relieved to see him put into the library with my own eyes!"

"Saleng! Don't delay Lao Tzu to go back to support!"

While speaking, he stepped forward and picked up the library tube, and rushed out extremely forcefully!

Ku Guan was sweating profusely on his forehead, as if he had seen through his thoughts and looked embarrassed!

(′-﹏-`????) "Yes! Brother Hua, what you are criticizing is!"

Just like this, I took the green light all the way to Jiangnan and came to the treasure house smoothly! After completing the biological genetic verification to unlock!

In Jiang Huazi's expectant gaze, the huge alloy door of the treasure house slowly opened!

Jiang Nan's eyes glowed with excitement, would it be so smooth!

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