Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2165: The river **** crucian carp?

Originally thought that this trip was very smooth, and it was a success after a shiver!

Who knew that such a huge Styx koi would be killed halfway through?

I saw its fish body swing, stirring the endless Styx River, and the boundless huge fish head adjusted its direction!

Aiming at the direction of Jiangnan...

It can be said that it is aimed at this side, but this fish head is so big that it is boundless!

This star area has been targeted by it, okay?

Those who suffer from giant phobia, I am afraid that they will not be scared to death on the spot!

Just the turbulent flow of the Styx energy caused by the swinging of the fish body is about to tear Jiangnan's body apart!

At this moment, where can the garrison take care of anything else?

Life is important!

Once wiped by this thing, a hundred lives are not enough to die, right?

One by one, they turned their heads in shock and escaped through the Styx Road!

All the brushes disappeared in front of Jiangnan!

Jiangnan, who was originally on the return ride, fell directly from the car!

(*? Mouth?)? "Hey, hey, you're all going away? I haven't gotten in the car yet! Take me with you?"

However, the garrison commander did not turn his head, and ran faster than anyone else!

?(?yi?;)? "You run by yourself! Brothers! Separate yourselves and run away, life and death are destiny, wealth is in the sky, and whoever survives depends on luck!"

After he finished speaking, he also crossed and disappeared!

Jiang Nan's face turned black, and he didn't catch up!

In this Stygian River, even if Jiangnan is perverted, it is not as fast as the Netherworld clan?

I want to run! But I don't know what to do!

In the face of such a huge Styx koi, it is useless to let Jiangnan run for a few hours first?

After the Styx Koi adjusted his posture, he slowly opened his big mouth!

Jiang Nan didn't know if that thing was a mouth or not, but he saw the darkness behind him, big enough to swallow everything!

Infinite Styx energy flows towards its mouth!

Jiang Nan, who swayed his legs frantically, did not run far, and was carried back by the energy of the Styx!

The insect's right hand is anxious: "Run! Run, you? If you are eaten by it, the gods can't save you even if they come, just wait and turn into a fish poop!"

Jiang Nan was sweating in a hurry, this is simply blood mold for eight lifetimes!

Fortunately, Jiangnan still has a hole card!

Jiangnan really had no choice but to open the sack containing the Lord!

Put it straight out!

I saw Yahweh roaring and rushing out of the sack!

(??Yi?) "Jiangnan! You're dead! You dare to rob the Pearl Star Harbor? Be like me and swindle, commit murder, right? You..."

Jiang Nan didn't say a word, he slammed the head of Yahweh and asked him to look behind him!

Yahweh froze abruptly, and his eyeballs almost didn't pop out of his sockets!

Σ(?mouth?|||) "Wow! M... Styx koi? Hiss~"

Is it time to go back to the sack now? Don't show me such a horrible thing!

Almost instinctively, Yahweh was about to run, but how could Jiangnan let him leave himself behind?

Going straight up is a strong southern lock!

The little leather whip sticks out and binds himself firmly to the Lord!

"What are you doing standing still? Run, you? Don't play small tricks! If I die, I will drag you to die with me!"

"We are now pants on a rope!"

Yahweh was almost scared to pee on the spot, what's on a rope?

Forgive me, I have never seen **** like that!

At this moment, Yahweh has inspired a strong desire to survive, directly borrowing the Styx Star Road, and crossing crazy long distances!

However, after a few crossings, Jiangnan couldn't help but look back!

Σ(?﹏?|||) "Hey hey hey! Did you run away or not? Why haven't you seen the Styx Koi so much?"

However, Jiangnan can be sure that it is indeed its mouth that opened!

Yahweh said urgently: ?(??????)? "I'm already running! The distance I just crossed through the Styx Road is at least half a light-year!"

"Because the Styx koi are so big, they don't look small, right?"

"Damn it! How did you bump into the Styx Koi? This **** fish doesn't see its tail, and it doesn't show its first time in many years?"

As Yahweh continued to use the Styx Star Road to cross the road, Jiangnan finally saw the whole picture of the Styx koi!

It is a huge koi covered with colorful fish scales, covered in silver-gray light, and two long and narrow dragon whiskers fluttering around its mouth!

The mouthful just now swallowed it, and even sucked the water of the Styx River in the nearby Styx River back!

Fortunately, Yahweh used the Styx Star Road to run across a long distance, otherwise, even if he broke his leg, he would not be able to escape from the mouth of the fish!

I didn't eat a single bite, but the Styx Koi didn't mean to give up, and the fish tail swung!

The huge body narrowed the distance at an astonishing speed, and opened its **** mouth to swallow it again towards Jiangnan!

The frightened Jiangnan slapped the seeds on the head of Yahweh!

(??yi???) "Drive! Run! Run! You're going to die!"

Yahweh gritted his teeth: "I'm almost exhausted! I've used all my strength!"

God special meow drive drive! You treat me as a mount, you?

[The resentment value from Jehovah +1008! ]

[From the Lord…]

But now that he is about to be buried in Yukou, Jiangnan doesn't want to die here!

"No! You have no idea how much potential you have! Open your mouth!"

Yahweh was stunned: ?(??yi??;)? "What? Ah!"

Before he could ask, the insect pinched his right hand on Xingtianzhi's eye and twisted it three times!

The hurting Yahweh opened his mouth, don't screw it!

It's not the throttle!

However, Jiangnan took out the force, horse biscuits, big green sticks, and small soybeans!

All the brains were stuffed into Jehovah's mouth, and a wonderful chemical reaction occurred in his stomach!


Under the action of great force, the muscles of Yahweh's whole body burst, the top of his head glows, and the full power of the jet is full!

After mentioning the speed again and again, Jiangnan even felt that it was not fast enough, and put on the extremely fast slippers on the hands and feet of Yahweh!

All hands and feet began to brush water like a propeller!

Yahweh: ! ! !

What strange things did you feed Lao Tzu to eat?

Can you be a person?

Jiangnan immediately said: (*??? dish???) "Insect right hand! Light it up for Hua Zi! Ignite the biological rocket! Countdown to 321! Point!"

The worm's right hand immediately threw a fire worm towards the back of the Lord!


The tail flame with more than a dozen Mach rings was instantly ignited!

Yahweh burst into tears, paddled water, and breathed fire! Screaming and rushed out!


Get unparalleled acceleration!

People are flying in front, souls are chasing behind, and Jiang Huazi is still on his back!

[From the Lord…]

The blessings of various buffs, coupled with the strong desire of Yahweh to survive!

Use the Star Road to cross again and distance yourself from the Styx Koi!

Jiangnan said urgently: "Run! Run to the river next to you, don't be in the same river with this crucian carp!"

"In this way, maybe it won't chase after it!"

The rivers of the Styx are as intricate as divergent tree roots!

More than just a river!

At this moment, Yahweh is also out of tricks, and can only use the space node to cross into another river!

Try to escape the Styx Koi's pursuit!

But before the two could breathe a sigh of relief, the Styx Koi didn't mean to give up at all!

The fish tail swung, and the sound of "Boom" slammed out of the main river!

The body is surrounded by infinite Styx energy!

In Jiangnan's shocked eyes, a new tributary was drawn from the main river!

Straight to the fork in Jiangnan where they are!

I was stunned that a new tributary with a width of nearly half a light-year was opened up by the Styx Koi in the starry sky!

You must know that although the Styx River is intricate and complicated, there are many tributaries!

But it seems to be bound inexplicably, all the energy of the Styx will flow along the established river!

It will not break through the original river at will and generate new tributaries!

Even if the Nether Race can control the Styx energy, it is even born in the Styx Star Region!

It is also impossible to divert the Styx and develop new river channels!

Only with the help of the power of the River Styx, where the River Styx originally flowed, it was where it was!

But this Styx Koi actually led to a new tributary?

The position where the fish swam is the new channel position? Styx will follow?

Jiangnan: ! ! !

∑(°mouth°?) "What the hell? This crucian carp can actually drain the Styx? It's chasing after you again!"

Yahweh's face turned pale: =????(?﹏?????) "The legend...the legend is true! The Styx Koi really have the ability to drain the Styx! This, this... it's incredible!"

Jiangnan's scalp was numb: "You are from the Nether! Can't you figure out the origin of this crucian carp?"

"What is it about?"

Yahweh didn't dare to stop at all, and said as he ran: "Styx koi only exist in legends! Few of the Nether people who have actually seen it survived!"

"It is said that the history of its existence is longer than the birth of my Nether Race!"

"Although the Nether Race was born in the Styx Star Region and has become the master here in the development of billions of years, so far, no one dares to say that they truly understand the Styx!"

"If there really is a **** in the Styx River, then it must be this Styx River Koi!"

Jiangnan was shocked: \okouo*Is this crucian carp a river god? "

Now, Jiangnan finally understands the weight of the ultimate life in the mouth of insects and rain!

Yahweh straightened his teeth: (¬yi¬?) "What crucian carp! It's Styx koi! Koi! Holy beast!"

"There are even rumors that this endless Styx River that spans eight million light-years is drawn by the Styx River Koi. Without it, there would be no Styx River Star Region!"

"It may be the origin of the Styx Star Territory!"

No one knows where the River Styx flows from, plus the ability of the River Styx koi!

This may be the most acceptable explanation.

Jiang Nan had a dark face, watching the Styx Koi crash into the river here!

With her mouth open, she started to **** again, and she couldn't help but look irritated!

"So many people, why do they have to chase me? Am I just so popular?"

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