Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2182: never choose to escape

Jiang Nan scratched his head, this is uncomfortable, can't you persuade him?

Damon wiped his tears and said, "He... he has already received everyone's thanks, and there is nothing to be thankful for. You are my friend, and protecting you is what I should do!"

"If you come to talk to me about these matters, you can go back, Brother Jiangnan!"

"I don't want to join the bully gang, and I don't want to escape from prison..."

As he spoke, Damon held the doll and buried his head deep in his knees!

Insect Yu Duzui got up and said:

(??`~????) "Let's go, let's go, the next one, one less of him is a lot..."

Wang Youzhi looked at Jiangnan with interest, what would he say?

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin with a contemplative look on his face. Strictly speaking, the personality of Shahuang and Damengmeng are both Damon himself!

It's the same with anyone!

Since you don't want to eat the soft ones, you can only have the hard ones!

I saw Jiang Nan's expression condensed: "Why don't you want to get out of the Styx? Is it because you are afraid that you will lose control and hurt more people?"

Damon lowered his head, his expression was painful, his eyes filled with self-reproach:

??(??﹏??メ)?? "Because of my evil spirit pouring into my body, my mind was eroded, so he was born, and he slaughtered many, many lives!"

"My compatriots, close friends, and the lives of several planets all died at his hands, even the elderly, children... Those people are innocent!"

"But they all died because of him, I can't go out, otherwise if I get out of control, more people will become unfortunate because of me, I...I..."

The more Damon said, the lower his voice, he couldn't help sobbing, his whole body trembled!

Jiang Nan frowned. Does Damon think that he is the main character now?

This is really sick!

I saw Jiang Nan staring and roaring:

(??mouth????) "You fart!"

Damon was shocked by the sudden roar, and looked up at Jiangnan in amazement!

(??﹏????メ) "I...I don't!"

Jiang Nan sneered: "You are just escaping! Why are you afraid that going out on your own will hurt more people?"

"Ground yourself, isolate yourself from the outside world, endure suffering, and don't face reality? Isn't this escape?"

"You have no compensation for the innocent lives that died in your hands, you are just simply touching yourself!"

"Except moving yourself! No one can be touched! No one can be redeemed! Including yourself!"

Damon said anxiously: "I didn't! I didn't escape! I was just afraid of hurting people outside so I..."

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "Stop arguing! You don't even dare to face your true self! And you say you're not running away?"

"I can't accept the indiscriminate killing of innocents and my sinful self? I don't want to face the reality, I hate what I have done, and that's why a kind personality was born!"

"But what did you do? Putting yourself in prison is an atonement? Apologize? Those people are dead! Their lives were ruined by you!"

"If you do it wrong, you do it wrong! But you are still making mistakes again and again! Your current behavior! It is the real irresponsibility to those innocent people and yourself!"

Damon was completely anxious, his eyes were full of red blood!

"No! I didn't! What did I do wrong? Is it wrong for me to put myself in prison and not hurt more people?"

"Are those people I wanted to kill? I don't want to! But I killed them! What can I do!"

"I don't want to kill more people! Is it wrong? I want to make up for it! But they are all dead! I killed! How can I make it up? Time can't be turned back!"

"If I could turn back time! I'd rather kill myself before this happens!"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "If you really have the determination to make up for it, you will not choose to put yourself in prison for the rest of your life!"

"Those people died in vain, and you didn't even give them the chance to avenge their relatives and friends. Isn't that cruel?"

"Do you have real respect for the lives you killed?"

Damon hit the floor with a heavy punch, making a big pit!

The scarlet evil star appeared on his body, his expression became more and more hideous, and two roars with different tones even came out of his mouth!

"Don't say it! Don't say it! You haven't experienced it, so what qualification do you have to say that I don't respect life!"

"Did I want to kill them?"

There was a grin on Jiang Nan's face, and his eyes were scarlet like a blooming blood moon!

The boundless killing potential broke out, the killing intent was mad, and it rushed towards Damon fiercely!

Even the temperature in the cell plummeted!

Insect Yuyu gave a fierce jiggle, holding his shoulders and looking at Jiangnan in amazement!

(*??????) "Oh huh~ Jiangnan is not a good thing?"

Wang Youzhi laughed and said, "How do you think this kid from Jiangnan got to where he is today?"

"There is definitely a lot of blood on his hands, and his hands are not soft at all when it is time to be cruel!"

Collapse more than 40,000 life planets, this ruthless hand is not for everyone!

Even Damon was stunned, and looked at Jiangnan in amazement, killing... the prototype of the killing force? Although it is very rough, what kind of horror base is this, hiss~

How many lives did he end? How could Jiangnan do this?

I saw Jiangnan savagely said: "How do you know that I haven't experienced it? You have killed more people than me? I have collapsed more than 40,000 life planets!"

"Although I didn't kill it myself, the order was given by me! There are hundreds of trillions of lives that have ended because of me. I have never even seen these people! But they did die because of me!"

"You said what I did was wrong? Or was it right?"

Damon opened his mouth wide, with a shocked expression on his face. Four...40,000?

Compared with Jiangnan, the ones that he slaughtered are not even a fraction, this...this...

And this question, Damon can't answer!

In fact, for human beings, Jiangnan has done the right thing and is a well-deserved hero and master of the times!

But for the people of the starry sky, Jiangnan is a devil, a disaster, a devil who slaughtered endless lives, and it was a big mistake!

Jiangnan is not a **** either. After doing such a thing, his hands are no longer clean. How can there be no psychological pressure?

Jiang Nan murmured: "I also hated such a selfish self. If I didn't make that decision, those innocent people would not die! A family of several, living happily..."

"But that's not my happiness. If I don't do it, human beings will become slaves and fall into the abyss forever! So I ended their lives for myself and for human beings!"

"Heart-hearted, I even wondered if this was the real me! I was equally ashamed and sad, and I couldn't let it go for a long time!"

Jiang Nan looked down at his hands and was silent for a long time...

"But this is the law of the world, this is the cruel starry world! Sometimes you have to face a choice, and you can't live without ending the lives of others!"

"Humans need to eat to survive, so they need to slaughter cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens to end their lives. If cattle, sheep and pigs want to survive, they need to eat grass and insects, which is also ending their lives..."

"Humans want to enter the starry sky sequence, and they will become slaves if they don't enter, so they need to end the lives of those people..."

"It's just that the needs are different, and the life to be terminated is also different. The continuation of one life requires the death of countless lives!"

"We're all selfish, so... we're all still alive!"

Damon bit his lower lip and lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking!

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "I'm not telling you to be selfish, no need to feel guilty or blame yourself, but to tell you to respect life!"

"Doing wrong is doing wrong! Those innocent lives died because of me, right or wrong, what I did is what I did!"

"I will bear the consequences! No matter who comes to me to seek revenge or revenge, I will face it calmly!"

"I also made my own compensation. Although Dimensional Star Air is a necessary move for human beings to stand on the starry sky, it is undeniable that it is also convenient for all races and provides convenience for all races!"

"I am giving back to this starry sky in my own way, compensating for those who died because of me. Although those people are dead, I can't change anything, but I am doing what I can do!"

"A good man is born in heaven and earth! He is worthy of himself, worthy of others, worthy of heaven and earth! Enough!"

Damon looked at Jiang Nan blankly, as if he understood what Jiang Nan said!

"Do you respect life?"

Jiang Nan nodded: "So, never choose to escape! It takes courage to face reality! But you must stand up and face it bravely!"

"It is true that once a person does something wrong, the instinctive response of the brain is to shirk and escape, but this does not solve any practical problems!"

"You have killed so many innocent people. I know you feel guilty, remorseful, and unacceptable! But you chose to put yourself in prison, is it useful? What have you changed?"

"You haven't changed anything, and those who died at your hands have all died in vain!"

Damon covered his head in pain: "Then...then what should I do! Those people are already dead, it's too late for me to do anything!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "Go out! Go out and face it! Use your own power to save more people!"

"If you kill a bad guy, you will save the lives that will die at the hands of that bad guy in the future!"

"You really can't make up for the innocent people who have died at your hands. It's too late to do anything, but all you do is because of the changes made by those who died!"

"Their deaths are not meaningless! Wrong is wrong! If you can't make it up, then go back and give back to other places! Instead of choosing to escape, move yourself, this is not redemption! It's still making mistakes!"

At this moment, Damon was finally persuaded by Jiangnan, and looked at Jiangnan with anticipation!

"Murdering can be pure killing, but can it also be to save people? I... can I do it? If I lose control and don't do it well, I'll make another mistake!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "Didn't you do a good job this time? Protected everyone! Didn't hurt anyone else! This is a good start!"

Damon took a deep breath and seemed to have made a major decision!

"I'm joining! I'm going out with Big Brother Jiangnan! To face it! To make up for my fault!"

Jiang Nan grinned and patted Damon's instep: "That's right!"

Wang Youzhi's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help looking at Insect Rain:

????????() "You're right about one thing! The kung fu of Jiangnan's mouth! It's really good!"

Insect Rain said proudly: (????????) "Look? I'll say it! Strong brother +1"

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