Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2319: Who is the lamb to be slaughtered?

Ping Chacha was so excited that he almost didn't cry on the spot!

(????????)σ woo~

Lao Tzu traveled a long distance, went through untold hardships, chased it out for many light years, and finally let Lao Tzu find Jiangnan!

Meeting Jiangnan means finding happiness!

Is it possible for me to be dignified and upright, to recover my handle from the mosaic state, and it all depends on Jiangnan?

It can be said that the existence of Jiangnan is directly related to whether he can be a real man!

At this moment, even Moto, who had the intention of retreating, and Atiya and the two of them saw the arresting army of the Nether Race coming, their eyes lit up!

This is really God help me too!

There are many people in the Nether Race's arresting team. Ping Chacha brought a total of 100,000 Nether Legions in this wave, and all of them are good players!

Once the Nether Race releases the domain and bans the ability, how can Jiangnan be criticized?

At that time, even if there is a black hole swallowing star field, it will not be released, right?

Can this be beaten again?

Langmu quickly calmed down his excitement and reprimanded a little:

(????????) "Bang Chacha! Why did you come? Didn't the Nether Clan send you out earlier? Now that the fight is almost over, did you arrive?"

Pingchachadui smiled and said:

(⌒??⌒;) "This...Isn't this the time spent on the road? The road to paradise is not easy to walk, and it is already hard to get here in this time!"

"But please rest assured, let Jiangnan escape from prison, it is my responsibility to die in Styx, and we will take care of this mess!"

"Let's leave it to our Nether Legion! How can Jiangnan continue to be rampant?"

In fact, Ping Chacha strictly followed You Ming's explanation, after all, he promised him that he would not complete the mission!

So three days of fishing on the road and two days of drying the net have been delayed until now!

If I go early, I seem to be too active and make Jiangnan unhappy. Isn't it embarrassing?

Langmu sneered: "It's good when people arrive! Then I'll leave it to you! Creation of the world! Retreat first!"

"The rest, follow the Nether Clan, and leave none of them!"

When the Nether Race arrives, the boson will naturally not stay on the field and die. After all, once the energy of the Styx is enveloped, the ability of the boson will be blocked!

What kind of combat power can a lump of jelly have?

I saw Ping Chacha's eyes froze, and he waved his hand: "The Nether Army, surrounded them for Lao Tzu!"

With Ping Chacha's order, the Nether Legion immediately dispersed and surrounded the entire battlefield!

At this moment, not only Jiangnan's expression was weird, but even Sona Taro and the others were twitching in the corners of their eyes!

Chacha brother? Is this an old acquaintance?

Is he here to join in the fun?

It's really fun now!

I saw Ping Chacha's eyes were blood red, and he raised his hand and pointed at Jiangnan:

(??▼Ware▼)?? "Hey! You know why I came here! Don't even think about running away this time!"

"Take my family's favorite goddaughter as a hostage? Destroy my Styx Death Star and flee with a large number of criminals? Jiangnan! Do you know the crime?"

Lum: (??_????)? ? ?

Moto: (°ー°〃)? ? ?

Jiu Lan covered her face, you are so special, should you use the honorific title at this time?

Jiangnan's mouth twitched, I know you don't want to make me unhappy, but you still have to play what you should do!

Hey you ass!

You have to be so careful when scolding someone?

The deputy head of the Nether Legion couldn't stand it any longer:

(??-﹏-`;) "Lord Chacha! Calling! Calling! We can't lose momentum!"

Ping Chacha sweated profusely on his forehead, and couldn't help but squeeze a dry smile on his face:

(⌒??⌒;) "I'm sorry, when I'm used to being a subordinate, I don't go out much? I haven't turned around for a while~"

In fact, I have already started to be afraid in my heart, for fear that the scolding will be severe and make Jiangnan angry, what if I don't relieve myself from the horse?

Isn't this play good?

Jiangnan grinned:

() "Oh~ That's right! I did it all! What can you do to me? Find out!"

"This is not your Styx Star Region anymore, you want to arrest me? Then do it?"

Handle Chacha: ! !

This is what you made me do!

"Then don't blame me for being rude! The Nether Legion! Do it! Let them see the power of the Nether Race! The Styx Battlefield! Start!"

In an instant, the body of the 100,000 Nether Corps burst out with a strong Styx energy, and there is a field of release!

Immediately, the entire battlefield was shrouded in Styx energy, accompanied by a very strong Styx potential field!

All the abilities of everyone on the battlefield are suppressed. Except for the Styx energy, no energy can play a role!

In addition to leaving the battlefield, Moto used his ability to repel the surrounding two-dimensional debris, preventing the destruction of the Styx battlefield!

Ping Chacha laughed: "All Netherworld Legion obey orders, kill me! Those of you who are powerless are just tigers with sharp teeth and claws!"

"Even if you have great ability, don't even think about walking out of the Styx battlefield!"

However, the smile on Jiangnan's face became more and more evil:

(‵) "The bully gang! The time for our hunting has come! Let me kill all the captured corps, and leave no one behind!"

At this moment, following Jiangnan's order, all the younger brothers of the bully gang had grins on their faces, and all of them had red eyes!

Who is the tiger with its fangs and claws drawn?

You must know that all the members of the bully gang are vicious criminals, who have survived in the Styx Death Prison for so many years, which one is not good at?

Even if he loses his ability, his mental strength and physical fitness alone are enough to kill and arrest the army!

And what about the Capture Corps? Most of them are energy-type, material-type beings, and under the shroud of the Styx battlefield, they are all big crispy skins!

It's easier to kill, right?

So, a **** scene happened. I saw the bully gang like a pack of wolves that fell into the sheepfold. It was a random killing!

When he catches the Stardust Clan, he can be torn apart with both hands, and the physique of the Yuyu Insect Swarm is just as powerful!

In the Styx battlefield, but their world!

Mo Tuo's heart is bleeding, **** it, the Bose clan can easily get out of the battlefield, but the Stardust clan can't do it!

How can this bully gang be so physically strong?

(??°?? Yi°??) "The surname is Bing! Let your Nether Legion hurry up, first cover the evacuation of the arresting army, and then kill them in Jiangnan!"

Bing Chacha's eyes are cold:

(??°benefit??°)?? "Don't worry! Leave it to me! In the Styx battlefield, it is the world of my Nether tribe! Even if they are physically strong, they can't turn the sky!"

"Everyone, kill with me!"

At this moment, the Nether Races are like fierce tigers, killing the bullies!

Ping Chacha was so anxious that he was about to urinate. It was really a fight, but it was hard to drain the water!

My Southern Ancestor Wow! Why don't you threaten me with a hostage?

Seeing that the Nether Legion is rushing up to something bad, of course Jiangnan knows what to do?

He came directly to Jiu Lan and pulled her into his arms!

The God-killing knife in his hand was directly across her neck!

()??????c) "Jie Jie Jie ~ surname Bing! I think you still can't tell the difference between big and small kings? Jiu Lan is in my hands!"

"If you dare to let your people touch us, I will not be merciful with the knife in my hand!"

"You don't want Netherworld's favorite goddaughter to die by my hands, do you? You won't be able to deal with it like this!"

"Why don't you let your people back down? Otherwise, I will insult her in front of all of you! Repeated insults! Don't force me! I can do anything!"

Jiu Lan's pretty face is blood red, huh? Is it that exciting? To insult yourself in front of so many people?

()??????????﹏c) "Woo~ I... I'm so scared! Cha Cha Save me! It's okay to insult me, but I don't want to die! I want to go home and see my godfather!"

"I...I am in the hands of Jiangnan, and I have not lived a human life. I am tortured by humiliation every day! I am me... woo woo woo~"

As she spoke, Jiu Lan burst into tears, remembering the half-hour she had been beaten up before, her grievance came up at once!

You don't need to bring in emotions at all, just cry when you cry, okay?

Jiang Nan nodded with satisfaction, Jiu Lan is now a qualified hostage!

By the way, are you blushing? What's the point of insulting it? I've never done it!

The exclamation of the Nether Legion!

(*??????) She, she, she must have been insulted, right?

Ping Chacha was extremely excited, it had to be Nanshen, this is what I want?

Haven't lived a human life? I bah! How long have you been seeing? Jiu Lan is fat, right?

But on the surface, Ding Chacha was still shivering and cold, his eyes were blood red, and his face was hysterical!

(????yi??)σ "Ahhh~ Jiangnan! What have you done to Jiu Lan? She is like a sister in my heart! It's too late to love her!"

"You... you actually treated her..."

Jiu Lan: (¬_¬)

This Chacha, please don't just set up someone who adds a brother to yourself?

I feel down! Pooh!

Jiang Nan had an evil look on his face, and even two blood crystal horns grew on the top of his head. He leaned into Jiu Lan's hair and took a perverted breath of the aroma!

(??????¨??????)??????????﹏c) "Jie Jie Jie ~ what happened to her? What I should do! What I shouldn't do! I did it! My hostage! I can do what I want!"

"Let your people move again, don't blame me for destroying flowers!"

Shan Chacha's steel teeth were about to shatter:

(??Benefits??|||) "The Netherworld Legion obeys orders, not to act rashly, to ensure the safety of Jiu Lan, wait..."

Langmu stared at him: (??◣yi◢) "Still riding a horse and waiting for a fart? Let your people go to Lao Tzu! In a short while, the arresting army will be dead!"

"The fate of a Nether clan is more important? Or is it important to capture Jiangnan? It's unclear which is more important and which is more important?"

On a horse! Is this person here to help or to trick Lao Tzu?

Before he came, the arresting army had not died so quickly!

Ping Chacha's eyes were full of struggle:

(︶ Yi ︶??)?? "I'm sorry! The hostages are in Jiangnan's hands, what do you want me to do? When I came, Lord Youming specifically explained that no matter what happens, I will do my best to ensure Jiu Lan's safety!"

"I can't watch her die at the hands of Jiangnan! She is Lord Nether's favorite goddaughter!"

Langmu waved his hand and said angrily:

(?? 艹 艹) "I don't care what I love to do! I order you! Give me a hand!"

"Press it up! Jiangnan doesn't dare to do it! Killing Jiu Lan will have no chips in his hands, and he will not limit the capital of your Nether tribe! It will only anger you and make the situation worse!"

"If you don't get on, I'll report to the Holy Law Society and sue you Nether Legion for delaying the fighter plane!"

"This responsibility! You can't afford it!"

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