Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2329: I'm the endorsement Sakura! I speak for Jiangnan

The black hole swallowed the star and released, Jiangnan's will once again came to the familiar sea of ​​energy!

Counting this time, this is the third time Jiangnan has come here!

Above the sea of ​​energy, countless possible pasts, presents, and futures exist at the same time, like a spinning kaleidoscope, dancing pages one by one!

If the four-dimensional world is said to be a thick book strung together by a timeline, you can flip it around at will!

Then here is a whole bookshelf, countless different choices have created countless past, present, and future, and countless books have been derived!

However, the reality that really exists in the three-dimensional world belongs to the Jiangnan present, there is only one!

Jiang Nan resisted not to look at the pages of the future, because it was very likely to stifle the possibility of the future!

But it's hard to come here, it can't be in vain, right?

Since the future cannot be easily spied on, shall I take a look at the past head office that belongs to my reality?

The past has become a fixed number, and it has really happened. It doesn't matter if you look at it at a glance, right?

Thinking of this, Jiangnan couldn't help being a little excited!

After finding your own realistic book page, follow this line to read wildly!

There has always been a regret in Jiangnan's heart. He seldom mentions it in front of people on weekdays, and he always has a smile on his face!

He wanted to see who his parents were, and why he left himself at the door of the orphanage!

Why not be yourself...

I am excellent, so excellent that I am envied by countless people, and I am a child that all parents should be proud of!

Why should I lose myself, what's wrong with me?

Jiang's surname is taken from Jiangcheng, Nan is because it is a boy!

I don't even know my father's last name...

Jiang Nan searched forward regardless, determined to see why he was discarded back then!

Who are the parents!

Finally, Jiangnan found the page that belonged to the past!

It was a winter night. There was a cardboard box in front of the orphanage. Inside was Xiao Xiaonan, who was wrapped in a thin quilt!

At this moment, Xiao Xiaonan was crying recklessly, and her chubby little hands were grabbing into the air at will. The winter night was very cold, and the cry was even white. The streets were empty and no one was there.

Cries echoed in front of the silent orphanage, and the bitten pacifiers all fell to the side...

Not long after, an aunt in pajamas rushed out of the orphanage!

Pick up Xiao Xiaonan in the cardboard box and wrap the quilt tightly!

"Oh~ oh~ oh~ don't cry, don't cry~ darling baby darling baby!"

While coaxing Xiao Xiaonan in his arms, he headed out and looked on the street!

"How do you become a parent? In the middle of the winter in the middle of the night, you left your child here? It's a blessing to wake up to the sound of crying, or do you have to wait until the morning to freeze to death?"

"Hey~ hard-working baby~ Your parents don't want you anymore, auntie wants, auntie wants! Don't cry, don't cry~"

Jiang Nan watched this scene quietly, he remembered that the aunt who hugged him, Aunt Liu, was naughty when she was a child, and Aunt Liu took care of herself very strictly! Also hitting the board...

Go forward, turn another page, and you can see who your parents are!


How can it be?

After all, Jiang Nan's eyes were unable to look forward again, not because he couldn't see it, but suddenly he didn't want to know...

Do you know who your parents are? so what?

Find them and ask them why they didn't want to be themselves? Let them regret, regret losing themselves?

Go call two strangers Dad! Mom? How to face them? No one is necessarily there...

Maybe the reason why I lost myself was because my family was poor, maybe because my birth was an accident, maybe…

No matter what, it doesn't matter anymore, Jiangnan has long since stopped expecting to get a little bit of love from his parents, and it's past when it's over!

Now I have friends, brothers, elders who care about me, and girls I like...

I have been very happy, why bother with the past and add to myself!

This southerner, who has never retreated in the face of all the heavens and thousands of clans and several swallowing stars, has no courage in the face of his own life experience and his parents!

After all, Jiang Nan didn't read the pages ahead, and in the future... probably won't think about it again!

Instead, his eyes turned and turned to before!

There is still a doubt in Jiangnan's heart, that is, before the catastrophe of Qianxing, he knelt in front of the Xingyuan Square Monument, crying with Uncle Li!

At that time, I was confused, wondering if I should fight and demolish the city of a thousand stars! Fight or surrender!

And a voice told him!

Say "Do it, do it! You can do anything you want to do..."

Jiang Nan remembered clearly, someone must have told him that!

But looking back, there was no one there!

Jiangnan wanted to see what happened that day!

I saw that Jiangnan successfully found the page of that scene from the past!

He leaned his head against the square monument crying sadly, and suddenly turned his head sharply, only to see the big wolf annihilated!

Push yourself down dear...

After carefully watching the whole process, Jiangnan was stunned, there was no one at all!

No one told themselves! There are no figures!

Who the **** said that to him? Is it your own hallucination? how can that be!

After checking the past, Jiangnan was even more stunned, and wanted to take a look again, but suddenly woke up!

No, no, the will is already showing signs of dissipating, but you can't stay in the sea of ​​energy for too long!

will die!

I saw that Jiang Nan no longer hesitated, and plunged towards his own reality!

In the end, Jiang Nan still couldn't figure out who said that sentence, and the doubts in his heart were even greater!

Above the North Coronal Star, two red lights finally appeared inside the still black hole!

King Zhong Yingxue's ambition and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that the black hole had awakened! The will of Jiangnan is back!

I saw that the black hole was like running a sprint, directly accelerating from a still state to an extremely terrifying speed!

Going straight to Bei Mian Xingdu, the most central Bei Mian Xing has passed!

As soon as he touched the energy shield of Bei Mian Xingdu, the energy shield that was enough to resist the half-step swallowing star attack was directly smashed by the gravitational field of the black hole!

Like a fragile egg shell, it does not play any protective role!

It broke through the defense so violently and fell directly into Bei Mian Xingdu!

The powerful gravitational field pulled the huge Beicorona star out of its orbit!

All the dozens of planets around were pulled by the black hole, even the two nearby stars!

As soon as the black hole moved, it made such a big move!

The eyes of those Bei Mian stranded personnel who have already run out of this area are almost bursting!

Σ(???? Mouth????|||) Whoa!

What kind of annihilation is this? Black hole swallowing stars? Are you really swallowing you?

At the time of the Thousand Stars Catastrophe, the black hole in Jiangnan only existed for a short time and then disappeared!

Not only does it exist now, but it can also move?

At this moment, even everyone who was watching the excitement through the void in the dimensional gap was quite frightened when they saw this scene!

Bombardier covered his head and frowned:

??(??mouth??|||)?? "Be good! What kind of perverted field is this? What is it that Nanshen wants to defy the sky?"

Wu Liang's mouth twitched: "Attack on more than a dozen planets at the same time! Is this really just a planet destroyer?"

I saw Wang Youzhi carrying a basket of snacks, melon seeds drink and mineral water, and distributed them to everyone one by one!

??(°??°〃) "Don't just watch, eat some too? The exciting things are yet to come! Jie Jie Jie~"

"It is estimated that Jiangnan wants to save an accretion disk and try the black hole jet! The black hole swallowing star field is not only used for this!"

Everyone looked speechless at the snacks in their hands. The boss of Nanshen was demolishing Beimianxingdu outside, and it was fine for us to watch the play as a guest next to us!

Eating snacks is a bit too much!

Insect Rain tangled: (????~????) "We... it's not good for us to do this?"

Wang Youzhi stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth and said vaguely:

(.v??v.) "Would you like to go out to help dismantle it together? Anyway, you are swallowing stars! It's not so easy to die after eight-on-one~"

Insect Yuyu gave a savage shock, looked at the raging black hole, his face darkened!

(??????????﹏????????)?? "Forget it, it's good to watch a play!"

Eight to one? She still knows how much she has, but she can't stand it!


The North Coronal Star was directly torn apart by the powerful tidal force, and the star collapsed!

The ground shattered, magma spewed, not to mention the buildings above!

Even the stars were pulled over by the black hole and torn apart, pulling the red-red high-temperature plasma torrent, unable to revolve around the black hole!

More than a dozen planets were torn apart by Jiangnan in the blink of an eye, and compressed into dense matter by the powerful gravitational force!

It turns into an accretion disk and surrounds the black hole. Due to the tearing of a few stars, the accretion disk is covered with a circle of red-orange light!

Incredibly gorgeous!

But just based on this accretion disk, the black hole jet is still far away!

Jiang Nan was not satisfied, but began to move to the left, super fast!

The accretion disk did not make the black hole bloated and difficult to move, the movement speed became faster, and even the power was much larger!

As soon as the dozen or so planets were ripped apart by the black hole, Jiangnan pulled over a dozen more!

The original star orbits of those planets could not resist the gravitational force of the black hole at all, and they were all captured!

And just when Jiangnan was going to make a lap in the Beimian Xingdu!

Emperor Hui, Yu Gen, and Noah, Gu Ruide and the others came one after another!

Noah's eyes widened, and he couldn't help clapping his hands:

(*??????)!! "Oh? Is it that big? It's more than ten times bigger than the city of a thousand stars! Can you still move? Tsk tsk tsk~"

Even Noah couldn't help but sigh at the terrifying growth rate of Jiangnan!

How long has it been since? What's more, Jiangnan was still imprisoned in the Styx Death Prison for three months!

The emperor's anger went mad: (Fuck dish??) "Jiangnan! Stop me when you step on the horse! The dimension is wiped out!"

A highly concentrated dimensional annihilation blasted on the black hole, but the black hole had nothing to do, and still sucked itself!

Four-dimensional arrival? But what can't be a black hole!

At this moment, Qianben Sakura mustered up the courage and shouted loudly:

|????????????﹏??????)?? "Yo...yo~ stinky brother! I said, we'll meet again!"

"Don't you want to know what means I have? Now you see it as you wish?"

"Are you still satisfied? Come and stop me if you have the ability? What's the use of just scolding? Bah! It's nothing!"

Emperor reward: ! !

There is a substantive killing intent in his eyes!

(??◣yi◢)?? "What are you saying, you bastard? Can you say it again?"

Qianben Sakura was directly blown up by the emperor's reward, and she was so frightened that she turned into cherry blossoms and scattered!

??(??﹏????)?? "Jiangnan! It's what Jiangnan asked me to say! I'm the spokesperson for Sakura, and I'm the spokesperson for Jiangnan!"

"Are you going to look for Jiangnan with your anger? It has nothing to do with me! Also... I don't have a seed! I won't say it again!"

The emperor is extremely rewarding: (???? benefit??) σ "You are riding a horse..."

What does the representative mean?

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