Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2365: Asgard in the world of exile! (add more)

Jiangnan's sonorous questioning voice suddenly made the entire conference room quiet!

As Jiangnan said, once there is no protective umbrella of human beings, there is no safe haven of the Galaxy Star Region!

All the races in the Qunxing Project will only be destroyed, or they will become slaves again!

This is the case in the era of Qianxing, the weak have no room to live, and they are not worthy of freedom!

Jiang Nan said coldly: "And... don't make a mistake! You have no choice!"

"There will always be some restless saplings, randomly expanding their roots, reaching where they shouldn't, trying to grab the nutrients of the towering giant tree and replace it!"

"Backstab, bite back, white-eyed wolf, farmer and snake... Ha~ I've seen too many such things!"

"First of all, let me state that I'm not a good person, let alone a soft persimmon to be kneaded by others, and I don't care what others think of me! Otherwise, I don't deserve to be called the fifth natural disaster!"

At this moment, the mountain-like pressure was gushing down like a gust of wind and rain!

Soul Nitrogen felt that his energy state body was about to be crushed!

The faces of people from various ethnic groups turned pale. Is this the true form of the Southern God?

I saw Jiang Nan slowly get up, his eyes scarlet like a blood moon:

"I have the ability to destroy any planet with one blow, even Vientiane! After the rain of insects settled in the Milky Way, her swarm of insects could even devour the entire galaxy!"

"Everyone, before doing anything, consider the consequences first! Don't make me chill, or I will make you chill!"

"Don't try to hurt my fellow human beings, fingers connected to the heart, those who cut off my fingers, I will destroy his entire clan!"

"There is a knife hanging over your heads! Whether or not the knife will fall depends on your ambition. When your ambition is greater than your strength, what awaits you is only death!"

At this moment, Jiangnan is no longer the little boy with a smiley face, but the decisive superior!

No one dared to ignore his words!

Soul Nitrogen's legs softened, and he fell down on the stool, his eyes frightened: "Lord Nanshen, I understand!"

I saw Jiang Nan grinned and sat back on the stool again!

(⌒??⌒??) "I guess everyone's confusion has been solved, right? Are there any questions about the Qunxing plan?"

At this moment, Jiangnan, smiling brightly, is completely different from the imposing high-ranking person just now!

People of all races are shaking their heads like a rattle!

I also fully understand in my heart that Jiangnan is not the kind of soft persimmon who can be kneaded by others. It is useless to kidnap morality, because he has no morals at all!

Once you push your nose on your face and don't keep your duty, then Jiangnan will do it without hesitation!

I am so grateful to Dade for getting this opportunity now!

Wang Youzhi looked at this scene with a smile, it seemed that the effect was good!

The original intention of the Qunxing plan is right, but human nature has always been greedy and unsatisfied!

You have been giving him candy, and one day when the candy is less, he will not thank you, but will hate you!

All the good intentions are in vain!

The goodwill of human beings cannot become the ambition to let all races grow arbitrarily!

Jiangnan's hand will first give sugar to the back of the stick, and it is estimated that it will wake up some races with evil intentions!

If there are still people who push their noses on their faces, Jiangnan doesn't mind killing chickens to warn monkeys!

Yao Hong looked at Jiang Nan with bright eyes. Is he still the wise and decisive Nanshen boss?

It not only solved the problem of borrowing, but also determined the future development direction of the Qunxing Project! At the same time, it also shocked all ethnic groups!

I saw Jiang Nan smiled and said: "If you have no problems, then let's do this first. If you have any needs, just tell Yao Hong, and I will try to satisfy them as much as I can!"

"Time doesn't wait, let's grow up as soon as possible!"

After Jiang Nan got up and walked straight to the outside of the conference room, Yao Hong and the others quickly followed!

Acrylic also followed, but before going out, he looked back at those racial talkers!

Leng said: (¬_¬??) "Compared to other slaves who are slaves of Inca, you are lucky to be able to sit here today!"

"Think more about how to support yourself instead of asking for more from others!"

"Don't be that slaughtered chicken! Although I have empathy for slaves, but when it comes time to strike, I will not be soft-hearted, not only will I cut off the ones here, I will also cut off the same clan in your Xingxu with my own hands. !"

"Let its race completely disappear in the starry sky! A race that doesn't know how to be grateful has no value in existence, and no value in being saved!"

After slamming the door and leaving, Acrylic was very dissatisfied with Soul Nitrogen's attitude, and his heart was on fire!

If it wasn't for Jiangnan's pressure, it would have been slashed long ago!

At this moment, all kinds of people in the conference room are trembling!

Nian Ling glanced at Soul Nitro angrily!

(????vyiv??) "This is good! Let you talk! You are a soul nitrogen thing!"

Soul nitrogen scratched his head embarrassedly:

(??-i_-`)?? "I...I just ask a question, but I don't ask for nothing. At least everyone is at ease, isn't it?"

Lei Ji clenched his fists tightly, the colorful arcs in his eyes flashed, and his expression was firm: "Don't let the Nanshen feel cold! There are still many things we have to do! For the sake of those suffering compatriots, and for ourselves!"

On Xinghai Square, acrylic has a bad face!

Jiang Nan smiled: "Hey hey hey~ That's enough, are you still angry? Don't be too frightened, let them think that I am a devil who does all kinds of evil, then it will have the opposite effect!"

Acrylic piqued: (??`Yi????) "I just can't stand it! In order to save them, I have paid so much, endured so much pressure, and they will be suspected! If they are hacked to death, they will be clean!"

Jiang Nan laughed and patted the acrylic on the shoulder: "Come on! Where can I get so much anger every day? If I had the weather, wouldn't I be mad at me? Be happy!"

"Aren't there all white-eyed wolves there?"

Yao Hong, on the other hand, looked over her head, full of anticipation:

(???????????????w??????) "Boss Nanshen? You just said that you would increase the investment in the Qunxing plan, are you serious?"

At this stage, Yao Hong has more money than he can spend!

Jiang Nan looked vigilant: (??????~????)?? "Don't expect me to pay, Brother Guan Jian and Boss Pang are going, but I don't, I haven't married a wife yet! "

Yao Hong couldn't help nodding her head, her eyes full of excitement:

(????°????°)?? "That's it!"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva: (????????????) "What's the deal? Is it about my wife?"

Yao Hong rolled her eyes: (????~????*) "What about the wife? It's the Qunxing plan! But if you don't dislike me, it's not impossible, giggling~"

"I've already begun to look forward to the final results of the Qunxing Project. Although these are slaves, their abilities are not weak, and some have great potential. Can the future be expected?"

Jiangnan looked at the night sky full of stars, and was lost again: "Indeed...the future can be expected..."

After solving the Qunxing plan, it will be handed over to Yao Hong. Jiangnan will give a hundred hearts. With her business acumen, the commercial street opened up by the Lost Kingdom can also be quickly formed and put into operation!

And the gang of bullies also began to say goodbye to Jiangnan, each went back to his own house, each looking for his mother, to expand the business territory for the lost country, and to attract investment!

Taro Damon Acrylic and the three of them also embarked on a journey to conquer the Wild Gods!

Jiangnan was not idle, but led people and insects to set off together, and began to choose a site for casting a new insect nest!

In the future, the Galaxy Star Region will be the new home of the bug rain!

At this moment, Jiangnan and the others are sitting on the transport insects, followed by a vast swarm of insects, migrating in the dimensional wind path!

In Jiangnan's hand, he was holding a newly drawn star map of the Galaxy Star Region all-sky area!

∑(°mouth°??) "Hi~ Jienima! Is the Milky Way galaxy so big? There are about 100,000 galaxies as big as the Milky Way?"

Wang Youzhi's mouth twitched:

(¬??¬) "Isn't this where you came from? You don't know how big your home is?"

The Galaxy Star Territory is the original Laniakea super galaxy cluster. Although the land in the suburbs of the starry sky is worthless, the human starry sky territory is still too big to pervert!

More than 100,000 galaxies have all been opened up by Dimensional Star Airlines, but the exploration has not been completed at all, and the star map is still being updated!

Some galaxies are not named, only the numbers are on them. With so many galaxies, when should they be named?

I saw that Jiangnan directly handed the star map to the insect rain!

(︶??︶〃)っ "Hey, my family! There's no way to draw a map to see it! Just pick a galaxy that's pleasing to the eye!"

Insect Rain covered his face, is this really a random choice?

The bug rain, who has been tangled for a long time, pointed with a small hand:

(??????~????)?? "Oops, don't care! Just choose the middle one! Luo Zi Tian Yuan!"

This galaxy has already been named, the Asgard Galaxy!

It is a super-large galaxy, much larger than the Milky Way. Now that you have chosen it, there is nothing to hesitate, just sit on the Dimensional Star and do it!

And when it was really outside the Asgard galaxy, Jiangnan didn't know why it was so named!

The entire galaxy is like a huge rotating astrolabe, and the galaxy is filled with endless golden stardust, surging, gathering, and wrapping the entire galaxy, forming a beautiful picture like an ethereal fairy palace!

It is really like a fairy palace that has been banished to the world!

Even if Jiangnan had seen the big world, his eyes widened in shock at the magnificence of the Asgard Galaxy!

(*??????) "Good guy! Asgard... the name fits the occasion, can you? You will be a little fairy living in Asgard from now on?"

Insect Rain blushed:

(????~????) "Ran... nonsense, I look pretty good here, so here it is..."

Hee~ Little fairy? I like!

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and looked at the excited Insect Rain with a thoughtful expression. Only a little fairy who can silence fart is a qualified little fairy!

I don't know if Bugs Yu can do it, so don't ask, or you will be easily beaten!

The group couldn't wait to lead the swarm to the Asgard galaxy!

Although it is in the human world, but in the huge galaxy, the number of planets is counted in hundreds of billions, and there is no exaggeration!

Not to mention that the exploration is complete, for humans, the Asgard Galaxy is a completely unknown existence, it is just discovered and named!

Jiangnan is a little excited, it's a bit like an adventure in the stars, isn't it?

ps: Added more today! Add tomorrow! Euler~

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