Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2562: Lake to eat sea to drink?

The beautiful fireworks adorn the night sky, and the splendid aurora splashes the world!

Presumably this scene will turn into eternity and will be deeply remembered by everyone present?

The eyes of everyone looking at the night sky are shining, that is the hope for the future, the hope in the heart!

There is a long way ahead, we have not yet reached the end, after a short rest, we will continue to set off!

With the thanks and expectations of our fellow human beings, we move forward again!

Everyone present has their own stories, different lives, and softness in their hearts!

But because of the same goal, they boarded the big ship of mankind, standing together through thick and thin!

And Jiangnan, who is the master of the times, is like the helmsman, leading the direction and driving the big ship named Human Race...

Ride the wind and waves, sail the sea of ​​stars!

Looking at the fireworks in full bloom in the night sky, Jiangnan smiled very happily, and his heart seemed to be filled with softness, and a sense of satisfaction emerged spontaneously!

He rubbed his eyes and muttered:

(??????) "It's so good!"

Even Insect Rain was stunned, even if she had lived for a long time, she had never seen such a beautiful scenery, let alone such an experience...

Are some of these fireworks for me? Are they thanking me in their own way?

This kind of satisfaction, she has never gotten in the Zerg!

She is the Insect Emperor, and everything she does is what the Insect Emperor should do... Thanks... Where do we start?

This is a romance unique to human beings. Insect Rain smiled and smiled sweetly. The last bit of my heart was wandering in the starry sky, and the loneliness of being homeless disappeared at this moment...

She is fortunate to be here at this moment and made that choice...

Jiangnan really gave himself a great "home"!

And Acrylic was also fascinated by the fireworks at the moment, and his eyes seemed to be sparkling. If that didn't happen, I should have my own race, right?

The scene in front of me has always been a luxury for acrylic!

He often regrets that he ended the Jiyue Clan with his own hands, but what happened has already happened. As Jiang Nan said, how can life be without regrets?

It is precisely because there is regret that it is fascinating!

Never before have so many people thanked themselves, at this moment, looking at the fireworks in the sky, acrylic has an inexplicable sense of belonging!

Everything is developing in a good direction, and I am getting closer and closer to that goal!

You just have to keep going!

I saw Acrylic looking up at the sky, his eyes full of determination: "I will do it! I will do it for you, but also for myself!"

But Barty smiled:

(????) "Okay, Brother Jian? The location of the celebration banquet was specially set up in the Nine Heavens Islands, just for this, right? It's already been arranged?"

Yang Jian grinned: (¬?¬) "Then take a look? Is my logistics team leader for nothing?"

But Batty hugged Yang Jian: "Then why don't you drink two? Come on~"

Yang Jian stretched his hips, who wants to drink with you? When the wine reaches your stomach, it is reorganized into other substances by atoms, right?

Jiangnan laughed:

(???ヮ??) "Come on~ let's continue! Let's go through the war to the end, everyone wants to live for nothing today, ahahaha~"

Against the backdrop of the beautiful night sky, at the banquet, everyone exchanged cups, scrambled, and blew the **** of the past.

As time goes by, even if it is late at night, the atmosphere in the field is still lively!

Jiang Nan didn't know what was going on, but he went under the drinking table, broke free from the handcuffs and crawled out, crawling forward!

I'm done! Is it okay to take it?

Freya is just a drunkard, hey, he can't beat her with his blood-burning and Sha Qi secret techniques fully activated?

At this moment, there are people lying all over the table!

I saw Zhao Dezhu roaring angrily:

?(?mouth??)? "Go! I'm going up and down, don't stop me! I'm about to explode!"

While walking, legs are shaking!

One hand was still in handcuffs, and seven or eight people were attached to the handcuffs, Craig, the king of Yezhen, Da Lei Luo Jiaoyang, and the others were lying on the ground in large fonts.

Ye Zhenguo from the giant bamboo shoots vomited while still whistling...

At the banquet table, Freya's fighting power is still strong, and Coopera can't hold it!

I don't know what's going on, but I just got on with Barty. The two of them are not afraid of anyone, and Barty is obviously on top!

The two of them drank all the wine on the table, and they didn't make a difference!

Barty stared: (?? Yi?) "Lai Lai Di! I really don't believe it today, let me make a few more tons of Erguotou!"

However, the confused Buddy's hands are not good, how can he make a fart?

Bombardier was also stunned, and he couldn't help but wave his hand:

(︶~︶?)? "Why is it so hard? Look at me!"

I saw him patrolling around, and immediately saw the big lake on the side, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

Walking like a devil, he came to the edge of the artificial lake, and turned himself into a baijiu man!

"Field expansion? Bombardier law? Old Baigan Dharma ring!"

After speaking, he directly inserted his hand into the lake. The large lake with an area of ​​several hectares turned all the lake water into wine, and the alcohol that was evaporated was irritating to the eyes!

Nightingale almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. I can still accept you drinking from the bathtub. What's the matter?

Drink from the lake?

The lake...the lake eats the sea and drinks?

Extraordinary really is extraordinary! Is that really irrelevant?

I saw the next moment, all the fish in the lake floated to the surface of the water, burping with wine~

Fish: z??))) 彡 We are fish! But you are real dogs!

After swimming all my life, for the first time I drank the bath water and got myself drunk!

Bombardier waved his hand:

(︶?︶?)? "Is it enough for you now?"

While talking, he pointed to the fish on the lake!

?(?︶~︶) "Look! The side dishes are ready for you!"

Barty stared: (???mouth???)? "Come on? Dare? Today I have to kill you, the goddess of life!"

Freya rushed towards the wine lake with a leap:

-=????=?????(???mouth??)? "I'm afraid you won't succeed? A battle~"

I saw the two madly rushed to the lake, sucking like a cow!

Kuafu has to say something bad when he sees it, now this young man is really lying!

Barty and Freya looked up at the same time, eh? What's wrong with this wine? do not care!

The water level of the wine lake is dropping at a rate visible to the naked eye!

Xing Cheng, who was on the side, looked at the two of them puzzled, why did they drink Cheng Baoer's saliva?

Not Miss Li!

It’s okay to grab the crocodile, is it possible that Boer’s saliva is also a good thing?

Actually...the lake wasn't that big originally...

On the other side of the lake, the magician Odin Martin and the others leaned on their shoulders and vomited at the lake!

Several rainbows poured into the lake, and the people who were drunk were full of doubts!

(??????)???? "Shaved head criticizes the king! Did you notice? We also vomited a lot to feed the fish. Why is the lake water vomiting less and less? This is unscientific! Vomit~"

Odin stared: (???????) "What? You still want to vomit up the lake level? Maybe they were all eaten by fish? Vomit~"

"Hey~ what's going on with this lake, what about the hot eyes?"

And at this moment, only hearing a rustling sound in the grass, Zhao Dezhu rushed out directly covered in leaves!

(?°?yi°??) "Go! There's no withdrawal from this! That's it!"

As I said that, I undid the buttons impatiently!

Ye Zhenguo kindly reminded:

(?????|||) "Pillars! You have a large amount. If the lake level rises, you won't be found?"

Zhao Dezhu stiffened: (??v?v?) "Indeed! I have saved a lot! This..."

Odin immediately said: "It's okay! Lord Zhu, even if you open the gate, this lake is very magical. Our brothers have been vomiting here for half an hour. Instead of rising, the lake level has fallen!"

Martin couldn't help nodding: "It's over! We'll show you!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Dezhu breathed a sigh of relief:

(?v~v?) "Then I'm relieved!"

Just about to fix! However, at this moment, several people felt two lines of sight!

I saw Freya and Barty on the other side of the lake, suddenly pulling their heads out of the lake and looking at Odin and the others!

The eyes of the two gangs looked at each other across the lake, and they collided fiercely!

The air seemed to stand still!

Barty and Freya were petrified on the spot, and Odin also twitched his mouth.


Barty: (? Yi? |||)! !

Freya: (@mouth@|||)! !

"You're a jerk! Are you and I doing the whole problem here? Shit~"

"Stand back! Hold back and run! You guys don't drink up this lake today, I'm not finished with you! Wow!"

Zhao Dezhu wanted to run too, but he didn't hold back when Barty shouted, and applied the question on the spot!

So a few people started running around the lake!

In ancient times, the king of Qin ran around the column! Today, there is a column that does not move, Batti Odin runs around the lake, and the scene is very lively!

Fish: z??)))≤~%?…;#*’☆!

At this moment, Jiangnan surrendered, sneaked out, ran to Zhong Yingxue in a daze, and sat on the grass on the edge of the Jiuxiao Islands to watch the fireworks!

I heard that they all drank from the lake? How can Jiangnan dare to fight with these animals?

The evening breeze was slightly cool. It stroked the grass, causing ripples like emerald sea waves, and also blew away the smell of alcohol. Jiang Nan and Zhong Yingxue sat shoulder to shoulder, head to head, and looked at the gorgeous night sky together!

Zhong Yingxue's heartbeat accelerated for a while, her cheeks were crimson, and her eyes turned to the grass in the distance from time to time!

On the other side of the grass, Xia Yao, Milalan, and Qianben Ying, each holding a branch as a shield, looked at the two people on the island with anticipation!


Shouting out in a low voice:

(?)?3?) "Xuexue rushing duck! The atmosphere is just right, the fireworks are the foil, and the romance is MAX! All the conditions are met! It's a good time to confess!"

"It must be successful? After success, after a wave of drunkenness, isn't it all in one step? Hurry up, hurry up!"

Qianben Sakura couldn't help nodding:

(??????????) "The opportunity is once in a lifetime! Sister Xue, come on!"

Zhong Yingxue took a deep breath, her eyes were full of determination, she has come to this point, can't you be cowardly?


Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan slipped and fell into Zhong Yingxue's arms, resting on his lap!

Eyelashes fluttering, breathing evenly, clearly asleep!

The corners of Zhong Yingxue's mouth twitched, and she burst out laughing!

Xia Yao: ! !

I saw her throwing the branch to the ground, her face full of anger!

(?`~??) "Xiaonan is such a complete piece of shit, with such a romantic atmosphere, sleep a fart! No luck! No luck, stinky Xiaonan! Xuexue finally mustered up the courage? Recruit!"

Qianben Sakura snickered: "Jiang Jiang is also tired, right?"

After more than ten consecutive days of high-intensity battles and several life-and-death battles, he has never stopped, his spirit is highly tense, and he is always concerned about the situation of the battle. He can't let anyone have an accident!

Even Zhan Xu slashed out four knives in a row and put it on someone else, and he fainted from exhaustion. Jiang Nan was stunned until now, and everything was done!

The reason why he fell asleep is because he thinks this is the most relaxing and safest environment for him, right?

Seeing Zhong Yingxue chuckling lightly, her eyes full of tenderness, she couldn't help caressing the broken hair on her forehead, lowered her head to Jiang Nan's ear, and whispered:

"Xiao Nan ~ I..."

A gust of breeze caressed, and murmurs drifted far and far with the wind...

After finishing speaking, he kissed Jiang Nan's cheek lightly, and rubbed his head dotingly!

The night wind was slightly cool, Jiang Nan arched into Zhong Yingxue's arms again, found a comfortable position, and slept more deeply!

I saw Zhong Yingxue lightly rubbing Jiangnan's earlobe while patting his back, looking at the fireworks exploding in the night sky, smiling softly, and singing a familiar nursery rhyme!

"Sleep~Sleep~My dear baby~I will come to accompany you in the dream..."

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