At this moment, Tiffany is standing in front of the eternal holy spring, holding a ghost vine whip, and the whip is full of the spikes of the universe crystal source!

It is conceivable that if this thing is drawn on the body, even the boson will have to be ripped apart!

Tiffany's eyes were full of helplessness, and she gritted her teeth and said:

(?°? Yi°?) "Brother innocent! Don't take it hard! Say you still have a chance!"

"You know the importance of the Seed of the Universe. If you can't find the whereabouts of that thing, there's no way it will let you go!"

"You say something, don't say a word? Didn't you take it?"

Even if Tiffany is at the helm of the Chuguang faction, in the face of innocence, you have to shout big brother!

She has been on trial here for a while, and she didn't ask any questions. Innocence is like a dead person, as if the outside world has nothing to do with him!

Not only were they innocent, but all the bosons who came back alive were tried, and their memories were even read!

Hiirao is even more focused on taking care of the object!

Since he came back, he has been locked up and has been interrogated!

The Bose tribe restored the whole process of the seed acquisition plan until the seed of the universe disappeared. The suspicion of innocence is indeed the greatest, because it was lost from him!

If it's not innocent, it's Siji, but they haven't found any evidence that it was taken by Siji!

But there are only so many people on the scene, can the seeds of the universe evaporate out of thin air?

Seeing innocence and not speaking, Tiffany clenched the whip in his hand, and his eyes turned fierce: "Don't make it difficult for me! If you can't ask anything, I will also be punished!"

"If you don't talk about it, don't blame me for being rude!"

But innocence still did not respond, Tiffany's eyes flashed with anger, and the crystal whip fell, making a harsh sound of breaking through the air!

For a while, the jelly splashed, and the skin opened and the flesh burst!

Whip after whip, he swayed without guilt, but the expression on his face remained unchanged!

Tiffany didn't know how long she had been playing, and she was even a little tired!

And at this moment, the void in front of the eternal holy spring flashed, and the old-fashioned Guli brought the other seven swallowing stars to the scene!

The faces of Emperor Yu Gen and Jing Kun all had a slap print on their faces, and their faces were extremely ugly!


And the three of them, the three swallowing stars who were in charge of the world hunt this time, were obviously repaired severely!

When Tiffany saw the elders arrived, she quickly lowered her head and said, "Tiffany, I have seen you all..."

Yu Gen gritted his teeth: "I still haven't asked anything?"

Tiffany's face was sullen: "He doesn't speak, and torture is useless..."

Guli's turbid eyes looked at Innocence, and just by looking at it, he knew that this person was useless...

"You have a great future, and the Eternal Ancient Palace should have your place. A single thought can make a huge difference!"

"Why do you do this? You are ashamed of the name your parents gave you! Did you take the seed of the universe! Where did you put it?"

At this moment, Innocence finally had a reaction, slowly raised his head and looked at Guli, his eyes were still empty!

"Heh~ I have never been worthy of the name of innocence! I said that I didn't take the seed of the universe... Ask ten thousand times, and the same is true!"

"I have no reason to take it! I am innocent of breaking through, why use the seed of the universe? Swallowing the stars is like this! The universe is also like this... Ha~"

Even if everything is lost, the arrogance of innocence is still engraved in the bones!

Guli squinted: "I know you are very confident! But this is not the reason to clear your name! How do I know if you are afraid that after Xunzu's breakthrough, future generations will not be allowed to enter, so you took the opportunity to sabotage the seed collection plan?"

"I want to be the first to eat this fruit and achieve immortality! It's not impossible!"

Innocence slowly closed his eyes and said hoarsely: "If you want to add a crime, there is nothing to worry about... I'm tired, I want to kill or cut... Feel free to..."

Guli frowned: "Since you said you didn't take it, who do you think it would be? Who do you think the Seed of the Universe is in..."

Innocent lowered his head, looked at the reflection in the water, and sneered...

"Isn't it clear in your heart? What is the need to ask... Is it because I don't want to tear my face with Si Ji, so I still have unrealistic fantasies... Ha~"

Guli's eyes suddenly became cold, and there was no need to ask any more!

"Tiffany, go get the Soul Traveling Pearl, recreate the abilities of the Soul Traveling Clan, check the innocent memory, and compare it with other people's, I want all the details!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked out with the stars, Tiffany nodded and said yes!

I saw innocent looking at Guli's hunched back, and asked abruptly:

"Is this era wrong? Is the law of the starry sky correct? Can the light really shine on every corner of the starry sky?"

"Everything I've sworn to defend! Is it worth it?"

At this moment, innocent eyes are full of unwillingness!

She took a step and didn't look back...

"Nothing in this world is right, and nothing is wrong! What matters is never right or wrong, but where you stand!"

"Light can't shine in every corner, because as long as there is light falling, there will be darkness. Light and shadow have coexisted since ancient times, and shadows are born when light falls! Beauty has always existed only in fantasy!"

"So... always stand under the light, don't look at the darkness! This is the way to last!"

"But these have nothing to do with you. You are no longer needed. Wait for the results of the investigation..."

After he finished speaking, he took people away with a wry smile...

Always stand under the light, don't look into the dark...

But we are light makers, is it enough to just stand under the light?

Is this the long-term way, or is it deceiving oneself!

Innocence is not clear, he doesn't need to think about these issues, everything has nothing to do with him...

The moment he lost to Jiangnan, his path was cut off...

Tiffany absorbed the Soul Travel Bead, opened his hand and went straight to the innocent Tianling Gai and pressed it: "You better let me find out something!"

In the Eternal Ancient Palace, Guli's expression was still gloomy!

Yu Gen darkened his face:

(?????)? "The Seed of the Universe is not really in the hands of Silicon-based, and they do not know how to get rid of it, and the recent actions of the Silicon-based lithography star field are not small! "

"But are we really going to tear up our face with Siji? At this time..."

Jingkun swallowed his saliva:

(?-﹏-`?) "Wait any longer..."

Guli squinted: "Wait? Waiting for what? Waiting for another million years? Can we wait?"

"Ancestor Xun has already felt that the storm is about to come. This is a change that has never happened in the times. If this time we fail to make a breakthrough, things will change!"

"However, at this critical node, such an important seed of the universe was lost by you! You said it! Damn it or not!"

Yu Gen and the others all had dark faces and dared not speak!

Guli took a cane: "Even if the starry sky is turned upside down, the seeds of the universe must be found!"

"Continue to investigate, monitor all the movements of Siji, and report at any time!"

"The acquittal defeat has damaged the prestige of our clan! I violated the rules and discredited our clan, and suffered continuous blows. It seems that it has made people feel that my Bose clan is not as good as before!"

"The races below are also beginning to move. If this continues, why does my Bose clan stand in the forest of all races? Why does it stand at the top of the times?"

"Bose! Need to stand up!"

At this moment, Guli's eyes were full of gloomy coldness!

"I want to make it clear to every life in this starry sky! My Bose family is not easy to mess with! Who is the overlord under this starry sky!"

In just three days of work, undercurrents flowed in the starry sky, and in the dark place that the world could not see, the turbulent waves set off were enough to smash people to pieces!

However, these have nothing to do with Jiangnan. In this sleep, Jiangnan slept for three days!

The warm sunlight fell from the window and reflected on Jiangnan's face!

I saw Jiang Nan lying on the floor with half of his legs still on the bed, obviously he came down from a reel, and his sleeping position was extremely presumptuous!

With his mouth open, saliva flows down the corners of his mouth, and he has a fur ball nightcap on his head!

There is also a pink girl's heart pajamas, I don't know who changed it!

There are also freckles, beards, glasses and a series of graffiti on the face, and I don't know who is doing it with a bullpen!

Dumbly opened his eyes, the sun was a bit dazzling, Jiang Nan bounced off the ground like a spring, and quickly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth!


who I am? where am i? what time is it?

Looking back for a long time, Jiangnan only remembers the gorgeous fireworks at the zero o'clock bell, and I don't remember the rest at all!

Obviously it's broken. He has never drunk so much wine in the bathtub in his life?

Jiang Nan's face was stunned, and there were thunderous noises in his stomach!

A carp jumped up and stretched fiercely, making bursts of crisp sounds all over his body, and the refreshing feeling spread throughout his body!

After a sleep, the fatigue is gone, and the blood is full of resurrection!

(●┏?┓??〃) "Aha!"

(〃●┏?┓??) "Xuexue? Wolf Extinction? Mira, Lan? Ladouying? Where are you? Do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry~"

Buckle up and paste Jiangnan out the door!

In the training room, the terrifying star energy concentration almost didn't stun Jiangnan!

I saw Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao, Wu Liang and the others began to cultivate again, and their level was obviously much better than when they first came back!

Jiangnan's mouth-opening boss was shocked!

(●┏口┓??〃) "Damn it! It's rolling again? You just came back? You don't stop for a while?"

Xia Yao abruptly turned her head away:

(? ̄? ̄) "Humph~"

Zhong Yingxue's shoulders were shaking, but she still said: "Go to the cafeteria to eat, there is a cafeteria here~ there are braised dishes~"

Jiangnan's eyes are bright:

(?┏?┓??〃) "Oh hush~ I'll go~ Wait for me! Wait for me to come back, I will kill you!"

After speaking, the teleportation disappeared!

However, as soon as Jiangnan left, Xia Yao burst out laughing and rolled on the spot while covering her stomach!


She didn't dare to look at Jiangnan at all just now, for fear that she would be **** off and exposed!

There were bursts of laughter from the training room, and at this moment, Yang Jian's call came from the communicator!

The Holy Law Society released the specific rules for this sequence of offensive and defensive battles, and opened the Sea of ​​Embers for all races to enter and prepare for the battle!

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