Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2592: Guagua language?

Wu Liang swallowed his saliva:

(.?v△v?.) "Don't you want to drink the water of the Styx and let this two-armed fish die?"

"Not to mention whether we can drink it dry, can this river of gold really go down?"

Cheng Bao immediately akimbo, with a face of dissatisfaction:

(???~???) "You guys are rushing to eat Cheng Baoer's crocodile, and now you can't eat it?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Nan and Mila's faces suddenly turned red, their eyes dodged, and they suddenly felt ashamed!


But also very shocked!

Cheng Baoer will draw inferences now? It seems that there is a lot of selfishness on weekdays?

I saw Jiang Nan sweating profusely on his forehead: "You... don't you really want to drink the water from the Styx River? Good Cheng Baoer, we won't drink it, this water will be buried~"

Xingcheng proudly said:

(︶~︶〃) "Humph~ How could Cheng Baoer use such a stupid method? I'm a fool! I'm so stupid!"

Zhong Yingxue stroked her forehead with her hand. Isn't melon a compliment? If we don't know idioms, we can use it for now!

I saw Xing Cheng running all the way to the front and took a deep breath!


The two-armed fish, who was catching the ghost and beating, was stunned, and tilted his head to look at Xingcheng!


Xingcheng immediately said:

(??v~v?) "Guagua~guaguaguagua..."

While talking, he gestured with his hands, opened his mouth, pointed to Jiangnan, and then pointed to the huge terminal database!

The little face is full of anger and hatred for not turning iron into steel!

The two-armed fish stared at Jiangnan with wide eyes, no longer playing Netherworld, grabbed his neck with a big hand, and threw it all the way!

Then he scratched his head, his face full of confusion, and he made a blind gesture with his hand!

Xingcheng couldn't help nodding his head:

(??????????) "Guagua Guagua? Guagua!"

I saw the two-armed fish open its mouth wide, staring at Jiangnan in a daze, and then began to freestyle wildly towards this side!

Jiangnan: (?? benefit??????) Gan! !

He subconsciously turned his head and wanted to run. Such a big two-armed fish is swimming towards you with all his strength. Are you not panicking?

Xingcheng quickly grabbed Jiangnan:

(.???)? "Brother Jiangnan doesn't run away! Cheng Baoer has already explained it and said that we helped it clear the sewers. It is here to thank you!"

Everyone's eyes bulged, and they looked at Cheng Baoer in disbelief!

Σ(? 口?|||)?

Just the Gua Gua Gua? Just explain things clearly?

Wang Youzhi was shocked:

Σ(°△°|||) "Is there really a common language between melon skins? Only creatures with similar IQs can communicate?"

The corner of Xiong Er's mouth twitched:

(?-﹏-`;) "Cheng Baoer actually took over the work of my translator, but I don't envy it. What's the matter?"

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, good guy, does he really have Guapi language? This is not something ordinary people can do, right?

I saw the two-armed fish swimming in front of Jiangnan, full of gratitude, the huge head melon seeds headed straight to Jiangnan!

Xing Cheng stared: (*???~???) "Guaguagua! Guagua!"

Then made a folded hands gesture!

The two-armed fish was stunned for a moment, and quickly began to learn in a proper manner. The giant hands clasped together, moved up and down, and stirred up the sky, obviously thanking Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan's eyes were bright, and he couldn't help rubbing Xingcheng's cheek fondly:

(?)`w?(ヾ) "Cheng Baoer is great too! I'll reward you with leftovers when you get home!"

Qing Ke: (??w???)…

After resolving such a big crisis, will you reward those who eat leftovers?

All I can say is... as expected of the Southern God!

Xingcheng tilted his head, eating Sheng Cai?

?(?﹃??) "Goose box ~ eat! Brother Jiangnan is the best!"

Qing Ke: (??mouth???)

Does she really eat?

Wang Youzhi watched this scene and didn't know where to start complaining!

(°ー°〃) "This... is this considered subjugation?"

Jiangnan also had a headache looking at the Styx koi that only evolved two arms!

"It can't be taken away, right? Look at it like this, at least four or five human grasses are needed to complete its evolution! I don't have that many?"

"Dazhi? Did you have two more? Would you like to lend me first?"

Wang Youzhi immediately covered his pocket:

(づ¬yi¬) "Bah! You dare to fight my idea? I'm still reluctant to use it myself, and I didn't bring it with me!"

"The key is that even if you eat my two plants, it's only enough for it to evolve its tail fin into long legs, right?"

"Isn't Te Meow even more oblivious?"

Everyone couldn't help but make up for the picture, and they all shuddered!

A big crucian carp melon seed with limbs? Not only two arms, but also two legs? hiss~

=????(?﹏?????) "Also... let's forget it first, Cheng Baoer! You tell him, let him hang out with brother, not only give him a drink, but also give him a second arm in the future. More useful parts!"

"As long as you want to make it together, you can always make it together!"

Cheng Bao nodded, and then there was another burst of melons!

The two-armed fish had bright eyes, nodded frantically, looked at Jiangnan with gratitude, and patted the water with both arms to express his excitement, and even clapped and clapped!

Everyone who saw them covered their faces, what kind of magical creature was Jiangnan tinkering with?

Cheng Baoer said excitedly: "It said let's put it on its back, it wants to carry us for a walk!"

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other!

At this moment, Bing Chacha, who were anxiously waiting on the Death Star of the Styx River, were all eager to see through!

What's going on? There is no movement?

Wouldn't Master Nether be hammered to death by a two-armed fish? They still want to hear that death move again!

However, it didn't take long before there were bursts of roaring sounds on the surface of the Styx River, and the waves were monstrous!

I saw the two-armed fish swimming frantically in the river, and the arms were drawn out of the phantom!

With Jiangnan and the others, data terminals and a lot of junk on his back!

The indulgent laughter of Jiangnan was mixed with the roar of the waves!

Immediately stunned everyone!

Σ(っ°Д°;)っah this...

With a swing of the fish's tail, the two-armed fish vanished with the crowd, apparently being transferred by the Styx!

On the edge of the Styx River Star Territory, Netherworld followed behind the two-armed fish with a bruised nose and a swollen face, not daring to approach at all!

(#)??┏3┓≠(#) "Jiangnan Ge Ge? You... When are you going to get rid of the two-armed fish?"

Jiang Nan teased:

(????) "Oh? You don't want it anymore?"

You Ming had a dark face: "People want a woolen thread~ Are you being beaten by fish every day?"

I bah! That's all, don't give it to me for nothing? Even if they go back to be regarded as the holy beast in the clan, the clan people will laugh at themselves when they see the portrait of the holy beast?

After all, the shape of this thing is so strange now!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Don't worry, before the sequence of offensive and defensive battles, I will find a way to get it done, and it will be over when my letter is over!"

If you go back by yourself, you can only be irritated, try not to be a human being, collect enough resentment points, replace it with human grass, and collect the body parts of the colorful big crucian carp melon seeds as much as possible!

This is not difficult for Jiangnan, it's just instinct~

Having said that, the group has already left the Styx Star Territory, got rid of the shackles of the Styx force field, and finally recovered their abilities!

And Jiangnan even slashed out a knife, tore out a giant space crack, and transferred the data terminal and a pile of junk into the dimensional crack!

Seamless connection!

For this thing, be careful, after all, there is a Styx force field suppressing in the Styx Star Region, and all energy will not work!

To the outside, the terminal may change what will happen!

There is a black **** in the cracks of the dimension, and the terminal can't resist the suppression of the black **** deity!

Jiangnan stood outside the Styx Star Territory and waved at the ghost:

(???)? "Then we will withdraw now. During the preparations for the battle, the nails that should be pulled can also be pulled!"

"No matter how hard the Nether Legion is to practice, the sequence of offensive and defensive battles is your starry sky debut, don't lose the chain!"

As soon as I mentioned this, the divine light in Netherworld's eyes burst out!

Today's Nether Race not only has a vigorous purification method, but also can use the Styx to the extreme, and has a chance to return to the starry sky!

Everything is going in the right direction!

And all of this, just because I believed in Jiangnan at the beginning!

Every time I think of this, You Ming can't help but admire his own wiseness and martial arts!

?(#)?┏3┓≠(#) "Then the baby will be waiting for your good news~ cluck~"

Jiang Nan's face darkened: (????????????)?

After I finished speaking, I took people to drill the dimensional cracks!

And the two-armed fish was still waving goodbye to Jiangnan and the others until no one could be seen!

I saw the two-armed fish and the ghost look at each other...

You Ming sweated profusely on his forehead: "Hey, hey! Don't..."


With a loud explosion, the stout arm of the two-armed fish shot out like lightning, and smashed directly on the ghost's body, smashing it out of sight on the spot...

In the gap between the dimensions, Dawei Tianlong has become a new coolie!

Pull the data terminal and go straight to the lost country with a lot of junk!

Jiang Nan leaned his chin in thought:

(?°??°) "What's a good name for him? Otherwise, what about Yu'er Arm?"

As soon as the words were finished, Qing Ke spit out all the toilet water!

(¬﹏¬?) "This... this family fish may not like this name too much, right?"

Wang Youzhi pouted:

(?v?v?) "You can pull Jin'er down! What's the name of Yu'er Arm? After he becomes smarter, he won't be able to catch you and beat him?"

"Just ask him to stroke the donkey! The image is also appropriate!"

Jiang Nan's face was black: "You straightened your tongue and spoke! You are also stroking the donkey? You are no better than me!"

"With this name, won't it hit you?"

Wang Youzhi spread his hands: ?(????')? "It can't beat me~ Where is my tongue not straight?"

"Red licking donkey aluminum green lithium donkey stringing donkey! Look? It's so silky!"

Jiangnan: (??w???)

"It's quite a donkey, listen to my brother's advice, slap the tongue and change it! This may not help..."

Who did this tongue snap off of? No way, is this?

Insect Yuyu rolled his eyes, why don't the two of you have a bad name?

The next moment, I heard a burst of exclamation from Xia Yao!

(*???) "Look! Data Terminals!"

Everyone hurriedly looked towards the terminal, and saw that since they left the Styx Star Region, the stars on the surface of the terminal began to flicker, and the stars were linked to each other and began to form an energy circuit!

Jiang Nan's eyes narrowed, did he react?

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