Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2605: come and go without being rude

But the conflict between the two races is still intensifying, and there is absolutely no intention of ending it!

The losses are getting bigger and bigger, and they are gradually approaching the bottom line in the hearts of both sides!

Now both sides are holding back, keep your strength!

But once this bottom line is exceeded, then nothing will matter, and will directly use any means to act with the sole purpose of destroying the opponent!

Guli's heart at the moment, like being roasted on a fire, is extremely anxious!

"Silicon Master! I'll ask you one last time!"

"The seed of the universe! Whether you give it or not, the matter has come to this point, don't force me!"

"I said, this time my Bose clan will not give up until they reach their goals. Do you want to start the Star Wars of the Thousand Stars Era with your own hands?"

However, the silicon master is still unmoved: "It's still the same sentence! We don't have it, and we can't give it!"

"It's you who started the war, and it's you who forced me! I'm just fighting back!"

"Silicon never regresses, and never fears war!"

Guli: ! !

A horse-riding, stubborn tin can!

If it goes on, the conflict between the two clans will inevitably turn into a war that sweeps the starry sky, pulling all the starry sky into the water!

The Qianxing era, which the Bose people have worked so hard to manage for more than two billion years, may be ruined because of this!

The Bose are also not afraid of war, but it is still a bit reluctant to destroy everything since the hard work was established!

It's too early for every race to start a full-scale star war!

But how to retreat? If you make concessions at this time and the goal cannot be achieved, what is the majesty of the star overlord?

The choice of Guli now even determines whether the era of Qianxing will end here!

I saw Guli took a deep breath and opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of determination!

"Remember! The road is yours to choose, even if you are kneeling, you have to finish it for me!"

After he finished speaking, the glazed light appeared on the top of his head!

Emperor Yu Gen rewarded them with all their hair standing up, and their eyes were extremely horrified!

Could it be…

At this moment, outside the lithography star field, a giant starry sky appeared and suddenly opened!

Two peeps emerged with a starry sky history book in their arms, and their eyes full of starlight seemed to have a bit of dignified color!

In the lost kingdom, Jiangnan's hairs stand up and goosebumps all over!

(*???﹏???) "I have a bad feeling!"

Even Insect Rain Yang Jian and the others were stunned, the Eyes of the Starry Sky, the peeps are all here?

Although the eye of the starry sky has almost become the exclusive special effect of Jiangnan, it is not worthless!

It's just because Jiangnan has appeared so many times that everyone feels accustomed to it!

Every time there is a major event in the sky that changes the direction of history, a peeper will emerge!

And now, the emergence of the Eye of the Stars has brought the situation to another extreme!

Black God narrowed his eyes and said: "It seems that the old guy of the Bose clan can't sit still, and he wants to crush down with absolute strength, so stop there?"

People's heartbeats seemed to have stopped at this moment, and they stared at the field in a daze!

Guli looked up at the starry sky: "Scream under the unparalleled might!"

"Destroyed here!"

The next moment, over the entire lithography star field, a stream of ten-colored world-destroying particles rushing down to the extreme!

It pours out like a giant 10-color waterfall!

Covering a wide range, including half of the lithography star field!

Xunzu still shot!

The size of the lithography star field is unimaginable. The Laniakea supercluster, which was originally located on the outskirts of the starry sky, is now renamed the Milky Way star field!

There are countless galaxies as vast as the Milky Way!

And the lithography star field is only bigger than the Milky Way star field!

It's not that Xun Zu couldn't destroy all the lithography star fields, but he just didn't want to, there is still room for it!

The unparalleled might descended in the starry sky and slammed into the lithography star field!

The power of destruction seemed to turn into a wave, surging in all directions!

All the matter, space, energy, everything in it is crushed and destroyed!

Even the black hole, which has always been strong, was even wiped out, collapsed, and finally disappeared under this force...

This is not just a simple energy attack, there is even a mixture of realm forces in this extinction!

This is a power that even swallowing stars is not qualified to touch!

Maybe the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy can hold out for a while, but not for long!

This time is destroyed, and it is the world within the domain that is destroyed!

Even the world that carried its existence has been destroyed, so how can black holes exist?

The 10-color waterfall that descended from the starry sky did not last long before disappearing...

But there was an incomparably huge void in the lithography star field!

There's nothing there, matter, energy, everything, even light!

The entire lithography star field directly evaporated half and returned to nothingness!

At this moment, the starry sky world was destroyed by this hand, but it was quiet...

Guli squinted: "Now... are you satisfied?"

At this moment, the silicon master finally has mood swings, a pair of mechanical eyes scarlet!

"This is not your power. It is impossible for such an existence to be born in the Qianxing era. Is it from the remnants of the old era?"

Guli said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense! Are you giving or not giving the Seed of the Universe!"

"Do you want to bury the other half of the lithography star field? Don't court death!"

Silicon main mechanical eye scarlet: "It is also indecent to come and go!"

"I said it! Silicon will never give in!"

Guli said with contempt: "Why? With your giant army? Do you think they will survive?"

"Since it's shot! My Bose will press the silicon base to death! You will no longer have the qualifications to talk to me on an equal basis!"

"This world has never been up to you to call the shots!"

On the side of the Bose Star Territory, twelve giant soldiers are ravaging the battlefield!

And just at this moment, in the body of one of the Hurricane Demon Gods, endless ten-color world-annihilation particles rushed out, wrapping his body layer by layer!

Its mechanical structure began to crazily annihilate and dissolve! The endless defense and suppression defense field seems to be in vain!

One after another giant high-dimensional spikes pierced out of his body, tearing it apart!

Seeing that he had no way to survive, the Hurricane Demon God was about to explode on the spot, but even his core power furnace was pierced!

Disintegrated on the spot into mechanical parts in the sky!

Liu Ren and Tian Lu fought for a long time and couldn't help the giant soldier, but he was demolished in a short time!

The two looked at each other in surprise!

Xunzu made a move?

Not only the Hurricane Demon God, but even a Nine-Eyed Heavenly Venerate also has World Destruction Particles rushing out!

It did not hesitate to choose self-destruction on the spot!


The extremely dazzling light even lit up the Bose Star Field, and the huge power swept away in all directions!

No one could have predicted that the silicon base was so decisive!

The giant magic weapon created by consuming a huge amount of resources actually said that if you don't want it, you don't want it!

I saw the ancestor machine roared!

"Dayan! Return the gift!"

At this moment, Shield Yu Tianzun roared, desperately rushing towards the deepest part of the Bose Star Territory!

And it also has high-dimensional spikes and world-annihilating particles rushing out of it!

But even if the shield Yu Tianzun was tied into a giant sea urchin, it was still charging!

Defense is not ordinary high!

And at this moment, an invisible light flashed across the body of Shield Yu Tianzun!

Its huge mechanical body was chopped up on the spot!

However, before his mechanical eyes went out, he released a ball in his chest!


"Final Star Martial Arts Series! Emperor Soldiers? World Destruction Protocore!"

"start up!"

I saw a pure white ball with a diameter of only 3,000 kilometers suspended in the starry sky!

The white ball is too white, and at first glance, there is an illusion that it has lost its three-dimensional sense!

At the moment when the original nucleus of the extinction was thrown out!

A giant hand of ten colors took shape, and held it straight towards the original nucleus of the world-annihilation!

But at this moment, a crisp sound of water droplets suddenly came from the nucleus~


The incomparably blazing white light expanded from the original nucleus of the extinction!

In addition to the giant hand, one after another ten-colored cubes bloomed together, trying to suppress the power of the original nucleus!

There are tens of thousands of layers!

But the original nucleus of the world is still blooming as scheduled!

I saw an extremely huge incandescent ball suddenly appeared in the Bose Star Field!

Outside the sphere, an endless golden halo circulates around it!

A pair of super giant 10-color hands are formed, like pinching a basketball, holding a giant white light ball!

Control its coverage and compress it within one-third of the Bose Star Field!

When the white ball of light disappeared, the pair of ten-colored hands also disappeared!

I saw that the area covered by the light ball was pitch black!

All matter, light, everything is gone!

There are only endless black embers floating in the starry sky, like black ribbons, intertwined and flowing...

A third of the Bose Star Field was turned into ashes!

The power is not as absolute as the extinction here, and it failed to end the black hole, but for other matter, there is no difference!

This is the result of those giant hands trying their best to control it!

Otherwise, God knows how far this annihilation pro-nucleus will expand?

It is impossible to say that the entire Bose Star Field can be eaten!

In the lost kingdom, no one laughed out loud!

This conflict between the two even refreshed everyone's perception of top power!

Whether it is the extinction here, or the silicon-based original nucleus of the extinction, everyone's worldview has been shattered by shock!

Jiangnan murmured:

Σ(°△°|||) "Ai-chan... What level is the power of this world-annihilating pro-nucleus?"

The corner of Aijiang's mouth twitched: "This is about the same level as the Final Star trilogy. The top Final Star martial arts was created by the Guisi School, and the Zhizhi School terminal did not include it..."

"However, if the final star trilogy is used in combination, the power may be even better..."

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