Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2619: The giant ship that rides the wind and waves

For the quiet development of the Carbon League, the Bose did not give any positive response, and it was all taken as if this matter did not exist!

Little do they know that they have also worked hard to accumulate strength, and are ready to give the Carbon Alliance a blow in the Sequence War, wanting to crush it completely!

As the overlord of the starry sky, how can you tolerate the disobedience of the younger brother?

But at least during the prep period, everything was fine!

Carbon League is also happy to be clean, seize all the time to develop and grow!

As for the silicon base, it is impossible for them not to know about the Carbon Alliance, and their data intelligence network is even more terrifying than the Bose!

However, in this regard, the silicon base has no measures, but fully restores the lithography star field!

As for the idea of ​​silicon-based, Jiangnan can guess a little bit!

In terms of top-level deterrence, the silicon base is not as good as the Bose. Although the final star is terrifying, the number is limited, and it is extremely difficult to manufacture. Use one less than one!

But Xunzu is different. His own existence is already the weapon itself, and there is no limit to the number of times it can be used!

Therefore, the silicon base is relatively weak. If the Bose tribe does not have the Sunda ancestor, then in the previous Boli war, the silicon base is afraid that it will directly seize the hegemony throne!

For Si-based, they don't mind the appearance of the carbon alliance, because it can help Si-based share the pressure from the Bose family and give them a chance to breathe!

And although the Carbon League is huge, there is no top-level deterrent in the starry sky, and there is no substantial change!

Once the silicon-based group suppresses the carbon alliance, the carbon alliance will inevitably counterattack. It is strange that the Bose can miss this great opportunity. It is designated to take a bite!

It's a complete loss-making business!

Therefore, the silicon base has no response to the appearance of the carbon alliance!

From a silicon-based perspective, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages at this stage!

As for the long-term perspective? Silicon base will not care about this, they follow the short-term victory method, they only want the first one!

And the Bose family will not let it go, but Si-based is happy to see the Bose and the Carbon League pinch!

Time passed January and January!

All ethnic groups are smashing resources into the sea of ​​embers for construction, and they are also training legions ready for offensive and defensive battles. The pre-war atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger!

During this period, human beings have all focused on the development of the Humanity Lingxiao plan!

A large number of resources were sent to the dimensional cracks and there was no movement, just like the stone sinking into the sea!

Humans did not engage in technological construction with great fanfare in the starry sky at the beginning!

Instead, the manufacturing and production factories of the engineering corps are located in the dimensional gap!

Wait until you have accumulated enough confidence, and then start the construction of the starry sky!

It is also to prevent the clues from being noticed by the silicon base. At least the 180-day preparation period, human beings want to stop and spend it!

Although paper can't wrap the fire, but it can wrap it for a while!

And the huge number of worms located in the Asgard star field came in handy, and a large number of insect soldiers were sent into the dimensional cracks to use resources to manufacture engineering mechanical soldiers, as well as mechanical weapons production factories!

Immediately afterwards, insect soldiers made engineers, and engineers made engineers, and the base was getting bigger and bigger, increasing exponentially!

It's been starting to pay off in a few months!

In Aijiang's plan, it is to build the Xinghai Yuanliu Space Array and mass production equipment for conventional weapons during this preparation period!

Li Bing is even more amazing, using the knowledge base content in the terminal to create a built-in brain-computer interface, so that his brain is directly linked to the terminal!

Any information stored in the terminal can be called at any time, which is more conducive to her research and development experiments!

But after all, the storage space of the human brain is limited. It is impossible for Li Bing to make a copy of the terminal content and stuff it into his head. What capacity is not enough?

Can only be used at any time!

However, this is already very happy for Li Bing, who often stands in the laboratory and giggles, causing other researchers to think Li Bing is crazy!

The equipment in the laboratory has also been upgraded, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the top technology laboratory in the starry sky!

And Freya gradually took over the work on the Carbon League side from Yang Jian!

Brother Jian's side is busy with the whole army, although the Carbon League has been established!

But human beings still have to invest their troops in the sequence of offensive and defensive battles.

Furthermore, the sequence of offensive and defensive battles may have to be fought to the death for other clans, but for humans who have the trump card of the Nether clan, it is an excellent training opportunity!

As for acrylic, I didn't practice at all, but continued to rescue the slaves with the chaotic army of stars formed by the bully gang!

And because of the establishment of the Carbon Alliance, with the help of allies, the rescue of the slave species was suddenly a lot easier!

Each family has a lot of connections, and the Qunxing Project can be said to be getting bigger and bigger!

Normally, with the increasing number of members of the Qunxing Project, the consumption of human beings should be more and more terrifying!

Finally, until humans can't afford it!

But in fact, as the Qunxing project gets bigger and bigger, the resources invested by human beings are slowly decreasing!

Because all ethnic groups in the Qunxing Project are engaged in business, developing special products, and using their racial abilities to develop various useful small products for business sales!

Many races have set up business offices in the Lost Country, and many races are already self-sufficient, and even the business is booming and started to make money!

This is also the reason why Jiangnan let them do their own food!

Coupled with the operation of Yao Hong, a small earner, the income of the Qunxing Project is extremely huge!

And these earned money, humans don't take a cent, and they won't take a cut or the like!

On the contrary, these races will use some of the money they earn to feed back to the Qunxing Project and crowdfund a Qunxing Fund!

Use it as a fund to save more slaves!

Those races that were pulled out of the abyss by Jiangnan also began to learn to hold umbrellas for others~

It's like a legacy...

And Jiangnan and the others were not idle, but started the practice involution mode in the interdimensional gap!

Originally, Qingke wanted to take Jiangnan and the others into the starry sky for a few months, pick up more than a dozen ancient inheritances, the legacy of the big brother, etc., to give everyone a wave of strength!

But it was rejected by Jiangnan, which would consume even more of Qingke's total air transport!

At present, Jiangnan has not found a solution to Qingke's problem, so it's better to save it...

However, Qing Ke was not reconciled. She always felt that as a treasure hunter, she didn't play a good role, so she took out a lot of secret techniques that she had picked up before that she couldn't use, such as the inheritance of big brothers!

Let Zhong Yingxue and the others pick and choose to see if there is any suitable, and they can be used!

Everyone was stunned to see...

It's just inhumane, isn't it?

Not to mention, there are quite a few of them that you can use!

And in the love sauce terminal, not all records are for silicon-based technology, and a large part of them are records about the secret techniques of various races in the Eternal Age!

After all, at that time, the silicon base had already started to go against the various ethnic groups, and the research on the various ethnic groups in the starry sky was naturally thorough!

Among these ancient secret techniques, there are quite a few that can be used by everyone, and there are even divine runes that have been lost.

However, these are completely useless for today's Jiangnan!

Jiangnan has already surpassed ten stages, and those secret techniques do not improve the strength at all, and they are very tasteless!

What Jiangnan is really interested in is the application of silicon-based space technology!

Now, under the **** of the starry sky in the south of the Yangtze River, the space can be kneaded and transformed at will, as long as you understand the principle!

Like the Mobius ring, the space is so close to the horizon, it is not impossible!

In-depth research on space and utilization of space is the biggest direction for Jiangnan's improvement!

And in the terminal database, extremely valuable data about black holes are also recorded!

This is extremely helpful for Jiangnan to master black hole jets and black hole flares!

Although Jiangnan now knows his fate, there is absolutely no possibility of returning to the wrong reality due to the causal line!

But the point that memory will be lost is still not solved!

Although it is possible to store your complete memory in the terminal through the brain-computer interface, it is always synchronized!

After opening the black hole and swallowing the stars, if you lose your memory, you will come back again, so you can find the lost memory fragment and know what happened!

But the problem is that after the memory is lost, even if the memory fragment is retrieved, there is no sense of participation and substitution at all!

It's like watching a movie. Although the protagonist is himself, he doesn't know the state of mind and various feelings at that time. It's extremely unfamiliar!

It’s okay to come and go less often, but once there are too many, there will be big problems, and all kinds of complex feelings will be wiped out in the process!

Jiangnan didn't want to do this, so he still reluctantly turned on the black hole and swallowed the stars!

Before the problem is completely solved, Jiangnan will never try it lightly. This is responsible for himself and for the partners who care about him!

The road to control space is temporarily impracticable!

Fortunately, Jiangnan is running wild on another road that integrates into space!

Under the new combat system, the strength is not weak, at least it seems to be very incomprehensible now!

After all, the two-dimensional armor, the two-dimensional sword, the star armor, etc., is too shameless!

With the support of huge resources, Zhong Yingxue and the others have successfully moved up the repair period!

Only Jiangnan, there is no movement!

After three months of crazy involution, Tengwu's energy absorption and transmission, Menghan medicine, black garlic, jumping candy, etc., Jiangnan has never felt that he has practiced so hard!

However, the goose level has only improved a little bit, but it is still an extraordinary ten period!

At this speed, when will we be able to get up?

I am afraid that half a year of preparation period has passed, Jiangnan is still extraordinary ten!

It is completely unacceptable for Jiangnan to not be able to repair even one period in half a year!

This is too slow!

I still don't know how many phases I have to cultivate to make a qualitative change, and how many times can I swallow stars in the year of the monkey?

Little do they know that the people of other tribes don't know how many years of energy they have accumulated before they can make a qualitative change!

Some people accumulate energy all their lives, and they don't rise to the next level until they die. Everyone has a limit!

If it's so good, isn't it swallowing stars everywhere?

The Thousand Stars Era has been around for so long, how many Swallowing Stars are there in total?

The speed of Jiangnan's cultivation is already very perverted!

But he is still not satisfied, he is the strongest under the swallowing stars, what's the point of staying?

Hurry up to swallow the stars, so you can open the scoop of the swallowing star one by one?

If not to say that the child of luck holds it in the hand, luck is good!

Sleepy to pillow and hungry to eat!

Just when Jiangnan was thinking about whether to go out to relax or not, news came from Aijiang!

"Master Master! The initial construction of the Xinghai Yuanliu Space Array has been completed~"

Jiangnan: (*?1?9?1?5?1?9) Oh hoo hoo~

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