Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 817: One life for another? (Plus more)

At this moment, Jiangnan was teleporting crazily on the sea, constantly looking back at Odin!

This guy ate a bunch of Spirit Binding Orbs, and his body has its own Spirit Binding Field!

Once approached by him, he won't be able to teleport anymore, and he will be beaten to death by him!

Even if you want to use a small glove to tie a pony, you need to get close to him!

Jiangnan still didn't dare to teleport towards the sky. Once Odin chased him down, he would definitely turn back and vent the fire on the Black Dragon giant ship!

How did he recover his memory?

This can kill me!

Odin's physical fitness is already fierce, and coupled with the blessing of Vigor 2.0, he is about to rush to the south of the Yangtze River with only two legs!

Jiangnan yelled: "Stay on the sidelines and see you in the future!"

"I hope you don't know how to praise!"

Odin: -`(ꐦ☉益⊙ꐦ)'-starting website htt

"You still have the face to say! My Audi... Bah! The famous name of Odin I! You have all stepped on your horse!"

"How did you endure to fool a fool? Are you still a person?"

[The grievance value from Odin Caesar is +1007! ! ]

Jiangnan said angrily: (◦`~') "No! I don't allow you to say that about yourself!"

Odin: -`(ꐦಥ益ಥ)'-Send!

"I want your life!"

The two legs became more and more swift while speaking, and the speed skyrocketed!

Jiang Nan stared at him: "I want my life? I want your life first! You are the one who forced me!"

He took out a hundred shots of small and medium slingshots while talking! To deal with Odin's level, it is natural to use armor-piercing bullets!

Control the distance so that Odin is within a range of three kilometers!

Jiangnan didn't turn his head back, he would shoot at the bow!



With a "shoo", the scarlet Lingmang circled in the air and hit the middle of Odin's characters!


The powerful penetrating power of the black beads is pouring out!

Odin's body was smashed hundreds of meters away, and he floated on the surface of the sea!

The physical fitness is strong and strong, but it can't bear such a misfortune!

At the moment, holding his hands and pumping on the sea non-stop!

hair! ~-`○| ̄|_

(ꐦಥ 粥ಥ): "It's you! You are the original sin that beat me back then? Ah!"

Jiangnan: ╮(・᷄ꇴ・᷅)╭Y

"Hey~ it's me! There is a kind of you come over and beat me!"

"I like the way you are angry but can't kill me!"

[The grievance value from Odin Caesar is +1007! ]

At this moment, Odin's face was green, and his muscles bulged, like a human-shaped bullfrog!

With a "boom", the sea was trampled on and exploded, and Odin rushed towards the south of the Yangtze River like a swordfish with a ferocious look!

"I shark you!"

The frightened Jiangnan shrank his neck, teleported and ran away!

At the same time, he madly pulled out the black beads, and the phantom was pulled out by the bow of the arm!

I saw seven or eight crimson lights flying in the sky at the same time!

Strike towards Odin like a swallow coming home!

Rao is Odin's face pale at the moment, but his face is firm and fierce!

The steel teeth clenched, and the dantian became angry!

"Come on! I tried my best today, abandoning the happy life of the rest of my life, and also want to shark you!"

Odin didn't stop at all, letting the crimson spirit light crazily hit and ravage!

Make a "clang clang clang" sound!


Little Odin: (#)༎ຶД༎ຶ(#) Wow~

What did I do wrong again!

Odin's eyes are full of madness, desperately chasing, and the distance is further shortened!

The scared Jiangnan made a frantic burst!

What is it like to get angry? You really spared it!

In order to kill me, don't even want the life of the bird?

One life for another?

It's a wolf fire!

Odin, who has carried forty or fifty rounds, is numb, and Jiangnan is about to draw his bow and shoot again!

But at this moment, I only heard a "pop"!

The durability of the rubber band of the slingshot has returned to zero at this time?

Suddenly breaking, the rubber band was slammed on Jiang Nan's face, and two red bars were drawn out in a daze!

The black beads also burst fiercely, spitting out a mouthful of old blood to Jiangnan!

Jiangnan:! ! !

"Don't drop the chain at this time!"

But Odin's eyes were bright, and he took the opportunity to rush straight up!

Jiang Nanxin mentioned her throat, just about to teleport!


(°ˉ᷄口ˉ᷅) Ah~


With a loud "bang", a nuclear sneeze in the south of the Yangtze River was full of flames!

A huge splash of water broke out on the sea, and I knew that Jiangnan was sneezing, but those who didn’t know thought they were frying fish!

The powerful recoil caused Jiang Nan to fly upside down and smashed into the spiritual force field!

Jiangnan scolded his mother in an angry heart!

Do you not sneeze when it is okay, but when it comes to critical moments?

Can there be any more pits?

Odin looked at the timing, his eyes were red, and he took the opportunity to punch out!

There was a series of bursts of air, Jiangnan's eyes were about to split, and the blood was burned open, and he quickly took out the pony to block his chest!


There was a muffled sound, and the sound of bone cracking came!

Jiangnan was smashed into the air by the sound, and he was plowing out the ditch on the sea, and the waves were splashing!

At this moment, Jiangnan's arm was broken, his chest was sunken, and even his spine was broken in two!

With a punch, Jiang Nan didn't have half his life directly, this is still under the premise that Xiao Mazha is holding it!

Odin's fist is not much better, it is bloody!

However, the angry Odin didn't care at all, and a big jump went madly towards Jiangnan!

"Die to me!"

Jiang Nan spit out a mouthful of blood, looked wilted, and tremblingly took out the small ginseng and was about to stuff it into his mouth!

If you don't eat it anymore, you will die without Odin hitting yourself!

Before the ginseng was plugged into his mouth, Odin smashed over. As soon as he approached, the spiritual force field shrouded again, and Jiangnan couldn't teleport!

I have to take out the floor and cover my body to save my life!

But at this moment, a scarlet glow of blood rushed over at a terrifying speed like an arrow!

Instantly came to Jiangnan, it was Miye!

Stepped kicking, spinning his waist and punching, a heavy punch hit Odin's chin!

"This king doesn't allow you to touch him!"


With a blast, Odin's body was rotated and smashed out, and he fell far away!

Jiang Nan stared at Mi Ye in front of him blankly, startled!

She... Didn't she leave?

How to pay it back...

Jiangnan: Σ(゚д゚)?

"Nei~ Nei, I didn't appear in front of you on purpose, can you not shark me?"

(⑉ԾཀԾ) 噗~

Just after speaking, another mouthful of blood came out!

Mi Ye looked at Jiang Nan, who was covered in blood and almost killed, with a pitiful look, so angry and funny!

You talk too much!

[The grievance value from Mi Ye +333! ]

"Shut up! Heal the wound! Do you want to die?"

The body rushed out in an instant while speaking, and rushed straight to Odin!

I saw that Odin, who had been punched by the night, stood up again like a okay person!

Originally, Mi Ye's physical fitness was much higher than that of Odin!

But Odin, who is equipped with a spiritual force field, once the melee beastly Miye attacks melee, he can't use abilities at all!

Coupled with Odin's strong 2.0 blessing, his physical fitness is even stronger than that of Mi Ye!

And the physical attack also brings a crit!

Jiangnan looked uncomfortable!

This little monster was made by himself!

Mei hurried over to help Jiangnan up, and help stuff the little ginseng into her mouth!

The fatal injury is finally recovering!

(๑ớ◡ờ) ھ "The Queen has gone to the abyss. Seeing Odin came back, she turned back to save you!"

"You can't make the queen angry anymore, you know?"

Jiang Nan was taken aback, looking at the back of Mi Ye rushing towards Odin, his nose was a little sour!

A bit more gentle in the brows and eyes!

"I'll help!"

He rushed out as he spoke, and a little ginseng went down, nosebleed madly, and it was really full of blood and resurrected!

Odin looked savagely: "Miye! Advise you not to be nosy!"

"Although you are strong, I can still overwhelm you just by relying on my physical fitness and the spiritual force field!"

Mi Ye Qiao's face was cold and frosty: "You need to control! My man, you are not allowed to move!"

"How far do you get to this king!"

Odin said angrily: "This is not your abyss, Jiangnan I will kill you!"

"You have the courage to stop and try!"

The bodies of the two are intertwined instantly!

Under the shroud of the spiritual force field, Mi Ye's blood armor turned into aura!

However, Mi Ye didn't retreat, and a knee hit Odin's abdomen!


Odin's whole person was turned into a prawn, but he hit Mi Ye's head with a punch!

Miye can only raise his hand to defend!


With a loud noise, the powerful force directly broke Miye's defense!

The boxer hit Mi Ye's face heavily!

Mi Ye's eyes were scarlet, and he held Odin's arm with a soft drink, and he slammed directly over his shoulder!

Countless splashes of water blew up on the sea!

He immediately raised his foot to kick the football and hit Odin in the head!


Odin's body was kicked and flew out, but he got up like an okay person, twisted his neck, and his whole muscles bulged!

"That's it? Are you stopping me?"

Mi Ye Qiao's face is cold, **** foam is spit out, her eyes are as cold as a knife!

Tear off the cuffs to tie your hair, raise your arms and make a fist!

Stubbornly said: "Come again!"

Just as Odin was about to speak, a scarlet spiritual light shot out and hit again!

Odin shivered, his eyes full of anger, it's endless, right?

Jiang Nan hurriedly ran to Mi Ye and handed her a bottle of Vigor 2.0, with a look of hope!


"Drink it, you can beat him if you drink it!"

Mi Ye was stunned and couldn't help but think of the scene where Odin turned into a bald devil muscle man after drinking!

Can't help but look disgusted!

(幛~幛٥): "No! This king doesn't drink! Go go!"

Jiang Nan said anxiously: "When is this, we can't suffer for the sake of face, drink it, be good!"

Mi Ye turned his head: "Don't drink! Don't think about it!"

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