Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 840: The fierce fight in the bright night

The magician will naturally not get used to Igor!

Raised his hand and shouted: "Space bound!"

In an instant, the surrounding space is as solid as fine gold!

In order to restrain Igor!

However, I saw Igor waved his hand, and the imprisoned space shattered like a mirror!

The magician's face was pale, he vomited blood, and his face was shocked!

Space constraints are useless? How can it be!

What level is the strength of this boson?

Igor sneered: "The star-level space system is not qualified to shoot me!"

"You should save it!"

Odin held the magician's back with a grim look: "What do you mean? Do you want to go to war?" Remember http://m. 42zw. com

"Abyss Change is your masterpiece? You want to play, I Odin will play with you to the end!"

Igor said coldly: "I want to play? You stretched out your hand first!"

"Do you dare to move the virtual nail nailed by my holy star? I will hand it over to Lao Tzu!"

"I advise you not to be nosy, and don't even know how you died when the time comes!"

Odin was stunned, what kind of false nails?

Suddenly, Odin remembered the tenth floor, when he was working for Jiangnan!

The nail Jiang Nan pulled off from the top of the Chuangshi Beast's head was broken and taken away!

by! Was that nailed by the Holy Star Organization?

The reason why this boson came to chop me was because the nail I drew was supposed to take away the virtual nail?

Odin: -`(益)'-

"Jiangnan! Damn you, throwing the pot again? Is Lao Tzu a professional man?"

[The grievance value from Odin Caesar is +1000! 】

Last time because of the incantation data, the Illuminati got on the bar with the United States, so I recite it once!

Why did Abyss blame Lao Tzu this time?

The fart Illuminati, changed its name to Backpot Teaching!

"I did not pull the nail, nor did I take it! It was a good thing Jiangnan did!"

Igor frowned: "Is that the space department of China?"

Then he sneered: "You fart! If I remember correctly, that kid is only platinum level! Can you cut a virtual nail? A joke!"

"I found a large number of light particles left by you in the gap of the chain, and in the void of the tenth layer!"

"You said it wasn't you? Don't quibble!"

Odin:-`(益)'-ah ah ah!

"It's true, he did it. He used a broken bench, and it broke it when it hit it!"

"The virtual nail was taken by Jiangnan, I didn't move at all!"

Igor squinted: "Are you fooling me like a fool here?"

"That's a virtual nail! There is almost no material in this world harder than it!"

"You're still stubborn, right? Bad my plan, you can't get my things!"

With a single hand shake while speaking, the Bose particles condensed into a knife, slashing towards Odin at a swift speed!

Odin:! ! !

If you usually rely on your own ability, Igor is not false!

However, now I still have Spirit Binding Orbs in my stomach, so I can't use supernatural powers at all!

This is yellow mud off the crotch! It's not shit, it's shit!

Odin sweated violently on his forehead, turned his head without saying anything, and ran away, and the pants at his ankles fluttered away!

The phantom was freed up by both legs, and it hurried wildly on the ice of the Northern Ocean!

Igor flees into the void and catches up: "Hand over the virtual nail! Or kill you!"

While speaking, the Bose particles bloomed, and the two crystal horns on the head burst into blue waves!

A **** hole was cut out in Odin's body, and the whole person was covered with hoarfrost!

However, the speed did not decrease but increased, and his face was furious: "I said that I didn't take it! The virtual nail was in Jiangnan's hands!"

"Look for him!"

However, Igor didn't listen at all, and when he caught Odin, he just slashed!

Fortunately, the effect of Odin 2.0 is still there, and it can last a while!

However, this can't last long!

The magician was also in a hurry, and quickly teleported to rescue Odin!

God is mainly gone, but no one pays himself a salary!

So follow Igor and keep harassing spirit skills to create opportunities for Odin!

Odin's face turned purple when he was frozen, his wounds were not old or young, and the blood in his body was frozen!

My heart is extremely anxious, and if this continues, I am afraid that I will really be cold!

Damn it, what should I do?

Only by draining the bound spirit orbs and restoring the spiritual power of the supernatural powers can you have the power to fight Igor!

But I am running away now, I dare not stop at all!

Where can I have a chance to volley myself slowly?

Otherwise, between life and death, people have infinite potential!

As the saying goes! What can a living person suffocate?

Odin couldn't help but think of that magic bean...

"Damn! Jiangnan, I've been **** moldy for eight lifetimes when I met you!"

[The grievance value from Odin Caesar is +1000! 】

With a roar, Odin raised his head and ate a small detoxifying soybean!

There was a loud thunderous noise in my stomach!

"Puff puff bu~"

Odin, who was running on the road, started volleyball! Without delay, the speed is even a bit faster!

Odin looked ashamed and angry!

Social death is better than real death!

At this moment, Igor, who was chasing after Odin, was dumbfounded!

A face full of horror, madly avoiding the hidden weapon thrown by Odin!

Wha...what the hell!

Odin let himself be beaten!

Just don't hand over the virtual nails, are you so persistent?

"Human! You really offended me this time! Disgusting!"

Even the magician who played support all the way was stunned by this scene!

A muscular man with no trousers and a glowing head, running wildly on the glacier and snowy field, flying freely?

God is so hard to fight!

At this moment, the last spirit-binding orb in Odin's body was finally discharged under the action of the detoxifying small soybeans!

In an instant, Odin burst into infinite light, and the terrifying spiritual fluctuations even tore the glacier apart!

"I said I didn't take it! You have to force me!"

"Come on! Come here, I'm fighting with you today!"

"CD-ROM. Corona. Supernova!"

With a touch of jealousy in Igor's eyes, the rich blue Bose particles bloomed, and he started a confrontation with Odin!

An astonishing battle broke out on this inaccessible North Sea glacier!


Early the next morning, Room 321, Ziling Hotel, Kyoto!

Jiangnan is sleeping with a small dimple on his pillow, Zhengxiang!

The door broke open, and Xia Yao and Mila made a big jump and flew directly onto Jiang Nan!

() ()

Oh Σ_(∠)_

"Yes... it's the pressure of life, can't I get up because of the pressure?"

Xia Yao smiled and said: "Get up soon, the tickets are all bought, and I have to go back to the college today!"

Mila stepped forward and rubbed Jiang Nan's little face: "Brother Lazy Pig is up!"

Jiang Nan got up from the bed with his sleepy eyes, and Zhong Yingxue came over with a new set of clothes!

"Nah~ I went to the mall yesterday and bought a few sets for you, try the size!"

Jiang Nan's eyes are full of softness, which is so good!

After changing into his clothes, Jiang Nan, who was washing himself, looked at the large piece of grievance that was published last night in the system, and his eyes were dumbfounded!

Is Odin so hardworking?

Hasn't it been over yet? This is too hard, right?

what's the situation?

In the hotel lobby, all the trainees gather together, ready to go to the train station!

Wu Liang's face was full of red light at the moment, and he was full of vibes!

Absorbed the star-level spirit orbs, and the level has reached the level of platinum two!

Jiang Nan leaned forward curiously: "Brother, what kind of magic? Isn't it pretty?"

Wu Liang almost grinned behind his ears: "It's so pretty, I have a chance to show you one!"

At this moment, Ye Xinghe came out of the room with a bruised nose and swollen face!

The plaster cast on the arm, there are many bandages on the body, and the neck protector is also worn on the neck!

The face is so dark!

Qin Shou was stunned: "Didn't you go home yesterday? Why did you get hurt like this? Did the gun explode?"

Jiangnan can't hold back the joy, it must be a cannonball from family love!

Shouldn't this **** sister-brother relationship be so fierce!

[The grievance value from Ye Xinghe is +666! 】

Jiang Nan hurriedly stepped forward and gave Ye Xinghe a small ginseng!

Smiled brilliantly: "Frustrated! Hit is kiss, curse is love!"

Ye Xinghe shivered sharply:

(﹏(#) "Then my sister loves me too much! Nanshen, you have taken good care of my sister too!"

Jiangnan looked guilty: (ω)

Secretly stuffed Ye Xinghe five pith fruits!

"I turned around and ate it, good stuff came!"

I promised Ye Xinghe to push Ye Xinghe to SSS+ before, but I forgot to go behind his ass!

Seeing Ye Xinghe being beaten like this today, I remembered this!

Ye Xinghe saw the pith fruit, his eyes were bright, he naturally knew what a baby this was, and his face was moved!

"Southern God, you are a good person!"

The group successfully boarded the train and embarked on the journey back to the college!

Jiangnan was okay when he was idle, but he made international headlines with his mobile phone!

Not long has passed since the heat of the abyss, I thought it would continue for a while!

In the end, it was topped by a piece of explosive news and made the headlines!


Last night, a terrifying war broke out on the North Ocean Glacier, and the night was bright for seven hours!

Torn 170 kilometers of glacier, the satellite image is clearly visible!

The attacker is suspected to be Odin Caesar, the identity of the opponent is unknown, and the battle is extremely fierce! The pants are broken!

(Picture) .jpg×9!

Looking at the pictures taken by the satellite, Jiang Nan couldn't help but feel his scalp numb!

Is this a deadly battle at the Daotian level? Even when fighting for the core of the abyss, there are so many heavens, and I have never fought so fiercely!

The ice caps on the Northern Ocean are shattered a lot!

In the picture, the blue light and the yellow light can be seen vaguely confronting each other.

As expected of my little brother! Really!

Hiss~ Saying that Odin was so angry yesterday, and the grievance value was refreshed in the morning, he should be fine!

He can't kill Huaxia, come on me, right?

Jiang Nan swallowed, a little panicked!

Turn over the picture again, and the detailed picture enlarged by the satellite!

Although it was a little fuzzy, the light was too bright and I couldn't see the face, but I could still see Odin's back in the yellow light!

Half sleeves on the upper body, pretty normal!


Look down!

-. ). )

Jiangnan was stunned: ('ω)? Hiss~ Is it so intense? Are your pants broken?

Who is the opposite? So cruel!

However, the satellite cannot capture the identity of the Blu-ray owner at all!

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