Chen Zhou blinked:

"God? What do you mean? Specific, or fictional? "

The concept of gods is too big.

It's fine if it's a fictional kind that doesn't exist, but if it's a concrete and real god...

That's it!

"It's a pity..." Qin Ru shook his head slightly: "Although it has not been proven, it is most likely true."

Then she looked at the wall, her expression a little bleak: "The things recorded on this are all consistent with our understanding of the otherworld."

Even if it has not been fully analyzed, if what is recorded above is true....

Otherworldly, it is very likely that there really are gods!

Chen Zhou noticed that something was wrong with Qin Ru: "What's wrong with you?" Do you feel too tired and how long have you not slept?

Qin Ru was stunned, and then said with a bitter smile: "It has nothing to do with this, it's just a matter of gods, and the impact on my world view is a bit big..."

Chen Zhou spread his hands and said: "Even if there really are gods, what should we do?" What's so entangled in this?

"You're not a scientific researcher, you don't understand my feelings..."

Qin Ru sighed:

"Modern scientists, although many people are also trying to prove the existence of gods, but for more scientists, including me, in fact, we don't want gods to really exist."

"Why?" Chen Zhou was puzzled.

Qin Ru closed his eyes and spoke lightly:

"The so-called gods can be regarded as a creature of a higher dimension than us humans.

And if there really are higher-dimensional creatures staring at us....

From the beginning of our human birth to the present, all our understanding of the world and all the research on science will become meaningless!

Chen Zhou frowned: "What does this mean?"

Qin Ru: "Let's talk about a physics joke, I'll change it..."

It is said that there is a sharpshooter, and he is so excited that he fired 100 shots at a high wall, making a hole every 10 centimeters accurately.

Then there happened to be such a group of two-dimensional creatures on the wall, they found the first hole, found another hole 10 centimeters apart, and then found the third hole 10 centimeters apart, and so on

.... When they discovered the 20th hole, they decided that this was the truth of the universe and declared to the world that 'every 10 centimeters of the universe, there must be a hole'.

Since then, they have regarded the random behavior of this sharpshooter as an iron law in their universe.

However, when they verified the 100th hole, they found that they could not find the 101st hole. Because the sharpshooter did not fire the 101st shot at all!

For the sharpshooter, he has no obligation to continue to drive every 10 centimeters in order to maintain the 'truth' of this group of two-dimensional creatures.

But for this group of two-dimensional creatures, from this moment on, the previous cosmic truth does not exist.

They have to re-understand the world, re-study the universe, and propose new laws..."

Chen Zhou's brows deepened: "Are you trying to say that we may be this group of two-dimensional creatures?"

Is it possible that the existing understanding of all the laws of the universe is the result of the indiscriminate actions of the gods?

Qin Ru nodded and said with a smile:

"Similar things have actually happened many times on Earth in human history, the

most recent of which was the advent of 'quantum mechanics' and 'relativity'.

These two breathtaking theories almost destroyed the edifice of classical physics, which has been constructed for hundreds of years.

At the same time, this is why many people think that the end of science is theology.

Chen Zhou looked incredulous.

"And what I just said is still a relatively good situation..." After

a pause, Qin Ru continued:

"The sharpshooters do not know the existence of two-dimensional creatures, and this group of two-dimensional creatures has not yet observed the sharpshooters.

It's just a meaningless move by sharpshooters that happens to interfere with their world, as long as a period of time passes and calm is restored afterwards, the two sides can actually get along without incident.

But if... What about the so-called gods who know about the existence of these two-dimensional creatures and actively interfere with their activities?

Chen Zhou swallowed his spit: "You mean..."

Qin Ru's smile was dry:

"Let's use another analogy, there is a farm with a herd of pigs in it. Every day at 10 o'clock, staff will come and ring the bell to feed.

A scientific pig appeared in the latter group of pigs, and summarized all the other pigs

, saying that every day at 10 o'clock, food will come, and ringing the bell is a harbinger of food coming.

The pigs verified for a year, every day, and took the rule of 'food at 10 o'clock' as the first law of their pigs.

Just when this group of pigs sang and danced happily, thinking that their understanding of the world had been raised to a higher level, and they could control their own destiny in the future....

The next day, year and day, the pigs were pulled to slaughter en masse.

Chen Zhou's eyes widened: "You want to say, we may still be this group of pigs?"

"Who knows...,"

Qin Ru shrugged:

"If it is a god who can do anything, it can naturally interfere with our observation of the universe, or easily change the rules of the lowest operation of the entire world."

If a god really discovers us, maybe one day in the future, when we are complacent about the rule of discovering 'food appears at 10 o'clock'

, the result will be slaughter day for us..."

Chen Zhou frowned deeply: "This is also your subjective speculation, right?"

Even the gods should have a tendency, good and evil, good and bad, maybe we are lucky, the gods we meet will not do this?

Or just as the sharpshooter won't find that group of two-dimensional creatures, we won't be discovered by the so-called gods in the future?

Qin Ru smiled and said, "You're right, in fact, I think so too."

Our earth, which should be the former situation, may have received interference from the 'sharpshooter', but it has not been directly interfered with subjectively.

But otherworldly....

Where the otherworld was born, it started from the lowest logical rules, and it was indeed transformed by the gods

, including a complete set of upgrade systems, monster mazes, talent skill systems, etc., all created by this god.

Qin Ru pointed to the wall in front of him: "This is on it, everything is clearly recorded, and it is even mentioned in it..."

The demon king and the brave are also created by the gods! "


"What did you say!?"

Chen Zhou's face was full of surprise: "Why?"

I can still understand why the gods created two sides that are obviously contradictory to either the demon king and the brave? What's in it for him?

"It may be for research, it may be doing some kind of experiment, or even it may be that it is just for fun..."

Qin Ru's face gradually became indifferent, and the corner of his mouth smiled faintly:

"Personally, I am more inclined to the last possibility."

After all, human beings have lived for a long time, and for entertainment, they have also created activities similar to bullfighting and cockfighting, not to mention a god.

If he really knows everything, it is not surprising that in his long and almost eternal life, he

has created a whole world for entertainment and played it as a game.

As for why the Demon King and the Brave were created at the same time..."

Qin Ru was slightly fascinated, "Probably just to avoid the game being one-sided, let

the entire otherworldly battle situation be balanced for a while, more watching, and more fun.

Otherwise, the game of only braves, no demon kings, and no enemies will not be able to go on at the beginning. Watching only the internal struggles of mankind is too boring for the gods....

And there are only demon kings, there are no braves, and humans are too easy to rout, too easy to directly end the game early. So create a brave man to make the game longer..."

Then Qin Ru looked at Chen Zhou, and the topic changed:

"Do you remember that the dark elf introduced us before that

the demon king who should be extremely disgusted with humans, even if he rules all mankind in the other world, he will not kill everything,

but build a human ranch to keep humans in captivity?"

Chen Zhou nodded: "Naturally remember."

"I raised this question at the beginning, that dark elf Dark Leaf didn't know what was going on, but I figured it out now..."

Qin Ru said coldly: "I guess, this is also part of the game!"

Although the gods fool the otherworldly humans, they stand on the side of the human beings and watch the game from the perspective of the otherworldly humans, naturally not wanting all the humans to die.

Therefore, even if the demon king defeats the brave and then slaughters and rules mankind, he must finally be killed by the newly born brave to end this demon king war.

Then after hundreds of years of human reproduction, when there are enough people in the whole otherworld, then continue the next round of the Demon King War pastime..." Hearing

this, Chen Zhou suddenly remembered something and said seriously:

"Qin Ru, do you remember the last UN meeting?

The Secretary of Defense of the United States, Odin, under the interference of my skills, said about the remains of the demon king on Earth,

and at that time he mentioned a speculation that the reason why the demon king came to Earth was to escape....

Could it be that this demon king knew about the existence of the otherworldly gods in order to escape the control of the otherworldly gods and hide on Earth?

"Very likely!"

Qin Ru nodded and said with a smile: "I naturally remember this incident, and I have also considered it in connection with it, and came to the same conclusion as you."

And that's good news for us as well.

Since this demon king can escape from the gods, it shows that this god is not a completely omniscient and all-powerful being.

At the very least, there should be loopholes or weaknesses to follow.

Combined with one more thing..."

Qin Ru pondered for a moment and said,

"I have been very curious since before, the existence of magic skill props in the otherworld should be very helpful for scientific research

, but as a result, the technology of the otherworld has completely stagnated after it has reached a very preliminary stage...

Now that I think about it, it should be this god, afraid that he will not be able to control the development of the game, which will limit the exploration of otherworldly humans in this regard.

It can also be seen from this that this otherworldly god may also have something to fear...

Therefore, your otherworldly door should probably be... Not the masterpiece of this god.

Chen Zhou opened his mouth wide and stared at Qin Ru in amazement,

"You still suspected my Otherworldly Gate?"

"Of course! The opponent is a god, and it is not surprising that he can do anything.

Qin Ru smiled: "The first time I saw this wall, I connected the two of you.

And put forward an unconfirmed guess - this god accidentally discovered the earth through the escaped

demon king, and in order to relieve himself, he pocketed the earth by the way, and fused it into this demon king war game to create your otherworldly door.

Chen Zhou raised his eyebrows:

"Are you serious?"

If so, what otherworldly is developed?

Take all the people back as soon as possible, Chen Zhou completely blocked the Otherworld Gate, accepted the supervision of the state, and retired in advance.

"I'm just guessing."

Qin Ru spread his hands: "Assuming that this guess can be valid, we can guess the reason behind it."

For example, after so many demon king wars, this god is probably tired of watching magic bombardment

, and after accidentally discovering the earth, he wants to make a new life, so he used you and prepared to use the otherworldly door to connect the two worlds together.

It is estimated that he also wants to see what variables the earth technology can add to the otherworld, and see if it can bring various unexpected and interesting changes to the game field of the otherworld....

It's like some players get tired of playing a single-player game, they will download some mods to bring changes to the game, and then they will have the motivation to continue playing. "

Now we're mods again?"

The corners of Chen Zhou's mouth twitched slightly, still instinctively not quite convinced:

"What you said is actually unlikely..."

Qin Ru said indifferently: "Judging from the fact that the otherworldly gods will restrict the development of otherworldly technology, he should not like these high-tech very much, so naturally there is no need to play a mod for his own game that he doesn't like."

However, you still have to consider this aspect of the matter and pay a little attention.

lest this god one day in the future, treat our group of mods as game virus bugs and other things, and directly delete and kill them....

Then we don't have to play.

Chen Zhou was a little speechless for a while: "According to what you said, shouldn't we give up developing the otherworld?"

"No, quite the opposite!

Even if we stop developing the Otherworld as you said, there is no guarantee that the Otherworldly God will let us go, as long as he wants, he can open another Otherworldly Door from the Otherworld.

The otherworldly gods have either discovered us now, but they just think that things have happened, and the earth technology unexpectedly makes him find it interesting, so they let us act at will.

Or, for some reason, he fell into a deep sleep or his perspective was far away from the otherworld, completely unaware of our existence.

Regardless of the above possibilities, for us, this is a valuable period of

development, so I feel that we should accelerate the exploration and development of the other world, and accelerate the development non-stop!

Speaking of this, the corners of Qin Ru's mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes gradually went crazy:

"Human beings are a race that is good at creating miracles.

Maybe one day in the future, our dragon kingdom will develop strong enough to break through the barrier between gods and humans, so that this god will not be able to despise our existence.

At that time, we may have a chance to sit down and have a good chat with this otherworldly god.

Listen to what the world of their gods is like, and what kind of existence the so-called gods are

, and after that, we may be able to become gods ourselves, or try to create gods ourselves..."

Qin Ru's face became more and more crazy as he spoke.

Even if she suddenly popped up next, wanting to kill a god to try, or wanting to use the god for living research, Chen Zhou didn't feel strange.

For a moment, seeing Chen Zhou looking at himself strangely, Qin Ru returned to his senses a little and said with a smile:

"Of course, although I said so much just now, the premise of all this is based on the fact that everything written on this wall is true.

If it's not true, or if there is an exaggerated element in this content, we are likely to be busy for a while..."

Turning his head to look back at this high wall full of ancient characters, Qin Ru was silent for a while, and continued:

"There is one last thing, Chen Zhou, after you go back to Earth, you can pay attention to it."

Chen Zhou looked up suspiciously: "What happened?"

Qin Ru's tone was slow, but his words were astonishing:

"Since there are gods in the other world, is it possible for us on Earth to have it?"

Chen Zhou's eyes widened immediately: "Didn't you just say that it is very likely that the other side of the earth has not been discovered by the gods?"

Qin Ru nodded silently: "This is one of the situations, but it is also possible that the gods of the earth are hiding for some reason."

Of course, I am inclined to the fact that such an earth god does not exist at all.

If there really is, with the current technology of human beings on the earth, they should have discovered the existence of this person long ago, and at least they should have caught some clues, rather than finding nothing.

However, I can't find evidence of the existence of gods, and I can't directly prove that there is none

, after all, there is still a trace of this possibility, so I asked you to pay attention to it.

Chen Zhou nodded.

Since scientific and technological means cannot be found, naturally they can only hope for otherworldly means, and only

Chen Zhou can do this in this regard.

At this time

, Xia Xingsheng suddenly ran over excitedly,

"There is a big discovery!" Sister Qin Chen Zhou, there is something you need to come and see! "

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