When he returned to the base that night, Chen Zhou went to sleep.

The strength and mental attributes that were almost three times that of ordinary people greatly reduced his sleep time.

Wake up in the morning and look at the panel.

There is still more than an hour left in the cooling time of taking people to shuttle, which is enough for Chen Zhou to wash up breakfast.

By the time he arrived at yesterday's location, Xia Xingsheng and the others had already arrived.

Because he can carry 7 people through the shuttle today, Xia Xingsheng brought several good hands from the military department, including the owner of extraordinary abilities.

"Huh? What about Qin Ruren? Doesn't she go to the otherworld today? "

I didn't see Qin Ru, Chen Zhou was a little surprised.

Among the four people yesterday, except for Chen Zhou herself, she was the most proactive, and she shouldn't want to go today.

"Sister Qin is still soaking in the laboratory..." Xia

Xingsheng pointed to a laboratory not far away.

"Still in the lab? She wouldn't have stayed inside since she came back last night and didn't sleep, right?

Xia Xingsheng nodded in affirmation.

"As soon as Sister Qin entered the research state, no one could stop. That's always been the case.

Chen Zhou looked at him curiously, "You seem to have known her since before?" "

Well, when I was young, I stayed in the 749 Bureau for a while, and the person in charge of studying my fire control ability at that time was Sister Qin."

As if remembering some bad memories, Xia Xingsheng hugged his body and shivered all over.

"At that time, Sister Qin was not yet 20 years old, and she had not graduated from college, so she was already a famous genius in the bureau. At the same time, he is a madman that everyone knows!

"All the possessors of extraordinary abilities in the bureau have been stomped by her, and they have suffered the boss's sin at her hands."

"If it weren't for safety regulations, she wouldn't even consider the safety of her research subjects, let alone her own safety."

Chen Zhou nodded, not surprised.

Qin Ru has a B-grade talent for thinking leaps, and even if she is suppressed on Earth, it makes her much smarter than ordinary people.

Being a genius or a madman is not surprising to her.

Xia Xingsheng paused, pointed to himself, and

continued: "Don't look at me that I'm in good shape now.

At that time, Sister Qin thought that my fire control principle was to convert the biological energy in my body into heat energy.

To prove this, she forcibly fed me a 300-pound fat person!

But as a result, my fire control ability did not become stronger..."

"After leaving the 749 round, it took me a full three years to reduce it back.

When I think of that time, it's all tears..." Looking

at Xia Xingsheng's face recalling the past, the corners of Chen Zhou's mouth twitched slightly.

Turning to look at the lab, he walked away.

"Are you going to find Sister Qin?"

Xia Xingsheng hurriedly followed.

Chen Zhou: "Go and see what Qin Ru is doing, and then ask her if she is going to the other world today." The

two had just walked to the lab when the security door opened.

Qin Ru, who was staring at a pair of black eyes, looked up and saw that it was Chen Zhou and the two, surprised and surprised.

"You guys came just in time, I was just going to find you."

Saying that,

she took out a bright red apple and asked the two.

"Answer me, what color is this apple?"

At the same time, Qin Ru held a crystal nucleus in his other hand and quietly used his ability.

Chen Zhou keenly felt that his spirit had received some kind of interference.

But then his D-level talent [Spirit Activation] was launched, successfully resisted, and was not affected.


, Xia Xingsheng on the side could not dodge, and replied with a stupid face:

"Apples are green." Why is this question asked?

Qin Ru looked at Chen Zhou expectantly.

Chen Zhou said lightly: "What I see is red.

Xia Xingsheng was stunned.

"Chen Zhou, you won't be red-green color blind, right? This is obviously a green apple! Or am I red-green color blind?

Chen Zhou shook his head.

"Neither, it should be Qin Ru who used her ability."

Hearing this, Qin Ru's eyes lit up, and he looked at Chen Zhou and praised: "You really can resist my ability!" "

Xia Xingsheng is a little silly.

"Sister Qin, Chen Zhou, what are you talking about, can you explain it to me."


Qin Ru nodded excitedly: "Since I came back yesterday, I have been experimenting with my abilities.

In the case of using crystal nuclei, I found that I could interfere with the perception that affected others.

For example, just now, I asked Xia Xingsheng to see this red apple as green, which is an application.

After explaining

, Qin Ru raised his palm and asked again,

"How many fingers did I stretch out this time?"

Chen Zhou saw three roots, and the truth was exactly three.

But what Xia Xingsheng saw was:

"Five roots!"

The success affected the results that Xia Xingsheng saw, but Qin Ru didn't seem to be satisfied, and sighed regretfully:

"Hey, it still failed, I originally wanted you to see the seven fingers."

It seems that I can't do it at present if I want to use this ability to make people see things beyond common sense. "

Ordinary people only have five fingers on one hand, and if you want people to see seven fingers, it is beyond common sense.

The difficulty increased sharply, so Qin Ru failed to achieve it.

[In other words, her B-grade talent thinking jump, does she still have this ability?] Or do you say...]

Chen Zhou was curious and used [Primary Identification] on Qin Ru again.

[Name]: Qin Ru

[Level]: Level 1 (97

%) [Talent]: Grade B Thinking Leap

[Skill]: Visual Distraction (61%) [Position]: Vice President of the Academy of Dragon Defense Sciences, and Senior Researcher of the 749 Bureau

[Rank]: Lieutenant Colonel

[Visual Distraction

!? [

Why does Qin Ru have another skill?]

Chen Zhou was slightly surprised.

Research your own innate abilities, and you can also acquire skills?

And this skill has a 61% progress bar, does it mean that this is still a skill that can be upgraded and evolved?

If this is true,


[My [Cognitive Distractions] can also evolve!] Thinking

of this, Chen Zhou's pupils instantly dilated.

After a crazy night last night, he had realized the power of [cognitive interference].

If only it could evolve....

How powerful is that?

Just a little imagining, Chen Zhou was a little short of breath for a while.

"Qin Ru, can you only interfere with other people's vision now? What about other perceptions such as hearing and smell?

In order to determine what was in his heart, Chen Zhou couldn't help but ask out loud.

His [cognitive interference] skill can affect the target's perception of vision, hearing, smell, etc., and even the ability to think can interfere.

Chen Zhou was able to disguise himself as Joel without being discovered by Elena, thanks to this.

And Qin Ru's [visual interference], as the name suggests, can only affect vision. It should be a subordinate skill of [cognitive interference].

But if 61% of her panel skill really means that this skill is evolving and growing,

then Qin Ru should be able to try to interfere with other perceptions.

"At present, I can only affect vision..."

Qin Ru shook his head: "But I can vaguely feel that I can learn to interfere with other perceptions, but I still need a lot of experiments." "

Sure enough!

Chen Zhou's heart was excited.

Qin Ru's [Visual Distraction] skill is really evolving!

[A lot of experimentation can be exchanged for skill growth?] I don't know if my skills will work, I have to try it out when I have the opportunity! Seeing

that Chen Zhou seemed to understand his ability very well, Qin Ru seemed to have met a confidant, and said happily: "Chen Zhou,

you also realize the great potential of my ability!"

Xia Xingsheng on the side couldn't help but mutter

: "Isn't it possible to see red apples as green apples and three fingers as five fingers?" What is the potential of this? Can create illusions? Or can it hypnotize others?

Qin Ru turned his head and sneered at the corner of his mouth:

"This is just the initial stage of my ability. Hallucination? Hypnosis? No, no, no, it's much more than that!

Chen Zhou was also a little interested when he heard this.

"Your abilities are still staged?"

Qin Ru nodded and explained excitedly: "This is my own division. I call this the multiple stages of consciousness manipulation.

"The first stage is to see red apples as green apples.

Whether the apple is red or green, it is normal, and people's common sense is acceptable, so interference is the simplest.

In the second stage, think of three fingers as seven fingers.

As you can see, I just failed.

At this stage, it is for people to see things beyond common sense, so the difficulty of interference rises sharply.

And the third stage..."

Qin Ru picked up the red apple again:

"It is to see this apple as an 'apple superman' beyond ordinary cognition."

That is, to let people see something that has never been seen before, fantasy and fiction.

Humans can't imagine images they've never seen before, but they can spell out 'things' they've never seen before.

For example, the 'Apple Superman' I just mentioned, do you have an image of an apple with human limbs in your mind?

Xia Xingsheng nodded, really.

"For other external sensory disturbances, such as hearing, smell and touch

, although I haven't had time to try, there are probably three similar stages."

Qin Ru made a summary.

Chen Zhou asked in a timely manner: "In the third stage, is it enough to achieve the illusion mentioned in the online novel?"

"Yes! This stage can basically make people fall into a fantasy state, like a dream.

But it is also susceptible to other stimuli and 'wakes up'.

The next fourth stage can make up for this.

Qin Ru organized the language and continued to excitedly:

"The fourth stage can allow people to eat non-existent apples and give birth to a sense of fullness.

That is to say, not only interfere with the perception of the outside world such as vision and hearing, but also interfere with the internal perception of others' own flesh, such as taste, satiety, and pain.

Any idea what this means?

Qin Ru looked excited: "This means..."

If I can make a person feel thirsty, he will keep drinking water.

If I make him feel extremely hungry all the time, he will keep eating.

If I don't limit it, eliminate the discomfort of the target, or even let him die on the spot, I can do it!


Looking at Qin Ru at this time, he seemed to see the madman who had forcibly fed himself into a 300-pound maniac before, and couldn't help but quietly take a step back.

Qin Ru: "Finally, the fifth stage..."

Xia Xingsheng exclaimed.

Only after developing to the fourth stage, he felt terrifying, but he did not expect that there would be a fifth stage.

Qin Ru nodded lightly and shook his head again.

"This is also my inference, a stage of the theory of only existence."

"Do you know about the death row blood dripping experiment?"

Chen Zhou bowed his head, and Xia Xingsheng looked dazed.

Qin Ru said slowly:

"There was once a doctor in the United States who put a death row inmate in a small black room, blindfolded him, tied him to a bed, and told him that he would die of bleeding.

He then had a blunt piece of wood scratch on the left wrist of a death row prisoner. Turn on the faucet and drip water into the iron basin, simulating the clanging sound of dripping blood.

As a result, death row prisoners were terrified. Even without the wound, he felt severe pain in his wrist, and the blood in his body was slowly draining.

One night later, the doctor came to the small dark room again and found that the prisoner had long since died.

The symptoms of death are exactly the same as dying from blood loss, but in reality....

Not a single drop of blood was shed on death row!

"Hiss..." Now

it was Chen Zhou's turn to gasp.

He somewhat understood what Qin Ru was talking about.

"You mean... The fifth stage, like the death row prisoner blood spill experiment, can achieve the point that only hints can kill?

Qin Ru nodded heavily.

"But this... How can it be?

Xia Xingsheng, who reacted, also looked incredulous.

"Let's take this apple again."

Qin Ru held the red apple and looked at the two:

"I asked Xia Xingsheng to see this red apple as

green, the principle is not to really turn the apple green, nor the reason for distorting the light

, but let him in the process of brain information processing, from the subconscious, determine that this is a green apple!"

"Then if I let Xia Xingsheng subconsciously decide that I am bleeding, how can I not stop it?

Will he, like the death row inmate, fall into fear and his heart beat faster?

Or did I make him believe that he was injured and broke a hand and a foot?

Will he not be able to lift his hand and walk with a limp?

Even, I asked him to decide....

His body is dead!

Guess how his head would react?

Hearing these words

, Xia Xingsheng was so frightened that he quickly took a step back:

"Sister Qin, my good Sister Qin... Can you not take me as an example, and please don't experiment with me again!

Qin Ru ignored him, his expression could no longer suppress the madness, looked at Chen Zhou, and continued word by word:

"Death is a program written in genes!"

Once our brain determines that the body is dying, it releases a large amount of these substances such as tryptophan, serotonin, dopamine and endopeptide.

Make you feel comfortable and thus avoid dying in pain.

"If the fifth stage can really do this, induce humans to trigger this death process."

The corners of Qin Ru's mouth turned up: "You guess again, what will happen?"

Chen Zhou held back his excitement:

"It can make people without warning, without trauma, without pain... Death! "

The fourth stage allows people to eat all the time to die, which is also caused by external factors, and the cause of death can be seen.

This incredible ability of the fifth stage is directly erased from the spiritual level, and the target cannot see how he died.

Maybe even the target ended up with a body that was cold and couldn't detect what was happening.

This ability, if realized....

It's a divine skill!

"It's a pity..."

Qin Ru suddenly calmed down and sighed

, "These five stages are too far away for me, I don't know the Year of the Monkey, I can do it."

These words made Chen Zhou excited again.

[You can't do it, I can!] Chen

Zhou's [cognitive interference] is already very close to the fourth stage of Qin Ru's words.

It makes people feel like they are bleeding and they feel like they have broken off their limbs....

Chen Zhou worked hard, and now he can roughly do it.

If [cognitive interference] can evolve and grow in the future, that is the fifth stage in theory.

One thought can make people die automatically....

Just thinking about it,

Chen Zhou couldn't contain his excitement!

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