As a subhuman race that does not exist on the earth, Chen Zhou is naturally full of curiosity.

At this time, one

by one, the fox ear tribe, the cat's claw tribe, the deer antler tribe, the bull head tribe...

There are indeed many subhuman species.

Unfortunately, Chen Zhou did not find the succubus on it.

I don't know if I didn't join the Hundred Races Alliance, or if there was no succubus in the other world.

After a pause,

Chen Zhou continued to ask, "Where are we on the map now?" Before

the middle-aged businessman could speak, the horse lady next to him suddenly leaned over

, stretched out her finger and pointed to a certain place on the map, and said playfully:

"Here!" Next to it is the territory of our horsetail clan. Engong, you can come and play when you have time! Now

that the two sides have contacted, Ma Youyou already knows that Chen Zhou and the others have no bad intentions, so he took the initiative to come up and introduce them.

Although I don't know why, Chen Zhou doesn't seem to understand anything, but she didn't ask it interestingly.

The suddenly approaching Ma Niang made Chen Zhou a little surprised.

Blinked, looked at the horse girl's ears and tail, resisting the urge to reach out and touch it.

Worried that there was something like a male gaze in the other world, he just looked away and landed on the map again.

And in the position of Ma Youyou's finger

, the left side is marked with the horsetail tribe, which should be the ethnic group in her mouth.

Above is a large forest called the Forest of the Lost Night.

Chen Zhou's first crossing point was at the outermost periphery of this Night Forest.

As for the right and below, there is a country called the Iron Eagle.

Unusually, the Iron Eagle was painted with striking blood-colored paint on the map, and seemed to be in a state of enmity with the Hundred Races Alliance.

Chen Zhou asked curiously, sure enough!

The two sides seem to be in a state of continuous war.

From time to time, the people of the Iron Eagle Country would also invade the territory of the Hundred Races Alliance

, burn and plunder, kidnap all kinds of subhumans, and then sell them at a high price to the nobles of various countries with this fetish.

Even the bandits in various parts of the border have blatant cooperation with the nobles of the iron eagle.

This made the nearby subpeople miserable.

When Ma Youyou talked about this country, he hated it so much that his teeth itched.

After initially understanding the nearby forces

, Chen Zhou said bluntly to the middle-aged businessman: "I want to buy this map, is that okay?" The

middle-aged businessman hurriedly said, "You said and laughed, I can give you this map if you want."

Chen Zhou nodded, and accepted it directly without hesitation.

Translating the obtained information to Qin Ru, she thought for a while, took out

the crystal nucleus and continued: "Ask them about the crystal nucleus."

Chen Zhou took the crystal nucleus and displayed it in front of the middle-aged businessman.

This time he knew more.

"This is called the magic core, and there are also those called spirit cores and magic crystals in other places, but they are basically called this."

"Mainly from all kinds of magic objects, and there are acquisitions on major exchanges."

"The purpose is to make various magic weapons, props, potions, etc., and some people will directly absorb the energy inside and use it to cultivate and upgrade."

"But different magic cores are very different, and even magic cores from the same monster have a lot of differences."

"Once some magic cores absorb the energy inside, they will be in danger of falling into the devil and going crazy. Therefore, ordinary people will not use demon core cultivation to death.

Mentioning the matter of cultivation upgrading,

Chen Zhou curiously used the primary appraisal on the three of them.

Middle-aged businessman – level 4. Talent - F-level small business vision. Skills – none.

Ma Haowu – Level 9. Race Talent – D-level speed boost. Skills – Spurt, Spear Dance, Red Shotgun.

Ma Youyou - Level 7. Race Talent – D-level speed boost. Skill - Yao Hong Shotgun.

All three are ranked in the single digits.

When asked, it seems that people in this world are generally not very high.

"We horsetail tribes, the level is generally only five or six levels."

Ma Youyou thought for a moment, "Our patriarch, who has the highest level, seems to be only level 27. The

middle-aged businessman nodded: "In my hometown, the situation is similar."

"Why is the rank so small?"

Chen Zhou asked suspiciously, "You can also kill monsters, can't you kill monsters to upgrade?" If you add up to something, you can always rise up. When

the three people on the other side heard this, their faces suddenly looked a little strange.

It seems that Chen Zhou is very strange, why he doesn't even know such important common sense.

"It is impossible to move up the ranks by accumulating small amounts into more."

Ma Youyou shook his head and patiently explained:

"When the level comes up, and then kill the low-level monster, the experience energy that the monster dissipates cannot be absorbed.

As for the reason..."

she tilted her head and tried to think back, "I heard my teacher say that it seems to be because the energy level is not enough... I don't know much about specifics.

Ma Haowu nodded and added

, "Also, even if the level is raised, if you don't get energy replenishment for a long time, the level will fall back.

After reaching a certain level, many people choose not to continue to rise because they cannot afford to pay the daily energy of maintaining the level, even if they can upgrade.

That's why most people keep their ranks low.

Chen Zhou looked surprised, he didn't expect that there would be such a thing as a drop in rank.

Turning back to tell Qin Ru, she didn't feel anything strange, and seemed to feel very reasonable.

"It's like fitness."

Qin Ru explained: "If developed muscles are not trained for a long time, they will also be treated as a burden by the body and secretly shrink.

In the same way, people with higher levels will consume more energy to maintain their bodies every day.

Once the body is chronically deficient in energy intake, it can only be lowered in order to maintain expenses.

Chen Zhou understood this.

Then, Qin Ru continued to ask questions about the otherworld, and Chen Zhou acted as an interpreter to ask.

First, there is the question of circulating money and otherworldly prices....

There is no papermaking in the otherworld, and naturally there is no paper money, but coins made of gold, silver and copper are used as circulation currency.

Copper coins are the cheapest, and the purchasing power of a copper coin is equivalent to one dollar of soft sister coins.

Silver coins can be exchanged for 100 copper coins, which is equivalent to 100 yuan, and gold coins are 10,000 yuan, which is very easy to convert.

The gold and silver jewelry given to Chen Zhou before, there were many gold and silver coins in it.

Then, technology related....

The level of science and technology in the other world is in a rather backward stage.

The three treasures of the crosser, soap cement perfume, there is no one in this world.

This gives the Dragon Kingdom a lot of room to operate.

And in customs....

Depending on the race country, the Otherworld also varies greatly in this regard.

Especially the subhuman race, there are all kinds of bizarre rules.

The middle-aged businessman didn't know much, but he just advised Chen Zhou to be extremely careful when facing an unfamiliar race.

Later, Qin Ru also asked many questions

, such as food, housing, occupation, army, transportation, and so on... Everything that came to mind was asked.

The time dragged on a little long, and everyone simply rested on the spot to prepare lunch.

At this time, in the live broadcast room

, the brother who sent the succubus continued to go crazy online:

- "The succubus succubus succubus succubus succubus ..."

- "Three consecutive chapters, brother, why are you still howling the succubus? -

"No matter, I'm going to be a succubus!" I won't stop until the anchor asks me! Succubus! Succubus! Succubus! -

"Haha, I also want the succubus, come and help you shout, succubus!" Succubus! Succubus! "

Then I'll come too, succubus!" Succubus! Succubus!

"——"..." Chen

Zhou's live broadcast room has no administrator.

For a while, the screen was filled with barrages shouting succubus.

Not even a normal chat environment.

Some people can only close the barrage and ask for a cleansing.

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