Shangjing military base.

Chen Zhou was politely placed in a room of the highest specification, waiting for an inquiry.


, before this, for unknown reasons, the personnel in charge of the inquiry had been constantly moving.

Often the person in front of him, before he finished introducing himself, was replaced by the more senior personnel above because of a phone call.

From the beginning, the people in charge of questioning were only ordinary scientific

researchers, and then they became military researchers, leaders of various departments...

In the back, even a big guy with a military rank on his shoulders is required to be eligible to participate.

From two bars and one star, to two bars and two stars, to two bars and three stars....

Then from one bar and one star, to one bar and two stars, to one bar three stars....

After it was finally decided that a big man with two gold stars on his shoulders would preside over the entire transfer.

Because there are too many people to sit in the room, some of the people at the front are not even qualified to stay inside.

Even Xia Xingsheng, who brought Chen Zhou over and was responsible for his safety and had the rank of colonel, could only stand by the side, and did not even have the qualifications to speak.

However, this also confirms that

the top people in the country attach increasing importance to Chen Zhou.

And that's actually the case.

Where Chen Zhou didn't know, all his information had been included in the top-secret file.

The mobilization of an insufficiently senior person to the internal system will only alert the person who is not available.


, although the scene gave Chen Zhou a lot of pressure, when the big guy asked, he was not aggressive.

The whole atmosphere in the house is quite relaxed and pleasant.

In the face of the question, Chen Zhou basically answered in a matter-of-fact manner in order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Only the things about the system are hidden.

When explaining the origin of the Otherworldly Gate, he only said casually, it was his ability to suddenly awaken one day.

To Chen Zhou's surprise,

the big guy in this world simply accepted this statement and did not dwell too much on this issue.

It seems that

the matter of ordinary people's awakening ability is not strange to them.

Two hours later....

"Today's problem is here, there may be other omissions that need to be added by you in the future, and please cooperate at that time."


After shaking hands with the big guy with two gold stars on his shoulders, the whole inquiry process was considered to be over.

Chen Zhou couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"What, tired?"

The two gold star bigwigs patted Chen Zhou on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Later, there will be people from more above who want to meet you." Do you need to talk to them, let you rest first.

Chen Zhou was slightly stunned.

Not over yet? And someone further above to see him?

Someone who carries two gold stars on his shoulders....


"No thanks, don't make them wait."

Chen Zhou gave a dry laugh.

He is still self-aware.

At present, the official friendly attitude towards him is all based on his "Otherworldly Gate".

If it does not show sufficient value in time, this treatment may be withdrawn at any time.

Chen Zhou can count on helping him explore the other world after receiving the support of the state.

So now, it's time to perform.


Hearing Chen Zhou's answer, the two gold star bigwigs nodded in satisfaction.

After he left

, Xia Xingsheng, who served as Chen Zhou's bodyguard, had time to step forward and sighed:

"So many military bigwigs gathered together, even me, can only be seen in military exercises at the national defense level."

Immediately he comforted Chen Zhou: "But you don't have to be nervous.

This should be the last meeting today, after which you can go back to rest.

Chen Zhou smiled helplessly.

He had a hunch.

The person to meet next is high enough to determine his future fate in this world.

Not long after,

two old men walked in with a royal sister doctor.

The two old men were only wearing casual clothes, but they were both very imposing and had the majesty of an inexplicable superior.

The old man in the middle, a national character face is not angry and self-threatening.

The old man on the left has a kind smile on his face, giving him an approachable feeling.

It was the last Royal Sister Doctor, staring at Chen Zhou deadly, which made people feel a little hairy.

"Hiss..." Seeing

the person coming, Xia Xingsheng instantly gasped.

Step forward, step out loudly, salute and shout:

"Hello chief!"

"Hello Director!"

"Sister Qin is good!"

Xia Xingsheng, who originally told Chen Zhou not to be nervous, faintly saw a fine sweat flowing out of his forehead at this time.

Seeing this, Chen Zhou did not dare to slacken, straightened up and waited for the battle.

Unable to figure out the identity of the other party, he couldn't help but sweep over with "primary identification".


[Name]: Qin Guokang

[Level]: None (To be awakened) [Talent]: Unknown [Skill]: Unknown [Position]: Chief of the Dragon Defense Department Headquarters

[Rank]: Great Dragon General


[Name]: Zhou Beixing

[Level]: None (To be awakened)




Skill]: Unknown [Position]: Human Extraordinary Ability Research Bureau - Director of the 749 Bureau [Rank]: Shanglong General


[Name]: Qin Ru

[Level]: None (To be awakened)

[Talent]: Unknown [Skill

]: Unknown [Position]: Vice President of the Academy of Dragon Defense Sciences, and Senior Researcher of the 749 Bureau [


]: Lieutenant Colonel


Chen Zhou: !!

[Great Dragon General!] [

This is almost the top leader in the military field...]

[It actually attracted the attention of such bigwigs so quickly.] The attraction of the otherworld to the country may be even greater than I thought! [

There are 749 more rounds...] Extraordinary abilities...]

[There are extraordinary abilities in this world?] And institutions that specialize in research? [

No wonder the big guy just now didn't doubt my statement of awakening the 'Otherworldly Gate'...]

Chen Zhou figured out a lot of things in an instant.

"You are Chen Zhou!?"

Dr. Qin Ru, the royal sister with a wowish figure, walked in front of Chen Zhou in a few big steps, and said excitedly on his chest:

"Can you open the door of the otherworld now?" Show me!


When Xia Xingsheng heard this, he quickly came up to stop it: "Sister Qin, open the door of the otherworld, and there may be creatures from the opposite side passing through at any time."

The chief was also present ... If an orc-level monster comes, the chief's safety is vulnerable to threats.

"Don't worry!"

Dr. Qin Ru patted his chest and trembled again:

"I've seen the information.

Chen Zhou had opened the Gate of the Otherworld many times, except for the last time an orc appeared, there was no danger in the previous few times.

It shows that opposite the otherworldly door, there are not always monsters roaming nearby.

What's more, this is the Shangjing military base, even if some monster breaks in, will it be slaughtered?

I can still have more research materials..."

Qin Ruyue said more excitedly.

In my heart, I made up my mind, and when I had the opportunity, I would get orcs or other otherworldly creatures to come over and study it exclusively.

After that, go to the Dragon Academy to show off and make those old guys die of envy.

"Even so, if there is a case..."

Xia Xingsheng wanted to say something.

But being obstructed again, Qin Ru was already angry, and directly reprimanded: "You lighter, don't interject!" "


Xia Xingsheng instantly stopped, as if evoking some terrifying memories, and obediently shut up.

Chen Zhou looked at him a little strangely.


This is obviously calling Xia Xingsheng.

But what kind of strange nickname is this?

Xia Xingsheng did not dare to stop Qin Ru anymore, and turned to look at the two old men for help.

The old man in the middle, Da Long, has been silently observing Chen Zhou since he entered the house.

Seeing Xia Xingsheng looking over, he turned his head and asked the opinion of the old man next to him:

"Old Zhou, you are an expert in this regard, what do you say?"

The director of the 749 Bureau, Zhou Beixing and Zhou Lao pondered for a while.

"I'm also curious about this otherworldly gate. If there is no danger, you can try to drive it for a short time.

Saying that, he confirmed to Chen Zhou:

"We don't go to the otherworld, if a creature breaks in on the other side of the door, can you urgently close the otherworldly door?"

Chen Zhou thought about it and nodded.

"No problem!"

The dragon will immediately wave his hand.

"Then open it and take a look."

Seeing this

, Xia Xingsheng no longer said anything, just silently pressed his hand on the pistol on his waist, approached the dragon general, ready to face the battle at any time.

Qin Ru stared at Chen Zhou's every move excitedly, his head racing rapidly, as if he wanted to see something from it.

However, Chen Zhou did not make any more moves.

Raise your hand, use the system, and open the otherworldly door.

The moment the Vortex Star Gate appeared in the room, except for the Great Dragon General and Chen Zhou, they were still relatively calm.

Everyone else who met for the first time glared.

"Miracle! What a miracle! Elder

Zhou, the head of the 749 Bureau, couldn't help but sigh: "I have studied extraordinary abilities for decades, and I can say that I have devoted my whole life to it.

I have never seen such a strange, completely incomprehensible ability. "

Extraordinary ability?"

Closing the door of the otherworld, Chen Zhou seized the opportunity and quickly asked, "May I ask, what is the extraordinary ability in your mouth?"

Although Chen Zhou had just passed the 'Primary Appraisal', he had already learned about the existence of the 749 Bureau and extraordinary abilities

, but in order to avoid exposing the system, he still pretended to hear this word for the first time.

As a traverser of the ordinary world, Chen Zhou is also curious about the extraordinary ability of this world and to what extent it can be "extraordinary".

"Extraordinary ability..."

Chief Zhou recalled the meeting, shaking his head with regret:

"Hey, the extraordinary ability I studied is really not worth mentioning compared to yours. Don't say it..." "


The director's attitude made Chen Zhou a little puzzled.

It seems that the extraordinary abilities of this world ...

Not very powerful?

"It is!"

Beside him, Qin Ru, who was also a researcher of the 749 Bureau, complained with disdain:

"I have also studied a lot of extraordinary abilities, but none of them are useful!"

I wasted my youth for several years in vain, and I didn't achieve anything at all..."

None of them useful?

Chen Zhou asked curiously: "Can you give specific examples?" "


Qin Ru was stunned, then thought of something, and pointed to Xia Xingsheng next to him.

"Oh, the one in charge of your safety has the extraordinary ability to control fire.

But the detailed explanation is not very good, you better read it directly.

Lighter, come out and show it!

Xia Xingsheng, who was called a lighter, walked out helplessly.

“...... All right. Then

, I saw him change his sluggishness, slap his hands down his horse, and his momentum soared.

Suddenly stretched out the index finger of his right hand, moved it between his eyes, and exerted strength all over his body.

After a while, his entire face and neck were flushed, and even his eyes were squeezed into cross-eyed.



With a sound like a fart, a tiny flame appeared on his index finger.


That's it?"

After waiting for a while, Chen Zhou, who did not wait for the follow-up, looked at Xia Xingsheng with a puzzled expression.

After making such a big call, he took out the momentum of amplifying the move, and only such a small flame was generated.

No wonder he was called a lighter....

"This is already my full strength..." Compared

with Chen Zhou's Otherworldly Gate

, Xia Xingsheng, who knew that his ability had no bright spots, embarrassed to disperse the flames and stood back.

"You see, that's the ability to control fire.

To put it nicely, fire control is actually the ability to convert biological energy in the human body into heat energy.

Qin Ru then added:

"Don't look at him like this, among the dozen or so people in the world who have similar abilities, he is considered good.

Some owners of fire control ability cannot have flames, and can only heat the air slightly, which is not as high as the heat generated by friction between hands. Seeing

that Chen Zhou seemed to be interested in extraordinary abilities, Qin Ru continued to give examples:

"Others, there are various extraordinary abilities, but they are all similar to lighters.

It has the ability to produce water out of thin air

, but it can only generate 2 to 3 ml at a time, which is not as good as ordinary people spitting.

It has the ability to block

air, but it can only control the A4 paper to lift into the air, and if it is heavier, it is difficult to even move.

There is also the ability to

predict the future, but at most it can only predict tomorrow's weather, the prediction range is pitiful, and the key accuracy rate is less than 50%, which is purely chicken.

"So that's the case..."

Chen Zhou nodded.

[It seems that the extraordinary abilities of this world belong to the kind that is just starting out and is very weak.] [

Almost negligible.]

"We have also tried to exploit various extraordinary abilities, but without exception, they have all failed."

Speaking of this, Qin Ru sighed

, looked at the bureau chief Zhou, and said with pity:

"For this, Mr. Zhou also paid his whole life, and the result was not to say nothing, but also nothing.

I just wasted a few years of time, but Elder Zhou was delayed for a lifetime.

If he had known this result earlier, Elder Zhou would have changed direction, no matter what he studied, he would now be a big man in a certain field..."

In this regard, Director Zhou Lao just smiled and said frankly:

"On the road of science, there should always be someone to try all kinds of trivial possibilities.

Even if this path proves to be unworkable, it can illuminate other paths for those who come after.

That's what I do is all about.

After speaking, Elder Zhou turned his head to face the big dragon general in the middle:

"We have also seen the Otherworldly Gate. Old Qin, let's get to the point. The

Great Dragon General Qin Lao nodded.

[The big play is coming!]

Chen Zhou immediately raised the twelve-point spirit.

"Don't go around the corner, you should also realize the purpose of our visit."

Elder Qin looked at Chen Zhou and said solemnly, "

Your Otherworldly Gate is of great value!" But not all of the high-level people currently support your continued use of the Otherworldly Gate.

Some people see infinite opportunities in your otherworldly doors.

Such people advocate including this matter in the state plan, mobilizing the state apparatus, and developing the other world throughout the country!

But what some people see is an unknown danger.

This type of person demands that you be forcibly forbidden to use your abilities and imprisoned for life. Do not use it yourself, and at the same time prevent outflow. Hearing


Chen Zhou frowned slightly.

Not surprisingly, he had already foreseen this result.

It's not hard to understand.

Think differently

, if Chen Zhou is a rich second generation, or a rich generation who has achieved success by his own struggle.

On earth, whatever he wanted, he already had.

At this time, someone suddenly told him that there was such an otherworldly door that could lead to otherworldly adventures, and asked him if he was going....

Will "Regal" Chen Zhou go?

The high probability is that it will not be considered and directly rejected.

Then the man changed his tone and told him that

creatures from the other side could also come to Earth, and it was possible to affect his current life.

At this time

, as long as Chen Zhou has the ability, he will most likely prevent others from using this otherworldly gate...

After all, people are selfish.

Of course, understanding is understanding.

But these people not only wanted to forbid Chen Zhou from using the Otherworldly Gate, but also planned to imprison him...

That's excessive!

At this time, Chen Zhou had already made up his mind, if things were really irreparable to this point

, he would find an opportunity to escape to the other world, and he would not return to Blue Star!


The scene was silent for a long time.

After giving Chen Zhou enough time to think, the Great Dragon General Qin Lao slowly said

, "Now, I will give you two choices."

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