
Sen Yixi opened the passage again, and Chen Zhou and his party returned to the village.

I thought that Sen Yixi, as a holy daughter of a family, should not come back with herself, and Chen Zhou would be able to calm down in the future.

As a result, I don't know why, no one stopped her from the elven country.

After returning to the village, she didn't care, so she excitedly took her mobile phone and played games.

It is estimated that she will be an all-night tonight....

Ignoring her

, Chen Zhou led the others to the conference room, ready to hear what they had gained.

"Our talks on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Elven Country went very well!

The agreement has been drawn up, and after the process, we will be able to send diplomatic representatives to each other this month.

In the future, there is no need to hide the things of the otherworld, and we can issue a joint communiqué to the whole world on Earth, solemnly declaring! "

Speaking of this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel are very excited.

As the first region of the Dragon Kingdom to establish diplomatic relations in the Otherworld, this matter is enough for him to leave his name in history!

This kind of opportunity can not be sought, and it is estimated that there are few in a lifetime. If he can meet, it is also a big luck.

Hearing this, Chen Zhou nodded.

This result was expected by him, but the rapid development also surprised him.

With the relationship between Kazuki Mori and the establishment of diplomatic relations beneficial to both sides, it is not surprising that diplomatic relations can be established smoothly.

However, listening to what Dark Leaf said, the elves have never been very close to humans. In just one night, the establishment of diplomatic relations has reached this step of negotiating an agreement, which is indeed a bit fast.

"Forest Spirit, didn't you put forward any conditions or requirements for our Dragon Kingdom?" Chen Zhou asked curiously.

"This, the condition is that there is..." The

staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stopped talking, and his face was a little embarrassed for a while.

"Ahem... Let me explain that.

At this time, a young and handsome member of the Folklore Research Institute next to him stood a step forward

, took an extra copper-encrusted wooden plaque in his hand, put it on the table, and showed everyone:

"This kind of wooden plaque is a pass sign in the land of elves." Many people present must have received it tonight, so take it out and take a look. "

Everyone looked at each other.

Then, the twenty or so people in the conference room, including seven men, who went to the Elven Land tonight, slowly took out similar signs from their trouser pockets.

Five of them were inlaid with bronze and wooden plaques, and only two of Lin Guyan and Xia Xingsheng were inlaid with silver.

This difference should be related to their higher rank.

And Chen Zhou looked at so many people, all of them had similar brands to himself, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched slightly

, this thing, can it still be wholesale....

"That's true."

The folklore researcher looked at the circle of people who received the sign, seemed to have come to some conclusion, and nodded deeply:

"When you receive the sign, you should be reminded to go to the appointment on the night of the next full moon, right?"

Hearing this, the seven people who received the sign were all affirmative.

"That's right..."

the folklore researcher confirmed again, and then turned to look at Chen Zhou:

"What about yours?" You are the highest-ranking and strongest among us, and you are still the benefactor of the Forest Elves, so you should have received the brand.

Chen Zhou hesitated, but still took out his own brand.

"It's actually a gold-encrusted jade medal!"

Seeing Chen Zhou's sign, the folklore researcher was obviously taken aback, and immediately asked:

"The information I heard, the gold and jade medal, is the highest pass sign of the elves of the forest, and each generation of the elf clan will only give one.

Your brand, who gave it to you? The other party should have a high status, right?


Zhou did not answer directly, but silently bowed his head in affirmation.

The person who gave the sign is Mrs. Sen, the head of the clan, can the status not be high?

But for the sake of her reputation, Chen Zhou still chose to hide her identity.

Chen Zhou: "What's wrong with this?" Is the gold-encrusted one different from other brands?

"Very different!"

The folklore researcher emphasized:

"The silver-encrusted brand is only a little more useful than the copper-encrusted brand, but your gold-encrusted jade medal has a much higher authority!"

...... I'll explain this later.

After a pause, the folklore researcher organized the language and began to introduce:

"You should also know that the elves of the forest, including all other elven races, are only women.

If you want to reproduce, you can only rely on the help of other ethnic men.

This has been true for thousands of years since they were born into this world.

But at the same

time, the elves are all matriarchal societies, and men are basically not welcome to live in their group for a long time, which is very conflicting with their need for male help.

In order to solve this problem, each elven race has developed its own method.

Where violent coercion is used, there are also those who adopt gentle cooperation.

For example, some dark elves, they will directly plunder men, imprison and fixed like cattle and sheep, and raise them in their own groups.

The Elves of the Forest are much milder, and they mainly cooperate with the Terrans, creating a system similar to 'marriage'. Hearing

this, Chen Zhou raised his eyebrows,

he didn't expect that the dark elf's actions in this regard would be so bold.

This was somewhat out of place with the impression that Dark Leaf gave him...

Ask her later when you have time.

"The point, let's talk about their 'marriage' system, which is related to the brand in your hand."

The folklore researcher picked up his wooden card

, "To put it simply, the Forest Elf will unilaterally screen men, and only men who meet the requirements are eligible for the brand.

Just like everyone here who got the brand, either they are handsome enough, or their bodies are strong enough, and they are not weak, so they are fortunate enough to get the brand. Hearing

this, the men who received the brand were all tall and full of pride.

There were also several women present, all of whom were disdainful of this.

"And after the Elves of the Forest gave the sign..." The

folklore researcher took a sip of the water cup and continued slowly:

"On the night of the next full moon, they will release the restrictions on entering the Elven Country.

If you have a brand, you can use the brand as a token to open the passage and enter the land of the elves. Carry out with them....

Rituals in that regard. Once you are sure that you are pregnant, let you go.

This is the whole process of 'getting married'.


The folklore researcher changed his tone and said solemnly:

"Don't think too much about this, I must remind you in advance!"

"First, our marriage system, there is also a premise that we know each other to express love, and both parties agree to the last step.

This 'walking marriage' system of the forest elves does not have such a premise, and it is much more direct.

And only they pick men, there is no situation where we pick them, it is a unilateral and unequal choice!

That is to say, until the full moon, the night you go to the appointment with the sign, you will not know who the woman you are spending the night with. The

folklore researcher smiled faintly:

"Although the elves of the forest are all women, they are not all beautiful women.

You can hit the jackpot, but it's also possible... Unlucky!

People holding bronze wooden plaques, you can only passively accept randomly.

And the person holding the silver wooden card, you have only one chance to refuse, but the object is still randomly arranged by them.

But if you have a gold-encrusted jade medal..." The

folklore researcher looked at Chen Zhou and said with envy:

"You can specify the object." It is even possible to designate saints and other spirits of higher status. Other brands, but there is no such treatment..."

Chen Zhou was slightly stunned.

Mrs. Mori secretly gave him this sign, was she hinting that she chose her?

"Second, after accepting the wooden card, you can choose not to go to the appointment, but once you go to the appointment, you have to complete the ceremony that night."

Speaking of this, the folklore researcher showed a strange look

, "They will give you a potion in advance, which can greatly increase the chance of the forest elves getting pregnant."

At the same time, it will leave you paralyzed all night. At that time, even if you want to repent, you will not be able to resist.

And the night of the full moon is also the elf of the forest... When demand is high.

Their demands in this regard will be very exaggerated, and people who are not in good health, even if they get the brand, I advise you to do what you can. "

[Full moon night, high demand?]

Chen Zhou suddenly figured out something.

[...... No wonder Mrs. Sen is a little wrong tonight, the problem turns out to be here.

"Third, the purpose of the Forest Elves' in 'marriage' is to increase the probability of excellent offspring.

They are socialized co-parenting children, and although they will not ask you to bear anything, they will not let their daughters recognize you. The child defaults to having nothing to do with you.

Men who own the sign will also have the sign taken back after the first night of the appointment.

Unless there are special circumstances, it is impossible to enter the land of the elves again.

And most of the forest spirits will only stay in it for the rest of their lives.

Other words...... You are unlikely to see your daughter afterwards, and you have to think about this in advance.

As soon as these words fell, many people obviously hesitated.

"Of course, this restriction is an exception for those who have gold-encrusted jade medals."

The folklore researcher looked at Chen Zhou again and said with a smile:

"The gold-encrusted jade medal will not be recycled and will be valid for life.

Every full moon night after that, you can enter the land of the elves. Even if you want, the object can be different every time....

People in the other world admire the strong, and the elves of the forest are proud to leave the heirs of the strong. So whoever is named by you will not refuse.

As soon as these words fell, everyone immediately stabbed their eyes towards Chen Zhou.

Chen Zhou smiled awkwardly: "Then what... Don't look at me like that, a man like me can't do such a thing! Please organize with confidence!

Saying that, Chen Zhou silently put his brand back and put it in his trouser pocket.

But suddenly felt inappropriate, took it out, changed the position and put it in the close pocket, and patted it tightly, which was reassuring.

"Ahem, let me focus on a few words at the end..."

The folklore researcher paused and concluded:

"The 'marriage' system is the folklore of the elves of the forest, and it is a very important and sacred rule for them.

Those who get the sign, please don't play and be sure to take this matter seriously.

If you don't do it well, even if you encounter ... Not very good objects... You also have to complete the mental preparation of the ceremony, and I don't recommend you to go.

Finally, the famous researcher looked around and advised everyone:

"There is still a month before the next full moon, and you better think about it carefully."

After listening to the whole journey, two men chose to give up on the spot.

"I give up. I have a wife, don't you dare mess around!

"I can't accept giving birth to a daughter and not being able to recognize each other." I'll forget it too..."

Both immediately threw their signs on the table.

"In other words, can we give the brand we don't want to others?"

The folklore researcher shook his head:

"This kind of wooden sign will record the breath of the first male after it comes into contact with the person, and only the person can use it." Even if it is given to others, it will not be used.

Chen Zhou also asked the question: "How to use this brand at that time?"

"The wooden plaque is a pass to the land of the elves, and under the full moon, praying quietly, you can open the passage into the land of the elves."

A wooden card can only be entered by one person and, as mentioned earlier, only in person. The

folklore researcher went on to add:

"By the way, if you can't do it in meditation and pray to open the passage, you will be considered too anxious and temporarily disqualified." This is also a layer of insurance for the Elves of the Forest. "

It's all the last step, and this layer of insurance?

Chen Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

There are a lot of rules set up, and all of them are beneficial to the Elves of the Forest... They really think about everything.


of the establishment of diplomatic relations..." the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs smiled helplessly:

"The conditions for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Forest Elves and the Dragon Kingdom are the source of stable, healthy and strong men that the Dragon Kingdom provides them.

Of course, everything is premised on mutual consent. Tonight, I will also inform the others who get the sign later. "

Those who can be selected by the spirit of the forest are not bad, and they will not lack a partner normally.

In addition, the 'marriage' system has so many disadvantages for men, and after learning the full picture of the matter, it is estimated that the proportion of people who end up on the appointment is not large.

But fortunately, the population base is there, and in the end, it should be able to meet the needs of the forest elves...

Then, the folklore researcher emphasized again:

"Again, as I just said, this is a very important custom of the Forest Elves.

We are also following the customs, please don't look at this matter with a colored eye.

In addition, when giving a brand, the Forest Elf will also identify the target male to get rid of the dirty and unscrupulous people, but there may be exceptions.

So those who accept the brand, our side will also screen.

At least...... People who have already started a family or have a girlfriend will not give them in principle.

Chen Zhou nodded, patted his chest, and looked like he was bearing the burden of humiliation:

"Hey, I just happened to be alone." In order for the two worlds to have friendly exchanges, I can only sacrifice the small self and achieve the big self!

Then he looked at Xia Xingsheng and said with a sense of justice: "You don't have to wronged yourself, this matter will be left to me!" Let me bear this burden alone..." Others

: "..."What

about the single-mindedness you say? Don't recognize it in the blink of an eye?




Dongyang Town, inside the Earl's House.

Count Li, dressed in a luxurious robe, was standing in front of the desk, staring at the three things on the table.

They are

, the artificial colored diamonds that Chen Zhou traded with the black market

, the small paper notebooks given to middle-aged businessmen,

and the bullet cases left inside the thief's cave...

"You mean, these three things are likely to come from the same person?"

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