Orc Calamity

25 Gauging Interest - Not a Chapter

If you wish to just get the TL;DR skip down below.


Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

How is everyone?

Personally, I'm hoping each and every one of you is doing well!

Over the last few months, I've been having my fair share of... Difficulties. Health issues being number one among all the things I've had to deal with, but not the only issue, so to speak.

I started Orc Calamity as a side project, in the way back machine, as something to write in my spare time. My main novel that I work on is called 'Wholly Undead,' or WU for short. You may or may not be a reader of it. It's a very different read than OC here.

Prior to this last year, I was very prolific in writing. Now, I find it hard to write a chapter a week, let along two weeks. I'm trying to build myself back up. During the time that I haven't updated OC here, I've been posting a bit on WU, as my main novel. More readers seemed interested/invested in it, and I felt it was a priority. Not to mention that it didn't feel that OC got a lot of buzz, but I do thank everyone for praising it that has been kind enough to leave comments and reviews!

I do plan to write more OC, though the update speed will be very slow unless I see there is a larger interest, which leads to the TL;DR below.

All in all, I'm posting this "NOT A CHAPTER" to gauge public interest. Leave comments here with your thoughts, opinions, and concerns for OC, and your wish for me to write more. More importantly, to write more frequently, as in the least a chapter per week or more, if I can build back up to it.



Tell me you like OC, and the more readers that proclaim it here in the comments, the more likely I am to update more OC on a more regular basis.

If you'd like to speak to me personally, or would like to drop by my server

My Discord handle is Voidmirage#3619

My Discord server invite: discord.com/invite/3YQVvaJ

As always, thanks for reading!!!!!!

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