Orc God-level Miner

Chapter 30: unfair treatment

An Ran left this sentence indifferently, and did not pay any attention to Gu Yan until he entered the Forest of Xiaoyue to camp and rest. Gu Yan was also awkward. He didn't know what words he had offended An Ran. Why did An Ran get angry when he said that all the time?

In fact, An Ran was not angry, he just didn't care that Yan Dese wanted to suppress his arrogance. Gu Yan, if you let him, his tail will rise.

Gu Yan parked the toilet on a wide area, his sight was still open, and there were no woods to hide it. At this time, three hours had passed since their departure, and the sky was completely dark. The night in the Forest of Howling Moon was a bit more eerie and terrifying than during the day, the shadows of the trees were faint, and the sound of wolves was faintly heard. An Ran had already been mentally prepared, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. Although he had learned two-handed kungfu before crossing, he would watch the animal world and crossing the Amazon. He didn’t think it was terrifying after watching other people’s shows and camping in the rainforest. After changing to the live-action 3D version, he really experienced this. Stimulus.

The night in Xiaoyuezhi Forest is not what the poor interjections in his mind can describe.

An Ran felt calm, took out the prepared tent, and removed the toilet. Yanzhin and Qin Muyan had already stepped on the spot. Wei Xuanyang went down with Yanzhin and Qin Muyan. He did not follow to step on the spot, but guarded An Ran's safety nearby.

Although Gu Yan was in the driver's seat, he would take a glance at An Ran from time to time to confirm his expression. Although An Ran is only a weak non-orc, he has no combat power at all, since he said the wrong thing and ignored him. My heart has been upgraded to an existence comparable to Jun Qianxi. It’s just that the value of existence is different. Jun Qianxi is used to worship and look up to stimulate his strength to cultivate and upgrade. An Ran is like a Pandora’s Box. You think you have fully understood him. Once you open it, you will still be able to To your surprise, An Ran was the stimulus that Gu Yan found for his peaceful life. Gu Yan was just thinking about An Ran's good food.

An Ran has no fighting power, but his damage is comparable to that of a powerful orc. Moreover, more often, the brain is the key, and there will always be thugs.

Gu Yan saw that An Ran was dragging something down from the toilet. Before Wei Xuanyang came to help, he suddenly jumped out of the driver's seat and easily hugged the thing An Ran was dragging. . It was a pile of thick and rough fabrics and some bamboo poles, which seemed to be made by An Ran himself, and looked a bit like the tent set up by the mercenaries when they were camping in the wild. It didn't look like it. Gu Yan didn't think that this pile of poles of different lengths could hold up the fabric. Gu Yan felt that An Ran's performance has been strange since entering the Moon-Screaming Forest. He asked Wei Xuanyang some questions, such as how mercenaries usually camp, where they stay, how to make fires, and many beasts move at night. Not much, the degree of danger in the periphery of the forest, etc.

Gu Yan thought he would at least follow the experience summarized by his predecessors and set up camp in the woods. The Orc Continent does not have a tent like that of the Huaxia Continent. They can only use a rope to pull the tent between a few trees. Although the forest is dangerous, just arrange it. Alternate patrols with good manpower. But if they didn't camp in the woods, the tent would not be able to be pulled up, and they would not be able to rest at ease. An Ran asked clearly and listened, why insisted on camping on the high ground? Gu Yan has become accustomed to An Ran not playing cards according to the card. The other three orcs are all hired to protect An Ran. They can make suggestions, but they can't question An Ran's decision. Mercenaries have mercenary rules, and employers must listen to what they say, unless it involves life and cannot act without authorization.

The three are very dedicated. Although they were puzzled, they didn't refute when they saw Gu Yan, so they didn't say much. From the past three hours of getting along, it seems that An Ran is not the rumored waste, not only is it not waste, he is also very good in some aspects.

Gu Yan put down a pile of bamboo pole cloth in the middle of the clearing, and then stepped aside to make room for An Ran. An Ran didn't say much. He separated the pile of fabrics into three large pieces. Each piece was processed in a strange way, and the paved was uneven. It looked like a drawn tent, but it was missing a mouth, and there were only three sides. After An Ran separated the three pieces of fabric, he did not move them again, and divided the bamboo poles into three evenly. At this time, Wei Xuanyang also came to watch the excitement. The two orcs looked at him without blinking, and they all guessed that An Ran was. I want to set up a tent, but I'm all curious, how can I set up a tent in the open space.

An Ran did not give two opportunities to watch the play. Three of them set up tents. All of them let him set up a tent without losing his life. He gave Gu Yan and Wei Xuanyang a share and said, "It depends on me. Do it, keep up." Then the bamboo poles are perforated, tied, and slowly built into a frame. The joint is tied with a slip knot, which is very stable and easy to clean up when you go.

The idea of ​​using bamboo sticks and wooden sticks to build a tent was once proposed, but unfortunately it failed to be implemented. The tent frame was too large to carry around. An Ran exposed this hand to make the two orcs suddenly shine and learn from Enron. Steps also set up the tent shelf. Wei Xuanyang can do it easily. This is in An Ran's expectation, and Gu Yan is also going well, which makes him incredible. An Ran directed the two of them to insert the bamboo poles that were touching the ground into the soil, and then put the three pieces of fabric on each of them when they were secure, and tied the slipknot at the bottom end, and took out three smaller pieces of fabric and tied them together. The side with the opening is made into the appearance of a door curtain, and the cloth is dragged on the ground, just enough to press the stone. When you go in and out, move the stone away, and press it again when you have to rest. Sleeping is also comfortable.

The fabrics were bought when shopping, and the bamboo poles were produced by Space. An Ran only drew a design drawing, one password and one action, and Gossip Space processed it for him. The size is right, and the tent is made very accurately.

The three tents are built in the shape of a fringe, with the openings facing inward. After the tent was completely set up, Wei Xuanyang still sighed. Fortunately, the team leader sent him over and changed someone else. I was afraid that it would be difficult to steal the teacher. This tent looks simple, but there are requirements for the length of each bamboo pole. , There is no finished product as a reference, and it is not easy to form with an idea.

When Yan Jin and Qin Muyan returned from patrolling the surrounding area, An Ran had already covered the tent with impermeable cloth and covered it with a quilt. The night was over. Five people, three tents, the orcs are not close to the non-orcs and the beasts, so they can only use one by themselves, and the other two can share one. Yan Jin was with Gu Yanfen, and Wei Xuanyang was with Qin Muyan. Such a distribution was happily decided by An Ran, without referring to the opinions of the parties. Gu Yan did not dare to have any opinions. Qin Muyan and Wei Xuanyang had no opinion, and the only objectionable Yan Jin was ignored by An Ran.

It stands to reason that such a distribution is not appropriate. Both Gu Yan and Yan Jin are capable of making troubles. If the two are divided together, the future journey will be "very pleasant".

The two orcs are divided into a tent. It seems to be very crowded when you think of it. In fact, it is not the case. Except for An Ran’s accident, the four orcs can’t rest assured. Although An Ran chose a relatively safe place to camp, Yan Jin and Qin Muyan also The surrounding environment has been inspected, and it is necessary to leave a person to watch at night. Yan Jin was unwilling to live with Gu Yan, and told An Ran that the four people would be divided into two groups, and two groups of two would be patrolled in the upper and lower midnight, which happened to be able to guarantee a certain amount of rest. An Ran has no opinion on such a decision, and the three hired by him have no opinion. Gu Yan once again paid the price for him to provoke An Ran.

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