The members of the Phoenix tribe had never seen such an aggressive side of Mo Qingcheng, Wen Run had not seen him at all, his face was cold, looking at the patriarch.

"Uncle, what do you think?"

Although Mo Qingcheng was young when he was recruited, he can still remember some key content when he thought about it carefully. During the time when his leg was just disabled, the only three people who had the most contact with him were his father, younger sister, and the patriarch. Getting along with the first two people is quite natural, only the patriarch, who is very strange in his abruptness, is very wrong.

Mo Qingcheng is not a fool. He didn't know before. After knowing that he was poisoned, he went through the events of the year carefully, and the most likely target was this kind-looking patriarch.

The moment Mo Qingcheng stood up just now was enough for Mo Qingcheng to see a lot of things clearly, it was indeed him who started.

why? Why on earth?

Having been able to sit firmly in the position of patriarch for so many years, it was strange that he could admit it frankly. Almost immediately, the opponent counterattacked.

"Who are you? Qingcheng will never do such a brutal act, boldly enchanting, and dare to pretend to be a person from Phoenix Valley."

What is shameless, this is it.

The door-to-door debt collection was beaten down.

After the patriarch’s voice, the ignorant masses yelled, "You slander the patriarch, don’t you see where this is? There is also room for you to be presumptuous? Talking is not fart, but you have to ask for evidence."

Oh, evidence.

Mo Qingcheng turned his head to look towards An Ran.

An Ran had said before that he had a way, and sure enough, he smiled sarcastically, "The evidence, of course, is there, I'm afraid this patriarch will not give up when he sees the Yellow River." As he said, he took it out. The transparent pill, with something faintly wrapped in it, An Ran held the pill in his palm and played with it for a moment. Then he turned his head and said to Mo Qingcheng: "A total of 30 red lines are cleared from your body. You only know that the red lines are powerful, but you don't know that it also has female worms. The only thing that makes me wonder why this old thing doesn't affect you. Mother Gu directly drives the red line in your body."

"With this thing in my hand, this question will be answered soon."

While speaking, An Ran threw the transparent pill in his hand, and at the same time, cut the pill with an air knife. Release the bug in the package.

When An Ran was thrown away, he didn't aim at the direction. After running out, the little insect flapped its wings and flew towards Phoenix Valley.

What is even more surprising is that its landing point is not the **** patriarch, it has been flying towards the Phoenix Valley.

After seeing this scene clearly, Mo Qingcheng's face instantly paled.

A certain patriarch twitched his lips and smiled secretly.

He thought his actions were very concealed, and he didn't want to have fallen into the eyes of An Ran and others.

This matter. There is weird.

What is certain is that this patriarch has done no less bad things, and Mo Qingcheng's work has something to do with him. I'm afraid he is really not the one who planted Gu worms. There are accomplices.

Seeing that Mo Qingcheng's expression was wrong, Lin Lin gave him a hand, "Uncle Mo, keep up."

For so many years, this is the first time Mo Qingcheng has stood down to earth on the land of Wutong Island. The guys in Phoenix Valley have been hit, but they can't help them. An Ran and his party chased the bug all the way in. Qingcheng's face became paler. As for the result, he might have already guessed it, and even a few outsiders on An Ran have figured it through. With such a big movement, the people of Phoenix Valley must have all come out, and the rest are the old, weak, sick and newly born.

It is impossible for a new born to travel to Mo Qingcheng through ten years of harm.

The old ones are waiting outside as long as they can walk.

In the entire Phoenix Valley, only Mo Qingcheng was disabled.

After eliminating all possible. There is only one person left-his biological father.

Initially, when Jun Qianxi recruited An Ran with the Sacred Fruit of Vermilion Bird, it was for him to save the life of the Great Elder of the Phoenix Clan.

Who would have thought that the plot would be reversed in such a dramatic way?

Mo Qingcheng's expression was already quite ugly. His face was pale and his body was trembling slightly. The Great Elder was his father. Although he had always been partial to Mo Chaosi, he was ultimately his father. , He would rather know nothing. The elder's health is very bad, he was poisoned, very serious, and his life is not long.

When something like this broke out at such a time, Mo Qingcheng had no idea how to deal with himself.

Despite the stormy sea in his heart, he followed in.

Sure enough, the little insect flew to the house where the elder was recuperating, circled twice on the spot, and then flew in and got into his body.

An Ran's party and the Phoenix Valley troops followed, and happened to see this scene.

A certain patriarch was still afraid in his heart that the great elder would not survive. Everyone knew that, he was afraid that the great elder would shed some secret before he died. Of course, you must take preemptive actions at critical moments. It is best not to give the elder any time to speak. If he is delayed until his death, he can justifiably impose the charge on Mo Qingcheng, even if he is genuine and not a fake or shoddy product. Yes, the patriarch of the Phoenix clan knows better than anyone else that Mo Qingcheng is real, he is himself, and most of his guesses are correct, but he didn’t predict that as the patriarch, he did not do it himself. , But borrowed someone else's slaughter knife.

"Damn, you dare to do something to the Great Elder!"

"Take it, take it all for me!"

...I didn't say it well in the second sentence, and it was all mixed up. What kind of prestige is still playing?

An Ran curled his lips, "Take us? You can give it a try." Although the guys in Phoenix Valley are medicinal, they are all stupid. Two words can describe them, stupid and loyal.

With regard to the character of the patriarch, he is committed to self-interest, and he will be over sooner or later.

Seeing that they have been on guard, the Phoenix tribe must have been able to entrenched in Wutong Island for thousands of years, and there must be some foundation, otherwise, the shark tribe could not be allowed to retreat before, but the patriarch appeared and the opponent retreated. This is too mysterious. An Ran was on guard. He was ready to do it at any time. The Shark Clan only came in with a few people. Bai Mo didn't care about the situation at all, but Zhuang Yin followed in to join in the fun. As for the large troops, they were still surrounded by the sea.

At this time, if they start their hands, An Ran and others can only rely on themselves.

Fortunately, there are Lian Sheng and Hui Yue, he has a bit of confidence in his heart.

An Ran quietly crushed the Xiangmingxiang, temporarily holding back the life of the great elder, so as not to be hit by the secret tricks of a certain patriarch.

Then he silently calculated the winning percentage of the two armies against his own.

It's really not high.

Even though his face had been torn apart, An Ran was still reluctant to do it if he could not do it. It was none of his business when the Phoenix tribe and the Shark tribe were fighting. Now confronting themselves... Although they are hateful, it is because they foolishly believed what the patriarch said and believed so desperately for Mao to believe that it was not the business of others for decades. It's not easy.

When faced with this choice, almost everyone will react like this.

Believe in the people you are close to.

Who would inexplicably believe a guy who has met once or twice? Especially when they met last time, they still had a very unpleasant disturbance. Not to mention that they broke the protective cover of the shark tribe, they also caused such a big incident. That's all, when he appeared again, he would directly drug Wutongzhou and bring the enemy to the door.

Compared with such a "traitor", this kind of patriarch. That is the existence of a national hero.

The situation is a bit tricky. An Ran is not willing to work with them. Most of them are simple and innocent.

He couldn't make up his mind, so he heard Rui Rui say: "Daddy, let out the tea bag."

By the way, he almost forgot that Bao Shaocha and Gu Baozi were in the space.

To be released, of course it is two together.

There are gold swallowing beasts. I should be able to negotiate a good deal, right?

An Ran quickly released the two little guys after passing through the Great God of the System. At this time. The two little buns were holding the chicken drumsticks and chewing joyously. An Ran helped his forehead. If he knew it, he should have communicated with Bao Shaocha. Fortunately, they knew to pay attention to the image in front of outsiders. Bao Shaocha looked at the half-eaten chicken drumstick in his hand, and his black eyeballs were around. Glancing at the environment, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Fuck, it turned out to be Wutong Island.

Bao Shaocha chicken drumsticks are not chewed anymore. Waiting fiercely for the patriarch, "Damn it, I'm just trying to settle accounts with you."

Which one of the troubles is this again? An Ran was confused.

The one who understands most is Lian Sheng, Huiyue, Jun Qianxi and others are all dizzy.

"Didn't you have your revenge?" An Ran asked, poking his soft bun in the face.

Bao Shaocha's entire attention was focused on the Phoenix Clan Chief, and after a while. He looked at the goods lying on the bed again, gritted his teeth and said, "The main culprit has been shot dead, and he has been shrinking in the tortoise shell. I have been to Wutong Island several times, but he was helpless with the tortoise shell, so I had to go to you first. ."

Turtle shell? Protective cover?

An Ran glanced at Lian Sheng's side. Is that stuff so awkward? Why can't even the Golden Swallowing Beast help? Why was Lian Sheng broken?

Could it be a relationship that inherited the power of the true god.

The seven sons of the true **** all inherit his abilities to varying degrees.

Of course, the fields and directions involved are different.

Originally, it seemed that Lian Sheng broke so easily, but An Ran still regarded him as a tofu project. Unexpectedly, it was quite solid, and the Golden Swallowing Beast couldn't help it.

At this time, the patriarch of the Phoenix clan hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem. He glanced at the two milk dolls contemptuously, "Where did the milk dolls come from, they didn't quickly retreat. The sword has no eyes, so it won't hurt you."

How kind he even reminded them to be safe.

Bao Shaocha smiled.

The patriarch of the Phoenix clan was destined to have this calamity, he was not wronged, and even the biggest Boss Gold Swallowing Beast could not be recognized, and he was blind for so many years.

An Ran poked Bao Shaocha's face again, and said, "He hasn't seen you like this? Little guy, how about changing the body to show him?" This is a good suggestion. Bao Shaocha accepted with fat arms. The fat leg moved for a while, jumped high into the air, rolled, and turned back into a beast shape. The mature second blood sacrifice gold swallowing beast with its big mouth wide open looked at the patriarch Phoenix with a fierce look.

Xiaoqiang, who couldn't be killed, finally panicked. He was trembling, trembling, trembling.

He almost knelt down for Bao Shaocha.

Almost immediately, he denied his crime, "Swallow...swallow... Lord Swallow, your fall has nothing to do with me! Please don't listen to the villain's slander, this is slander."

"How can my dignified Phoenix Clan chief do such a deed."

Sure enough, power is the truth, and all evidence is scum.

An Ran smiled, and he successfully retreated to the second line.

The battlefield ahead is handed over to Bao Shaocha to open up.

With this little guy here, he can swallow the entire Wutong Island without any other help. Poor, the tortoise shell has been broken.

Why did he forget the bag of tea when he first came here? If you remember it earlier, why does it take so much effort?

Huiyue stretched out his hand and took An Ran into his arms, and squeezed it to his waist. "Even if you let it out early, you have to go to the Jade Clan. You forgot about Mo Qingcheng's injury? Besides, if it hadn't been before. That temptation, how can you find out the truth, if you don’t know the truth. Even if the entire Phoenix clan is wiped out, what's the point?"

Indeed, it makes sense.

After two sentences, Patriarch Phoenix started a new round of crying for father and mother.

Bao Shaocha was yelling with a headache, and he was about to open his mouth directly. The Phoenix clan grew horrified, and unexpectedly grabbed a clansman next to him and threw it out, preparing to flee.

How can power matter to life?

Encountered the level of Enron. He can still fight, and encounter the Golden Swallowing Beast without any suspense.

When he ran away, many hidden truths surfaced.

An Ran watched the patriarch Phoenix suddenly shoot out from his body, sighed, and said, "Don't kill it, catch it alive."

With this sentence, Bao Shaocha almost fell from midair. Even the pace of the chase slowed by half a beat.

Nima, how do you catch alive? He just needs to open his mouth and he should enter the digestive tract. Is it possible to vomit out? With the strength of his stomach acid. Can I vomit it out completely after eating it in?

During the time when the Golden Swallowing Beast was chasing the bandits, the Phoenix tribe finally digested their patriarch's series of actions, especially the warrior who was thrown out with an unbelievable expression. This is the patriarch they respect, the patriarch who absolutely believes, because of his few words, they convicted the young master and expelled him. It's not that there is no doubt in their hearts, they are more willing to believe that the patriarch is dedicated to the good of Phoenix Valley, unexpectedly, no one expected. It turned out to be like this.

They were wrong, ridiculously wrong.

Everyone who witnessed the whole process was in a state of semi-collapse. They stared blankly at the direction Bao Shaocha was chasing out, wanting to get an explanation.

Why is this happening?

At this time, the great elder who had been fascinated by him suddenly woke up.

He was completely reminiscent of his appearance, and his spirit was in a trance. I opened my eyes and saw Mo Qingcheng standing not far away, with a crazy expression on his face.

"I knew it, I knew you would come to me."

"Why do you want to ask me? Why did I give you a gu? Why did I harm you? Why do you feel so inclined to Sisi?"

"Because you are not my son, you are not my kind at all."

"Why do you think Sisi will take action against the little princess of the Jade Human Race? Why would you have suffered it?"

When the great elder said this, he actually laughed. "This is all calculated. Your kind-hearted patriarch uncle and I have calculated it. You **** it. Why don't you die?"

Mo Qingcheng shook his hands tightly.

There was a fire of resentment in his eyes, mixed with tears.

No one could have imagined that the result would be like this. The elder and the patriarch practiced hand calculation for a small doll, "Why? Why? You are not my father, who is my father?" Mo Qingcheng rushed to the bed of the elder and wanted to ask. clear.

"Who is your father? Why should I tell you who is your father? Sinseed."

"You won't know until you die."

After speaking, he laughed again, then opened his eyes and died.

Do not look down.

An Ran frowned, the effect of Xu Mingxiang was still there, this was his desire to die. His body was so dilapidated that he had died, and Da Luo Jinxian could not be saved. He was in such a state, even if he was rescued, it would be useless, and he couldn't ask anything of value.

Before coming, An Ran didn't expect it to happen, but it turned out to be like this.

The murderer caught it, and it turned out more puzzles.

After the elder suffocated, the patriarch Phoenix was soon returned by the golden swallowing beast bag. He was struggling, but he was exhausted.

From the moment he fell into Bao Shaocha's hands, the patriarch Phoenix knew that it was useless to say that he was dead.

There is one death on the left and right, he will shake the secret out?

of course not.

If you die, I will keep you.

Soon, the Phoenix patriarch followed the great elder, the young master Qianxi had been expelled, and almost no one left could afford to provoke the leader, and the Phoenix clan was in a huge crisis. They begged Jun Qianxi to come back. As long as he came back, he could directly succeed the patriarch, and Mo Qingcheng could also come back. Although he had spent many years of cultivation, he would soon grow up with his qualifications.

These two people are definitely the generals of the Phoenix tribe.

Unfortunately, they were chilled.

Jun Qianxi refused to go back, and Mo Qingcheng, it was even more impossible, as long as he stayed here for one day. He would think of his life in the past ten years, and think of the face of the culprit.

Mo Qingcheng had lived for so many years, and he didn't even make a noise about who his biological father was.

It is impossible to stay, Phoenix Valley was broken by Lian Sheng tortoise shell. So much so that, now panicking, Lian Sheng discussed with Hui Yue, since the murderer had already broken the law, they reluctantly helped Phoenix Valley once. The two worked together to set up a barrier that could protect the Phoenix Valley for ten years, and it would automatically be destroyed after the time limit expired.

The effect of this thing is not worse than the previous layer of tortoise shell, or even better.

pity. Only ten years.

In the face of frustration from many parties, the Phoenix Valley people are quite satisfied to be able to get such blessings.

An Ran and his party are about to leave. In the Ascension Realm, he still has one of the biggest tasks, to find his father. While in the Heavenly Sword Sect, An Qi had already told him the information he knew, and they suspected that the magical leader of the revolutionary army was Toure. Of course, this statement is based on coincidence and has no basis in the century. Need to check carefully.

Huiyue's strength has been recovering, and when his divine power is fully recovered, he and Lian Sheng will work hand in hand to open the way back to the Nine Heavens Garden.

An Lie became An Ran's last heartache.

Although he hasn't seen each other once since he walked through, at any rate it was his father who loved him and spoiled him.

At least, he needs to know an answer, whether An Lie is still alive, and whether the Chijin Bimeng in the revolutionary army is the father of his own life.

Lian Sheng has already recognized An Ran's obsession. This is his heart knot, so it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible. I only blamed him for not being able to monitor all places in the Ascension Realm. You can only know what's happening nearby, otherwise, you can know what's happening thousands of miles away without moving. Finding someone is as simple as eating.

An Ran was ready to leave, he forgot an important thing.

"Have you forgotten something?" Beauty BOSS Bai Mo said coldly, fiddled with his hair.


"The murderer who killed Zeya."

Is Mo Chaosi still mixing in the crowd? Watching the death of the elder and the patriarch one after another, the fear in her heart has reached the extreme. Simply, everyone has forgotten her little character.

As long as An Ran and his party are sent away quietly, she will be safe.

Safe for at least ten years.

It's a pity that the sky doesn't fulfill everyone's wish.

In Bai Mo's mind, the most important thing is this son and daughter, Zhuang Yin and Zeya.

Zeya has suffered so many crimes, although she is better now, but at the cost of cleaning her memory.

Mo Chaosi killed her daughter in this way. This account should indeed be settled. This was also Bai Mo's request when the cooperation case was first proposed.

He doesn't want anything, as long as Phoenix Valley surrenders the murderer, all grievances can be cleared, and the two clans can reconcile each other.

This is a great temptation. From the mainland to Phoenix Valley, Bilangwan is the only way to go.

If you have a good relationship with the Shark Race, the benefits will be great.

Especially under the premise that this barrier can only protect them for ten years.

Without the treacherous people, the remaining elders of the Phoenix tribe are still sober, and after Bai Mo clicked a few words, they fully understood.

Indeed, the current Phoenix Valley can't offend the Shark Race.

Good friendship is the best way.

Moreover, with Mo Chaosi's temperament, staying is definitely a disaster. From it, the elder and Mo Qingcheng helped wipe her butt, and the patriarch also protected her. Now the elder and the patriarch are dead, and Mo Qingcheng refuses to return. , Mo Chaosi has no value. It's just endless trouble left.

Now they dare not cause trouble.

The elders were shaken, but even so, they were still embarrassed to directly say such things as handing her out.

Especially after Mo Chaosi saw Bai Mo's intentions, he held the thighs of several elders and knelt down in tears.

She did this step, no one could speak.

Lian Sheng always sings black face. He chuckled lightly and said, "I can let it protect you for ten years, or I can break it again."

Threat, the threat of Hongguoguo, but **** useful.

Mo Chaosi was holding an elder's thigh, and when the elder heard Lian Sheng's words, he cleverly kicked the person out.

Bai Mo shot at the same time, tied the people tightly with shark silk, and dragged them into the water.

The Shark Race left, they retreated very quickly, and looked at Bai Mo's clam shell, looked at Zhuang Yin's back, and smiled. As for where Mo Chaosi will fall, it is no longer within his scope of consideration.

Jun Qianxi and Mo Qingcheng waved goodbye to the Phoenix people, and then followed An Ran aboard the gorgeous cruise ship.

Set sail and return to the mainland.

The speed of going back is slower than before, and An Ran is not in a hurry. When he comes, he is walking through the air passage with the magic weapon. When going back, since there is a cruise ship, it would be nice to change the way.

An Ran didn't remember until he walked a long way out, that he was two again, Nima, when he healed Zeya, he had made a clear talk, and he had to pick something from the treasure house of the scorpion race.

After that, I was busy doing rehabilitation for Mo Qingcheng, but I forgot.


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