He didn't know how Fatty Lu was. Hua Yue looked good, and he quickly found a balance.

After restoring the memory of Jiutian Huating, the nature of the Black Faced God was restored. The most important thing in his life was not Fatty Lu, but to try various interesting punishments. This hobby... is really creepy.

Although Hua Yue looked abnormal, the law and order in Las Vegas has improved a lot since his appearance. This is true. The security team's style problem suddenly became pure, and he was afraid of something wrong.

Lord Blackface's brainwashing work was very successful. He first talked about the influence of Las Vegas in the ascension world, how many people were jealous of them, and then he said how big the hidden dangers of security issues are.

Why is there no problem? Because there are Lian Sheng and Hua Yue here, if there are these two great gods, if the town is still looted, they will have no face to know the nine-day Hua Ting.

You should know that Lian Sheng has always been in a 100% state, and Huiyue's divine power is gradually recovering, the recovery level has reached 90%, and it will be very difficult to go up. Huiyue needs an opportunity.

As long as they successfully break through that barrier, they should leave the Ascended Realm. What is it that the people of Jiutianhuating stay in the lower plane for a long time?

This is not the world where they are flexing their muscles.

The original intention of An Ran to get out of Las Vegas was to help the old revolutionary army, so it's not appropriate to say it, it should be said that everything is for his father and brother in this life. An Lie and An Qi are already very powerful, and they can also take their own hands. An Ran is still worried, he can't rest assured. Why did he rush to seek a partner and write the contract with the contract scroll, precisely because he didn't know when he would leave. If he leaves, the entire Ascension Realm will only have one Las Vegas casino in Xijing. People will die for the sake of wealth and birds will die, and there will always be some drastic actions. Instead of getting there, it is better to propose a cooperation case now, once this exclusive state is broken. The danger is much less, and there is one Las Vegas in each main city. This density is enough to disperse many hatred points.

Although the Xijing Dadacheng main store is still unsafe, it is much better, at least it has gained a lot of allies.

After the contract is concluded, the partners cannot stab each other, otherwise they will be restricted by the rules.

The mutual aid teams from Zhongzhou, Nanyuan, Dongli, and Beijing have been sent out. It is believed that the Las Vegas branch will soon bloom everywhere in the Ascension Realm. Anron only needs to prepare some protective measures for the head office, so there is no need to worry when leaving.

It doesn't matter if An Ran and Huiyue have never shown their faces in front of the public, it doesn't matter if they leave, mainly Lian Sheng. Keke, that is, Master Sheng Lian.

Such a famous person, a peerless beauty, a super master, An Ran and Huiyue will leave, he will definitely go, Las Vegas loses such a person, there will be trouble finding the door, An Ran also wants to let Lian Sheng prematurely Shenyin. It is best to let those noble ladies get used to it as soon as possible, otherwise En Lie Anqi may not be able to suppress it.

The proposal was passed quickly. Lian Sheng has had enough to help women put on makeup and talk with women. Such days are too boring and hard.

In particular, there is a situation in the ascension world. The richer and the higher the status of the woman, the more old witches are.

Most of those young and beautiful are embarrassed to go to Las Vegas. Who would want to ruin their reputation before getting married? Of course, there are also people who want to ask Lian Sheng to put makeup on the bride. The unrestricted Aoki Shin-kun gave the same statement, "The deity only accepts female guests holding VIP cards and will not appear."

In fact, An Ran even wanted to grab those women who asked him to come out and help make-up and say, "Are you really afraid of him drawing people on the bed?" Lian Sheng is notoriously innocent, okay?

Didn't this happen, come out? It's not Xiaobo, what scene do you play?

Slowly, Lian Sheng no longer accepts unlimited customers, only a few every day, and the ground breaking next door to Las Vegas is the same as the previous engineering team, the old rules, the faster the completion, the thicker the red envelope. . This time, they weren’t allowed to build houses randomly. The design drawings were found from the space. The system master helped to revise it. European style bungalows, with white as the base, and pink accents. The house is not too big, it’s designed for women. Business, perfumes, essential oils, foundations... are all cosmetics.

This house is much slower to build. Although they don’t need to do the decoration, the interior wall paint and exterior wall paint are provided by Enron. Let them help you paint, because the architectural style is not universal in the soaring world. They are not familiar with it and move. The hands are very rusty. The house was built for a full month and a half. After paying the salary, An Ran dropped the security team over to help make some decorations, then closed the door and blasted everyone out, letting the system **** to help arrange the various things in the room.

The cosmetics counters in modern shopping malls have many brands and are suitable for all ages. The first floor is a cosmetics and perfume series, and the second floor is a hair makeup sauna and a full set of beauty equipment.

As for the third floor, it was a temporary lounge for the clerk. After the whole thing was set up, An Ran dug a huge warehouse underground, set up a time-stationary circle, and put a lot of inventory in it.

This shop is named "Beautiful and Pretty Girl", and it is high-end. It does not distribute VIP cards, and things are extremely expensive.

Pretty Beauty and Las Vegas are completely two decoration styles, but they are side by side.

Everyone knew in their hearts that this was made by the boss of Las Vegas, and only he had such skills and spirit.

From scratch, the store can be opened in two months, which is nothing short of a miracle.

The clerk’s training has taken a lot of effort. People are invited temporarily. There are no less procedures to go. They also use contract scrolls, beauty salons, saunas, and so on... All of them need to be trained in professional service skills. This process is very slow. , Anran can't teach them anything, so they can only show them instructional videos and prepare various beauty books for them. The decoration speed is fast and the learning is slow. Simply, the cosmetics sellers on the first floor do not need any professional skills. As for the cosmetics sellers upstairs, they can temporarily stop their business, and they can continue their training in selling cosmetics.

First use cosmetics to beat the reputation, and the beauty salons and other things have been hanging until the new features are opened.

The opening day of "Pretty Pretty Women". Firecrackers in the morning and fireworks at night.

The whole scene is very lively. When the firecrackers are set off, it is not a sensation, and the fireworks explode at night. Dada City, including everyone in the vicinity, all looked out, that the beautiful scenes were never seen before by the people in the Ascendant Realm.

An Ran smiled and looked at the window on the third floor of Las Vegas. Although it’s night, there are still many people around the beautiful ladies, and there are noble ladies coming in and out, and the shop assistants in pink and tender maid costumes are greeted and sent. That scene is no better than Las Vegas. How much difference was when it opened, although it didn't accept men.

With a casino. With a cosmetics shop, Anron is also planning to build a fast food restaurant.

Some things require too high technology, but some things can be brought down through a machine line, such as fc, or ice cream cones.

These are plugged in. It can work automatically by pressing the switch, it is easy to operate and tastes good.

There is no unified power supply in the soaring world, and jade is basically used as an alternative energy source.

Anran searched for a long time in the space before finding a device that could generate electricity by itself.

This makes it much simpler. When Las Vegas continues to be popular and the beautiful and pretty girls are well-known, two new stores break ground.

fc is just one of them, there is also a delicious dessert shop, specializing in all kinds of cream products. Cake and bread, for this reason, An Ran also circled a piece of land to raise cows in the Ascension Realm.

The whole production line has machines, so as long as you learn the technology, it is really convenient.

Las Vegas originally occupied three stores. One is beautiful and pretty, one is fc, and one is delicious dessert shop. There were six shops as soon as they left. There was originally only one shop at the three-way intersection, but it has been booming for more than half a year. The entrance of Mercenary Avenue has rapidly developed a high-end consumer street, except for the one opened by Anran. Several restaurants and other restaurants have moved in. At the beginning, because the land price continued to rise, the bosses were still cruel. After the consumer street began to take shape, they became anxious. It's not enough for grandma's bear. If more berths are not occupied, they will probably be excluded from the development circle in the center of Dada City.

Even if they sell authentic local products, it’s better to stand in a good location. There is such a large crowd near Las Vegas, there are casinos, and there are desserts and fast food sellers. Don’t worry about being hungry when gambling. , The beautiful ladies are the ladies who spend their time to go out. There are special teachers who teach related beauty knowledge, and slowly they even hold some aerobics training courses. The ladies don’t think those projects are not mainstream. , She was very supportive. Most of the women in DaDacheng depended on men for their lives. After the beautiful women opened their doors, although the women still had no financial resources, they still depended on men to live their lives, but their lives were much richer.

fc and the dessert shop are side by side, on the other side of Las Vegas, they are not side by side with pretty girls.

Fast food restaurants and dessert shops are also more convenient.

These two stores are different again. FC is quite big. This thing is considered the cheapest fast food in the United States, but in the soaring world, it was made into a minor qualification by Enron.

This taste, this taste, this exquisite storefront, the whole thing is a trendy style, how can it be compared with ordinary pubs?

At first, the owner who sold the shaky restaurant that was about to close down to An Ran regretted his intestines. He couldn't think of it. DaDacheng, oh no, it should be said that it was Xijing, and even the first aristocratic consumer street in the entire Ascension realm appeared. In his hands, grandma's bear, if he had known long ago, even if the shop was moldy and rotten in his hands, he would never sell it.

Someone obviously forgot how excited he was when An Ran offered to exchange pills for the restaurant.

This is how people are, they don't know how to do business, and the shop is transferred to others after several rectifications, and the feeling of entanglement, envy, jealousy and hatred...really, people who have never experienced it can understand.

The boss didn’t rush to make trouble. He was already qualified. He gritted his teeth and sold the medicines he bought from the restaurant at the biggest auction house in the city before the pill flooding. The auction price was enough for him to buy it. Back to several restaurants, even so, the boss was still sad and the family moved. He really couldn't bear to continue living in the city of Dada, and he would suffer to death.

An Ran is completely unaware of the complex psychology of the original owner of the shop. He has devoted himself to the design and decoration of the shop, constantly bringing forth the new. He has become involved in casinos, cosmetics, fast food restaurants, and dessert shops. All four of them can be operated mechanically. As long as the relevant equipment is left behind, even if they leave, the business can continue to sit down. This is what Anran fancy.

With the development of beautiful pretty girls. The time for Lian Sheng to be listed is getting less and less. As for Huiyue, after nearly a month of no progress. He found Lian Sheng and discussed with him carefully. Then Lian Sheng was thrown into the realm of Aoki again, and it was this thing that prompted him to restore his memory. Since there is nowhere to go, there is no harm in throwing it in again. This time it is not as easy as the last time, the realm of Aoki It's like an independent copy. After entering, the human strength will be restored to a 100% state, without being suppressed by the outside world, which means that from the beginning of Huiyue entering the green wood realm. The seal imposed on him by the Ascension Realm will be released, and his ability will be restored to what he was in Jiutianhuating. Well, maybe it's a little bit, after all, he has not recovered 100%. Even so, it is enough to see. Ten thousand years ago, Lian Sheng couldn't do Huiyue. The first God of War is not a vain name.

The Greenwood Realm is a magical place, he will adjust the difficulty of the instance according to the person's own situation.

It's not blindly the same. After throwing Huiyue in, Lian Sheng stabbed An Ran about the matter. An Ran was silent for a long time, and then he stocked the goods more seriously. Arrange various tasks and ask Lian Sheng to inform An Lie for help. He is ready to come back. An Ran knows Huiyue’s strength better than anyone else. When he comes out of the Greenwood Realm, his abilities will probably have been fully restored. Forced to leave the ascension world.

An Lie received the news half a month later, Feishengjie has its own messaging system, although it is not very convenient.

Lian Sheng didn't use Golden Finger to help. In a situation like Huiyue, he wouldn't be able to come back in a day or two, so don't worry.

In his spare time, he helped An Ran set up a large defensive array in the shop, which would not be activated normally. In case of emergencies, he could trigger it manually, and several shops would be protected. The large defensive array was not permanent. It can only be used three times in total. After not using it once, manually restore it to the original state. According to Lian Sheng’s idea, they may come down from time to time to take a look. It doesn’t need to be too complicated, and if they are fully prepared, they will do their best. The attack is blocked by the protective cover, and according to the psychology of normal people, there will always be a little jealous. They can't ignore it and immediately launch a second time.

After setting up the protective shield, An Ran also found a number of one-time scrolls of Magic Era.

What an earth prison, the light of life.

Everything imaginable was prepared, and the news was delivered to An Lie.

It has been more than half a year since Nanyuan set out to settle down in Xijing DaDa City. An Ran led the women's army to develop in the city. From the first few people to the current six luxury stores, the reputation is now soaring.

An Qi is not bad. He has been outside for half a year. Now he has made a small achievement. Although he hasn't achieved such a vigorous status as An Ran, at least in Xijing, the reputation of the good brothers mercenary group has gradually started. Like doing business, a good idea or idea can be an instant success. The mercenary group needs to collect points and needs to work tirelessly on tasks.

An Lie retreats quickly. He already knows about An Ran's story. After learning that his son may be leaving, An Lie feels somewhat uncomfortable.

Although I spent a while in Nanyuan after meeting each other, I was completely separated after arriving in Xijing. Although I was not together, I thought that everyone was working hard, and there was no feeling of struggling. Hearing all kinds of news about Las Vegas, Enchi laughed.

Now it's different. An Ran is going to leave. I have been here for so many years before the reunion. Finally, the family is together. How long is this, one year, just one year, and we have to be separated again.

This time it is more hopeless than before.

When An Lie came back, he saw that the originally lonely shop had become a row of five or six, glamorous and well decorated.

The guys of the Good Brothers Mercenary Group have heard about Las Vegas.

Including Goatee, they were dumbfounded when they learned that Las Vegas was their home.

"Group... Leader, isn't it a joke? Las Vegas turns out to be ours!"

"Yours? This is made by the young master. It has something to do with you?"

"Yes, yes, the young master is really a genius! The Las Vegas that resounds through the Ascension Realm turned out to be driven by the young master of our good brother mercenary group."

"Open the back door? How about a discount?"

"It's free. I strongly demand it. I never dreamed of it. The boss in Las Vegas is so close."


A group of people whispered and said that An Lie's sadness was gone. An Ran has notified them that they have set up a house in another place in Dada City. The mercenary avenue is open for business, and there are not so many people living. An Lie just came over to take a look, and he was pretty close. He took the guys from the mercenary group to turn left and right to find a low-key and gorgeous mansion. The gate was very new, and I couldn't see how good it was. After entering, he realized that it was as luxurious as a palace. The house is also equipped with a protective cover, which has an automatic defense function. No forced landing at high altitude.

The guys from the mercenary group entered the house just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. They rolled their eyes one by one, drooling down three thousand feet.

"My rub, isn't it upstairs in Las Vegas like this, right?"

"This, this... this is too luxurious."

"It's worth living in such a house in this life. Lao Tzu is worth it."

The bubbles of happiness kept churning, and those guys who looked like rootless duckweeds wandering outside for more than half a year saw such a luxurious house like a vicious dog seeing fleshy bones.

Because the time has been booked before, An Ran has been waiting in the house, not to say anything about business, An Lie came back, everyone had a lively meal, good wine and meat, and after eating and drinking, An Ran was full. Only then did An Lie go to the study and recounted what had happened in the past few months. Then let An Lie take it to the basement of the house, where all kinds of machinery are placed. There is a magic circle at the door, which must be opened by a special method. The secrecy work is done very carefully.

The instruments were introduced next to each other, and a note was pasted on the machine. Explaining the function of each joystick, after all these were said, I took a lot of Voss from the space, and gave him all the previous things, and then he explained the situation of Huiyue. For An Lie, it doesn't matter whether these things are present or not. What he is distressed about is his son.

Although it was not necessarily true, An Ran called him back, I'm afraid that day is not far away.

"At least wait for your brother to come back."

An Ran nodded, this is a must. "Huiyue doesn't know what's going on yet, or it didn't succeed."

As soon as he said this, he felt a familiar divine power fluctuation in the house.

Wipe...Will it be such a coincidence?

An Lie didn't know what was going on. He looked at his youngest son with a broken face, and said, "What?"

"Sheng... succeeded, Huiyue's divine power was restored."

For An Lie, this is definitely not good news. His son, a good son who is obedient and sensible, is about to leave and will be abducted by that bastard.

Tut, he just came back, and the first night has not passed.

As soon as An Ran finished speaking, Huiyue quickly appeared in front of him, with a familiar feeling of Qin Muyan on his face belonging to Huiyue. An Ran smiled, "Remember?" He did think of it. It was because of that, he felt embarrassed and sorry for his wife. However, when I think about it now, that experience is also quite good, and An Ran has trouble with him. Teach Lin Lin and Rui Rui to be uncles.

It's really rare to be treated like an uncle by my son.

"Xiao Ran, thank you for your hard work."

The sadness in these words is only known to them, and the journey is really bumpy.

When he was in the Orc Continent, he was tolerant of An Ran, and the two walked awkwardly. After his amnesia, except for the initial awkwardness, the two seemed to fall over. If you must say what the amnesia is. The good, I'm afraid it is the same, An Ran's attitude towards him is much better than before. There are many Huiyue elements mixed in his attitude towards Qin Muyan.

When he was in the Nine Heavens Garden, he was obsessed with the **** child Showa, and after both of them were in the lower realms, they were able to be together in another identity.

This is definitely fate. With so many people in the Orc Continent, he has been together with the Master.

Sure enough, it is the fate of eternal life.

When the two of them exchanged their eyes, Huiyue noticed that An Lie was also here, 囧, he decisively followed An Ran and called out: "Abba."

An Lie hummed, don't think I will forgive you by calling Lao Tzu.

Damn, you can't have more amnesia?

When you think about it, Lao Tzu's son is about to fly.

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