After eating a meal in the Temple of War, as the host, Huiyue personally sent Jun Qianxi to the third-tier Phoenix tribe’s residence. In the situation of Jun Qianxi, he had lived in the lower plane for such a long time. Because of his special relationship with An Ran and others, Huiyue personally gave him a ride to meet the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan of Jiuhua Tianting.

The Phoenix clan is quite embarrassed in Jiutianhuating. Their appearance is either enchanting or beautiful, regardless of whichever they are. They are very provocative. Since ancient times, too beautiful races have not ended up badly. The same is true of the Phoenix clan, most of them. Living in the third layer of the phoenix tree forest, there are also talented people who do not accept their fate. They struggle all the way and eventually become the pets or forbidden of the upper gods.

What if you are not reconciled? What about anger?

The most powerful person in the entire ethnic group is a fierce general under Slaying Tianyuanjun. Only he has climbed to the eighth level by pure force. There is a faint tendency to go over to the ninth level. It is not impossible to develop at the current speed. .

Except for him, there are no more. There are many who can break through the fourth floor and finally enter the fifth floor. Many young men and women of the Phoenix tribe are lost in the world of the fifth floor, lost their soul, and abolished their cultivation base.

There are also some with good talents and outstanding looks. Before leaving the Phoenix Clan, they were very high-spirited, thinking about how they had to do a big and earth-shattering career. After going out, they realized that everything in the outside world was not that simple. They were frustrated, wronged, and tired. I couldn't fight, and slowly a clinging heart was born. As long as such seeds are planted, the future is almost doomed.

When Patriarch Phoenix heard that Master Huiyue, the first **** of war, had come in person, he was shocked.

That person on the ninth floor is also awesome, it is simply against the sky. His contribution to the Nine Heavens Hua Ting, even the Lord True God can't do anything to him for no reason. Huiyue can be said to be the entire Nine Heavens Hua Ting. The person with the most stable heels, he gave the **** son Showa a thunder penalty at the beginning, the Oolong fell, and the Nine Heavens Hua Ting set off a **** storm. Almost messed up. It's okay for the **** child to be taken down, the existence like Huiyue, the first war god, is treated like this, regardless of whether he leaned forward or something? Always stand up and explain to one person.

This is absolutely impossible.

Can get the black face **** down. He even took the opportunity to clean up several old guys, all borrowing from Huiyue's east wind.

If the thing that happened ten thousand years ago, if only the son of God Showa was unlucky, there would be no serious consequences.

Showa? Does his existence contribute to Jiu Tian Huating? He can only prove that even the most powerful parents may give birth to defective sons.

With such an ox-like existence of Lord True God, how could there be such a weak and incompetent son? Divine power awakens late. The combat effectiveness is low, there is almost no lethality, and the self-protection ability is close to zero. Day after day, apart from alchemy, it is alchemy.

This kind of waste, what kind of **** luck it took, turned out to be the son of the true gods.

It's not fair, it's too unfair.

Everyone who has seen the **** child Showa will say this, even if they don't say it, they will silently recite it in their hearts.

How many lower gods tried their best to jump forward one level, and still couldn't reach the top after ten thousand years or even one hundred thousand years. Above the seventh floor is another world, and the high-ranking gods can't be taken by old age.

At the beginning, there were so many curses and abuse of Showa, after learning that Huiyake took the initiative to block the thunder penalty for Godko Showa. Everyone shut their mouths.

That's right, Huiyue had indeed fallen, but the Temple of War God was closed at the same time and refused to accept anyone.

What does this show? It shows that it has an owner, and its owner will come back.

For a character like Huiyue, it's best not to hold a fluke in your heart, and secretly say bad things about him, he doesn't know anything, this kind of thought must not come out, once it comes out, you are almost there. really. Isn't it? Huiyue, the first **** of war, is back, and after tens of thousands of years, he is back again. Not only that, but also brought an explosive news, the first **** of war Teruyake and Godko Showa tied the knot. She also gave birth to twin babies.

Various versions of rumors have spread all over the Nine Heavens Hua Ting, and the Phoenix tribe naturally heard them too. The patriarch was just still feeling, how could such a stunning figure as the first **** of war, Huiyue, fall in love with a cowardly and soft person like Showa, the son of God?

This kind of content has only been passed through in his heart, and he heard the report: "Clan...clan clan... Patriarch lord, something has happened!"

The patriarch of the Phoenix tribe is the Fire Phoenix who is only the most coquettish, um, the mother.

She is very close to the people and gossiping in her heart. She likes to listen to various gossips most, and she pretends to be dignified and noble in front of outsiders.

Upon hearing this stuttering report, she frowned, "What's the matter? What is it like to panic?" Panic? Isn't he okay in normal times? Nima's ninth layer of the Chaos God is here, so you can't panic! "Clan... Patriarch, Master Huiyue wants to see you!"

... The patriarch of the Phoenix clan was so scared that she almost changed her shape, she trembled fiercely, "Who are you talking about? I didn't hear clearly."

"Huiyue, the first war **** Huiyue, patriarch, do you see him?"

The patriarch shoots out a string of flames, idiot! The first war **** Huiyue came, she dare not see?

As long as she refused on the front foot, countless people who please Huiyue spontaneously formed a group to brush them on the back foot.

"You read that right, really is the first **** of war, Master Huiyue?" Sao Bao Huohuang confirmed again.

The person who spread the letter is about to cry, tut, "I can't admit Master Huiyue wrong even if I confessed my mistake, Patriarch, you will give me the right words, see you?"

not see? Wipe, you really want to exterminate the race, right?

Patriarch Phoenix took out his Hundred Ling feather robe and put it on, twisted his waist, and the wind swayed out. The patriarch of the Phoenix tribe is a controversial existence. Compared with the Phoenix, her narcissism is more like a peacock or a pheasant. Of course, her temperament is much more noble than a pheasant.

As she walked out, her heart was still beating, don't think about it, this is definitely not to see Huiyue and Chun's heart is sprouting, she is worried.

I just complained to someone in my heart, and he came to the door in the blink of an eye. Is it possible that he has also practiced range mind reading in the lower planes?

In short, a knife to stretch the head is also a knife to shrink the head.

She gritted her teeth and bit her scalp.

Huiyue and Jun Qianxi sat side by side in the front hall of the Phoenix Clan to entertain guests. There were several chairs in it, all made of thousand-year-old sycamore wood, very grand. Patriarch Phoenix saw Huiyue and the person sitting next to him, and he had a lesson in his heart.

She can be a group leader, she has some ability after all. Shouting and screaming is not enough, at least the strategy and vision are very reliable.

If it weren't for her dominance, the Phoenix tribe would have been extinct in Jiutianhuating.

The patriarch Phoenix graciously gave Huiyue a gift, serving as the entire Nine Heavens Garden. Except for the Lord True God, the most powerful person, Huiyue did not blink his eyes, and nodded calmly. Huiyue knew how much the origin of the Phoenix Valley line of the Ascension Realm was. He thought for a while and asked, "You Phoenix Clan for thousands of years. Did the former send someone to the lower planes to look for the **** child Showa?"

Because it is certain that Huiyake is true love to Showa. The Phoenix tribe did indeed do this. Could it be that someone sent to the lower planes did the work? Is this to commend them?

Patriarch Phoenix was already excited in his heart, and he still pretended to be pretty good, and he didn't show anything.

She nodded, "It's true."

Huiyue pointed at Jun Asani, "This is a friend brought up by Showa from the lower planes. You belong to the Phoenix clan, so you can take care of it. Give him everything he should know. If things are done well, there will always be no harm." It is already obvious to say that, okay? What does it mean will not do any harm. It seemed to be indicating to the patriarch Phoenix--you will take good care of this person, and you will benefit from it in the future.

A friend of Godko Showa? Who didn't know that Showa was the daughter-in-law of Huiyake, the first **** of war, and this little ice phoenix had a lot of background.

The Phoenix patriarch nodded again and again. Whether the Phoenix tribe could stand up or not, I'm afraid it's just a one-off sale. For so many years, how many gifted children have become other people's forbidding.

The upper gods are not something they can resist, and being too beautiful is also a fault.

It's all right now, Huiyue released such a talisman. Jun Qianxi is not easy for others to move.

Even the Chaos God of the ninth floor, no one dared to blatantly oppose the first God of War Huiyue.

Don't be brazen, there are even few secretly.

Who doesn't know Huiyue's temperament? Never come to a vain, what to say, if you can't understand you, you should be careful. Maybe it will release the realm of killing to let you go to the reincarnation of heaven.

In the past, they relied on Jun Tianyuan to sit down on the budding tribe to avoid disasters and slowly develop their power. The emergence of Jun Qianxi was like a turning point. The Phoenix patriarch is a wise man. Hearing Huiyue's words, her heart was translucent. Yes, as long as you give this little ice phoenix well, teach him everything, and let him have a sense of belonging, the spring of the Phoenix tribe is here.

Huiyue didn't delay too long. After he had explained it, he greeted Jun Qianxi and left from the Phoenix clan.

His identity is really not suitable for contacting a certain ethnic group. A random action can make Jiu Tian Hua Ting chaotic. If he publicly expresses anything... I don't know how many ethnic groups will panic.

The two people's every move, every word they said, and even the last meeting of their eyes, fell in the eyes of Patriarch Phoenix. The opportunity she had been looking forward to for so many years finally came.

After Huiyue left, Chief Phoenix paid serious attention to Jun Qianxi, and then took him to the Phoenix Clan blood pool. Such a member who was born outside would never really adapt to the nine days without the baptism of the blood pool. In the life of Huating, he could not learn the cultivation methods of the Phoenix tribe. The patriarch Phoenix checked the condition of Jun Qianxi. He was very young and quite young, less than fifty years old, his cultivation level was nothing in Jiutianhuating, but for his age, it was quite remarkable.

The talent is excellent and the appearance is good... Such a guy was originally a disaster-like existence, thanks to his fate, he knew Huiyue, the **** of war.

When the patriarch Phoenix was feeling, Jun Qianxi was also feeling.

When he was in the Orc Continent, he and Qin Muyan were Chinese cabbage of the same quality, and even as the number one genius in the Orc Continent, his status was even more lofty and his reputation was even stronger.

Walking step by step, everything turned around, An Ran was the son of God, Qin Muyan was the God of War, and even Hua Yue was also the first executive officer of Jiu Tian Hua Ting.

At the beginning, Jun Qianxi felt that the change in their strength comparison stems from the intimacy with An Ran. Those who have a very good relationship with him have directly or indirectly benefited. Now it seems that this is not always the case, An Qi, An Lie When people are close relatives with him, very close relatives, he just created a large enough family business for them. As for the strength, the improvement is really not that much.

As for Qin Muyan, oh no, it should be Huiyue.

He is good because he has noble blood.

The magnificent Temple of the Gods of War almost blinded Jun Qianxi's dog's eyes.

The history of the fortune of the God of War Huiyue has long been spread throughout the Nine Heavens Garden. This is an absolutely inspirational story. Jun Qianxi vaguely knew that he is so powerful now, and that was also tens of thousands of years of hard work.

Since making a decision. To follow An Ran and the others to the Nine Heavens Garden, Jun Qianxi has set a goal, to climb up, and climb up desperately.

He will not live under the wings of An Ran and others forever. Be sure to leave the Phoenix Clan and go out for a break.

Of course, not now.

As for Huiyue, he has fulfilled his duty as a friend. These few words are enough to create a comfortable cultivation environment for him. Whether he can concentrate on his cultivation and which step he can take depends entirely on him.

The only thing they can do is this. Otherwise, you have to rely on yourself.

Huiyue left from the Phoenix clan, and met people who were frightened or cheeky and flirted with him. Huiyue turned a blind eye to arranging the place for Jun Qianxi. The biggest problem now is how to keep his daughter-in-law in the Temple of War Here, the distance between his Temple of War and Showa Temple is not close, if Anran wants to go back. His welfare is gone.

In addition to this, there is another major event, the old things on the ninth floor will not be so peaceful. They would definitely not be able to help Lin Lin and Rui Rui's troubles.

The two little guys had already been recognized by the Temple of War, and only he knew it, including An Ran didn't know.

Huiyue didn't plan to make the matter public. He was worried that he couldn't find those behind the scenes. The two little guys were both very clever. They would not put themselves in danger, and they would be able to destroy the guys in the dark even with such a waste. Catch it out. It didn't take much time to keep An Ran. After all, the current An Ran's temperament was completely different from that of the previous divine son Showa. He was much more cheerful and transparent. Huiyue returned to the Temple of War. After talking about what happened to the Phoenix Clan and his party, then he talked about the problems of the two little guys. An Ran was very anxious. Although the defense of the God of War Temple was against the sky, they just lived like this, and their names were not right.

Enron can be sure. Those old guys on the ninth floor never gave up their plans to trouble him.

They will do everything possible to get Lin Lin and Rui Rui to the eighth floor.

Once they are separated, there is a loophole that can be exploited. At that time, if you think that it will cause a little accident, I am afraid that it will not be able to find out.

An Ran hasn't been so anxious for a long time, Hui Yue looked at him and sighed for a long time.

"Don't worry, they will be fine."

The more you say this, the more worrying you will get, okay?

"They are only five years old. Facing the old monsters on the eighth and nine levels is simply negligible. If they must go to the eighth floor, who knows what will happen after they are separated?" The more he talked, the more nervous he was, his facial expressions. Seriously, "No, no, I want to follow them."

Huiyue was speechless, saying that it was the temperament that wind is rain.

He took An Ran into his arms, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, do you believe that I will do it once?"

"Lin Lin and Rui Rui have been accepted and recognized by the Temple of War, no one can drive them out!"

An Ran looked astonished, and he could squeeze an egg in his mouth. After recovering, he grabbed Huiyue's collar and asked hurriedly: "Are you serious? Didn't you lie to me?"

"What I lied to you, it's true, of course it's true." He paused after saying, "I just want to wrong the baby, and can't leave the scope of the Temple of War." This news is enough to make people happy, and I am happy to find it. When I get to the north, I immediately issued a statement: "I want to stay here too. I will be where the baby is."

It was this effect that was needed, Hui Yue smiled.

He thought for a while and exhorted it again, "Don't announce this in advance. The little guys won't have a safety problem in the Temple of War, just take this opportunity to catch the big fish in the dark."

Put a long line and catch a big fish.

Those who don’t know that the two babies are recognized by the Temple of War will definitely do everything possible to get people out. It’s much easier to do it on the eighth floor than on the ninth floor. Ordinary people can’t go to the Temple of War at all. You can't go for the unusual ones. Their only chance is this rule on the ninth floor. The sons of gods can stay on the ninth floor forever, but their descendants cannot. They can only live on the eighth floor for a long time.

An Ran is the son of God, and Lin Lin and Rui Rui are his descendants.

This rule is simply tailor-made for them.

If the little guy's father is not Huiyue, they must be out of luck.

The two of them sent An Ran's big brothers out, and even invited them to visit the Temple of War from time to time, and then An Ran stayed comfortably.

The eyeliner in the dark is also observing. If the two little guys are only temporarily staying in the Temple of War, and they will be sent to the eighth floor after the celebration, they will sell Huiyue's face and not make trouble. There are so many opportunities to get started on the eighth floor, and it's not easy to get involved.

If they are completely unconscious and think that they are the son of **** or the first **** of war to break the law, then they would be wrong.

The elder's house will not tolerate such a thing. And, the black face **** has returned.

If you change someone else, I am afraid that you will not dare to execute it, but the black-faced **** is a law intolerant.

After waiting for several days, the gate of the God of War Temple was closed, Hui Yue did not come out to stop by, and the whole temple was very quiet. The spies had to go back and report truthfully—they didn't intend to leave for the eighth floor, at least not at the moment. The old guys really couldn't sit still. What happened to the first God of War? Even the first God of War cannot break things at the institutional level.

The old guys hiding in the dark jointly protested, and directly stabbed the matter to the elder's house.

The House of Elders is also known as the High Council of Gods. When the Lord True God is in retreat, they have absolute jurisdiction. The elder's house checked, confirmed that it was correct, and immediately issued a notice to Huiyue and An Ran.

The rules cannot be broken, the two little guys must be sent down.

Will Huiyue take care of them? of course not.

With the Temple of War as the backing, who would dare to treat him? Even without the backing of the Temple of War. Those old guys couldn't help him. There was a god-defying daughter-in-law like An Ran, and the supply of auxiliary pill was fatal. He didn't have to worry about the problem of taking the time out of his divine power. The combination of Huiyue and An Ran was described by a more vivid thing, that is, the perpetual motion machine.

The two of them together is an invincible perpetual motion machine.

After three times, there was still no response. The elders contacted the black face god, and the person who had just taken the position of executive officer turned a blind eye.

What are you talking about? We will not accept business for the time being during recuperation.

The old guy in the elder's house also noticed that the black face **** had changed, something was wrong, if it was before. No matter what the situation is, as long as the referee comes down, he will have to sit in a wheelchair even with his broken leg. It will not be such a shirk at all.

Things have been done here, if you give up, it would be a pity. The guys in the dark finally couldn't sit still, and one after another jumped out, asking Ying to help.

In order to maintain the rules of the ninth floor from being violated, they asked for a relaxation of their behavior, only to achieve the ultimate goal.

The elder's house deliberated for a long time, only to say that things like that tens of thousands of years ago can't be caused. If they get Showa down again, no one will be able to save them this time.

In ten thousand years, the attitude of those Yuanjun and Shenjun is still not clear enough? Although Showa is very weak, one finger can stab him to death, but a powerful group stands behind him. Not only that, he is still the backbone of the backbone, the backbone of the existence, it is precisely because of him that several gods and the first **** of war Huiyue twisted together.

The group headed towards the Temple of War with murderous aura.

Faced with rounds of sharp attacks, the Temple of War did not move.

At this point, things were a bit embarrassing. They didn't expect that it was just a temple with such a strong defense. After all, in the past so many years, no one had attacked the Temple of War.

For a whole long time, all kinds of means took turns in battle, but didn't shake the least bit.

More and more old guys came to help, and finally, when they could no longer call out people, the door of the Temple of War opened automatically.

An Ran and Huiyue stood at the door with a pair of twins.

They looked at the group of people who were still clamoring just now like they were watching clowns.

"Why? Want to blast open the door of my Temple of War? It's up to you?"

Huiyue always doesn't talk a lot, and one sentence at a critical moment can be **** off.

"Huiyue, don't think that you can be arrogant if you are the No. 1 God of War. You have indeed made a great contribution to Nine Heavens Huating. So what? That can't violate the system."

"Your son is not eligible to stay on the ninth floor. The Presbyterian House has already made a judgment and asks you to take them to the eighth floor immediately."

At this level of trouble, it stands to reason that Huiyue and An Ran should also be anxious, but they are not at all.

The situation is not right, it is abnormal, and the old men are nervous.

"Don't think it's okay if you don't speak, let you take your son to the eighth floor!"

Huiyue laughed mockingly and contemptuously, "Why? Don't the people approved by my God of War Temple have the right to live in it? You have to intervene in the housework of the God of War Temple?"

People approved by the Temple of War... Rub.

They only knew that for so many years, the Temple of War had only approved Hui Yue, and how many people wanted to take advantage of him when he "fallen," all of them were blocked.

And now, he actually said that the Temple of War approved his son.

Wipe, is this thing hereditary?

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