Orc God-level Miner

Chapter 37: Enron's suspicion

The flowers bloomed in full bloom, and the more they went forward, the more gorgeous and colorful.

The ground is more humid, and the smell of decay in the air is getting heavier.

Qin Muyan only felt that there were too many flowers in this place, and found no problems. An Ran was stunned and something was wrong. This situation was very wrong. It was obviously the cold winter season in January. The soil in the woods was as moist as the rainy season in July and August, and the flowers bloomed more brilliantly than in March.

This is too abnormal, and the fact that there are strange plants is acceptable to Enron, such a situation that is against nature, Enron can't imagine it. Suddenly, he remembered a special map in "Heaven, Earth Xuanhuang"-Wandu Forest. This seems to be the situation there. Holographic games are divided into four seasons. Spring is where flowers bloom all over the ground, and winter is full of depression. This is the law. Only the poisonous forest is different. The four seasons are like spring, and the flowers blooming brighter than anywhere else. .

With so many players in the entire "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang", there are only so few who can come and go freely in the Ten Thousand Poison Forest. There are poisonous snakes hidden behind the poisonous flowers, and there are poisonous spiders after the poisonous snakes. The Ten Thousand Poison Forest is definitely a blessed place for the descendants. All the poisonous insects and poisons needed by the five poisons can be found here. For others, it is a nightmare.

You would never want to go to that place a second time.

Simply Anran is quite familiar with it. His two life skills, pharmacy and mining are both very advanced. The poison produced by Wandulin always sells the best. Anran doesn't like to interact with others, but he likes it very much. money.

Seeing such a place in the Forest of Xiaoyue, An Ran had some bold guesses in his heart. The Orc Continent is the continent that best fits the gossip space and his game skills. Some parts of the Orc Continent are even "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang". projection. is it possible? An Ran is not sure, this is just his guess.

Seeing Qin Muyan going forward again, An Ran immediately followed. He also wanted to go deeper and take a closer look. He had many questions in his heart and needed reality to help him. If there really is a place like Ten Thousand Poison Forest in Xiaoyue Forest, this trip would be dangerous, and for the first time An Ran would be grateful for his choice. If the three mouths were not sealed and they were forced away, the secret of space would definitely be exposed here in Ten Thousand Poison Forest.

This place can't be rushed through by a few orcs, they need to avoid poison pills. The formula of Antitoxin Pill is very familiar. If the Orc Continent and "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang" really have some unknowable relationship, An Ran is sure that he can practice all kinds of medicines produced in the game in space.

The only question is, where do the raw materials come from? Where does the medicine tripod come from?

This problem can't be solved by thinking about it. An Ran sighed, followed Qin Muyan's footsteps, and told him in a deep voice: "Be careful on the way down, and don't touch those flowers."

Qin Muyan frowned upon hearing the sound and asked, "What's ahead?"

An Ran shook his head and said, "I'm not sure yet. It needs further verification. You must remember not to touch anything in Lin Zilin." The two moved slowly in the dense forest. With An Ran's instructions, Qin Muyan's actions became more and more convergent. , I am very careful when walking back and forth. Going further for tens of meters, the flowers are more colorful than the first thing I saw, Qin Muyan still wants to go forward, and An Ran grabbed him. Qin Mu was puzzled, "What did you find?"

An Ran pointed to the front, the flowers were clusters of splendor, colorful.

Red, yellow, blue, purple, white, the five colors are in a corner, and they are cleverly blended together, and they look exceptionally harmonious.

it is as expected.

Qin Muyan still didn't understand, just some brilliant flowers, and they didn't look like piranhas. What exactly is An Ran in the police world? Before he had time to ask clearly, An Ran asked him, "Did you see anything?"

"Lots of flowers."

Enron silently. "and then?"

"It drove brilliantly."

Enron can't say anything. He took the corner of Qin Muyan's clothes, stepped back cleverly, and said: "Now it is January, how can there be so many flowers on a cold day? The temperature and humidity of this forest is not right, there are no animals, but it is open. So many bright flowers. Can't you see anything?"

Qin Muyan came and went so many times in Xiaoyue Forest, and it was the first time he came to this place, and he said that he had never played "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang" and he was not a supernatural traverser who was coaxing, An Ran could think of. He naturally couldn't think of it. A place like Wan Dulin is not imaginable by normal people's minds. An Ran has always suspected that the game planning of "Heaven, Earth Xuanhuang" is absolutely abnormal.

An Ran took Qin Muyan's clothes corner without letting go, and handed him a bayonet around his waist, instructing him to throw Shangjin into the red flowers. Qin Muyan also wanted to know what An Ran was frightening. He used ten percent of his strength to throw the bayonet like a skill in a game. The bayonet flew towards the red flowers. A red flower was directly inserted in half, and a gorgeous viper hidden behind the red flower was directly nailed to the ground by a bayonet, and the head of the snake was about to attack in the direction where An Ran was standing.

On the snake's head, the sharp teeth are in thick juice, faintly moist.

The viper was nailed firmly, and the blood flow continued. The blood was poured into the flowers, and the red flowers became more and more gorgeous.

Only then did Qin Muyan see some ways, and he felt a bit sorrowful in his heart, but fortunately, he grabbed him safely. This was not the time to relax. Although the viper was pinned, the violent force of the bayonet shocked the other vipers behind the flowers. The dead jungle became active in an instant, and a hundred venomous snakes of different sizes shot towards Qin Muyan.

Although Qin Muyan was tough, he was not confident that he could pass the snake net without touching his body, especially when he was followed by a non-orc who had no fighting power. Qin Muyan didn't want to try how toxic this bright viper is. Although he was not afraid of death, he didn't want to die so aggrieved, let alone take An Ran with him. He wants to protect An Ran, and he wants to go home safely with An Ran. If he could leave here alive, Qin Muyan made up his mind to dry An Ran fiercely for a while, if An Ran made it clear earlier, Qin Muyan would definitely not put that knife in, and would not lead to so many poisonous snakes without that knife.

In short, it is too late to regret.

But in the blink of an eye, the snake net approached them. Qin Muyan planned to rush forward to drag the poisonous snake, leaving An Ran time to escape. He never thought, how could an non-orc An Ran return safely without him.

This was a difficult choice, no one wanted to die, he couldn't bear to leave An Ran to escape by himself, and he was unable to protect An Ran to survive together. Qin Muyan felt powerless for the first time. He wanted to say sorry to An Ran. Before he could say anything, he felt a white light flashing and the scene changed.

An Ran brought Qin Muyan into the space.

An Ran had already thought of the scene of a group of snakes dancing, he just wanted to take this opportunity to force himself to make a decision. Qin Muyan had shown enough sincerity to him, and An Ran had no intention of hiding the secret of space. Not only is Qin Muyan determined not to talk to others, but more importantly, it is too tired to keep this secret alone, always in doubt, always in suspicion, and all aspects of life are inseparable from this space. , But he wanted to be a thief secretly, and no one dared to disclose it.

Would it be better if one more person shared the burden?

Qin Muyan's reaction was much calmer than An Ran's back then. There were shocks, and most of them were inadequate.

A moment ago, I was thinking that I was dead or not alive. At a later moment, the space was transformed into such an idyllic world. Such a large span is beyond his imagination as a little orc. Qin Muyan looked at the vegetable field in front of him, then looked back at the small hut behind him. Okay, the sidewalk that was lost as an Enron trick is also here.

Qin Muyan felt that he needed an explanation!

Of course, he didn't ask An Ran and didn't know how to take the initiative to speak. Finally, Qin Muyan asked, "Where is this?"

With a flattering smile, An Ran said, "This is my personal space."

Qin Mu was puzzled.

An Ran stretched out his left hand in front of him, pointing to the two-in-one gossip picture in his heart, and said: "This is a tunnel that connects the outside world and space. Only I can control it and can enter and exit at will. This space is like an independent different world, with the flow of time. It is much faster than the outside world. It can be farmed, animals can be kept in captivity, there are lakes, grasslands and woods..." An Ran said as he raised his head and looked towards the back mountain. At this sight, he was shocked.

Isn't there just a mine behind the grove? When is there such a continuous mountain?

The space seems to be getting bigger.

There were also a few more vegetable plots, a medicine pot was added in the hut, and a tattered medicine sickle was lined alongside the rusty mine hoe. An Ran stared at all this, looking even more dazed than Qin Muyan, the person who entered the space for the first time. He tried hard to think about what he did on this day.

He also entered the space last night and cooked a pot of vegetable porridge for Qin Muyan. Qin Muyan reported to him several pepper trees. He planted the pepper trees in the ground, put the quilt away, and left the space.

The space change should be after that. After that, he collected many more things one after another. The only suspicious thing was: the Cong Yunzhi that he collected into the space in the morning was gone.

All the doubts were on Cong Yunzhi, but An Ran couldn't believe it. Even though Yunzhi is precious, how can the space be upgraded on such a large scale?

In other words, this space was originally tailored for his two life skills.

He is a miner, waved his hand, the mine was there.

He is a pharmacist, waved his hand, Yaoshan also had it.

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