Orc God-level Miner

Chapter 62: Labyrinth Nest

Longlitan is not far from where they camped. Qin Muyan slowed down and flew less than a quarter of an hour. From the air, the breeze was blowing Longlitan, and the sparkling silver light was faint, which was really beautiful.

Qin Muyan descended from the air little by little, and finally stopped by the pond.

An Ran was already stunned by the green pond hidden in the depths of the dense forest. He was so obsessed with it. Qin Muyan lay on the edge of the pond and didn't see An Ran coming off his back. He just remembered the legend of Longlitan and moved his body to make An Ran regain his senses.

"Be careful. It is said that the water of Longlitan has a magical power, which can grab people's minds, and you will be abducted into the water if you don't pay attention." Qin Muyan said, looked at Gu Yan, and understood clearly. Goods are a living example.

An Ran hugged Xiao Gu Yan from Qin Muyan's back. He reached out and poked Gu Yan's fat cheek and said, "Gu Yanyan, are you soaked here?" Gu Yan's mouth twitched like this to An Ran. His name is numb, and he nodded.

"This is Longlitan? It is really beautiful." An Ran has lived for two lives, and he has never seen a more beautiful lake than this.

If An Ran's eyes were admiring and obsessed, Gu Yan was resentful, and the most sober of the three was Qin Muyan. Qin Muyan is a freak, ordinary people will be addicted to all kinds of beauty, but he has no discernment of beauty. His eyes are "blind", all people and everything are the same in his eyes, but his heart can see clearly. The beast-like intuition was so acute that Qin Muyan seemed to be living outside the circle, watching the people in the circle struggle with pain.

An Ran watched for a while, remembering that Qin Muyan had found something interesting, and asked, "Ayan, what did you find?"

Qin Muyan flicked his tail to signal An Ran to sit back on his back, and waited for An Ran to hold Gu Yan and sit firmly. Qin Muyan rushed in one direction. It was on the north side of Longlitan. Compared with the other three directions, the north side was particularly empty. There were no towering ancient trees. There was only a bushy forest with thorny bushes. The bushes grew very luxuriantly, but they were not high from the ground, like It was only published in recent years.

The thorns of the entire jungle could not stop Qin Muyan's quick footsteps. An Ran only felt the wind blowing by his ears, and the low bushes were retreating quickly, and the thorns forest did not leave any wounds on Qin Muyan's body. After running like this for about three or four minutes, Qin Muyan stopped. An Ran frowned, but he didn't notice anything unusual. "Ayan?"

Qin Muyan lowered his back and said, "Look below."

under? An Ran was stunned. Looking down attentively, under the cover of the bush of thorns, you can vaguely see a half-person-high hole. An Ran stepped down from Qin Muyan's back and put Gu Yan on the ground to stand. It was really difficult for him to hold Gu Yan's head all the time. "What's inside?" An Ran frowned. It was obviously a hole, and it looked quite new, and An Ran was not sure whether he should go down.

Qin Muyan hurriedly broke open the thorns in front, "I don't know." After a while, he added, "It looks like a beast's nest."

As soon as An Ran heard this, he shuddered and became angry. He remembered the one that ran to eat in the middle of the night and covered his face with mud. Although it was Qin Muyan's guess about the monster's lair, it did not prevent An Ran from sitting. Monsters are also beasts!

Qin Muyan probably knew An Ran's thoughts, so he stopped talking nonsense and was about to go down after pulling away the thorny bushes.

"Ayan, be careful!" An Ran really wanted to find the one that covered his mud mark, but he was not mindless, knowing that he had escaped Qin Muyan and sneaked around his tent and left the mark of his visit. This one is by no means easy to deal with.

Once curiosity is aroused, it cannot be prevented by anticipating danger. The three people climbed down from the entrance of the cave one by one, Qin Muyan opened the way in front, walked safely in the middle, after Gu Yan broke off. Although Gu Yan has become smaller, he is an orc, no matter what, orcs are much stronger than non-orcs. They have obviously forgotten Enron's nature.

The cave went deep into the ground obliquely all the way, twists and turns, it seemed to be opened in the mud, the cave was not very reliable, and occasionally there were plants with gorgeous flowers swaying on the walls of the cave. The three of them had eaten anti-drug pills, and although it was difficult to walk, it was not a major problem. After groping for three to four hundred meters, they encountered the first three fork. Qin Muyan stopped at Sanchakou, turned his head and asked An Ran, "Which way to go?"

Before An Ran said anything, Gu Yan said, "Just leave it alone."

"Idiot!" An Ran stretched out his hand and patted Gu Yan's head, and said, "Do you know that there are no three forks going forward? In this case, the most important thing is not to be scattered. Who knows if we can get together if we separate." , An Ran turned his ears to the two forks to listen, and then threw stones inside to probe, his weak discriminative power could not detect the difference.

"Now we can't determine which way is the right way. In this case, there is only one way."

"any solution?"

An Ran shrugged and said, "That is to always choose one direction to go forward. If you choose to go to the left, you will always go to the left at the fork in the future. If you encounter a dead end and then fall back, you will definitely find the monster's nest."

Qin Muyan thought for a while and nodded, he must choose a path to walk. Before he took his steps, An Ran said: "Of course, there are drawbacks to walking like this. Unless the strength is strong enough, we probably haven't found a real nest yet. It’s dead in the deadlock. According to general reasoning, going further will not be as peaceful as it started. Knowing to build a maze nest to protect itself, this monster is much smarter than some empty and powerful orcs."

Those who don't need to point to the person who heard this will know who it is aimed at.

Since entering the forest, only Gu Yan has frequently experienced problems.

An Ran just stabbed such a sentence. Gu Yan's current appearance is still in line with his aesthetics, which is a blessing in disguise. Qin Muyan hesitated for a moment after listening to An Ran's words. He is an absolutely sane orc, and he least likes things beyond his control. Although he discovered this lair, he did not expect it to be so complicated. The swaggering poisonous flowers and poisonous weeds along the way will let him know that the road behind will definitely not be too peaceful. At this time, Qin Muyan is not considering which way to go, but whether he should continue to go forward. Gu Yan can become like this. He was really in danger, and he was afraid that he could not protect An Ran.

"Shall we...Should we go forward?" Qin Muyan asked.

"Yes!" Gu Yan didn't have a sense of crisis at all, and he would continue to rush forward when he moved his arms and legs.

An Ran sighed. Although reason told him there was danger ahead, he was still curious. "Uh... be careful, take the medicine basket, don't save it for me, let's look ahead."

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