Orc God-level Miner

Chapter 88: Be sincere

It stands to reason that the first Nether chess spirit should be played 30 seconds after the game is opened. Qin Muyan thinks so too. He underestimated the degree of Terry's wretchedness. As soon as the chess game started, a ghost chess spirit appeared in the center of the board. Although the ghost spirits are also classified into species, they are not important. There is a more concise classification. The game spirits that are brushed out can be roughly divided into two types, the sword chess soul and the arrow chess soul. The sword spirit is a close attack, while the arrow spirit is a long-range attack, which can be distinguished from the weapon in the hand.

Terry had a spirit of chess at the beginning of the game. An Ran didn't even know that the spirit of chess was attacked by attributes. He noticed it as soon as the spirit of chess came out, but he didn't take it seriously. Who knows that Qin Muyan has changed his usual calm appearance, turned his head to the monster Minghuo and said quickly: "Drop it in seconds! Drop it in seconds!"

As soon as the voice fell, a rocket fired quickly in Enron's direction.

An Ran watched the rocket shoot, and was so scared to hide behind Qin Muyan. The rocket seemed to have a navigator installed, and An Ran dodged it and followed the turn. It is useless to hide, the Underworld hurriedly spewed out two blazing flames, the first one hit the flying rocket head-on, and the second one flew in the direction of the ghost chess soul.

Although the attacks of the ghost chess are sharp, they are not intelligent, and they can only attack if they don't understand defense. Although a big monster beast of the level of Underfire has shrunk a little because of the contract with Gu Yan, it is more than enough to drop it in a second. An Ran breathed a sigh of relief until the arrow spirit fell on the board and was refreshed. God knows, he even pinched the newly researched Invincible King Kong Pill in his palm. If Gu Yan and the others couldn't stop the chess spirit's attack, An Ran was prepared to resist.

Invincible King Kong pills, master pills. After taking it, there is an invincible state for three minutes, and one day after the efficacy of the medicine has passed.

The side effects of this pill are too powerful, and very few people will use it in the game, unless it is a very critical situation. This thing is used to break the boat. This medicine hasn't been tested by Enron. If it weren't for this situation, Anran wouldn't be the first person to eat crabs. Intuition told him that the side effect of this medicine on the Orc Continent would definitely not be as simple as weakness.

An Ran Qin Muyan was relieved if the Monster Beast Underworld could solve the chess soul. He silently put away the Invincible King Kong Pill, and made up his mind to find a scumbag to try it out after going out from here.

TUT... It's nice not to test the medicine in person. An Ran experienced the powerlessness of a handful of laboratory mice, and the unknown side effects are too bitter.

"Ayan, why didn't you say that the spirit of chess will also attack from a distance?" An Ran crouched on the console, complaining.

Grandma's rocket flew towards him so straight. People are so scared that their legs are weak.

Terry had already taken a step forward at this time. Qin Muyan didn't even think about it, followed by a stroke on the console, and the following chess pieces moved. An Ran looked at this Qin Muyan operation, too advanced. It turned out to be remote control.

Qin Muyan turned his head to look at An Ran apologetically after falling a bit, and said: "I forgot, there are two types of ghost chess souls-sword chess soul and arrow chess soul. It can be distinguished from the weapons in their hands. The sword chess soul is a close attack. , Arrow Spirit is a long-range, you pay attention. Arrow Spirit will immediately fall off as soon as it comes out." Qin Muyan evaluated the combat effectiveness of Underfire, and felt that it was probably enough. No need for him to distract and help.

The soul of the sword is okay, and it will definitely be dropped in seconds before it rushes in front of An Ran.

Arrow Chess Soul was a little more troublesome, Gu Yanxu babblingly told Netherfire to have a good opportunity, and almost raged this legendary monster beast.

With experience, everything becomes much easier. Qin Muyan concentrated on playing chess, paying close attention to all the movements of the lion king Terry, and silently recorded the positions of all the chess pieces on the board. Qin Muyan's chess skills are very good, and he is best at playing fast.

Qin Muyan made the move very quickly. Terry was still the active player with a stinky chess basket. A move can drag for three minutes. The rule of the Nether Game is that each move can be considered for at most three minutes. Terry was stuck well at this time of three minutes. Every time I can pretend to delay enough time, not half a second early or half a second too late. An Ran must be attacked as much as possible.

Refresh a chess soul in half a minute, and six in three minutes. And An Ran discovered that most of these chess spirits were long-range attacks, or they were not purely physical attacks. The arrows they shot were all elemental arrows, mostly with fire attributes. At first, Netherfire could drop one in a second, and the more difficult it became later. An Ran frowned. Legendary monsters like Minghuo wouldn't run out of energy so quickly, would they? If it wasn't the cause of Netherfire, then the refreshed Nether chess soul became stronger!

This is definitely not good news.

"Ayan, hurry up, the spirit of chess is slowly getting stronger. I'm worried that Hellfire won't be able to handle it."


Qin Muyan also wanted to be fast, but if Terry dragged it like this, he would soon be of any use. Qin Muyan originally only thought that Terry was guilty of 2 doing useless work. A chess spirit of this level can be lost in a second, and it will be of no use if it is delayed for a long time. Never thought that this idea he actually made was too shameless. Is there anything wrong with it? "This is not something I can decide. If Lion King Terry is willing to cooperate, I will naturally be quick."

An Ran also understood that Qin Muyan played chess extremely fast, but looking at Lion King Terry, the next move was like constipation for half a month. An Ran watched tangledly, and finally couldn't help but yell at the opposite console: "Grandma's, can you hurry up, wait for the meal to be finished!"

Lion King Terry looked up in the direction of An Ran, and smiled honestly: "Don't worry, little guy. People who do big things must have patience."


How could he show such a shameless act of procrastinating time so grandly. What does it mean that people who do big things have to be patient, Nima drags on to death! An Ran looked at Lion King Terry faintly, then turned to ask Gu Yan: "Senior Lion King's behavior reminds me of a very famous saying, Gu Yan, don't you know?"

what do you know? Gu Yan clenched his fists and looked at the newly brushed sword chess soul, and rushed to his Minghuo to block him, yelling: "I'm here, I'll come, this one." Gu Yan didn't even look at it. Give alms to An Ran. Don't forget to say perfunctorily: "What?"

An Ran was furious. Ma, these two goods are also in trouble. He grunted. "I thought that there is a sentence that suits you." This time, without waiting for Gu Yan's reaction, An Ran said calmly, "If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and the stupid person will be invincible!"

"Hahahaha!" The deity Gu Yan was focusing on dealing with the sword spirit, and there was no reaction yet, but Terry laughed loudly. "The deity has never seen such a funny little guy, sincere and humorous. How about? Consider staying. Stay with me here."

"To accompany you?" An Ran took a sudden breath. He said everything that should and shouldn't be said, he still scrupulously said, "I will accompany you uncle! Don't molest Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is a serious non-orc. It will not corrupt your reputation and uncle you."

sweat! Giant sweat! Waterfall Khan!

Qin Muyan pretended to be angrily: "It's rude! The lion king is a senior. Will he do such a disrespectful thing? Don't apologize yet."

This is the first time Qin Muyan "teaches" An Ran, although smart people can hear the meaning, if Terry still wants to force An Ran to stay. That is for the old and disrespectful. Terri, the lion king of the famous Continent, is not guaranteed for the late festival.

Terry glanced at Qin Muyan faintly, but that glance made Qin Muyan feel that he was weighed down. Qin Muyan felt that he had said the wrong thing. It was strange for a character like Lion King Terry to scold him, but you can't try to spy and threaten him with words. Before the Nether chess game started, Terry said a very real thing. Although the listener did not take it to heart.

He said, here I am. All falsehoods are useless, the only way out is to be sincere.

An Ran is very sincere. His expression and words are the most intuitive reaction of the inner world. And Qin Muyan pretended to be a flower intestine. If you provoke Terry at this time, the consequences are definitely not what you like to see.

"Insincere children will be punished." Terry's gaze has been fixed on Qin Muyan, An Ran didn't even know what happened, why it suddenly became like this. He felt that Qin Muyan didn't do anything extraordinary, and it was himself who said the wrong thing. Can Terry think the same as Enron? If he were the same as An Ran, could he design such a perverted grave?

At this time, just when the next chess spirit came out, I saw Terry pointing a little, and two chess spirits appeared in the center of the chessboard.

After doing this, Terry returned to his previous kind appearance, and said with a loyal expression: "Young people, be sincere!"

Grass eggs!

The question of true insincerity is not important anymore. What matters is how to deal with the current cramped situation. Lion King Terry has brought the wretchedness to the extreme, and once refreshed, he will be two arrow spirits. It's a big joke to let Underfire face up to two long-range shooters at once!

One blue and one red fire and water arrows shot in the direction An Ran was standing. An Ran no longer reported any hope of interception. He quickly took out the Invincible King Kong Pill and put it in his mouth. He listened to Qin Mu's words as soon as he put it to his mouth. Loudly shouted: "You cheated!" His right hand was raised high and pointed in the direction of the opposite Terry phantom.

At the same time, Gu Yan stuffed a tortoise shell pill into his mouth and slammed into the direction where the arrows came, blocking the attack with his own body. Hearing his muffled snort, An Ran's mouth overflowed with blood, and the two arrows seemed to have shot through the heavily guarded armor outside An Ran's heart. He stared at Gu Yan with wide eyes in disbelief.

Will Gu Yan use him to block his arrows? An Ran didn't even think about this result. He quickly took out a superb big buckwheat pill and stuffed it into Gu Yan's mouth. After seeing him swallow it, he mumbled: "Two goods are two goods. I have never seen such a stupid one. "Gu Yan stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from his mouth, and looked at An Ran with a smile: "I can't die with thick skin, Xiao Anran, are you okay?"

An Ran twitched the corners of his mouth, it was okay, of course it was okay. What can he do if the arrows are blocked!

The two arrow spirits have been wiped out by the fire of the underworld, and after 30 seconds of grinding, they didn't even refresh, and looked at the huge chessboard in the center with confusion. The game is clearly not over yet.

When An Ran was puzzled, Qin Muyan repeated it again loudly, this time he was referring to a certain point on the chessboard. Its voice is loud and clear. "You cheat and change chess."

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