Orc God-level Miner

Chapter 9: Do you want

When the glass-type colorless jade was completely unraveled, the shop owner poured some water on it, and looked at the crystal clear jade in his hand, and felt a little regretful. He loved jade very much, and had nothing to do with the value of jade. Just thinking that two of the three pieces of leftovers he sold wholesale to An Ran had cut out jadeite, his heart hurt.

The shop owner handed over half a kilogram of colorless jade to An Ran's hand, and at the same time gave him a deep look, feeling infinitely with Enron's **** luck.

Picking up the jade in his hand, he glanced at the hot crowd safely.

"Trash An Ran... Oh... I was wrong... An Ran... Is this jade for sale?"

An Ran raised his head and looked at the person who was speaking. An Ran didn't recognize him and nodded, "Sell, I will sell whoever offers the right price." An Ran made a fortune from the auction house, but the money was not good enough to be taken openly. come out. If this colorless jadeite can be sold at a good price, it will be able to cover everyone's eyes and relieve An Ran's immediate needs.

Just be willing to sell.

This is the voice of the onlookers who have the financial resources and intend to take down this jadeite.

They originally thought that Waste Anran would give this jade to Tang Mo. It is not a secret that An Ran's thoughts about Tang Mo are in Mochizuki City. This is the first time he bet on jade. Others naturally think that he will hold the jade in both hands and run to Tang Mo to ask him for support.

This is the custom of the mainland.

The non-orc held the jade in both hands and sent it to the orc and asked the orc to raise him in the future, which represented the proposal of the non-orc. If an orc proposes to a non-orc, he asks the non-orc for an emerald and promises to raise him to protect his safety.

In this kind of ritual, only the jade you bet can show sincerity to your lover. This is the first time that Anran has bet on jade in public. It is a high-quality glass that is colorless. Although it is not big, a marriage proposal is enough. Everyone thought that this stone would not be sold safely. If it was the former An Ran, it would indeed not be sold. They did not expect that the An Ran's soul now lives in this An Ran's body. Where is there Enron in this world?

An Ran smiled and lifted the colorless jade forward so that everyone could see clearly. He said: "Is there anyone bidding?" This move convinced others that he really wanted to sell.

"one million."

"Hey, this is the finest glass kind of colorless, I will pay 2 million."

"Two and five million."

"Three million, I give three million."

Three million is already the limit. This stone is too small. It can be sold at this price because it is a colorless jade.

An Ran looked at the crowd and found that many of the orcs looked regretful. An Ran just about to nod and say the deal. The crowd will separate automatically. A gorgeously dressed non-orc walked towards him with his head up and a haughty expression.

The first sentence that the non-orc said almost made him vomit three liters of blood.

"An Ran, didn't you say you want to bet a piece of emerald in both hands and give it to the little brother?"

Who is this person?

He is Tang Qu.

Who is Tang Qu?

Tang Qu is Tang Mo's elder brother, a peacock so proud that An Ran was often mocked by him when he was in the Tang family.

People who were anxious about the ownership of the colorless jadeite were all attracted by Tang Qu. Thinking of the story that An Ran and Tang Mo had to tell, they believed in Tang Qu's words a little bit more.

An Ran is not An Ran. He didn't even give alms to Tang Qu. He looked straight at the orc warrior who was asking for three million. Seeing his anxious face after Tang Qu appeared, he was afraid that his cultivation had reached a bottleneck. , Need this piece of jade to break through. Everyone was waiting for An Ran's explanation, hoping that he would flatter him and hold the jade in both hands and send it to Tang Mo before being thrown away from the Tang house. An Ran's actions disillusioned them. He didn't watch Tang Qu, but looked at the orc warrior and asked: "Three million, do you want it?"

Tang Qu's eyes widened. He did come to humiliate An Ran, and waited for An Ran to explain when he said something like that, but what went wrong in the current situation? Isn't this trash loving his brother to the death? After bumping into shit, I bet that a piece of colorless jade did not crawl up like a grunt, holding it in both hands and giving it to his brother. Why on earth?

"Don't you trash like Amo?"

An Ran glanced at him. Tang Qu was obviously anxious when the script did not follow his hopes. Together, An Ran felt badly and forced two tears from his eye sockets. Chu Chu looked in Tang Qu's direction pitifully, and said: " Your Excellency Tang Qu, you never waited to see me before, and most disliked me being close to your brother. I know your thoughts. I know that waste like me and you are the difference between clouds and mud..." An Ran, like a poem recitation, speaks with eloquence. Tang Qu was very satisfied with that pitiful posture, and his heart was relieved a lot. How could he forget his brother so much that he loved him so much.

An Ran's next words made Tang Qu almost lost his noble education and rushed forward and strangled him to death.

"You don’t like me approaching your brother. In the past, I was ignorant and didn’t understand what you meant. Now I understand. Don’t worry, Tang Qu, I will not **** your brother. He belongs to you alone. I hope Tang Qu Your Excellency let me make a living, you and your brother... I'm sorry... I won't tell anyone..."

There was a brief silence in the crowd, and then a burst of whispers broke out.

An Ran still looked terrified and looked at Tang Qu pitifully.

Tang Qu is not stupid, he knows he has been calculated just by looking at him. He was so dumb, he couldn't do anything about An Ran in the crowd, he asked for everything. Seeing that Tang Mo's color changed from white to red to purple and finally turned to black, An Ran felt so cool in her heart. Looking back on the past, An Ran was bullied by him. What he said was the truth, but the words were polished. I believe that it will not be long before the forbidden love of the two brothers of the Tang family will spread throughout Mochizuki City. NS.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Qu did not see any substantive actions. An Ran didn't bother to pay attention to him any more, and turned to walk towards the orc warrior who was in desperate need of emerald. He asked again: "Three million, do you want it?"

The orc warrior didn't react for a while, why did the person who was so pitiful just now whose tears were about to fall and turned his head back into a calm and rational appearance.

"Are you really selling?"

An Ran's face turned dark, and she said in a bad mood: "Don't you sell me to keep the eggs and hatch the chicks? Do you want to?"

"Yes, I want."

The orc warrior took out the crystal card from his pocket, and after losing a few digits, he swiped on An Ran's crystal card. An Ran looked at it and passed the stone in his hand to the orc.

As soon as the transaction was completed, I heard an extremely cold voice behind me: "I request a stone gambling battle with you."

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