Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1154: End Yan (9)


Ur roared and stabbed with a knife, but the tip of the dagger only touched the tough armor, and then a gale hit her head, and he quickly retracted his arm.

The boss of the special warfare turned around to hold the claws of the skull picker, stabilized his figure, and stabbed a machete again.

He found a gap, where the armor was overwhelmed by the opponent's swelling figure and shifted.

In an instant, when the blade passes, the flesh is divided into two parts, and the blood is like a fountain.

The wounded demon roared.

At least Ur now knew that this **** was not flawless.

He kicked away the opponent's twisted arm and thrust the dagger deeply into the opponent's chest. Immediately, smoke and blood came out from the wound.

Seeing that the attack worked, Ur turned to cut into the shoulder of the skull picker with a scimitar.

The sharp blade was sinking deep into it, greedily devouring flesh and blood, like a big steel mouth with vitality.

Ur pulled the blade back and forth, sawing the flesh and blood of the skull picker, and his armor was stained with dirty blood.

This is not ordinary blood, but a pus-like substance, exuding a stench, and almost overwhelming the will of the special warfare boss with its incomparable filth.

This is the stain of the vast ocean, the stench hidden behind the curtain, the corruption of people's hearts, and the degradation caused by evil acts.

Although Ur is not afraid of this thing, he also hopes to have a flamethrower in his hand to send this twisted existence back to hell.

But the knife can achieve the same effect.

"This blow is as violent as my anger."

Ur sneered, and the serrated blade of the scimitar continued to deepen until it touched the bone.

The skull picker was mad from the pain. His arms suddenly became twice as long as before. Then he grabbed Ur from his back shoulders and lifted it up, and slammed into the stump wall.

But Ur stood up stubbornly, and one stood up and jumped forward again.

He allowed the scimitar to be deeply embedded in the flesh and blood of the skull picker, and instead drew the dagger with both hands and pierced it into the exposed neck of the opponent.

The three-sided dagger, shining with supernatural light, sank into it until it grasped the handle.

The splattered flesh and blood made Ur's hand armor slippery and black.

The skull picker stepped back, staggered a few steps, and let go of his hand.

With the momentum, Ur grabbed the machete's handle and pulled it out.

I saw a lot of scarlet flesh and blood stuck in the serrations of the blade, which seemed to be blocked.


At this time, a special warfare kid rushed up with a gun and swept a row of bullets toward the shadow that belonged to the skull picker. The bullet hit the wall and splashed some sparks.

Ul saw the special warfare kid from the corner of his eye, but the slight relief in his heart randomly turned into fright.

Because the skull picker reacts faster.

He laughed wildly, as if the scars on his body were only illusory, and appeared beside the special warfare kid like a glimpse. At this time, the kid was attacked by a strong and corrupt atmosphere, and his actions appeared to be slow.

Perhaps he remembered the tragic situation of the sacrifices being torn in half. The devil is best at creating fear of things.

In the next second, the actions of the skull picker made all the memories of the special warfare kid go away.

"This is not the way a warrior should die."

The demon neighed and pierced the twisted claws into the opponent's unprotected chest.

There was a dying gurgling sound from the special warfare kid's mouth, and blood mixed with foam flowed from his open mouth.

Immediately, his hand was loosened, the machine gun fell to the ground, and the whole body was hung on the sharp claws of the skull picker.


The flames of vengeance burned in Ur's heart, and he immediately rushed to the enemy, but the latter had his own way to deal with it.

The twitching tentacles suddenly swept toward Ur's neck, strangling his throat.

Ur felt black in front of him, but he cut the tentacles in two with a tired but still heavy blow.

He felt a suffocation in his chest after landing, but forcibly stopped the bile flowing to the corner of his mouth

The skull picker took the opportunity to make a move, and the tentacles popped out like a frog's long tongue, knocking him to the ground.

Ur's hand couldn't help letting go, and the dagger that could hurt the opponent fell to the ground, the sound like a death knell.

He had already hit the skull picker severely, but he could not put it to death, and the devil became even more deadly, like a trapped beast struggling to survive.

"I will never stop until I kill all the profanity in this cave!"

It declared with a beastly roar.

"Death cannot appease my hunger and thirst! Your skull will be my supreme sacrifice to my master!"

Blood flowed from Ur's mouth and nose, and the injuries on his ribs and right shoulder made him feel burning pain, but he raised his head and looked at the face of the skull picker.

Although his body has become deformed and terrifying, his face is huge and human.

Died in the hands of a human, Ur felt that this method of death was too shameful.

He propped up his figure with one hand, and extended his other weapon with the other.

The boss's pistol was still inserted in his holster, but his fingers tightly gripped an object in the back leather pocket, as if it were his lifeblood.

In that ancient belief, power is hidden in devotion, and firm belief can create miracles.

In all religious societies, the worship of a more noble and pure existence can be turned into a sword against the enemy in the hands of a pious person.

Ur doesn't believe in the nonsense of those crazy boys, but he has a firm belief in his own power, which is a kind of almost philosophical understanding of war.

As long as it stands on the battlefield, there is nothing that cannot be defeated.

This is also the reason why Guk admires Ur so much, so he gave Ur the second gift, which was cast by Mogdrogen himself for half a year, which can damage the essence of those intangibles—the Suppressor Hammer.

It is a supernatural weapon with an appearance similar to a sledgehammer used by a mechanic, but with extremely complicated materials and textures.

Ur jumped up and waved the brass-colored one-handed hammer, as if waving a purifying flame.

"Let me come to appease your **** **** stuff!!!"

The moment he saw the Demon Hammer, the skull picker stayed in place. Just like the unfortunate special warfare kid, it paused for a moment due to hesitation.

In the next second, three loud noises echoed in the tunnel like thunder.

The deformed body of the skull picker was trembling and convulsed due to the impact, and the huge reaction hidden in its body also burst out at the same time.

The demon felt great pain, and it woke up from its trance, roaring, intending to regroup.

At this moment, Koresh had arranged the special warfare boys to line up, grabbed the gun in his hand, and aimed at the enemy.

The tunnel only allowed three Oukes to stand side by side, so he let the three boys lie on the ground, the three boys kneeled on the ground, and the three boys stood up straight, capable of forming the fierce firepower of nine guns.

"Get down!"

Koresh shouted.

Ur immediately leaped to the side with the last trace of strength on his body, and then a storm-like rain of bullets enveloped the body of the skull picker.

Fragments of flesh, bones, and armor splashed around, but it was still alive even though it staggered under the blow of the salvo.

When the gunfire stopped for a while, the devil's ridicule came out of the gunpowder smoke, and its flesh and blood had begun to heal.

"That's it?"

Koresh did not stop his efforts.

"Fast loading!"

The tattered skull picker arched up like a mad dog, trying to rush towards the Okers who fired at it under the rain of bullets.

However, Hagrid had already touched its back at this time.

A light green arc crackled on his heavy battle axe.

"Take me an axe!"

After he shouted at the abomination, the battle axe in his right hand suddenly slashed, almost completely splitting the opponent's left body.

The skull picker roared and twisted his arms and flew Hagrid out again.

Before it chased, another rain of bullets hit it. The skull picker trembled violently, spit out a thick sputum, and issued a vicious curse, but it didn't help-its body was gradually under the fierce attack. Disintegrate.

When the gunfire gradually ceased, Ur swayed to his feet.

He has been wounded several times, but he still has enough power to put an end to this battle.

"You are a weak chicken."

He said, swinging the Demon Suppressing Hammer again.

"You have to be half as capable as you can, I'm dead early!"

The skull picker's eyes were wide open, and his human face was distorted with anger and fear, but he did not avoid the blow.

Then, the Demon Suppressing Hammer hit his head heavily.

A painful scream resounded through the tunnel, and a large amount of thick smoke and black mist swept through the tunnel like a violent wind, and then the headless body knelt in front of him and fell down.

"This is really an ugly thing!"

Hagrid stepped forward and took a sip, wiping the blood off the axe's blade.

Ur's eyes looked at the body of the special warfare kid.

This is not the first special warfare kid to die under his hands, but every death of the special warfare elite makes him feel a little sorry.

Guk's empire is already very large, but the special warfare kid is always a small group.

"I guess they called this demon to defend this passage."

Koresh glanced at the corpse on the ground and said his guess.

"So we haven't exposed yet?"

Ur asked back, and motioned for the two special warriors to explore the way.

"It shouldn't be. After I conjured the devil, the Blood Worship Cult didn't dare to set foot in this area anymore, so they would definitely think that this place is still inexhaustible. If we touched it in from here, we would definitely be able to catch them by surprise."

"I hope so."

Ur glanced at the other end of the tunnel, and the two special warfare boys who were exploring the way came back soon.

Their report confirmed Koresh's statement.

There was a smooth road ahead, with only a heavy iron gate, which broke through the drainage system of Dunwich Prison.

After a brief discussion between Ur and Koresh, they decided to let the rest of the special warfare boys divide the weapons of the dead, and then took out the acid that was specifically designed to destroy the blast door, and let the two boys who had explored the way to destroy the door. .

"Check the ammunition and set off when the iron gate is destroyed!"

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