Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1161: Warcraft (2)

As the storm of the war is getting worse, the people who dominate the war, or the group, are also facing another challenge.

As the old enemy from Henggu Changye launched a fierce attack on Oke, they also launched a surprise attack on the command center of the blood worship. The Wendigo Church gathered the last force and launched a desperate blow to try to seize their saint. Things, the Eye of Wendigo.

However, their attack was destined to be in vain, because the patriarch of the blood worship had already made sufficient preparations, and almost all the remaining godly chosen lords were on standby in the command camp.

"My brother? It seems that you are finally exhausted, and I am quite curious how long it will take you to get to this point."

The Patriarch of the Blood Sect, Sila, with a long sword in both hands, looked at his brother with a smile on his face.

"All of this didn't need to happen."

Hannibal also smiled and said that even though he was already trapped and his subordinates fell one by one, he still rushed in front of the blood worshiping patriarch.

"No, on the contrary, it's very necessary. This is how we do things, isn't it? We'll kill each other as much as we can, so don't get over it and do it quickly."

"Indeed it is."

Hannibal lifted his arms, palms facing Sila's cheeks.

Then he concentrated and concentrated his strength until it gushed out and flooded the opponent's brain.

They all know each other extremely well, and they know how to destroy each other.

Sila resisted, he was tenacious, and Hannibal could feel a sea of ​​hatred surging in his mind, a boiling storm of anger.

He has the indestructible faith that every fanatic has, an indomitable and indelible faith.

But Sila's belief is above everyone, and the mark of the blood **** is full of his soul.

The names of the Chaos Gods that Hannibal had never spoken, Thira deliberately showed them to his brothers and echoed in the memory of the other.

"Look at these, what you worship, what I worship."

Sila was laughing at him, and Hannibal had never felt such a strong willpower.

Compared with martial arts, Sila's mental power is undoubtedly weaker than Hannibal, but he can choose what to show to the other party, and he will not easily succumb.

The diamond-like spiritual core in the mind of the Patriarch of the Blood is guarding all important information-there is no record showing that Sila is a brilliant wizard, but his absolute willpower is superhuman.

"Pray to the sad thing you worship."

Without warning, Sila launched a counterattack, and the rewards of spiritual power flooded into Hannibal's mind.

The archbishop of Wendigo Church was immediately slammed out by this violent blow and smashed into the ruins of a table.

Hannibal hurriedly withdrew from Sila's thoughts before he was stunned by the spiritual feedback, in a trance, the messy battlefield, broken corpses, and burning tents all caught his eye.

"My lord, we must retreat!"

A senior member of the Wendigo Church shouted, reaching out his hand to try to support Hannibal.

"Do not!"

Hannibal said loudly, pushing away the opponent's outstretched wrist.

Sila pulled out the sword inserted into the ground and paced slowly.

"After we separated, I killed millions of parasites, and ended up sending such a loser to deal with me."

He sneered and said:

"My thinking will never be broken, don't you realize it? There is nothing in this world that can scare me."

"is it!"

Hannibal slammed into Thira's thinking with a fierce mental shock, and across the distance between the two, plunged into Thira's forehead.

Sila convulsed suddenly and almost fell.

But even so, this mental shock was only shattered like glass in the collision with his mental core.

Hannibal's thinking once again enveloped Sila's mind, but there was still only a boiling hatred in it, and at the same time the other party issued vague curses at him.


The patriarch of the blood worship screamed in his own thinking world:

"Scum, loser, blind, nothing!"

But Hannibal just allowed himself to plunge deeper into Sila's mind, shouting a spell that would make the other person torn apart in a storm of extreme anger.

Sila firmly grasped Hannibal's spiritual probing power without showing any weakness. The two were caught in a desperate wrestling fight. Sila used willpower to fight against Hannibal's spiritual power, almost not letting go.

But as a fighter, he is a bit inferior in the spiritual realm after all.

After a stalemate for half a minute, Sila was suppressed and knelt down. There was a wild smile between his **** teeth. Even though the fight was so fierce, his spiritual core remained unscathed.

"Ok has broken through the war zone!"

During the confrontation, Hannibal used his insight to vaguely hear a nervous voice.

The roar from afar also swears that the tragic war is being resolved at the end-there is no doubt that the current power of the blood worship is only an ant on the road of the chariot to Ouke.

But this does not mean that they have no resistance.

So much blood has been produced, the demon army must have been impatient, but they are still waiting, waiting for their real commander to appear.


The pain that passed by lightning showed that Hannibal's body had been pushed to its limit. He could even touch his heart beating frantically, and his lungs were working desperately to get more oxygen.

But he didn't plan to give up yet.

The archbishop of Wendigo Church limped forward, staggering against Thira's counterattack like a tempest, and he wanted to push the opponent to despair a little bit.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

With a roar, Thira released a powerful hatred at him, grabbed Hannibal and knocked it into the air, hitting a wall, and then violently pulled him and threw the opponent sideways to the opposite. One wall.

Hannibal desperately grasped his brother's mind, this powerful soul he had never seen before was tearing him face to face like a beast.

"The Brass Gate is fluctuating violently! It doesn't seem to be able to hold it!"

Someone was yelling, but Hannibal didn't bother to listen to it.

His mental power gave up all other perceptions, and now he stared at a huge burning brass throne, where the huge shadow sitting there was roaring hatred, slaughter, anger, and desire for terrible enemies.

Thira's hatred surged, but so did Hannibal.

Hannibal squeezed out his last trace of willpower, and gathered them into a heavy fist to launch a desperate attack on the spiritual core in the heart of Sila's mind.

As he put in more power, his vision became blurred, but he knew he had to destroy the other's spiritual core.

The huge spiritual power came out, the dry blood on the wall gradually peeled off, the white bricks laid on it began to shatter little by little, and the fragments fell like snowflakes.

The high-ranking followers of the Blood worship screamed instructions, and the harsh noise became louder and louder, blending into the noisy clutter radiated from the brain of Sila.

The storm was circling and rising, getting stronger and stronger, and Hannibal knew he was about to lose consciousness.

At this moment, Sila was finally defeated.

His spiritual core was crushed to pieces, the flying fragments scattered in the world of thinking, Sila himself was lying on the floor with his back down, blood oozing from his ears and nose, and his painful and distorted face breathed desperately. With.

"This time I won!"

Hannibal said breathlessly.

The door to Sila's mind was now open, and Hannibal could see the brutality and corruption in his memory.

With screaming faces and blood gushing, the entire town perished under Sila's gaze.

"Yes, you won brother."

Sila spoke weakly.

"But the most powerful warlord of the blood **** will still come to this world, and then take it as his own-he will use all things as a sacrifice to the blood god, and then let the entire galaxy be occupied under his watch. "

"I know this better than you."

"Hate... the frenzy of hatred will be his life, human behavior is his weapon, Wendigo will be the key to breaking the balance, whether it likes it or not."

At this time, Hannibal's gaze suddenly became tranced, and a powerful mental storm was wrapping the two in a small world. Only them, everything was isolated.

"Then we will serve the real master. The passage of time will follow its wishes. All wishes and decisions made are his tools for ruling..."

"Just so, my brother, I'm glad that you liberated my spirit. We waited for this moment, hostile for thousands of years."

Sila laughed and stood up with difficulty.

Then he opened his arms to Hannibal.

"Then, it's time, we will be one again."

"Yes, the lines of destiny will overlap here."

Hannibal also opened his arms, and the two of them were like reflections in a mirror at the moment.

"For Sinrich!"

"For Sinrich!"

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