Orc Tyrant

Chapter 178: The Journey of Flames (2)

Guk is determined to launch a fiery offensive. It contains not only certain mimics, but also more literal meanings, especially in dealing with those annoying mists. Nothing is more effective than flames.

Those sad shrimp thought it was safe to hide in the fog, but Guk’s huge cannons could bombard their fragile houses outside the fog, not to mention that he had to know the specific locations of those towns in advance, no What makes Guk more happy than watching the enemy being blasted to pieces.

When the arranged cannons sounded one after another, Guk could even see through the fog the fires lit up in the distance.

While the artisans fired their cannons, a large number of burning boys began to set fires wanton. Their goal was simple, to burn everything in front of him. Guk didn’t think about what he would lose, even a bare stone mountain would not let him. There is no disappointment, as long as it is covered with the charred bodies of the enemy.

The Oukes smeared the mountains with the shadow of destruction, and the ancient forests whimpered in the wind, not only for themselves, but also for the cannibals they sheltered.

As Gu Ke expected, the heat wave quickly pushed back the fog. The so-called tricks were nothing more than this in the face of absolute destructive power. The boys were already impatient, but they didn’t have many goals, because Gu Ke knew this. There are very few shrimps in the local area, so few can even call this a war.

Hunting, Guk prefers to use this to call this action.

The fire spread quickly. From the perspective of human beings, a huge fire might be a disaster for the enemy and us, but for Ouke, fire is a very good material for excitement.


As Guk’s battle roar rang through the sky, the huge legion immediately dispersed like a swarm of bees. They howled and rushed into the sea of ​​fire, without worrying about the possibility of being cooked. The fastest of them was the Waaagh Thunder Fighting Gang , This is a runaway group formed by a group of leaders, they have obtained a strong steel machinery from the mechanics of the abandoned city.

It was a magical creature with only three wheels, but it could run as fast. It was made up of fragmentary steel and a powerful engine. The boys called it a motorcycle.

Gogu is one of the drivers. As the boss of a racing gang who loves drag racing, Gogu was deeply fascinated by this behemoth when he first saw it. The structure was as thick as his own arm. The roar of the sound can reach miles away, the thick and thorny wheels, exactly as if they were designed for him.

This thing is as long as three boys, and the two joysticks in the middle position are extraordinarily heavy, but this is not a problem in Gogu's eyes, and even the lack of brakes is not a problem.

All he needs is speed and strength!

The number of these motorcycles is very rare, but there are only more than twenty. For this Gu Ge, he paid all his teeth, and asked the mechanics to paint the entire motorcycle red, and added many things he likes, the front engine The circle of shrimp skulls on the top, the huge logo on the back of the seat, the skull face representing the kingdom, and the huge guns.

The mechanics claimed that doing so would slow down the speed, and Gogu felt that they were talking nonsense, and no one knew better how to run faster than him.

Just like now.

"Gorig, you soft-footed Sgugger!"

Feeling that the motorcycle next to him seemed to slow down, Gogu laughed mockingly. Just as he opened his mouth and laughed, a large group of hot wind rushed into his throat, almost burning his voice.

The woods in front of him had already burned to the extreme. In the thunderous roar, Gogu stepped on the accelerator again and started an assault.

"This is how it feels! Hurry up! Give me a little faster!"

His crazy roar was very penetrating, and the three-wheeled motorcycle responded to it with violent tremors, and the surrounding guns and guns hugged the things around them so as not to be blown away by the strong wind.


The raging fire is ahead, but this is not as good as the flames burning in Gogu's heart. At this moment, the machinery under his seat seems to be integrated with him, and even the tremor becomes in tune with his breathing, and time passes slowly. The red eyes behind the goggles were extremely focused.


The huge tire slammed into a burning tree, and Gogu plunged into the fire.

"Boss Boss!!"

The farts screamed, and the metal became so hot that they had nowhere to stand.

But Gogu ignored him, just stepped on the accelerator harder, making the engine more boiling.

The tongue of fire licked his skin, evaporating the sweat from it, scorching his Skugger hairstyle, and burning his clothes and things.

But he didn't care about this at all, because he had reached a speed that he had never experienced in the past, and the stimulating feeling gave him a new life, and he would no longer be able to stand the slow walk.


In the blink of an eye, the fireball-like Gogu rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, and orange flames spurted from the engine of the tank, and the broken fuel pipe splashed the contents of them on the yellow grass, through thick smoke and flames. , Gogu saw more riders rushing out of the flames.

"Scumbags! I am the fastest!!"

He then let out a wild howl, stepped on the accelerator again, and rushed into the vortex of disaster.

The chariot crossed the grass, rushed up the rocky **** and came to the burning block. The huge tires smashed the bricks and shingles, the broken hands and the broken arms all underneath. From time to time, there were crashing sounds, and Ge Gu didn't care at all.

When he rushed down the other side of the **** with a powerful force of thunder, the smoke began to dissipate and his vision became clear. Gogu could see the labyrinth of twists and turns of houses and broken statues. These chaotic buildings occupy both sides of the street. Many shrimps are dragging injured shrimps from the collapsed house. They are completely unaware that the danger is coming.

"Smelly shrimp!! Die!!!"

Gogu pressed the button of the operating lever forcefully, and the two heavy-duty chucks connected in parallel on the front of the car roared and began to reap lives, and the farts around them started to control small guns and start shooting.

The shocked people, irrespective of men and women, regardless of the old and young, put aside the things in their hands, screamed and ran away, but they couldn't escape Gogu's hunt.

The people who fell were crushed by tires, the runners were beaten to pieces by the fierce firepower of Datutu, and the corpses were thrown into the distance like dolls. No matter what kind of person they were, they were all crushed by the chariot. Relieved from the pressure, the commodities, goods, and vehicles in the town were burning, and the rising flames coated Gogu and his chariot with a bright coat.

Although a lot of dirty blood splashed on Gogu's body, it didn't cool down his passion much. He reached out and unlocked the serrated machete tied to the saddle.


He speeded up to them again, and when he passed the crowd, he cut into it with a machete, and the foul organs sprayed all over the floor immediately, and the miserable howls of different tones made him feel happy.

A dried shrimp hung on the tip of his knife. She screamed as if she wanted to pick up something from the rotten meat, but Gogu was tired of her crying and threw her into the burning room with a flick of his arm. .

"Wow haha!"

The presumptuous clamor came from the corner of the street, and Gogu looked up and found that the gang boss Yerif was racing on the street, and behind his chariot was dragging a bald shrimp with tattoos on his face.

More mobsters rushed into the town, and Gogu murmured a few times before stepping on the accelerator again.

He has to be faster!

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