Orc Tyrant

Chapter 395: Bloody Battle in Grey Mountain (4)

"At all costs!! Take back the Grey Mountain! Take the Grey Mountain back!!"

The head of the 76th Infantry Regiment listened to the voice of his officer at the other end of the communicator, and could imagine the other side's expression. Although this machine is still very unstable and full of electromagnetic noise, it is not enough to conceal the boundless anger.

They arrived late, and Oak had seized this important stronghold silently, and the Sixth Army defending here failed to fulfill their promise, and did not even notify them.

When the two regiments set off from dawn and rushed here all the way, they saw Ok's blasphemous battle flag from a distance.


After simply replying to his commander, the head of the 76th regiment found another colleague, the head of the 109th regiment, to discuss the offensive.

"Are the scouts blind? Why did Oke touch him without making a sound!"

"What's the use of complaining about these now, surround yourself first, and attack after two hours, what do you think."


After assigning the offensive direction, the two regiments quickly surrounded Ash Mountain from the east and west sides, and arranged artillery positions.

As the most powerful industrial country in the civilized world, the New California Republic is very extravagant in terms of firepower compared to the Benedict Empire. Each regiment is assigned a field artillery company, all equipped with the latest 75mm field rapid-fire guns. .

This type of artillery has a very advanced hydraulic station and retreat mechanism, which can fire an average of 15 artillery shells per minute, even more than 20 under extreme conditions, and its extremely light weight makes it very suitable for mobile operations in the wild.

Oak on the mountain didn't make any response, just let the humans surround them.

When everything was in place, the sixteen field guns roared.

Boom boom boom boom~~~~~~

A high-explosive bomb hit the gray-white mountain, rising clouds of smoke, igniting the dense ferns, and from time to time you can see the **** and the kid who have been blown up.

Even the battle flag at the highest point was torn apart by gunfire and disappeared silently.

The whole shelling lasted for three minutes, wiping out half of the ammunition of the two regiments, and completely covering the Ash Mountain in dense smoke and dust.

"If I didn't bring a gun..."

Buzz spit out and sprayed the mud out of his mouth. On his left hand was his adjutant, and his right hand was a fart attendant. They shrank between the two rocks and stared at the human position under the mountain.

At this distance, even without a telescope, he can see everything about Xiami clearly.

For this assault, he and his boys moved forward completely lightly, not even a gun, they brought a few portable rocket launchers and a few large assault guns, and now they can only be passively beaten in the face of human shelling. , This made him very angry and helpless.

"Boss! Shrimp seems to be going on."

On the side, his adjutant screamed. His two ears were only half bitten in a fight, so everyone called him half ears. As for the original name, he himself didn't even remember.

"I'm not blind!"

With a roar, Buzz retreated from the crack in the rock and came to the place where the boys gathered-this was originally Xiami's camp.

Here, they avoided the direct fire of the artillery to the utmost extent, and now is the time to boil their flesh and blood and want to do a great job.

"Shrimp is coming to fight! What should I do!"


"Okay! But I have to clarify, without my order, you are not allowed to rush down! Even if I die, I will die on the mountain! Understand."


When Baz returned to the front, the humans had already begun to march up the mountain. They lined up loose front lines. Under the guidance of the officers, they bent down and cautiously touched the hillside. Behind them were the erected machine gun positions, ready at any time. Provide fire support.


As soon as Baz saw that the distance was enough, he straightened his waist and grabbed the big tuk-gun beside him and started shooting downwards.

The boys also appeared one after another, counterattacking humans with hand grenades and big guns. For a time, the entire Grey Mountain resembled a string of lit firecrackers, crackling continuously from near to far.

On the human side, it is obvious that Oak’s firepower is underestimated. Many people were torn apart by large-caliber bullets, or exploded into several pieces by high-explosive grenades before they could react. Remnants of limbs and broken arms were flying around the sky, and blood was kicked. The turned paint is splashed on the ground randomly, rarely a whole body.

Suddenly, all the soldiers squatted down instinctively, but there was not much shelter at the foot of Ash Mountain, and they were still exposed to the direct fire of Ouke.

"Get up! Get up! Go forward! Go forward if you don't want to die!!"

An officer yelled and beat the shivering soldiers on the ground with the back of a knife, trying to get them to stand up again.

"You just come to hide from a bullet? What if they line up to fire? I'm really ashamed of you, they are so big at such a distance."

Before the words fell, the soldiers looked up, only to find that their chief's entire upper body was gone, the broken intestines hung outside, and the dirt was sprayed around.


Baz swept very happily. The shrimps were so stupid that they were lying on the spot waiting to die. Although his marksmanship was very poor, it did not prevent him from sweeping away those cowardly lives, such as the one who stood in place and shouted loudly. Called dried shrimps.

"Boss! Here!"

Behind him came the voice of the adjutant, and Baz immediately turned and walked to another position with the big smoking gun.

The shrimps here attacked with more steps. They were divided into small groups and charged upwards, one group charged, and the other group covered, and the machine guns at the back also moved forward, constantly using bullets to suppress Ouke. Shooting firepower.

"Don't persuade! Do it!"

Buzz kicked someone who had been shrunk behind a rock to change bullets, and then stood in the rain of bullets and pointed the muzzle down again.


The huge recoil of the big tutu gun fire made his shoulders tremble, and the power that can shatter ordinary human bones is just a relatively violent massage for an Ouke boss.

The fierce firepower suddenly hit, Baz used a string of bullets to beat more than a dozen shrimps that attacked the crest, and then pushed another wave back. Encouraged by him, the boys' guns were also more happier. Now, the grenades were thrown down one by one.

"That's it! Give me a call!"

Suddenly, Buzz's gun ceased fire, and he squeezed the trigger a few times, but there was no response.

Looking down, I found that there were no bullets.

"Counsel! Where did you die!!"

He called out his attendant butt.

"Boss! Boss! Coming!!!"

Soon, the **** boss led a group of younger brothers and ran over carrying the bullet belt.

"hurry up!"

Throwing the big gun to the ground, Buzz unwrapped two grenades from his waist, knocked them hard, and then threw them toward the bottom.

Boom! !

Amid the deafening explosion, he saw a few dried shrimps just flying up like this, and he suddenly smiled happily.

"Done yet!"

He looked down impatiently and saw that the farts were in a hurry and hadn't loaded their bombs. They stretched out their legs and kicked them out.

"Trash! I'll do it myself!"

After a few skilled drumming, Buzz reloaded the big gun, then took the bullet to his shoulder and flicked it at the crowd below.

Ding Ding Ding~!

Before he could fire, a string of sparks exploded on his shoulder armor and breastplate, and the huge force pushed him back into the temporary trench below.

"Boss! What's wrong?"

Baz felt a little pain in his right arm. He glanced at it and found that there were two blood holes in it and several grooves in his armor.

"Shrimp eating shit..."

He glanced around and found what was attacking him, which was a machine gun position that had been firing here.

"Get that guy!"

Buzz slapped his adjutant and pointed at the rocket launcher stacked on the ammunition box.

The adjutant ran over immediately, picked up the rocket launcher and a rocket, and after he had installed it, Buzz gave him a big finger.

"Did it!"

"Okay...no, boss, it's too far, can't you call it?"

"If you let you hit, just hit it! So much nonsense!"

Buzz slapped his bow left and right, and slapped the opponent two more times. The guy straightened up and pressed the trigger towards the distance.

Shoo~~~~~! ! ! ! ! !

With a scream, the rocket left the launcher and ran all the way towards the machine gun position. However, it suddenly jumped into the sky on the way, and then began to spin, flying left and right.

"Boss, I just said..."

"Shut up! I said it can, and it can!"

Buzz made the adjutant shut his mouth with an old fist, and when he looked at the rocket again, the thing had already arrived above the machine gun position.

"what is that!"

The deputy shooter heard a strange cry, he looked up and found that a red gadget was falling down.


In the next second, the entire position disappeared into a sea of ​​flames.

Buzz also showed a sly smile.

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