Orc Tyrant

Chapter 556: Smuggling chain (on)

The best way to find local criminals is to find a hole closest to you and climb in, as the second-level inspector Peter once suggested.

Like many of his apparently frivolous comments, first-level prosecutor Elind found something reasonable.

As a successful Republican legal officer, he often finds that lawbreakers prefer to meet in secret in long forgotten crowded tunnels, underground pipes, or slums in most cities underground.

In addition, the pagans who set foot on the path of the evil **** need a quiet and unmanned place to perform their blasphemy rituals, and the type of people that Adelin is most interested in needs a place to store their smuggled goods.

But on the other hand, those who trade in contraband also like to stay not too far from the transit station-in Asmet, it means a seaside trading port and many piers.

"How reliable is your informant?"

Elind asked casually, reaching into the slit of his coat and drew his pistol from the holster on his waist.

His overcoat is dark blue, just like the smoky gray uniform he wears under his overcoat, it is easy to hide in the shadow of the dimly lit engineering corridor.

"It depends on your definition of ‘reliable’."

Peter answered with a smile, and at the same time drew out his own weapon, a well-maintained pistol, with complicated patterns on the handle.

Edlin is now pretending to be a wealthy businessman, and the guards of the wealthy businessman usually expose their weapons to bluff others, although few of them are good gunners.

"He has served us for a long time."

Inspector Cardola on the side interjected kindly, and Adelin thought that her judgment was probably from the heart, probably.

This former street vendor may be the most unsuitable candidate to be a maid, but paradoxically, she has never shown anything in front of anyone-as long as that person does not notice the mystery bulge in her maid outfit.

But the bulge was now gone: the young woman had just pulled out her pistol, a bit faster than Peter.

"Also act in the old way."

Adelin nodded, making his voice a little colder, so as to draw everyone's attention back to the matter at hand.

"Cadora, Peter, come with me, and others will cover."

"Very reasonable staff allocation."

A voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Adelin subconsciously took a breath and was about to shut up the other party, but the "ex-killer" calmed down before he acted, and he was as efficient as ever.

"I have no objection."

Another inspector, Zoa, agreed with his unique Marlin accent, and at the same time drew his own pistol.

If they were attacked by an enemy, this veteran would be the most effective of all, but Adelin did not think they would be attacked.

At least hope not.

And his fifth member...

"Rogers, do you feel anything?"


The wizard replied with her usual harsh voice, and her eyes suddenly returned to her superior's face from a distance.


"That's it?"

Adelin frowned, hoping that even if he couldn't get a direct answer, there should be at least a few clues to refer to.

The mysterious words of the wizard may be weird beyond imagination, but there is no living thing in the smuggled goods, or immortal, there seems to be no connection between the two words, which is very disturbing.

Rogers shrugged exaggeratedly.

"It is singing to the vast ocean."

She whispered, and the answer was obviously useless.

"But those people can't hear."

"'Those people', all right."

Adelin noticed this.

"Can you tell how many of them there are?"

Afterwards, Rogers smiled and shook the five fingers of her right hand.

"so much."

"Thank you."

Adelin didn’t know if the wizard wanted to say "50", but the odds of winning three to five are great, especially since the two of the three are him and Peter-and Cadora can obviously take care of him in battle. Good herself.

Unless Rogers wants to say more than five?

Adelin decided not to think about it.

"It says Bay 17 on the door."

Peter reminded him extremely quietly, even though the possibility of the sound going through the thick metal door he was referring to was slim.

Like everything else around them, the door was wrapped in heavy dust, and it took Aidlin so hard to recognize the outline of the door through the dust.

At least the probability of being ambushed is very low, he thought--

The thick dust on the ground caused them to arouse knee-high dust every step they took, but only the footprints of their group were clearly visible.

"Yang De?"

Edlin stepped aside and illuminated the door lock structure for the young "ex-killer" with a flashlight.

A smile immediately appeared on Yang De's face.

"I haven't seen this structure for a long time."

As he said, he knocked on the door lock with the hand that suddenly stretched out from under his windbreaker, then took out a metal cleaning rod and pierced it into the keyhole.

"I saw it in the museum last time. It's... Ah! You little pesky."


A burst of sparks burst out, illuminating the corridor for a while.

"The guy who put the lock cylinder on it last time must be a fool."

Yang De angrily hit the broken door lock with the handle of his pistol, and Adelin shrank in fright, but fortunately, the safety of the gun had not been opened yet.

"Can you……?"

He opened his mouth, but before finishing the question, Yang De took a step back with a satisfied smile.


After a dull sound, the door lock disappeared from the bolt, and the whole door slammed to the ground. The loud noise echoed in the narrow space, making everyone's ears echo everywhere.

"The dive part ends here!"

Before giving an order, Peter said as he jumped in through the door, and at the same time the pistol began to speak.

He rushed so fast and didn't aim at any target. Obviously he couldn't hit anything, but he didn't need it either: smugglers were 80% busy looking for cover while wondering what was going on, and there was no time to fight back.

Or there is time to fight back.

Just as Adelin followed his subordinates and rushed into the gate, a strong, green-skinned bald man roared towards the unsuspecting rear of Kadora, and by the way, he smashed into the road that looked strong enough to block the bison. Storage shelf.

As the wind screamed, a huge crowbar clenched by a fist larger than a sandbag swung down, about to turn the skull of the former inspector into paste.

Kadora caught a glimpse of his movements from the outside, and she began to turn around, but there was no time to avoid it.

"Be careful!"

Compared to verbal warnings, Adelin's physical reactions were quicker.

Before the deadly crowbar hit, his pistol began to roar, two bullets almost named the target at the same time, and the giant man's head instantly turned into a shower of shrapnel-like bones.

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