Orc Tyrant

Chapter 589: The boiling sea (6)

Under the leadership of the flagship Venus, the 19 warships of the Misty Fleet formed an assault formation and cut into the waters southwest of Van Gili in a very sudden situation.

While advancing, they dropped barrage on the main formation of the First Fleet that was changing its formation.

Any attempt to intercept them was met with fierce firepower.

The frigate Jannier tried to interfere with this assault formation, but was immediately annihilated by the continuous bombardment of several high-power electromagnetic guns.

The cruisers Wingless Angel and Valor were first repelled, and then suffered heavy losses in a head-on confrontation.

The Wingless Angel immediately lost its power, and all the turbine systems ceased operation, completely losing the direction of action, and its crew could not regain control of their warship no matter how hard they tried.

The two fatal volleys from the Venus also caused the Valor to be completely wounded. It struggled to avoid the approaching formation, but suffered a third round of artillery bombardment.

Three minutes later, its hull armor fell apart and the keel began to break.

When a beam of light tore through the almost exposed ammunition bay of this warship, it was suddenly burnt and turned into countless spewing fragments.

Therefore, it became the first cruiser to be destroyed by the First Fleet.

Along with the violent destruction of Tianqiang, the remaining cruisers, Admiral Fearless and Agni, were caught in a desperate duel with a huge enemy ship.

Even with the support of the gunfire of the distant capital ship and the approaching Night Veil, they could not fight the enemy's warships for a long time. These cruisers had to use their own speed advantages to persist until the support arrived.

For such a warship, even if it has an impressive size, it is impossible to hide the weapon system.

However, the Venus is not an ordinary ship.

When it changed its position and confronted the enemy with the ship's side, the launch window on the side of the battleship opened like a steel fish gill, and a blood-red smooth short spear suddenly appeared in front of the series of exhaust holes.

Soros, the captain of the Nightfall, stood in the halo on the bridge.

The rest of the bridge was bathed in granular diode light, and the crew behind him were surrounded by tactical displays and crackling communicators. The terrible dance of war was inevitable and disgusting. .

"Admiral Fearless crossfire!"

Captain Tolga's warning sound came from the communicator.

"A lot of enemies!"

"For the sake of the Father, protect your ship!"

Niels' voice in the communicator sounded harsh, and he said angrily.

"Avoid formation."

"Sir, I'm doing it!"

Tolga, the captain of the Intrepid Admiral, retorted:

"But on my port side, there are high-speed objects approaching. They are everywhere!"

Soon, Admiral Fearless deviated from its attack path, followed by a large group of flashing flying objects.

But it was unable to escape the attack. More than ten seconds later, a small explosion covered the back of the cruiser. Black debris peeled off the metal shell and scattered. The turrets and machine guns located in the center and on both sides of the battleship returned intermittently. , But there is no threat to these high-speed targets.

It's like a clumsy herbivore being besieged by a swarm of sting insects.

"I can't get rid of them!"

Captain Vogast on the Agni yelled, and his voice came from the communicator intermittently.

"They are chasing us frantically!"

As soon as Tolga finished speaking, his voice was distorted by the second explosion from the cruiser.

Soros showed an angry expression. Throughout his career, he has never flinched in battle, and submission is by no means his character.

He clenched his fists and shouted commands.

"Fire! The flagship of the target enemy!"

When the night’s artillery fire hit and the cruiser Violent joined the battle, Fireblade finally got rid of the Venus.

Admiral Fearless also tried to escape, but the enemy's flying missiles were chasing it.

One of the boilers on the cruiser that had been trapped in the siege had melted down, and the entire back half was submerged in hot gas.

The cabin compartment was quickly sealed in order to save the crew, but the battleship had collapsed above the sea, but its potential energy still kept it moving bluntly.

Those small missiles hovered around it, drawing huge arcs around the paralyzed warship and constantly hitting its weak spots. The deck was quickly destroyed, and Torga immediately issued an order to abandon the ship.

The Venus did not waste time chasing and killing the lifeboat of Admiral Fearless that was escaping from being hit.

It has a new goal.

The cruiser Violent made a sharp turn, avoiding turning its side to the enemy, but it accidentally broke into the curved area of ​​the Venus star’s front and rear turrets. Two lucky shells caused a huge gap in the ship’s side of Violent. .

The flying missile approached and aimed at the breach, and went straight into it.

Soon, the hustle and bustle of the bridge suddenly fell silent, and then a group of sparks burst out from the middle, and the Violent could be lifted from the middle. Everyone in the command cabin was burned to death by the splashing molten metal. The forcibly influx of fire scorched and died.

The remaining turrets of the Venus star aimed at the shooting night.

Most of the attention of the battleship was diverted from the cruiser, it was just a small trouble.

"Admiral Fearless and Violent are over."

Niels looked at the flashing dots on the tactical display and said flatly:

"How did this behemoth approach us silently?"

No one can answer him. At this time, Venus's main gun has been recharged again, and Nightfall is doing evasion. Although the two sides are at least ten kilometers apart, this distance is not too far in a naval battle.


Suddenly, a shell hit the ship's side of the Venus star, and the huge ship shook, sprinkling countless crystal fragments.

There was a flaw in the perfection, a gap appeared, but it was limited to this, the shell did not penetrate the special armor of the Venus.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the flash of the enemy's main gun, Soros was cold. He could feel the enemy's great malice. This salvo must have been aimed at them.

"It's the Silver Flash!"

The deputy captain suddenly shouted.

No one noticed that a destroyer changed its direction and rushed directly towards the enemy ship.

It is like a knight rushing towards a giant, approaching at a very fast speed to a position two or three kilometers away from the enemy.

Soon, a torpedo flew out of the Silver Flash and ran towards the huge battleship.

It was also at this moment that the muzzle of the Venus star lit up, and several dark blue beams pierced the air.

They hit the Silver Flash, blasting the destroyer directly into a bright, silent fireball.

"My merciful father!"

Soros couldn't believe what he saw.

He watched feebly and numbly as the fragments of the Silver Flash became like rubbish. A storm of fire ravaged it, devouring everything on board with hunger and thirst, turning it into a burning stove.

It was finished in a few seconds, and after the fire went out, everything turned into a charred ruin and sank into the sea.

However, it shot those torpedoes and rushed towards the Venus.

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